• Published 15th Sep 2019
  • 2,669 Views, 137 Comments

Sweet as Honeydew - Obsi

Accompanying Twilight as she returned from her expedition in his world, the breezie Honeydew has to learn how to live with his marefriend... in the incomprehensible vastness that is the world of Equestria

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Chapter 3- Family

“Today afternoon.” Twilight muttered, glancing at a letter she was levitating a hoof’s reach away. With strained breath, she set the letter down on a nearby desk. “Couldn't you have been a little more specific?!” Uttering a mild curse, she focused back on her current task. The library was ablaze with activity as dozens upon dozens of books floated about, being polished by a multitude of rags before arranging themselves in their proper places. In the midst of all this, Twilight paced around the room, her brows furrowed as she muttered an exhaustive list of tasks to herself.

The doorbell rang. With a start, Twilight’s head shot up, cringing as a myriad of dropped objects thumped against the ground. “Coming!” she shouted, a pitch sneaking into her voice as she summoned her magic to materialize in front of her gate.

“Hi, Twilight.” Spike waved a claw, so used to unannounced teleportation to treat it as a normal occurrence. The breezie gasping for breath in his other hand hadn’t had the same lifetime experience.

“Hi Spike. Sorry for startling you, Honeydew.” Twilight chuckled, visibly relaxing as she helped the breezie glide toward the nearest table.

“I-it’s fine…” he muttered in breezish, then scrunched up his face, speaking his next words in hesitant, heavily accented ponish. “All unicorn ponies do this, corr- corr-” closing his eyes, he muttered a few breezish words before shaking his head. “They all do?”

“Well spoken,” Twilight commended. “But most of us don’t spend the time or effort to learn teleportation, it’s a pretty hard spell.” she watched him rub his head, assuring herself that he was trying his best to follow her sentence before translating it for him. He’d made good progress in the last three weeks, but she couldn't ask for miracles. “So, how was your appointment with Colgate?”

“Weird.” Honeydew concluded, wearing an odd look. “Is sitting in a room with boringed ponies a part of ‘appointments’?”

“It’s ‘bored’, honey, and it usually is. It’s hard to tell after all how long you are going to need for each of your patients. Were the ponies at least nice to you?”

He nervously licked over his teeth as he considered his answer. “I think so. A-at first they all stared at me, which was scary, and I didn’t know what they were saiding. But after a while it was fine, I think they were just bori- bo- bored.” his cheeks flushed at the sound of Twilight’s giggle. “And after that, Colgate took me in her room and it was really weird again. She did this,” he raised a hoof, rubbing it over his bared teeth. “With a stick. Saided it was good for my tooths, but it kinda hurt.”

“That just means you needed it. Dental care is an important part of living in Equestria, even Spike eventually accepted that. Didn’t you?” she called out over her shoulder, wearing a grin.

“Yeah, yeah.” Spike rolled his eyes as he heaved a stack of outdated newspapers to the paper bin.

“Well, uh, it’s important.” Twilight affirmed once more, gnawing on her lip as Spike’s effort reminded her of her own list of pending tasks. “Anything else that happened?”

“Meeting Colgate was nice. I did not understand everything, however she gave me this,” beaming, he held up a toothbrush tiny enough to fit inside even his saddlebags, though it still looked comically oversized in his hooves. “And then she let me lick a giant candy-ball on a stick!”

“That sounds nice, honey.” Twilight snickered, yet her eyes were glued on the nearest clock. 13:48.

“Is everything okay?” Honeydew asked, finally lowering his hoof away from rubbing his teeth. “You look sad.”

“Sad?” she blinked at that unexpected conclusion. “No, no, not sad, I’m just tense. You know my parents are coming today, right?”

He nodded.

“Well…” releasing her underlip from her teeth’s grip, she let out a sigh. “This is the first time I had a coltfriend and I don’t know how they’ll react… I just want everything to go well.”

“Uhm…” the breezies muttered, then shook his head, gesturing for her to come closer. Once her hoof was in range, he got up to his hindlegs, using both his forehooved to gently pat her. Twilight couldn't help but smile, though she barely felt it, the meaning of the gesture was clear. “I-I’m sure it will be fine. It’s just your parents. You’ve battled badder things before.”

“Ha!” the laugh burst out of her, followed by amused giggles. “I assume the alicorn who has fought spirits can handle her own parents.” she took a long breath. “I’m just overreacting again, aren’t I?”

The breezie was about to nod, when the doorbell rang once more. In an instant, Twilight’s serene expression cracked, replaced by a nervous grin as her magic reached out for the door. It swung open as soon as she’d turned the handle, letting in an icy gust of wind, accompanied by scattered snowflakes- and a pink alicorn, muffled in thick winter gear.

“Cadence!” Twilight gasped in astonishment. Cadence quickly closed the door behind her, so that only a brief gap remained.

“Hello, Twilight. Sorry for the unexpected visit. I hope we aren’t intruding-”

“Oh, no, no, of course not, I just wasn’t expecting you is all.” Twilight hastily interrupted her. “I was actually just expecting mom and dad, but if you and Shining are coming today, it could be a full family visit!” giddily bouncing on her hooves, she intoned: “Sunshine, sunshine-”

But Cadence just shook her head, her underlip tucked between her teeth. “Not now. Listen, Shining is-”

At that moment, the door loudly swung open again, followed by the sound of metal hitting stone.

“-here apparently.” Cadence sighed as Shining Armor marched into the room, fully adorned by meticulously polished armor, apart from his plumed helmet, which he held clutched against his chest. His lips were spread in a welcoming smile, yet it didn’t change the stern look in his eyes.

“Hello, Twily.”

“Shining!” Twilight replied, briefly glancing to Cadence. “What brings you two here all of a sudden?”

“Well, we hear you have a coltfriend now.” his armored hooves clanged on the ground as he stepped closer. “Specifically, I heard it. From my own guard. They can be quite talkative, but that made me wonder… how come I never knew about that?” with an eyebrow raised, he stopped just a hoof’s length away. “Is my own little sister best friend forever keeping secrets from me?”

“Of course not, I’m so sorry, Shiny, I just thought the time wasn’t right yet. We’ve only been together for a month…”

“A whole month? Well, how long did you want to keep it a secret, I had to hear it from my own subordinates!”

“When it becomes appropriate, you know…” suddenly, her tone of shock dropped altogether as her hoof poked against his chestplate. “a day before our wedding, maybe?”

“T-that-” he stammered, taking a step back as he shot a help-seeking glance to Cadence. “That was- okay, you got me. But it was a case of national security-”

“Which lasted for two weeks.” she replied dryly. “And how long have you been dating my babysitter before that?”

“Two years…”

Her hoof gave him a gentle shove, grinning all the while. “Exactly. You should count yourself lucky.” chuckling to herself, she poked his chestpiece once more. “Any particular reason you’re showing up all geared up like this? I wouldn’t advise you try and arrest my coltfriend, Shiny.”

“Wow, wow, I’m not planning to arrest anypony today,” he grinned, raising his hooves defensively. “Just wanted to be certain that he knows to treat you right, sis.”

“I’m sure he knows that, hun.” Cadence chuckled. “So, where is he, anyway? We met your parents at the train station, so we know you were going to introduce him.”

Twilight nodded. “Yes, he’s right here. But you said you met mom and dad? Do you know why they’re not here yet?”

“Oh, you know how they are. Your father insists on being there at the exact promised time and allows Velvet to distract herself with whatever catches her fancy. Last I saw them they were at the kiosk, trying to decide on a postcard.” Cadence rolled her eyes, the two mares sharing a laugh.

“Uhm, sis?” Shining interjected, a hint of annoyance in his voice. “He’s not here.”

“He’s on the table, Shiny.”

“There’s nopony at the table!”

On the table.” grinning at his confused expression, Twilight brought him closer to it, winking at its occupant. “Literally.”

“But that doesn’t make any- sense…” Shining’s voice trailed off as he noticed the waving breezie on the table.

“Shining Armor, Cadence, meet Honeydew.” Twilight proclaimed with a broad grin. “Honeydew, the white one is my brother, Shining Armor, and the pink one is his wife, Cadence.”

