• Published 11th Oct 2019
  • 2,277 Views, 16 Comments

A Helpful Book - Jhoira

Rarity is acting odd and Twilight can't figure out why. A book helps her.

  • ...

She Won't Answer, Try Another Her

Rarity huffed in annoyance as she looked over at the princess lounging on her chair reading a book. Rarity had spent the entire day at the castle but Twilight hadn't deigned to pay her any attention. Of course, Twilight had given her the normal greeting, asked her if she needed anything and all the normal things, but she wanted more of Twilight's attention than just that! Some small, rational part of Rarity's brain pointed out to her that if she told Twilight how she felt it would likely be far more effective than simply batting her eyelashes and expecting to be approached. Rarity, however, was a lady, and no matter how much it tortured her ladies didn't make the first moves.

Rarity had, much to her shame, almost broken down and simply told Twilight that she wanted to be her marefriend, thankfully she hadn't been able to find Twilight that evening. Rarity crossed her hooves as she watched Twilight switch books, blissfully unaware of the heartache she was causing her long-time friend. Rarity bit her bottom lip as she considered Applejack's offer to tell Twilight for her. It was almost the same as her telling her but not quite the same... Rarity sighed gently as she picked up a fashion magazine she'd been through three times and started to flip through it. Maybe next week she'd ask Applejack to help her.

Twilight glanced up at the sigh but saw Rarity going through one of her magazines so she looked back at her book, one that Rarity had failed to notice that Twilight had a quill hovering above. Though the fact the book was writing itself was something that Rarity couldn't have noticed even if she cared to put enough effort into it.

Ok Twilight, I got her.

Hello darling! How are you doing today? Sunset said you needed to ask me a question?

I'm fine, thank you, Rarity. My Rarity's been hanging around my castle for a few days and she seems rather sad. Whenever I try to talk to her she seems to get over it but only for a few seconds then she goes back to moping and I'm getting worried. Most infuriating no one else seems worried about it! I'm not sure but I think they know what's wrong.

Oh dear, that's no good. Could you give me some more details darling? Like has she had any failures in her business recently? Has her boyfr stallionfriend/marefriend, ok, Sunset's saying marefriend. Has she had any fights with her significa special somepony?

P.S. Tell Sunset that you can understand me without her correcting me!

Twilight giggled gently at the imagined exchange between Rarity, well, the other Rarity and Sunset Shimmer. This Rarity glanced up and glared at the book that Twilight seemed to be enjoying the company of instead of her company. Twilight glanced up and raised an eyebrow, which elicited a blush from the unicorn who quickly dove back into her magazine.

No, she doesn't have a marefriend right now, she hasn't for a while really. And her business is doing fine. She's been hanging around off and on for a week. I don't mean she spends literally all her time here, she still works and all, but she's probably spent almost all her free time here. She kind of just walks around and looks at me like she wants me to be watching her. She gets angry when I'm not giving her attention but then she doesn't want to do anything! She seems excited when I suggest something but then gets deflated. Like I say "let's go visit Applejack." and at first she's excited but then she doesn't want to actually do it! And just now, when I laughed she seemed upset, not at me, at my book of all things!

Twilight frowned as the answer didn't seem to be forthcoming. She frowned as she realized the reason she was waiting was that Rarity and Sunset were probably talking about her on the other side. She shrugged, it made sense, that would make it a lot faster than Rarity asking a bunch of pony-themed questions over the book when she could just turn and ask Sunset.

Sorry for the delay darling, but I think we might have figured it out. But Twilight, ask Rarity what the matter is first.

What? You don't think I've tried that?

Just do that for me, darling?

Ok, one moment.

Twilight looked up and smiled at Rarity, knowing this wasn't going to go anywhere but she would humor her friends. "Hey, Rarity?" Rarity looked up from her magazine. "Is something the matter?"

Rarity rolled her eyes in exasperation. How could such a smart mare be so very clueless? "No darling, it's nothing." That small part of her brain spoke up again that lying to Twilight like that certainly wasn't going to help Twilight figure it out

Twilight nodded and looked back down at her book.

Yep, she said it was nothing.

Twilight! When a lady says nothing they don't mean "nothing!" Goodness, you're as bad as our Twilight. So clueless I had to ask her out. And I had to ask her out twice! The first time she didn't even realize it was a date!

Oh, well at least she got it, in the end, didn't she?

Exactly! Seems like my counterpart is more insistent on the being approached first. I gave up after a week and just did it myself.

Heh, well it all worked out in the end! Now, what's wrong with Rarity?

... Really darling?

Really what?

Oh for the love of!

Twilight flinched a little as a line of ink flew across the page. She stared, waiting for a few moments before the writing started again.

Hey Twilight, it's Sunset again. You... Rarity's busy complaining about the cluelessness of all Twilight's.

I'm clueless?

You and our Twilight. But to tell you what is up with Rarity, she has a crush on you Twilight.

What!? No, she doesn't!

Oh come on Twilight! Think about it for a minute!

Twilight frowned but did as she was told, going over the past interactions in her head, how Rarity had been acting... She was always happy when Twilight suggested doing something but always was upset when it was just a random thing or something involving their friends... Twilight's eyes widened and she groaned a little, facehoofing.

Man, I am dense!

Hehe! Go get her Twilight!

Go apologize to Rarity for me? I'll apologize to mine.

Haha, will do Twilight.


Twilight blinked, she had been just about to close the book but the word scrawled across the page certainly stopped her.

Yes Rarity?


Ok Rarity.

Twilight chuckled and shook her head as she closed the book. Looking up at Rarity she smiled at her long-time friend. It really was too bad Rarity was so stubborn she wouldn't say it, and that she herself was so dense she'd not noticed Rarity's feelings for a while. But she would make sure to rectify that soon. She stood up, stretching. "Hey Rarity, I need to go out to get something, will you stay here for a bit?"

Rarity blinked, frowning as she was being abandoned by her desired marefriend. Rarity was tempted to say no, she was busy and needed to do things but she sighed. Shaking her head she tried to give Twilight her most seductive look as she locked eyes with her. "Yes darling, I'll be right here, waiting for you."

Twilight nodded and turned to head out of the castle, mentally kicking herself. Now that it had been pointed out to her how could she have missed clues like that? You didn't say phrases like that to friends! Twilight grinned as she headed to the market, she needed to talk to Roseluck then come back and talk to Rarity. Grinning, wondering how many roses a princess could actually afford... All of them probably. Twilight snickered to herself, Rarity certainly was in for a surprise when she got back to the castle.

Comments ( 16 )

Ok. Way too much fun and very cute. Characters were... Perfect.

All is fair in love and war. If you have access to an alternate dimensional version of your friend, I absolutely approve of reaching out to them to figure out your friend.

Nice fic, good use of the book to bypass a personal blind spot, hehe.


Wish I had such a cheat sheet. :D

That was really cute, and a clever way to use the Sunset book. I loved Twilight's exchanges with Sunset and Dougworld Rarity. Now if only we could have seen Rarity's reaction to the flowers.

Hehe, I'm not much of a Raritwi person but it might eventually get a sequel.

Rarity lets out a sigh as she puts down the magazine wondering what's taking Twilight so long. However she did not have to wonder for too long before her crushes wonderful voice filtered through the castle.

"Rarity could you come here for a moment? I need your help with something."

With curiosity picking at the back of her mind rarity stood and set off at a brisk trot.

Just what is that mare up to? She thought her mind sifting through all the possibilities.

As she turned the corner her mouth went dry and her heart fluttered, before her was a veritable sea of roses filling the hallway, through the door, and spilling out front of Twilights castle. As her eyes locked on to Twilight tears pricked at the corner of her vision as her crush smiled.

"Each petal is a moment I made you wait." She said as she took several steps towards Rarity, "It's time I changed that, would you go out with me?"

Here's a good start for a sequel if you're interested.

Hehe, does that mean you really really want a sequel or did you just randomly think of this?

I really want a sequel and the idea for part of a sequel popped up in my head.

Well I could work on a sequel... Or I could work on seducing success' next chapter...

Seducing success. It's more important.

Comment posted by davewatsson deleted Feb 27th, 2020
Comment posted by davewatsson deleted Feb 28th, 2020

Unfortunately, I'd be as bad as Twilight. I might need extra-dimensional assistance if I'm ever in a situation like that. Unfortunately, I don't know any doppelganger.

Cute prompt for sure.

That was a great story! I love Raritwi! :twilightsmile:

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