• Published 29th Sep 2019
  • 561 Views, 6 Comments

In Twilight - Kentavritsa

A tiny Twilight wakes up, in what appears to be a doll-house. With that said, things does feel a bit out of place, but she soon finds her bearings. With the past blurry, she takes on what her life had been turned into eagerly.

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Out, Under the Dome of Stars: 8


As I had seen my room, again; I had chosen to see the domed orchard, I had finally gotten around to seed.

I step out of the indoors air-lock, out into the field under the dome. The seeds I had sown had not shown any progress, but I could wait a few more days. Right now, I am more interested; in seeing, exactly how large this dome is.

At first, all I see is the ground, under the starry night in the dome. My dome, this is after all my home; at least, for the duration of my stay. While I may be longing for my friends, I have not discovered a means or way back to them. I can't trot back to Ponyville, or Equestria from here. Maybe I can discover, where the road towards Ponyville may be; but this will take me quite some time, exploring my way outwards. Right now, I am exploring this dome, and the range I have to work with.

Could I just up and leave everything here? Could I leave the seeds I had just sown? If it means, I can get back to my friends, I will have to consider it, even if I have to abandon everything here.

I have seen the shed, and the site where I had planted the seeds. I have seen the dark, gray soil upon which I am trotting. Now I am trotting forwards, towards what is ahead.

After a few minutes of trotting, along the path; I find the crossroad. Which of the options should I choose? The first, the second, or the third option? I could continue forwards, go to the right, or go to the left. For some reason, there is no marking of East, West, South, or North.

I choose to take the first option, to the left. If I had gone forwards, I would have to go back; more than I imagine I feel like, if I do not find what I hope to find. Now I can pick one option at the time, turning the same direction each time.

This dome is half a sphere, as if it had been half-filled with dust. The dust, or soil is packed to feel like the ground.

Low-gravity environment?” I ponder.

“Is that why I feel so light, in here?” I inquire.

No response, and no answer is forthcoming; because there is none, to answer me and my questions. I had passed a double door, in a new air-lock; leading me to the outside, and the surface of Celestia may know where.

At first, I thought I had been inside a regular home, but now I seems to have penetrated a deeper secret of where I am; as I can finally see out, onto the surface of the world I am on. This certainly is not Equestria, and it does not look like the Earth my friends of Canterlot High, either.

Wait, did I just speak too soon?” I ponder; ”Something tells me, Luna may be more familiar with this place!” I continue.

While it may be midday, but if I look up at the sky; when I go out, I will be seeing the stars on a pitch black sky. It is, as if it had been in the middle of the night.

Funny, I have three doors; three airlocks, with pressurized doors!” I ponder.

Contains Space-suit!” the sign on the right door reads.

Contains Auxiliary Oxygen tubes, and oxygen refilling supplies” reads the sign on the left door.

Caution, Caution; Hard Vacuum, behind this door” reads the sign on the door before me.

Hard vacuum; that does not sound overly pleasant, to me!” I ponder.

Space suit, and oxygen tubes?” I consider; ”This is dead serious!” I realize.

Yet, I am curious; I want to see, what is outside this door. I have to go out. In order to get more than a few initial steps; I will need that suit, and the promised oxygen supplies.

Since I will need the space suit, in order to go outside; I will have to examine the suit first, or I can as well turn back right now!” I consider, as I turn my attention towards the door holding the space suit.

The door is easily enough opened, even for a pony like me. Though I guess it is convenient, for me to be a Unicorn. There could be the chance, or risk; being a Unicorn could have been a hindrance, if it had been designed to void magic.

This could be a trap or a puzzle for me to solve. Either option could have been a trap. I just hope I am not actively killing myself, by doing what comes natural to me as a Unicorn. Of course; I could always chance to put up a containment shield, if I take the wrong option and make the wrong choice. This could, and should at the very least buy me a few precious moments, with breathable air, inside the shield. Shouldn’t it.

I choose to light up my horn, and focus on the magic. Feeling the minute heat; as the light energy of the magic is forming an orb, at the tip of my horn. As I focus, the orb slowly grows to its intended full size; whereupon it is spreading down the full length of my horn, like an avalanche.

Nothing happens, at least; no red light or klaxon, and the doors do neither open, nor close!” I ponder, slowly calming down.

Just as no alarm had been tripped, trapping me where I stand; no door or valve had been opened, thus pouring in toxic gas or emptying the supply of oxygen where I am currently standing. Neither had the floor, or ceiling collapsed.

Why any of these measures should have been put into place, I have no idea; maybe I had just read too many Daring Doo books for my own private sanity?

The door to the space suit quietly slides up before me, permitting me access to the suit I need; in order to go out, so I can see what is behind the door before me.