Honeydew sat upright, craning his neck to meet their eyes.

“Oh, gosh, he’s precious!” Cadence giggled, pushing past her husband and bending her legs before the table to meet him on equal height. “Hello, Honeydew, I’m Cadence.”

“Uhm, m-may gentle winds guide you.” he greeted, slowly backing away.

“Oh, sorry, did I scare you?” Cadence was about to pull back when she felt Twilight’s hoof at her shoulder.

“Don’t worry, he’s just more comfortable when he can see your entire face at once.”

“Of course.” Cadence muttered, taking a step back. “Is this better?”

As Honeydew nodded, eliciting a smile from the alicorn, Shining Armor stepped beside Twilight, his eyes fixated on the breezie with a confused expression. “Your… secret coltfriend is a breezie?”

“Yes.” Twilight met his expression with a gleeful grin. “Isn’t he just adorable?”

“Are you pulling my leg right now? Is this a joke?”

“It most certainly is not!” Cadence’ head shot up, startling Honeydew as she turned to her husband. “That’s Honeydew, the breezie scout who saved Twilight’s life and took care of her when she got stuck in their world!”

“He’s still a breezie, smaller than your- wait, you know about him?” his jaw dropped in disbelief. “She told you?” whirling around to Twilight, his voice breached a higher volume as he asked: “you told her, but not me?”

“Sorry, hon.” Cadence rolled her eyes, trying to contain her smile. “She asked me not to tell you.”

“G-gentle winds.” Honeydew meekly muttered to the angered stallion in an obvious attempt to lighten the mood. In response, he got a raised eyebrow.

“Uh… Twilight, why is he talking about the weather?”

“It’s his way of greeting.” Twilight explained. “He just wished you safe travels.”

“A simple ‘hi’ would’ve been good enough.”

“I… I find it charming.” Twilight’s cheeks flushed, eliciting a cheeky laugh from Cadence. “Oh, shush, you pink goose!”

“You’re both precious~” Cadence giggled, deftly dodging the pillows Twilight had magically tossed at her.

“Well, anyway…” Shining muttered, before turning his attention to the breezie below him. “See this?” he asked, poking his hoof at his chestplate. “I’m the captain of the crystal guard, as well as Twilight’s big brother, who I want to be happy. So, don’t think your size exempts you if I find out you ever mistreaaah- AH!” his hoof shot up, beating the air above his head, but the glow of purple magic firmly enveloping his ear was nothing he could slap away. The glow jerked backwards, forcing him to turn around lest he’d risk having his ear torn off, and face the glowering eyes of Twilight Sparkle.

“Let me make one thing clear,” she said darkly. “I know you think you’re just doing the big brother routine, but don’t you dare try to scare my coltfriend, or your little sister best friend forever will become your little sister worst bossfight forever, is that clear?”

“C-crystal!” Shining yelped, his teeth gritted as he tried and failed to dispel the telekinetic hold on his ear.

“Good.” Twilight glared, releasing her hold as she turned to Cadence. “Would you mind going to the library with Honeydew? I should get started on the tea, mom and dad could show up at any moment.”

“Of course, Twilight.” Cadence said as she laid a hoof around Shining, who was still massaging his ear.

“I-I know the place.” Honeydew jumped off from the table, lighting up his feeler as he flew toward the stairs. “Follow me.”

“It’s my sister’s castle, we know the way.” Shining griped, yet they still followed behind the breezie.


“You couldn't have told me about this?” Shining Armor whispered, hoping he was quiet enough that the breezie’s tiny ears couldn't pick it up.

“Twilight made me promise!”

“And? Do you think it’s funny, keeping me in the dark about my own sister dating somepony?”

“To be fair, we kinda deserve it after our wedding.”

“You still didn’t have to play along.” he huffed, glancing at Honeydew’s back, who was guiding them, nerve-grindingly slowly, through the corridor. “Couldn't you have told me on the train that she brought a breezie back with her?”

“Does it matter that he’s a breezie?” Cadence raised an eyebrow.

“It just opens up a lot of questions, honey, you can’t deny that!”

“I suppose I can’t,” Cadence agreed. “And I have to admit, it was a bit of a surprise for me too, but now that I had some time to think about it? I think it’s cute.” Catching up to Honeydew, she held out a hoof below him. “I could hold you,” she offered her smile to the startled looking breezie. “We’d be quicker and you could still show us the way.”

“We know the way.” Shining grumbled as Honeydew landed in Cadence’s hoof. “It’s the next door to the left.”

“Oh, just let him have this.” Cadence rolled her eyes, carrying Honeydew the eight steps to the door in question, which opened from the effect of her magic. Just like one could expect from Twilight, the library was vast, divided by shelves stacked so high that ladders (or wings) were needed to reach the upper aisles. Still, there was a distinct sense of homeliness from the numerous carpets covering the cold, crystal floor, as well as a number of comfy looking sofas and armchairs close to a broad chimney. And of course, there were open and closed books lying on each and every one of them, as if Twilight had read a single section just to drop them once she’d found out what she wanted.

“That makes me wonder,” she spoke down to Honeydew. “How do you normally get through doors if nopony is there to open them for you?”

His face scrunching up, Honeydew’s lips moved, trying to find the right word before his whole lit up. “Hole. Key-hole!”

“I guess I should’ve figured.” she chuckled, levitating an open book aside from a couch so that she and Shining could take their place on it. Geography for foals, Cadence couldn't help but note. With a plethora of pictures, the exact type of book Twilight would normally skip in favor of thick tomes with letters so small it made Cadence believe that she needed glasses. But there was no time to ponder on that as she let Honeydew skip out of her hoof and on a nearby table. “Have you ever been in a place like this before?”

The breezie vehemently shook his head. “Have nothing as it. Castle is bigger-er than anything home. But, all pony places bigger than home.” he looked from one to the other, seemingly pondering whether to ask his next question. “Twilight said you are also princess. Do you live here, too?”

“Oh, dear, no.” Cadence laughed. “We have our own castle, far to the north. It’s even bigger than this one.”

“That can’t be right.”

“Oh?” placing her front hooves on the armchair of the sofa, she leaned over to Honeydew’s table while leaving her lower body in her husband’s lap. “I’m afraid it is, but why do you think it can’t?”

“I-I sat on the, uh- toppest point of the castle. And then on Twilight’s head. She showed me Equestria, and I didn’t see anything else as big! A-aside of Canterlot, but she said you don’t live there.”

“Is he serious?” Shining began, but Cadence broke out in melodious laughter.

“Oh, I’m afraid Equestria is much bigger than what you can see from one point, even if it’s a high one. Has Twilight ever shown you a map?”

He tilted his head in response. “What’s a map?”

“Seriously?” Shining picked up a nearby book, flipping it open to a map of the Equestrian continent. “This,” he said, showing it to the breezie. “Has she ever shown you this?”

But instead of answering, Honeydew took one look at the book, then stumbled back, covering his eyes with his hooves. “No, put it away, before it bewitches us!”

The couple shared a look of disbelief. “Dear, it’s just a book,” Cadence started, gently reaching over to his table. “It’s not magic. Why would you think it can bewitch us?”

“W-whenever Twilight opens one, she starts staring into it for hours,” he claimed, casting a suspicious glance at the book. “And when I try to talk to her, she can barely respond. There’s some dark spirit toying with her mind, and she doesn’t even realize it!”

“It’s just a book!” Shining Armor groaned. “How have you lived with my sister for almost a month without knowing what books are?! What world do you live in?”

“Shiny, calm down.” Cadence tapped his shoulder, which brought him to slump back into the sofa. “But I do have to wonder, what did you do in your world?”

“I am a Scout.” Honeydew proclaimed. “I search forest for clan, so we know where things grow, where the spiders make webs and how paths change…” while tapping his chin, he produced a little ‘humm’-noise. “Forest changes every year. Sometimes bushes grow, sometimes not. Storms kill trees, blocking ways. If I was home, I would go out first after winter and see if our paths are still good.”

