• Published 22nd Sep 2019
  • 12,538 Views, 327 Comments

Dragonland's Fiercest and Fairest - JeromyTG2

If you happen to wake up and become one of the most deadliest Nintendo character, you better make your choices right.

  • ...

Chapter 5: Prepare for the Endeavor

Author's Note:

Finally! I had to do the rest on this one, because my editor had to go back to study. I am still calling out to those who can help me with the editing so feel free to DM if you are okay with it. (Grammar level please.)

Well with that said, please don't mind if there are bad grammars.


Edit by Hotel_Chicken

"WHAT! WHAT DID YOU SAY!?" The Lord of all Dragons demanded.

"I'm telling you Lord Torch! It was that one dragon that defeated me and harmed Ember while he was on a rampage!" said Garble, knowing it was a lie. Both Fume and Charcoal are at his side, all standing before the giant Dragon Lord.


"Y-yes my lord." He admitted.

"What can we do?" asked Charcoal, with some pain and weariness from the other day, "Not only was he strong, but he is also fast. I don't even want to think of going up against him again."


"Y-yes Lord Torch." Garble turned to make his way, hating the command that his soon discharged ruler gave him. He still needs to wait until the gauntlet of fire until he gets what he wants. Right as he was about to leave, Fume decided to say something that bothers him.

"Umm, Dragon Lord, sir." He said nervously, "Just to be sure, and not trying to displease you or anything… but what if he doesn't want to come?"

"HMM? WHAT WAS THAT?" Torched leaned forward knowing what he heard, "WHAT IF HE. DOESN'T. WANT. TO COME?" He then quickly grabbed the purple drake in his giant claws, making him go stiff as he brought him close to his giant face, then answered with a growl.


"... cool."


Just my fucking luck. The itching won't come off and I had it up to my head with this shit! I still don't know how I got this or how to stop it, I pray to God if this is not permanent.

I barely got any sleep the night before because of it, and it’s been driving me insane. Whatever sleep I did get was thankfully free of that spirit… Goddess? Whatever the hell Mystica is, so yippie I guess. The one silver lining to being stuck in another world as an anorexic glow in the dark baby Godzilla with wings that has a voice in its head is that I didn’t have a spirit goddess prance through my dreams. Spectacular… Oh, and to add onto the pile of shit wrong with my life, a possibly broken friendship is now on that list. Something so mundane by comparison to all the other crap is now the crux of my day.

Being at the pond helps a little with the itching a little, so at least that was one problem that was temporarily solved. It’s still there, mind you, it just doesn’t feel like I want to tear off every scale and chuck them into the sea. So, my next course of action was trying to keep my calm, find out a way to get the psycho voice out of my head, and hope that I didn’t burn down a bridge with the one creature I’m on relatively friendly terms with.

Good luck with that. If it works. Hehehe…

The voice said in my head, already mocking me. If only I can shut this guy up if I want to, but still, I'm in a new world with countless possibilities, there has to be something. But, training will have to come another day. Why? Well, that’s because the world decided, “Screw your training montage of meditation, answer the asshat calling you!”.

"Hey Bonehead!"

That same red drake from yesterday, along with his friends, came close to my location and landed at a safe distance away from me. Smart of him since he knows what I am capable of. All three of them were also glowing, so I guess it's happening to every dragon. Well, at least that meant it was normal, so I could probably talk to Ember about it if I managed to fix my shit with her.

"I know you're listening!" He shouted, "As commanded, Dragon Lord Torch has summoned you to his nest."

Wait. As in THE Dragon Lord? Has summoned me? I mean, it would be an honor, but if it's coming from, red riding hood then I'm not buying it. So, I keep ignoring him. I walked to the same tilting rock by the pond so I could use that spot and try meditating.

"Hey! I said you have been summoned by the Dragon Lord! Can't you understand? It's important!"

