• Published 10th Sep 2019
  • 450 Views, 23 Comments

The End of Time - Leondude

The last and most epic tale in The Captain Goodking Saga is here! In an effort to stop the maniacal Kronos, Doctor Whooves recruits many of Equestria's heroes (and Captain Goodking, of course) to help him.

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Chapter 6 - An Uneasy Alliance

Outside of Whooves' house, Whooves and Derpy were working on a spaceship for Laeyoon and any sectoid POWs, in other words, any aliens whose heads weren't inflated by Discord. For those worried about what happened to the sectoids with inflated heads, don't panic, they got better. Laeyoon was still busy being tied up and being observed by Twilight and her friends, with the blue pegasus flying around him. Then he remembered something and smiled, starting to chuckle a little bit.

"What's so funny?" the blue pegasus asked him.

"Oh nothing much. It's just that you think you've captured everyone that was part of the invasion."

"And what is that supposed to mean?"

"I have a friend of mine, more than a friend I should say, who I left in Whooves' house. And I bet she is just waiting for the opportunity for me to say the word and murder everyone."

Laeyoon then looked at the outside of Whooves' house to see if Jaesa is hiding behind one of the windows. While he can't see Jaesa anywhere, he can feel her presence. He then finally noticed Jaesa was standing behind the house and smirked at her while giving her a little wink.

"Jaesa, do the thing."

Jaesa complied with a smile, jumping high and quickly at the blue pegasus with an intent to impale her. But a flying blast of magic got in the way and knocked her off-balance. She got up and started swinging her lightsaber at Twilight, with Twilight blocking the swings and slashes with magical barriers. While Laeyoon could have kept on watching the spectacle, he had an itch that is rather difficult to scratch when one is tied up. And so, much to his dismay, he had to break up the fight between Twilight and Jaesa.

"Ahem!" he loudly announced, "Helping your master get free would be appreciated!"

"Oh, of course, master," Jaesa said while blushing a little. She then caught Twilight in a mini tornado of some sort, quickly jumped behind Laeyoon, and freed him from his restraints.

"Much better," Laeyoon said while stretching and then scratching his neck.

Twilight and her friends immediately surrounded the two Sith Lords and got into their battle stances, with Jaesa getting ready to attack them as well.

"Now now," Laeyoon said in a borderline mocking tone, "There's no need for us to stand on ceremony. I only just wanted scratch a little itch. Also, I'm bored and, as much as I hate using my legs, I also hate being tied to a chair with nothing to do."

And out of nowhere, Discord appeared, snapped his fingers and made a cage surrounding the two Sith Lords, taking Jaesa's lightsaber from her as well.

"I think you'll consider these new accommodations to be an improvement," Discord said coyly. While Laeyoon was annoyed about being caged up like an animal, he won't deny that it's better than being tied up. And with that, he sat down and thought about the many ways he can kill the little ponies in order to pass the time. As he thought to himself, his concentration was suddenly broken by his apprentice telling him something.

"Master, when we get back on the ship, I'd appreciate some time to talk," Jaesa said.

"Jaesa, we are being held captive by talking equines that look cuddly in appearance and would give ewoks a run for their credits in how they disguise their prowess with their cute appearance. Only difference being I have yet to see a force-sensitive ewok."

Thankfully for Laeyoon and Jaesa, the ponies had better things to do so they sent some royal guards to keep an eye on them. He waited until night-time when everyone would be feeling all tuckered out so he could flick his wrist and use the Force to bang the guards' heads against the metal bars of his cage. From there, he immediately used his holocommunicator to give Kronos a call.

Meanwhile, in the human world, Kronos was using Sunset Shimmer to lead him to where the Seal of Beauty is. Sunset and her friends had encountered the seal on the beach and were very surprised when the seal started talking to them in the most beautiful voice. The seal said it hid away in the human world because it was filled with such beautiful creatures that the seal would fit right in. Since Fluttershy was good with animals, it agreed to stay in Fluttershy's place.

Getting to Fluttershy's house was the easy part. The hard part came from finding out where the seal is inside the house. Luckily, Kronos planned for this. Since Sunset and Fluttershy were friends, surely it wouldn't hurt for friends to visit each other in the middle of the night to check on the seal, right? There was also a trash can to hide in so no-one would question what a unicorn was doing out on the street in the middle of the night. He didn't mind hiding in the trash can. In fact, it reminded him of some of his more exhilarating espionage missions over on the planet Cybertron. Kronos' horn lit up so he could telepathically contact Sunset and tell her what to say.

"Now then," Kronos telepathically commanded, "Knock on the door and if she or anyone else answers, repeat after me."

Sunset immediately complied and knocked on Fluttershy's front door. Luckily for Kronos, Fluttershy was busy feeding some bats so she should already have been awake and, hopefully for Kronos, close to the door to open it. Thankfully for Kronos, she swiftly answered the door. However, Fluttershy was quick to notice that something's a little off about Sunset.

"Um...Sunset? Are you okay?"

"Yes, I am alright," Sunset replied in a monotone voice, "I just thought I would visit here to make sure the seal is safe. Is there any chance that I could bor-curse it all!"

Fluttershy then noticed the trash can behind Sunset rattle about, courtesy of Kronos trying to answer his holocommunicator.

"What is it?" Kronos asked impatiently, to which Sunset mimicked in the same monotone as before, "Can't you see that I'm busy?"

"Is that how you act when I'm about to inform you of pleasant news? I'm surprised the empire could put up with you," Laeyoon said.

"Given how I have just located one of the seals, I doubt your news will be even better than mine."

"Fine then. I suppose you don't want me leading the princess and her allies to you where they would become very useful assets," Laeyoon said.

"And how do you intend on doing that?" Kronos asked.

"They are building a ship for me and I promised I would lead them to you when they are done."

"Yes, but they would be smart enough to realize it's a trap."

"Not if your forces put up a fight, they won't."

"Ah, I understand," Kronos said, "Make it look like your ship is something to attack, then once the princess and her friends have taken out my forces, let them inside the ship and activate the ray shields and, once they are trapped, initiate a hostage negotiation where they peacefully surrender themselves to me or I threaten to kill this Sunset person right in front of them."

"I was going to suggest disintegrating them but your plan sounds more beneficial in the long run."

"Well, I would love to stay and chat, but I have a human that needs duping. Cheerio."

When Kronos hung up on Laeyoon, he noticed Fluttershy peeping through the can he was hiding in. Perhaps he should have turned the spell off before talking to Oude.

"Oh, buggery! How much of what I just said did you hear?"

He could have let Fluttershy answer but he knew the answer was going to be a scream so he did the responsible thing: use his telekinesis to knock her out with the trash can lid.

"Right then," Kronos said as he climbed out of the can, "Time for Plan B, which is to wander in there myself and render anyone unconscious if they spot me."

Unfortunately for Kronos, he did not plan on the seal teleporting out of the house by using a big angelic beam of light from the sky. Kronos immediately tried to chase after it but it vanished along with the light. Kronos then had an idea. Since hiding the Seal of Beauty in a place that's filled with beautiful creatures was a pretty obvious place to hide it, maybe the seal moved to somewhere far less pretty. Now the hard part would be to figure out what would be the least pretty place to hide in.

Author's Note:

(notices the date this chapter was uploaded)

Oh, wait. No, I'm not. I'm going to watch Megatron conduct the 1812 Overture. Oh, and blow stuff up as well. :twilightsmile: