• Member Since 25th Jul, 2012
  • offline last seen 3 hours ago



Written because Monochromatic's RariTwi Bomb event made me want to stretch my writing legs during my hiatus.

Twilight Sparkle, prized pupil of Princess Celestia and most powerful unicorn to date, is convinced that strength is the most important part in a fight.

Rarity Belle, seamstress of Ponyville and sister to Sweetie Belle, is unconvinced and has decided that Twilight needs to be taught a little lesson.

The result? A duel at high noon.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 16 )

I love how you worked the title into the story. This was well written and I enjoyed every second of it. I also like the twist to Raritys special talent.

That was a great fight sequence. It did throw me off that Twilight needed to use a cloud walking spell, but I noticed the story description refers to Twilight as a unicorn. Rarity being from a military family is an odd detail, but an interesting one.

I decided to go back a few years and simply have Twilight be a Unicorn, leaving all the Alicorn stuff for the future of this little story's canon. So a cloudwalking spell turned out to be necessary :twilightsmile: But I'm glad you liked the fight! It's never easy to get the right flow, so I'm glad!

Thanks! The twist to Rarity's talent made sense to me, and something I'm quite happy I came up with. It's an idea I might take with me in future stories, if I do end up writing more Rarity :duck:

I thought you did a really good job with her already, you really captured her personality better than a lot of people I've seen try to write Rarity.

That is a relief to hear! Character voices and personalities are a bit of a difficult one for me, so it's relieving to hear I did her justice!

I do so enjoy watching Rarity be a badass. I also like the notion that Rarity's Grandpa was were she learned it.

There's something about the "Yes, I'm pretty, but don't think I couldn't beat you in the dirt if I wanted to" trope that just speaks to me. Rarity is a perfect candidate for such a character archetype, and having her focus on skill, efficiency, and tactics while being really just an average-strength Unicorn feels very appropriate for the character.

Put in weapon terms, Rarity is the graceful fencer whereas Twilight is the axe wielding juggernaut.

Eeeeeh, I see Rainbow Dash or Applejack as more of a axe-wielding juggernaut type character. Twilight is more like this just stronger. https://finalfantasy.fandom.com/wiki/Red_Mage

Loved that you mentioned the Coup de Jarnac! There's a lot of canon evidence for Rarity being quite a fighter, and this fits perfectly!

I'm glad you liked it :twilightsmile: and the coup de jarnac was a term I learned recently, and it felt right to put in. Both because it's a suitably posh and slightly snobbish thing to use french or other languages to add flair to your sentences, but also because it's another little thing showing that Rarity knows what she's doing!

Cute story, the Twilight fanboy in me is only mildly offended by Rarity beating her.

Rarity having more skill than Twilight is a bit of an odd thing given Twilight does nothing but train with magic. But like there other commenter said I guess the Twilight fangirl in me refuses to accept that :raritydespair:

Ignoring that very cute story. Of course Book Horse would never turn down a free lesson. :twilightblush:

Trains magic, yes, but not combat magic. The whole premise was that Twilight was convinced that her raw power was sufficient to overpower any amount of skill. An idea that Rarity quickly dismantled :raritywink: :twilightsmile:

Rarity wouldn't know combat magic either in canon unless she moonlights as a mercenary in her spare time or something.. But like I said I can accept things being different in fanfiction as it doesn't take away from the quality of the story.

On re-reading this, I realize I somehow failed to notice Twilight wasn't an Alicorn yet. Plus her surprising Twilight with her knowing teleportation makes it slightly more reasonable that she could beat Twilight. Though I think Rarity getting all three is a bit weird, but I guess Twilight wouldn't exactly try to kill her friend in a spar. Maybe i'm reading into this story too much. :pinkiecrazy:

It's the difference in experience that does it :raritywink:
In the "Universe" that this fic takes place, Twilight is a ridiculously powerful Unicorn, who has some experience with combat magic, but she also suffers from relying on her raw power, because she is, as she says in the beginning, convinced that at a certain point power overtakes skill.

Rarity, on the other hand, is not that much more than an average Unicorn in terms of raw power, but she is the grand daughter of a military man, who drilled her in how to defend herself. Put together with her Talent (which I took the creative liberty of making different than just "finding gems"), she is a better combatant because she is much more resourceful and tactical, even if she IS weaker.

At the very least, this is what I wanted to get at, and show with the story. Twilight is strong, but relatively inexperienced. She did only learn "The basics" after all, and Rarity is from a military family.

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