“That sounds fascinating.” Cadence smiled. “Never thought Twilight would crush on an outdoor-person.”

“Yes, it makes me wonder what you have in common.” Shining muttered. As he spoke, there was the noise of new voices in the hallways. “Well, it seems Mom and Dad are here.” Shining said as he shifted out of his seat.

“Where are you going?”

“Just want to give them a heads up, honey.” he explained as he opened the door.

“Shining!” A voice exclaimed, and a moment later, the stallion stumbled back into the room, patting the back of his mother, who has enveloped him in a hearty embrace. “I didn’t know Twilight invited you, too. It’s so great to see you, you don’t write nearly enough letters from the Crystal Empire.”

“He does send them weekly, hun.” Night Light said as his wife separated herself from her son.

“And no, Twilight didn’t invite me.” Shining huffed. “Besides, there’s something you should know about her coltfriend-”

“He’s here, isn’t he?” Velvet’s eyes swept across the room, centering for a moment on Cadence, who was giving her a polite smile. “Twilight said he was going to be here with you- Oh, gosh!” she burst out, rushing toward the table and it’s small inhabitant.

Cringing at the scream, Shining followed behind her. “Yeah, that’s what I wanted to warn you about, he’s-”

“You must be Honeydew!” Velvet’s grin widened with excitement as she held her hoof out toward him. “Hello, I’m Velvet, and this is my husband Night Light, it’s so great to finally meet you after all we’ve heard of you.”

Shining drew his head back with an unamused huff. “Did Twilight really tell everypony but me?”

“She probably thought of it as a harmless counter-prank.” Cadence soothingly explained.

“Where is she, anyway?!”

“She is just making some tea,” Night Light said. “She’ll be here in precisely two minutes, barring any accidents.” With that, he stepped beside his wife, who had gotten Honeydew to hesitantly shake her massive hoof. “Hello. I’m sure my wife has already introduced me, but I’m Night Light.

Possibly glad to get a break from the overly excitable mare, Honeydew seemed to respond well to Night Light, starting to chat with him in his clumsy ponish when Twilight came in, balancing a plate with steaming cups on her back. “oh , you’ve already met each other.” she grinned, floating cups over to the table and placing a tiny shot glass infront of Honeydew.

“And he’s just as cute as you wrote.” Velvet snickered.

“Uhm, y-yes…” Twilight stammered, rubbing her cheek with a wing as if that could wipe off her blush. “Well, now that we’re all together, unexpectedly,” she added with an apologetic smile to Shining and Cadence. “We could turn this family visit into a family day. I’ve got rooms if you want to stay overnight, sleepover games, dinner, and- what is it?”

Everypony blinked as Twilight stopped in her rambling for seemingly no reason. Until they noticed the slight glow from Honeydew’s feelers which had gotten her attention. Leaning her head down to him, they exchanged quick breezish in lowered voices. Finally, Twilight looked up once more, meeting the awkward glances from her family with a sheepish smile. “Uhm, sorry, I almost forgot that Honey and me were going to hold a little celebration today.”

“But we all just came here!” Shining protested. “You’re going to send your entire family away for some breezie celebration?”

“It’s Jörmgo, the day of the first snowfall, at least here in Equestria.” Twilight explained. “And on Jörmgo, breezies hold a ceremony once at noon and once at midnight. Honeydew was already very forthcoming to delay it in order to meet you today.”

“And he can’t just skip it?” Shining asked, crossing his hooves. “I remember that we once postponed Hearth’s Warming so you could finish your homework and not be on the naughty list.”

“It’s different.” Twilight muttered, her wings performing a nervous flap at her sides. “They believe that it is important to honor Myrmel, the spirit who raises the sun, as he takes a rest during winter-”

“There are no sun spirits!” Shining blurted out. “We know that Celestia raises the sun.”


“Don’t tell me you actually believe that, we know for a fact that it’s not true.”

“That doesn’t mean you can deride his beliefs.”

“But they are objectively wrong!”

“Stop it, both of you.” Cadence interrupted as a light-blue aura encapsulated both of their mouths. “Twilight, maybe we could join you and Honeydew in your celebration.”