What if this is the wrong type of suit, or it is just the wrong size for me?” I ponder, in a last minute panic attack.

Of course, this is a suit for a Pony or Unicorn to be exact. The suit is exactly my size; by the design, assembling this place for me in the first place. I am just venturing into the unknown; finding myself prone to react, with fear and uncertainty once more.

Every time, everything has worked out for the best; even if I had been making what turned out to be bad choices. Teleporting into a room I had never been into, had proven to be a particularly unpleasant experience for me. One, I will be very careful, not to repeat again.

”Why is this suit Lavender?” I ponder, as I am examining the suit before me.

”I really do want to go out, right now; so I can explore what is outside!” I mumble, to myself or none in particular.

For all I can see, the suit is in mint condition; not a single scratch, and not even a stain on the outer skin. The connection, in which to connect the oxygen-tubes is just as spotless. Naturally; the helmet and the conection is also in mint condition. At least, for all I could say. I just do not quite have the experience, with these things. Suits had always been Rarity’s strong suit or forte. The thought only made me miss the white Unicorn mare, I know as Rarity even more now.

With just a moment of consideration, I am taking a closer look; ready to open the suit, in order to slip into it. I will need to put it on, before I could go out. I want, to go out; so that I can examine, what is outside for myself. The curiosity is claiming me, as her prize. Besides, I know it.

Just as I am about to put my right fore-hoof on the suit, in order to open it; it opens up, like a blossom going into full bloom, right before me.

”Whoa??” I exclaim; in shock and surprise, unprepared for the sudden reaction.

Okay, I can do this!” I ponder, as I reassert my determination and once more approach the suit before me.

However this works, I should be safe inside!” I ponder, as I am slipping into the suit.

”Squeee!” I hear, as the suit is closing up around me.

I certainly hope, I can attach the oxygen!” I ponder, as I am putting the helmet onto the suit as I am sealed inside.

Once the suit is fully sealed, clinging to my body; as if it had been latex paint, spray painted onto my very skin I pick up the crystal clear helmet. I can feel the helmet floating through the air, as I hover it from its shelf to the suit I am currently wearing.

”Squeee!” I hear the helmet squeal, as it is sliding into lace on my head.

Okay, seal is accomplished and secure!” I ponder.

”Supply to Twilight.. Supply to Twilight, over!” I hear a pink voice squee, inside the helmet.

”Twilight to Supply.. Twilight to Supply, over!” I respond; almost reflexively, before I realize what had happened.

”Supply, to Twilight!” the voice comes back; ”Proceed to the oxygen supply depot!” the voice comes back.

”Twilight to Supply!” I respond; ”Proceeding to oxygen supply depot!” I continue; ”But alas, why does the voice sound so pink; almost, as if I had been speaking to Pinkie Pie?” I ponder.

Of course, this is by no means Pinkie Pie herself, by any stretch. It is but a mechanical voice, generated by an Artificial Intelligence or AI. It was just made and programmed into sounding just like her. Whether by accident or incidental; but it is sounding much like her, nonetheless.

In a way, the voice is lifting my spirit; but it is also confusing me, leaving me homesick and nostalgic. I am missing all I had been pulled away from.

I had not realized, just how much I am missing home and all the comforts and friends left behind. Just as I never had pictured me as one so sentimental.

Why does the voice have to pull so subtly and hard at my heart strings?” I ponder; ”As if I had been a Harp, for someone to play?” I continue, somewhat frustrated and quite bothered.

With the suit on, and the helmet securely in place; I am backing out of the small room, where the suit had been storied for me. Once I am out of the small space, I close the door behind me; carefully, in order not to leave a trace of my presence. Not that I am worried, any one or any pony is to find me or that I had been here, just that I prefer it neat and tidy. This is not just a closet for my gawns at the castle, after all.

With the door closed, I turn my attention towards the next door; leading to the oxygen supply. I am expecting the store to contain at least a full set of oxygen tubes; enough for a full walk outside the dome, and one for each socket in the back of my suit. I had not examined this part, too closely. Maybe I should have. Just in case, so that I am not finding myself with a suit filled up with hard vacuum after a few minutes outside.

As I face the door, I crank it open; only to see it slide up, quite easily. Once the door is open, I step right in. There is indeed a full supply of oxygen, and several sets of tubes filled up and ready to go.

I pick one tube at the time, picking it up and examining it; before I slide it to the back, inserting it into its socket.

”Supply to Twilight, Supply to Twilight!” the voice returns.

”Twilight to Supply, Twilight to supply!” I respond.

”Sockets one and two, successfully installed; Oxygen supply available and ready for use, you are now ready to step out the air-lock!” the voice responds.