I flew up to the top and took my seat in a meditate posture. I don't put my hands together because I can tell it's somewhat irrelevant in my opinion, but relaxing my arms on my knees is enough. I also mind my tail as I coil it on my lap, just to be sure no one tries to yank it. That would have sucked if I fell. Now that I'm ready, I close my eyes, maintain my posture the best I can, and breathe steadily… And then I realize that I’ve never really meditated before, so I just wing it and try to think of waves. It works in the movies after all. So why not ‘Fantasy Land’?

"What is he doing?" whispered Charcoal.

"Is he… sleeping?" said Fume.

"Ugh! You know what! I got an idea." Garble flew to a nearby boulder that is almost taller than him, as his goons followed, "Like what Torch said, 'If we can't tell him," he lifts the boulder almost with ease, "then we make him!'"

After minutes of deep breathing and near sleep, suddenly the strangest feeling has enveloped my body as if it were a warm heart beat every time I breathe. So, I focused more. Of all the theories that I read and watch has been put to the test, and so far how my body is feeling, it's getting close to my analysis. I may be a novice at this, but I can be one hell of a genius if I know how to pull it off. Now, since this is what pulsing feels like, I need to envision what I want to see. Maybe color blue?

Curious. It's possible that who I am has some natural perks.

And with that, the darkened vision from my eyelids has revealed the world in a blue landform. I keep my breathing steadily and concentrating, not letting my emotions get the better of me. As the vision darkens it pulses back showing the land again. It appears that every time I breathe the vision resonates like a sonar. I tried to envision a different color to green, and just like that the land is all green. I tried other colors like red and yellow, until I switched to purple. I feel as if something big is coming on my way, it's getting closer. Instinctively using my tail, I somehow knew when and where it was going to hit as it's heading towards me.



The impact I felt from my tail is all too real that I actually smashed a rock. A big one to be exact, for sure they don't fly, and I have a pretty good idea where it came from.

"It seems you assholes still haven't learned your lesson. I guess I'll have to-"


And they just flew off.

They will pay!

The urging feeling of rage swelling inside me is erupting. I fell short in training, and could not control these urges, but I had no choice but to chase after them. Those drakes better not be lying if the dragon lord did summon me. Hopefully, them throwing me that boulder shows that they’re serious. If not…

There will be blood!

… I hate that I can agree with that.


The three drakes are on pursuit as they race to the dragon lord’s den as they are chased by an angry space dragon. Two of them are in panic while one is determined to get to their goal before he gets them.

"Hah… I don't think we are going to make it!"

"Yes we are! Fly faster!"

"I'm trying! I can't go any faster!"

Garble quickly looks behind and sees the purple stranger getting closer, fast. Garble looks forward and sees the giant cave and just enough time to get there before they get caught.

"We're here! Come on! Let's get- ACK!"

As they entered the cave, all three drakes suddenly smashed together and tumbled deeper in the big cave. Ridley slows down and lands as he slowly walks towards them… menacingly.

"You three, gave me a good reason why I should pummel your dry ass hides. Now tell me, what makes you think throwing a boulder at me, while I was meditating, a good idea?"

They will pay!

He flexed his claws as he prepared to strike, until…




He stops at the sound of a loud and deep voice. Regaining his control, he slowly looked up, seeing from a large horde, to a large tail, then a skyscraper size body, and then the coup de gras, his fucking huge head. The sight of it screams king if that is what he believes, and ironically for being the deadliest space dragon, fear.

"ARE YOU THAT DRAGON THAT HARMED MY DAUGHTER?" He spoke as he demanded an answer.

In Ridley's mind, he has to come up with an answer quickly or else who knows what this kaiju size dragon might do. So, he answered as calmly:

"... Now THAT'S a dragon!" He pointed.

Outside of the dragon lord cave, Ember, who is currently sitting at the edge of the cliff, gave a frustrated sigh. Her father gave her another order that she now won't be leaving within her and Torch's den. This is all because she got injured by another dragon, she protested that it was not a big deal, but like always he still refuses to listen. With her father now keeping a close watch, it is now less likely that she will ever retrieve the scepter.

In an ear shot, she heard some drakes flying by in distress. Looking over, she sees the same trio from yesterday and sees that they are being chased by Ridley. Knowing them, they would not be too stupid enough to anger him so, plus knowing that he has a trigger makes her worry. Seeing where they are flying to, she already knew what those three drakes are up to, and it wasn't just to anger him.

"*Uggh* I hope father doesn't go berserk like last time…" growled Ember, as she glides down to her father's den.

In Ridley's mind, he is constantly scolding himself with the reply he made. He admits, this is an impressive size for a dragon, probably the biggest by far. But still, it was not the right comment to say about him. It is possible that he is the Dragon Lord.


Ridley was confused about what he meant.

"Umm. I don't recall attacking your daughter." answered Ridley.

"I. DRAGON LORD TORCH. DEMAND THAT YOU ANSWER TRUTHFULLY!" he roared as the whole cave trembled.

If he had skin, goosebumps will easily be seen if the dragon lord’s voice gets any louder. The alien drake is still confused about his demand. And starts to wonder why his voice sounds familiar.

Oh please let something happen. I do NOT want to die... again.

"Father!" shouted Ember, quickly flying in front of the titans face as he gave a surprised expression.

Ridley was relieved that she was here, but realized what she said.

Wait… FATHER!?


Hold on! That's her father!?

"... Yes he did." she said, "But, I asked him to do it." Ridley was confused about her answer for a moment, until he looked back from yesterday and knew that she was not entirely wrong.

Well, she did throw boulders at me, so yeah…


"Yeah? Well this one is different. He held back." seeing how she was covering for me, I guess I should punch in some truth.


"If I may." Ridley began, as they both looked at him, "It is true that I held back, but thanks to those three idiots over there," he pointed at Garble and his lackeys, "assuming that I was attacking her. So, they just came at me as I defend myself, but in doing so, Ember was caught in the crossfire."

"Oh come on!" exclaimed Garble, "Dragon Lord Torch! You can't seriously believe this bone rotted cragadile's story!"

"You continued to shove me, again and again." growled Ridley.

Torch stared hard at Ridley, trying to see through his lie, then he turned to the three delinquents to be sure.


"But, we were… I was just…" Garble tries to explain, but cannot find an excuse in time.

"ANSWER TRUTHFULLY!" At his order, a wave of authority has caused the three drakes to flinch and drop their heads shamefully.

"... yes." They all said.

Torch growled in irritation, "YOUR DUTIES HAVE BEEN REVOKED, YOU ARE NO LONGER TO WATCH OVER MY DAUGHTER." Garble growed under his breath, "LEAVE MY SIGHT!" With that, the three drakes exited the den.


"WHAT!?" exclaimed Ember, "Father you can't do this to me!"

"THAT IS FINAL!" he shouts, as the cave rumbled, "NOW LEAVE." as he said that, he adjusted himself on his horde and in a minute, he started to snore.

Sheesh! No wonder he was uptight.


Fuck that! You choked when he spoke and you went silent during our conversation. Wherever the fuck your bravado went isn't my concern, because it didn't suddenly take my sanity with it.

With that, the voice in his head went silent, allowing him to wear a victorious smile. That smile faded when he heard Ember roar as she stormed out of the cave, prompting Ridley to quickly follow.

Maybe I should leave her… But, that dragon lord did tell me to take care of her… Take the initiative to talk to a friend, or piss off Godzilla’s cousin?... Fuck it, I can mend a friendship better than a severed arm.


After leaving the cave, I found Ember, sitting at the edge of the summit, and below it is another cave but small which I assume is hers. I landed on the summit, slowly walked closer and stopped at a fair distance between her, until she spoke.

"You don't have to keep an eye on me." she grumbled, "You can just go and do whatever it is you were doing."

"... You know, my dad is kinda like yours with my sister. Granted, my dad isn't the size of a mountain, but I think he handles my sister the same way your dad treats you. He always tells her to not do this, not do that, or the best part, not go near him."

"Right!? Ember turned, "That's the same situation I'm in right now!"

"But, he does all this just because he loves her." Ember stopped as she heard what I said. I then sat at the side of the peak leaving my legs hanging and looked up at the sky, "Yes, my sister does complain or yell at my dad that she hates him, but to put it bluntly, what he's doing is because he doesn't want to see her grow up. That is the time that he no longer calls her 'my little girl' anymore."

It has been a minute or so, I wondered if Ember does understand my explanation. It would be too sad if she didn't.

"I know that," she began, "but he keeps locking me inside a box and I still can't find that darn relic that my father is hiding."

"What relic?"

"You see this ring?" She showed me her right claw with a gold ring on it, "This has a magik bound, and my father has the source that keeps me sitting next to him."


"If I can't find that relic soon, I will never be able to enter the gauntlet."

Thinking about magic aside, Ember proved a point that her father kept her on a small leash. This has gone too far for how a father should let their own daughter have much less freedom. I'm surprised how social she is with me given how long she had to put up with Torch. Dragon Lord or not, this is no way to treat their child. How do I know much of this? My mom always hogs the TV watching Lifetime…

"Have you tried taking it off?" I asked.

"Too many times, and tried many different ways." said Ember, hopelessly.

"Well… Have you tried biting it off?"

"Tried that, and it still won't come off."

"What!? I thought we could chew diamonds."

"Yeah. But this has magik. There is no point trying." she says as she slumps at the edge of the cliff.

"Well…" I thought about what I was going to say, but denied it, "ah, nevermind."

"What?" Ember turned to me, "If you got something in mind, just say it."

"Umm…" This is going to be weird… "Do you think I can try?"

"What, taking it off? Sorry, but-"

"No. I mean…" And awkward… "biting it off." I said while scratching behind my head, "You know what? Forget I said that! It sounded-" my whole body suddenly glowed and itch again, "Agh! Gawd dammit!"

"... Not here."

Is what I think she said, as she grabbed my left claw, dragging me, and jumped off the cliff with her. I nearly shit myself until I quickly remembered that I have gifted appendages on my back, I glided as Ember guided me to the lower base of the cliff we jumped off and a cave is in view. From what I can guess, it's Ember's. As we land in front of it, she still holds my claw and pulls me in, but I stopped out of hesitation. Ember looked at me confused on why I stopped.

"Is something wrong?" she asked.

"Umm… I hope I'm not intruding." I said, sounding a bit pathetic.

"Just get in!"

With that, she yanked me in.

Holy Shit! Like any male anime protagonist would say, 'I can't believe I'm in a girls room!'.

It was dark at first at the entrance, but there is light at the other end. Arriving at the source, the cave inside is illuminated with gems and gold piled alongside with different varieties of treasure. I am in shock and awe seeing how much treasure here for one dragon. I even thought about Ember's father of how much treasure he has, I probably didn't pay attention to my surroundings when I was too focused on the gigantic drake. From what I can remember, the cave and the stalactites are glinting in yellowish color. And from what I assume that he hides his treasure behind his forearms. Or is it forelegs? I bet he has mountains upon mountains of treasures that even anyone who seeks it will cry happy.

But enough of that, Ember sat on a fancy looking gold chest and looked at me.

"Well?" she said.

"Uh… Nice place you got?"

"Thanks. But I'm not talking about that." She sticks out her right claw, "Take it off."

I know she wanted to remove that ring so badly, but I never thought she would ask me to do it.

Plus, why the hell does it sound… ‘dirty’.

"Uhh… you sure?"


"... okay." I gently held her claw and inspected the ring, "Just a heads up. I may need to use my tongue to try to line my teeth."

She looked at me for a sec, until her head turned to her left, "... Just make it quick."

