• Published 28th Sep 2019
  • 380 Views, 1 Comments

Kindred Spirits - Yosh-E-O

Yosh, the blind dragon-duck, meets Kerfuffle during a visit to Harmony Hollow

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More Than Our Limitations

Author's Note:

Still trying to work the site using just the JAWS screen-reading software. Sunny Flare is 'not' in this story but part of an attempt to add more than one character into it as there is no verification method for me, being without any sight, to know if something did genuinely add. I apologize for any missing tags.

Yosh, the mayor of Canine Crossroads, had been invited to visit the reestablished town of Hope Hollow by its mayor, Sunny Skies.

“Glad ya’ could make it!” the cheery mayor greeted. “We sure do like bringing more creatures to our quaint little town.”
Isabelle, the yellow-coated Shih Tzu assistant to Yosh, helped guide the blind dragon-duck towards the blue-coated Unicorn.

Isabelle gave a slight squeeze of her hand upon Yosh’s to let him know he was standing in front of Sunny Skies.
“Pleased to meet you,” the green-scaled hybrid greeted while extending out his right hand.

“Pleasure’s all ours,” Sunny replied while putting his hoof upon Yosh’s hand. “Hows about taking a lil’ tour of our town here?”

The mayor with the white mane suddenly noticed his fiance, Petunia Petals and Kerfuffle enter into city hall.
“Sweet Petunia!” he called out. “Our guests are here!”

The Earth Pony laughed.
“I can see that, Sunny,” she stated. “Though there is just a few teeny-tiny things I need to do to make everything ready for our guests and I need your help as Torque Wrench is busy fixing up some pony’s house.”

“But I was about to give our guests a tour of the town,” he stated with a hint of disappointment.

Kerfuffle moved closer to the two non-pony guests.
“I could give them a tour,” she said. “I’d actually be quite interested in getting to see how to make clothes for non-pony guests.”

Isabelle took notice of the Pegasus’ prosthetic leg.
“Mayor Sunny skies,” she stated. “Mayor Yosh and I don’t wish to impose. So, with your permission, I’d like to offer to help while Yosh gets to see your town with…”

“…Kerfuffle,” the purple-eyed Pegasus added. “With the double the ‘ff’ and spelled like it sounds.”

Sunny Skies and Petunia Petals appeared a bit concerned until they watched Yosh reach into a backpack he was carrying and pull out a long, stick-like object that clicked and unfolded as it formed into a large rod-like instrument.
“Thanks, Isabelle,” the feathery mayor of Canine Crossroads quacked. “I’m sure you’ll be a big help and I’ll take the chance to get to know the town a bit before this evening’s events.”

Sunny and Petunia appeared alarmed that Yosh’s assistant, who had lead him into the town, would leave him like that. After all, Yosh was totally blind. However a wink from Isabelle and a slight glare from Kerfuffle, ensured not a word was spoken on this concern.

“Should I bring him back to the hotel when we’re done?” the Pegasus asked.

Isabelle nodded.
“Sounds good,” she replied while giving Yosh a caring rub on his back. “You know I’ve got this, mayor.”

The dragon-duck turned towards where he heard the door open earlier and positioned the ‘stick’ outward.
“Shall we go, then?” he asked.

“Mind if I lead?” Kerfuffle asked. “I do kind of know this place more than you and your assistant do.”

Yosh blushed.
“Yes,” he nervously laughed. “Lead the way.”


Kerfuffle delighted in sharing words with Yosh as they went about exploring the town. She was rather impressed on how the ‘stick’ he was using acted like a sort of ‘sonar’ to guide him around turns, up-and-down steps, and know the difference between the various other textures that made up Harmony Hollow.

“So what do you think?” she asked as she moved a bit ahead of the dragon-duck.


“Huh?” Yosh wondered upon hitting upon an object that seemed to be between himself and his Pegasus guide.


Kerfuffle blushed.
“Sorry,” she said. “That’s just my special leg.”

“Special leg?” thought Yosh.

“Uh-huh,” the designer with sewing pins in her mane replied. “You and I have quite a bit in common dontcha’ know.”

The dragon-duck thought for a moment.
“Are you…,” he paused to think of how to say it. “Are you missing a leg?”

Kerfuffle laughed.
“Of course not!” she exclaimed. “I am walking on all fours as I’m sure you could tell.”

“But I thought you had a boot on,” he added nervously.

“I sometimes put a boot on it,” she replied. “Though I personally prefer socks.”

There was a brief pause.

“How’s about we keep on seeing the town?” she suggested.

Yosh nodded and the pair proceeded onward.


During the rest of their tour, Yosh and Kerfuffle swapped stories on how their unique tools helped them to still be fully productive at their jobs and in life despite having a limitation.

“…Not to sound intrusive,” the fashion-designer said. “But it sounds like you’re wearing a diaper.”

Yosh’s blush deepend.
“How…,” he asked as he struggled for words.

“Nothing to be ashamed of,” she assured. “I, like you, know can tell different things by sound and you’ve got yourself a little crinkle going on.”

“Birth defect,” he replied sadly. “Isabelle helped me control it until that whole thing I had to do with The Monado of harmony.”

“Monado Of Harmony?” wondered Kerfuffle. “Is that like the Elements Of Harmony that Princess Twilight Sparkle and her friends talked about?”

“I think so,” Yosh replied. “It was a sword-like thing that allowed me to ‘see’ things despite having lost all my eyesight.”

“It’s interesting what our bodies do, eh?” she added. “You just never know what life will throw at you until you just got to decide whether-or-not you’re going to let it keep you down.”

Yosh simply nodded. He knew sighted creatures could see him and that it was an acceptable answer.

“Now,” she nervously asked while folding in her wings. “I know that diaper of yours has to be custom and I’ve just got to know who made it for you.”

“Rarity,” he answered with a bit of a gulp.

“Oh, please don’t be so embarrassed,” she insisted. “I should’ve known only Rarity, my absolute idol, could’ve made such custom clothing.”

The dragon-duck shrugged.

“I tell you what, Yosh,” Kerfuffle stated. “Would you mind if we spent some time at my shop? I’d love to try and make some clothes for you before you and Isabelle head back to canine Crossroads.”

Yosh felt less anxious as he let out a gentle sigh.
“Sure,” he said. “Lead the way.”

“Want to know something?” she asked.

“What?” wondered Yosh as he followed alongside the clip-clopping of the Pegasus.

“It’s nice to finally meet some pony else who knows what it is like to move past a limitation,” she said with a smile. “Most don’t want to talk about such things and, well, it isn’t quite the happiest of topics to talk about, dontcha’ know?”

Yosh nodded again.

“Care if we swap success stories?” she asked eagerly. “I’ll tell you about how I rose above my missing leg if you tell me how you got past losing your sight?”

The dragon-duck felt a wide smile form on his face.
“Sounds great!” he quacked. “Isabelle is great but, well, it would be nice to finally talk to some creature who knows what it is like to get by in a world where most don’t have to worry about not having any of their natural abilities taken away.”

“Wonderful!” Kerfuffle cheered. “My place is only a few blocks away. Follow me!”


Comments ( 1 )

What can I say about one of my favorite writers of Fimfiction. Even if the story is pretty simple I really love the soft and peaceful where everything happens, how kind the characters are and also that nice final touch where diapers appears in a cute way. Really well done as I already told you! :twilightsmile:

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