“Well…” Twilight muttered, glancing down to a confused looking Honeydew. “I suppose we could.”

“Fine, then please go ahead. Me and Shiny will come in a bit. After a word in private.” she added with a glare at her husband.

He swallowed, knowing even in his anger that he was in trouble.


“You better hope he couldn't follow your outburst.” Cadence fumed, pacing around the now almost empty room. “What were you thinking, deriding his beliefs?!”

“We know there is no such thing as sun spirits.” Shining retorted, hooves crossed before his chest.

“Maybe in our world. Who knows what raises the sun where he comes from?”

“But this is not his world, this is Equestria, and here Celestia raises the sun, so why does he have to drag the whole family into his thing?!”

“We don’t have to defeat windigoes every year in order to celebrate Hearthswarming either. And that’s beside the point. Why is it a problem for us to attend his ceremony for a bit?”

“Maybe it’s because nopony in the family is religious?” Shining nickered. “I certainly know that Twilight isn’t, but now she suddenly believes in whatever tribal spirits-lore that breezie tells her?”

“Respecting his views isn’t the same as believing in them. And you know she loves to learn about new cultures.”

“Yes, but to suddenly date one out of the blue, and to tell everypony but me?” Shining burst out. “At least you are a pony, and somepony she knew!”

“I get that you’re angry she didn’t tell you, but that’s no reason to vent your frustration on him!”

“It’s not just that!” he snapped. “Have you seen him? He can’t read, Cadence. Heck, he doesn’t even know what reading is! Not to mention he knows nothing of Equestria!”

“So it’s because you think he’s not good enough for her?!”

“I think that Twilight can do better than some tiny, offworld savage!”

Cadence’s pacing abruptly stopped as silence swept into the room, only interrupted by Shining’s strained breaths. Her eyes narrowed to tiny slits, she caused him to wince under her piercing glare. “That went too far.” she stated with totality.

“I-I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to put it like that!”

“No, you said exactly what you think.” she hissed. “But you know what I saw? I saw a sweet colt who was willing to postpone something obviously important to him for her sake and who is eager to learn about Equestria, even if it is hard for him to wrap his head around sometimes. He’s only been Equestria for three weeks and he can already hold a conversation! I saw a stallion who took Twilight into his struggling clan when she needed it.” Her hoof jutted out, pointing accusatorily at Shining. “And I saw that you missed all of that, because all you are willing to see are his worst qualities! Now you take a walk around the castle or do whatever you need to clear your head. You know where to find me once you’re thinking straight again.” With that, she left her stunned husband in the corner of the library, his hooves clutching against the sides of the sofa as if it was his cover from her assault.

“H-he’s still tiny!” he shouted after her, his voice weak and trembly. Clear your head. he snorted. His head was already clear, maybe Cadence should go and heed her own advice instead! He was not being fair to Honeydew? A little pixie who couldn't even read, who, from what Cadence had briefly told him had to be taught by Twilight how to light a fire? He was practically a cavepony! And so what if he took in Twilight when really needed it, that was just common decency! When… you weren’t a cavepony… because if you were that would be a massive commitment. “Holy Celestia, I AM giving him no credit!”

Maybe clearing his head wasn’t such a bad idea after all.


It was during his fifth round through the castle when the voices picked up. Curiously raising his head, Shining followed the muffled noise. His anger had mostly evaporated, yet his uncertainty regarding the breezie remained, and it was still hard to wrap his head around his sister being in a relationship with one. All he’d seen so far from him was that he got scared if you got too close. Not exactly the best premise for an intimate relationship.

As he got closer, the voices got more distinguished… they were singing! Though he couldn't make out the words, it was some strange tune that he was sure he’d never heard before. Staring at the door, he felt a sudden uncertainty in his stomach. Was he even welcome to join them? After all he’d said… it’d been completely out of line! His officer would have had him court martialed for it!

“Uh, hey, what are you doing outside?”

“Spike!” Shining whirled around to see the small dragon holding a glass of water and… a drum. Which was fairly large for his size too. “I didn’t know you played.”

