• Published 15th Oct 2019
  • 4,812 Views, 179 Comments

Now what? - Silver Butcher

Spinel was just getting use to the way things work in Equestria, then Discord decided to drop one heck of a problem on her lap.

  • ...

Popcorn, Soda, and Dragons.

It took a while but Spinel finally stopped beating on the pony once he had finally stopped squealing at her.

"Alright," She said after a good 10 seconds of no violence or squeals "You don't squeal I don't punch, got it?" the pony gave no notice of being conscious let alone hearing her. "Ok good," Spinel said before sitting back down and dropping the pony on the ground, She sat in silence for about 2 minutes before a portal opened behind her, she looked back ready to punch at it, and was instead greeted by Bismuth jumping through looking equally ready to punch with a Hammer's hand. The duo both dropped their battle stances once they saw one another.

"Oh hey Bismuth," Spinel said merrily "How goes fixing the barn,"

"Far from my current concern," Her larger friend replied as she looked around "What happened?"

"I got sucked into a Vortex by Discord, then Ahuzizotol and his talking stick said they'd pay me to guard this floating island,"

"Ahuzi-what?" Bismuth asked in confusion just as Lapis jumped through with Peridot in tow

"Battle ready!" Peridot cried out as she waved a set of Tree branches with a few nails stuck in them so she could make them hover around her. "Who am I wacking?"

"You can wack this guy," Spinel said pointing to her less than conscious prisoner, Peridot showed no hesitation in beating the unconscious pony with her branches before being stopped by Lapis.

"That dude might be dead," Lapis said before lightly tapping him with her foot, the pony groaned and Spinel instantly punched him only to be grabbed by Bismuth.

"I'm sure there's some great joke about not beating a dead horse but maybe stop beating him before he becomes a dead horse,"

"I told him to stop squealing," Spinel said indignantly as Bismuth let her go "Anyway nothing to worry about, this guy tried to break me once," Spinel looked down at him as he continued to not be conscious.

"So who or what is this Ahuzimoto thing,"

"That's Ahuzizotol," a voice said, the 4 turned and looked at the owner of said name as he seemingly appeared behind them, in his tail hand the staff was glowing and flashing "And I thank you for your aid in this matter and for not getting me fired, as promised an Artifact from your Homeland, is there anything specific you want?" Spinel smiled and motioned Ahuzizotol forward and whispered something in his ear. the staff started glowing and Spinel gave a giddy laugh before showing off her prize, a plain-looking cube.

"What is that?" Bismuth asked suspiciously.

"Oh, you'll see," Spinel replied happily as Ahuzizotol picked up the pony Spinel had beaten.

"Ah, when you awake I shall have many a question for you, thank you once again," Ahuzizotol waved as the staff started glowing again and the 4 gems found themselves back at the barn. Spinel instantly ran into the barn, laughing like the mad gem that she was as she held up the cube.

"Spinel what does that do?" Bismuth demanded as she gave chase to the Looney gem, Spinel slid to a stop next to the TV and set her prize on the ground, Bismuth watched as it increased in size and her jaw dropped when she saw what Spinel had waisted her gift from a god on.

"Behold, the Infinite Popcorn and Soda Machine Combo Plater!" Spinel cried out as she reveled in the machine, it was shaped like an angular U, One side a Soda Mancine and the other side a Popcorn Machine, the flat top that rest between the two had cups and Popcorn buckets resting on it along with some Popcorn salts.

"We don't even need to eat," Bismuth said into her hand as she tried not to laugh at the sight before her as Spinel set her head on the Soda Machine and began guzzling from one of its 4 choices in drinks.

"Movie Night is gonna be so awesome!" Peridot exclaimed when she saw it, "The Pointless consumption of Buttery Corn and Sugary Liquids is a key point in enjoying a proper movie,"

"Yay," Lapis said lazily "how fun, Spinel come on I wanna get my whistle,"

"Oh yeah!" Spinel said as pulled away from the Soda Machine and squeakily rushed over to Lapis "Come on, We have to tell Pinkie about this, she'll freak out!" Spinel curled up and shot out of the barn, Before Lapis could even try to follow there was a loud shriek and Spinel Flew back into the barn, compressing as soon as she touched the floor and shot straight through the roof.

