• Member Since 30th Jan, 2019
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"HERE COMES CHAOS!" - Adam Savage


Faced with a powerful new neighbor, how will Equestria react to something so inherently violent? You get to decide!

A different take on comment driven stories. You'll take command of the reactions of the creatures of Equestria as they encounter a mysterious being that has just made the Castle of the Two Sisters its home.

Set after the series finale, so spoilers ahead!

Chapters (6)
Comments ( 25 )

Nice introduction to the story. Also cool to see stories even if the show is gonna end:pinkiehappy: Keep going with chapters! cause this fun

Thanks! Although, since this is a comment driven story, it'll need commenters like you. So please like, share, & follow so that this story isn't dead on arrival. If i get enough comments on chapters, I might even shorten the waiting time to 2 weeks. I hope this story lasts awhile for people to enjoy.

She'll likely wait till the end of the festivities Then gather her friends for a short expedition to do a 'quick' Chek on the castle.

I see what you did with the Narnia rings very clever

Speaking of which I motion that they are debating what to do when clover the clever shows up
When discovering that they are also investigating the castle she states that there can only be one and challenges them to a rap battle under the persona of clever clout one of the group holds her off while the rest move on to find a strange pool in the next room

That's all for now feel free too cut some out if it's too long

Good story so far and story paced.

Like what Ello Calebero said. Maybe they will try to help him if he is in danger or having a problem. Or he is having a temper tantrum which thay will have to avoid or stop.

Another thing that can happen is that thay will have to stop him from getting to or near the castle.

I actually didn't think of Narnia. I just described generic magic circles...

Also, I love your enthusiasm, but I'm actually trying to tell a legitimate story here. Sorry. I was inspired to make this comment driven after reading Vavacung's "The Adventure Logs of Young Queen." I highly recommend checking that out.

I looked at the story, seems wonderful will read. Can't wait to see the confrontation with shining.

They should ask the five questions who is he. What is he doing. When did he show up. Where is he going. Why is he doing this.

Pinkie will probably ignore this comment because it's boring and do something random. Maybe ask for their astrology signs. Make a very specific guess. Or derail the conversation with all manner of party questions. Like favourite flavors. party favors. And balloon sabers oh my

Please tell me if I still haven't gotten the gist of this story yet.

Thanks, Ello! I'd say you've got the gist of it now. Your first comment was so outlandish, though. The major reason I didn't use it was because Clover's been dead for over a millinium. Also, I can't do rap and had no idea what you were going with with that strange pool...

*sigh I should have known. I am very well versed in comments that border on the edge of insanity.

As for the pools, I was thinking of continuing with the narnia theme( book 1) and have it be a portal that would either give rise to a monstrous abomination that would distract fluttershy while the rest move on, or be a portal that leads into a world jumping escapade.

...My comments get picked more often than you think.:twilightsheepish:

Like I said before, those magic circles I described were supposed to be generic. If you thought Narnia, then by all rights, you can, but that's not the theme of the story. It's just another Human in Equestria.
Though, I do love the insanity of that comment you had. If this were an unstructured comment driven story, I might've tried doing it, but alas, I must have some structure for my own sanity. Or what little I have left...

After hearing his strange name and 'fiery' disposition
They decide to contact cadence and ask them to check the shelves archives and forbidden sections of the crystal empire while they head over to the canterlot library. They check for mentions of a flame with similar properties and/or potency as well as any connection diamonds may have

The blood soaked person singing the intro of what most likely is an overrated anime would probably speak up and let them know that he could hear them

But they were whispering you say?

Well what about the sound of little cheese bouncing

The fact that cheese said "let's go say hi" in his normal voice,

the fact that they made the bush rustle in a very conspicuous way,

the fact that blood would attract predators so he would be alert,

the fact that they could see the light of the camp fire from where they were mean that there's a good chance that he could hear big sugar screaming at cheese

I rest my case

So they would ask for his help out or stay the night

Meanwhile the town launches a search party to look for them, and probably call zecora while their at it

I'll have you know that the anime of which the man is singing is my favorite anime. It might be overrated, what with all the memes about how it doesn't have a 2nd season, but it's still good. Plus, there's a reason I had him sing this. Those who know of the anime can actually glean a bit of what this man thinks of the world just by that song alone...

That's great! If you like this anime that's good, but the fact that you managed to use a reference in a way that resonates with the character and gives us insight into his motivations even better!

But,even if it's meme ridden and overrated, as long as it's something you can enjoy is all the justification it needs to be in this story.:pinkiesmile:

Thank you! I wasn't sure if you were disappointed or not about that. Thanks for the clarification.
Also, the guy still has his headphones on, just so you know.

At least the human isn't walking the dinosaur... Wake Up. See This. What Do? went down the toilet with a lack of sparkle for me from the overuse of that particular line (sure, it might have been funny the first time around, but it was used maybe more than 20 times between it and it's sequel, which somewhere betewwn then i had lost count). :pinkiecrazy:

I loved your story

Thank you! I'm trying my best, but with a new full-time job & the corona scare, it's been awhile since I've made progress on the story. Hopefully I can get back into the swing of things this month, but I'll have to abandon my twice a month update promise...

Twilight thought. They had learned a couple of things about this "Crimson Al," but the most troubling was the fact that his magical fire could burn through dragon scales. Baby dragon scales could be singed black, but that was the farthest extent normal fire could do, as the scales could stand up to the heat of lava.

That's not a human that is a dragon slayer

Given what the kids know, the smart thing to do would be to sneak away.
Of course, the fact they are kids from a peaceful culture that are bold enough to go into Everfree at night strongly implies they'll do the exact opposite.

Awwww. Another one bites the dust.

Thanks for the last chapter, hope you're doing alright.

I might come back to this down the line, but right now, I've got more important matters. I just don't have the passion that I did a year ago & I know that if I force myself to continue through obligation, the story's gonna suffer.

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