“Oh, I didn’t.” the dragon answerd, quickly gulping down his water before creating a quick beat, wearing a small grin. “Honeydew taught me. He plays, like, everything.”

“He… does?”

“Well, anything you don’t need metal for. They didn’t have that apparently.”

“Oh…” Shining muttered. Then, as Spike was about to go past him, he suddenly stopped his path with a hoof. “Hey, Spike, you know this breezie now, right?”

“He’s been living with us for almost a month.” Spike said with a shrug.

“Good,” Shining sighed. “Spike, I need your opinion on him and Twilight. You’re the only one I can trust to be objective about it.”

The dragon tilted his head. “What about Cadence?”

“Nnnoot anymore.” Shining muttered cautiously.

“Well, to be honest, I found it really weird at first.” Spike said. “I mean, she carries him around in her ear, it doesn’t get much weirder, right? And it’s annoying to be so careful all the time, even though Twilight put those spells on him, cause even if it doesn’t hurt him if I stepped on him, it’d still… you know, hurt alot. Buuut, after a while? He’s very nice, and I think Twilight loves explaining things to him. He also knows a lot of stuff you would never think, and he made a great druid in our last game of Ogres & Oubliettes!”

“You… play with him?”

“Yeah! Maybe you should join, it’s a great way to get to know new ponies. And Discord can just snap bring you from the Crystal Empire and back! It’s about the only thing at which he’s reliable…”

“Sounds… interesting.” Shining muttered. “So, this ceremony,what is it?”

“I don’t really know. He explains it as it happens” Spike shrugged, then grinned as he lifted his drum. “But the next part is gonna be music. You should see it for yourself, Twilight’s playing the next one!” With that, he rushed into the room, leaving Shining with a stunned expression.

“Twilight… playing?” his curiosity piqued, he followed Spike into the room.

It was very dark, yet he instantly made out each occupant from the glow of their horns, emulating the light of Honeydew’s feelers. Bathed in soft light, he saw his parents gently sway from side to side, in tact with a strange melody emanating from… Twilight… playing a pan flute? As far as he knew, she’d never even looked twice at an instrument! Yet here she was, wings fluttering as she carried the tune like an experienced musician!

He took his seat, barely noticing the look Cadence gave him as he stared in wonder at his sister, who seemed utterly lost in the music, in a way exactly like when she was reading a great book.

“Cleared your head?” Cadence whispered in his ear.

“Y-yes,” he swallowed. “I’m sorry-”

But before he could continue, he felt a hoof press onto his mouth, muffling the rest of the sentence.

“Later,” Cadence smiled as Spike appeared in Twilight’s circle of light. “Now, we’re playing.”

And then Twilight started a new tune, accompanied by Honeydew playing a tiny violin that looked like it was carved from bone. Still, the sound filled the room in a way that had to be magical, supporting the strange, foreign music. Moments after which Cadence, Velvet and Night Light took deep breaths and began to sing in breezish.

Sha ta co ti oh scum ne rivna
Sha ta co ti oh nugga tir na nog
Sha ta co ti oh scum ne rivna
Nug a tir na nog

The strange words filled the room, giving the music an otherworldly quality, while Shining could only stare. And eventually, join into the second chorus, allowing him, for a moment, to forget the massive apologies he still owed to the others.

Author's Note:

Here's the long awaited chapter! the song at the end is one that a viewer suggested, as it reminded them of the story, and I agree. it's about a mythical land in Irish folklore named Tir na Nog... and that's all I know about that!

I hope you enjoyed the chapter. I didn't really know how to end it, and eventually I just decided to leave out the part in which Shining apologized in favour of suggesting it happening offscreen afterwards. I just never paced well. If you wish to know, he apologizes the first moment he can catch Twilight alone, and to Honeydew just before leaving for the Crystal Empire.

And yes, they play pony D&D together now. incidentally, the time I wrote that is about the same time I put up a D&D campaign dm-ed by me on Roll20. if you're interested, look at my blogposts :)

but enough selling myself out, I want your feedback for this chapter, damnit.
This is Obsi, signing out.