"What the?" Bismuth Demanded as she looked up "Spinel you're helping me fix that!" Lapis looked out the door and Found a medium-sized Dragon.

"Uh?" She asked as she looked at the gems before her, then to the ceiling "What the?"

"Smolder," Applejack called out as she rushed towards the barn, "I told you not to go near the barn!"

"What the heck are these guys? And why did the Pink one send itself flying when it saw me?"

"oh no," Applejack groaned as she looked over at the gems "Well I take it you got Spinel Back then?"

"We did," Peridot replied as she looked at the Spinel-shaped hold above her, "Who is this and what did they do to gain that kind of reaction from Spinel?"

"This is Smolder, and Spinel is scared of Dragons for..." Applejack shut up instantly and started sweating when she saw Spinel Flying back down, Spinel's landing cracked the floor of the barn and leaving imprints of her feet on it as she pointed directly at Smolder and cried out loudly.

"Dragons Eat Gems!" Before grabbing Peridot and sending herself and Peridot flying back out the hole in the roof. Lapis instantly grew a Large pair of Water fists and Bismuth turned her hands into a pair of scythes.

"Explain now," Lapis demanded as Bismuth put her hands in a defensive position, Smolder took several steps back and Applejack jumped between the gems and the Dragon.

"Wait, stop, this is just a simple miss understanding, "Let's all just keep calm and..."

"I am a living Gemstone," Bismuth said instantly, earning a shocked look from Smolder "I will not calm down in the presence of something that eats Gems,"

Spinel landed in almost the exact same spot she had last time she had jumped away from a Dragon, She set Peridot down and breathed a sigh of relief as an assortment of Creatures noticed them.

"That thing eats Gems!" Peridot demanded, "And it just walked up to our front door!"

"The only one I ever met was half its size and easy to scare off," Spinel snapped back before freezing and shivering like made "And that's even bigger than the last one," Peridot followed Spinels gaze and saw a tall Blue Dragon talking to some kind of bug moose. Without hesitation, Spinel tapped her gem and pulled out a whistle and blew into it as hard as she could, the result was instantaneous and the ground beneath them basically exploded as Pinkie popped out of the Grown with a Shovel in her hooves and her main moving like a drill.

"Who making a move on Spinel?" She demanded as both Spinel and Peridot instantly jumped onto her.

"Pink Pony there's a Gem eating Dragon at the barn!"

"Hm?" the Large Blue one turned at the world Dragon and Spinel Compressed herself behind Pinkie.

"And there's a giant one looking at us," Spinel whimpered as she put the whistle back in her gem, Pinkie's mane un-drilled itself and she tossed the shovel back in the hole she had made.

"Oh, that's just Ember, I'm sure if you just talk to her we-"

"What is this thing?" Ember asked as she Picked up Peridot, who started screaming instantly.

"Put me down Gem eater!" Pinkie snatched Peridot from Ember's hand and set her next to the cowering Spinel.

"Ember, This is Peridot and Spinel, there living Gemstones," Ember looked at Pinkie, then the two gems, her eyes instantly snapped to Spinel's gem.

"That is the single most delicious looking Spinel I have ever seen in my life,"

"Step off death Lizard," Spinel said as she inflated her fists and started waving them in front of her as she began bopping up and down in place "I knock you flat," Ember's eye's narrowed at that.

"Oh is that so?" She asked as she cracked her knuckles.

"Wait, No!" Pinkie cried out, her Pinkie-sense went off and she Grabbed Peridot before jumping out of the way as Spinel Srtecned her arm back and swung down at Ember, the Dragoness dodged and rushed Spinel as her large fist left an imprint on the ground and the Fight began.