Just as the voice confirms the inserted oxygen supply, I notice green light confirming that I am ready to go.

”I had not noticed these before!” I ponder, as I finally glance over the indicators on the small board before my vision.

With all sockets lit green, I am indeed ready to go, so I intend to head out. I turn back; before I close the door behind myself, and turn towards the final door of the air-lock.

”Commander Twilight, cleared to go outside; both suit and air supply, clear for an EVA!” the Marshmallow voice I recognize as Rarity proclaims.

”Thank you, Rarity!” I respond; ”Commander Twilight, ready for an EVA!” I respond; ”EVA?” I ponder, but do not ask.

I notice a green light, by the side of the warning; previously holding me back, safely within the room and a comfortable atmosphere of oxygen supply.

”Caution, caution; the airlock is about to open, prepare yourself to hold position!” the voice of Rarity calls out.

The air-lock!” I ponder; ”The air will be rushing out!” I realize, just as I hear the first hint of air flowing out of the room in which I am standing.

I face the door out, standing firm; prepared, for what I think is about to happen. Standing, as if I were facing down a storm outside. The air slowly evacuate the space, but fairly quietly. Maybe there is nothing, against which to create the noise of out rushing air, in the first place? Either way, it is a still, quiet affair.

A minute later, the air in the room is almost depleted, completely.

Oh, I certainly could not breathe the air remaining in this room!” I ponder, as I cast a glance at the display.

”Evacuation complete, the air-lock is about to open!” Rarity announces, in a crisp voice.

As I watch, I can clearly see a pair of sliding doors opening up before me. These two doors, is the final protection, against the hard vacuum outside. Beyond these doors, I could not stand up; due to the environment, I am about to face. Not without the protection of the encounter-suit I am currently wearing. That, or something with a similar function and purpose.

Without any atmosphere, there is no oxygen; no air-pressure, to hold me together.

I stand firm, as I am watching the twin doors sliding up before me; waiting until the doors are completely open, and I am cleared to exit.

”The doors are open, you are clear to exit!” Rarity announces.

”Thank you, Rarity!” I respond; ”Commander Twilight, ready for an EVA!” I respond; ”EVA?” I ponder, but do not ask.

I notice a green light, by the side of the warning; previously holding me back, safely within the room and a comfortable atmosphere of oxygen supply.

”Caution, caution; the airlock is about to open, prepare yourself to hold position!” the voice of Rarity calls out.

The air-lock!” I ponder; ”The air will be rushing out!” I realize, just as I hear the first hint of air flowing out of the room in which I am standing.

I face the door out, standing firm; prepared, for what I think is about to happen. Standing, as if I were facing down a storm outside. The air slowly evacuate the space, but fairly quietly. Maybe there is nothing, against which to create the noise of out rushing air, in the first place? Either way, it is a still, quiet affair.

A minute later, the air in the room is almost depleted, completely.

Oh, I certainly could not breathe the air remaining in this room!” I ponder, as I cast a glance at the display.

”Evacuation complete, the air-lock is about to open!” Rarity announces.

As I watch, I can clearly see a pair of sliding doors opening up before me. These two doors, is the final protection, against the hard vacuum outside. Beyond these doors, I could not stand up; due to the environment, I am about to face. Not without the protection of the encounter-suit I am currently wearing. That, or something with a similar function and purpose.

Without any atmosphere, there is no oxygen; no air-pressure, to hold me together.

I stand firm, as I am watching the twin doors sliding up before me; waiting until the doors are completely open, and I am cleared to exit.

”The doors are open, you are clear to exit!” Rarity announces, in a crisp voice.

”Thank you, Rarity!” I respond; before I am moving towards the outer air-lock, stepping out into the open.

”You are quite welcome, Commander!” she responds.

A moment later, I clear the air-lock. Once I had cleared the air-lock perimeter, the outer set of doors are closing behind me. First the sliding twin doors; then the iris and finally, the inner sliding doors. With that, the air-lock is perfectly sealed, once more.

The room remains empty and void, no air and no nothing. Everything is, as I had left it.
With no Pony inside; everything will remain, exactly as I had left it.

I had continued to move outside, in the same direction as I had as I cleared the air-lock. A few minutes later, I stop and scan the surroundings.

What I see is just an open, vast space of mainly greyish void. As expected; the sky is pitch black as Luna’s night with the pin-prick stars coating the sky as dust on the floor. Out here, the stars are bright. The contrasts stark.

The uneven ground stretches out in all directions, open and devoid. There is nothing to see, and nothing for one to rest one’s eyes upon.

The only consort; is the road, leading forwards. A path to a destiny awaiting me.

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