"Alright. Here goes." Ember readied herself as I began to remove the ring. It looks like the ring can be removed easily seeing how much space is around her claw, but I can see that when I tried pulling it off, it was bathed in a lavender light that made it stick to her claw.

So it's true! Magic. I can't believe I am in a world that has freakin magik!

Putting my excitement on the side, I begin to open my mouth a little and try to wedge the ring in one of my teeth. I can't really see where so I had to use the tip of my tongue to position the ring right. I even felt Ember flinch as I touched her, I will have to end this quickly for her. Eventually, I got it in place, but I felt it slip off before I started gnawing it off. I looked at the ring again, still no sign of coming off so I kept trying it again. I don't know how long I was trying to remove it, but I can tell Ember is being a bit impatient.

"Ugh. Are you done yet?" She huffed, "My neck is cramping, and your saliva is covering my claws."

"I'm trying! But, this stupid thing keeps slipping off." I said, still getting the ring in place.

"Agh! Just stop!" She yanked her claw, but the ring finally yet pulled my tooth with her.

"Ack!" Immediately, I quickly snapped my mouth closed making a loud audible chomp.

"AH!" Ember screamed. I start to panic that I might have snapped her claw off.

"Oh shit! I'm sorry!" Just as my mouth opened, Ember quickly hugged her claw. I want to see if she is alright, but I think it would be a mistake.

I hurt her… again…

"I didn't… I didn't mean- UGK!"

"THANK YOU!" cried Ember, who suddenly tackled me, hugging me with strength, and nearly choking me to death. Eventually, she let me go, "Look! It came off."

She showed her right claw close to my face, I was expecting that there would be blood, but thankfully there wasn't and she didn't lose a claw. Instead, she now lost something else.

Oh shit! The ring is off.

"I'm free! I'm finally fr- MMPH!" with that I completely shut her up by holding her still and covering her mouth. All for a good reason.

"Shut up!" I whispered, making a quick step outside, craning my neck (surprisingly long enough), and checked all around to see if someone was spying. After a few seconds, I went back in, with Ember still struggling in my arms.

"Listen. I know you're happy, but we have to keep this quiet. Who knows who is listening out there, but we need to keep this a secret until the gauntlet." As I let go, she suddenly bit my claw, "OW! WHAT THE HELL!?"

"You got some nerve trying to hold me like that," she said, but made a valid point. Now that I think about it, I do look like I was about to do something forbidden. "But, you're right. We should keep this quiet now that I won't have trouble leaving the den." She then looked at me curiously, "I wonder, how did you just bite it off?" getting close, she grabbed my top and bottom jaw as she was inspecting them, "Your teeth look normal, yet they are sharp as a swords tip. But, what makes it so to break the spell?"

"Uhh…" Come on, think! "Family secret?" … That is probably the stupidest thing to come up with.

"Hm… Well if you say so." IT WORKED!? "I mean, if I had something that could potentially threaten magik, I would keep it shut."

"Yeah. I guess." I was about to bring up the plan, until I remembered to say something important, "Hey look, about yesterday. I didn't know what came over me. And… I'm sorry… that I hurt you."

Ember looked at me, confused but then realized what I mean, "Don't worry about it. It wasn't your fault to begin with, and it comes naturally when it happens. So, it's alright."

Wow, she really is the best, "Thanks," and now the task at hand, "Since now that you are out of your father’s shackles, what's the plan?"

"Right. Well we have two problems. One, my dad will keep me here until the gauntlet is over. And two, Garble will now be part of it." Ah. Yes. The ‘red riot’. "He will most likely be able to go through the whole thing with so much effort. I can't even imagine what he will do when he grabs the scepter…"

Fate is worse than death, I assume…

"Well, that just means we can't let him have the chance. Even if his lackeys would help him, I doubt they would be much of a nuisance."

"Maybe so, but I bet he will bring bigger friends in exchange for high reward. It's quite possible they could ruin everything."

From what she is saying, it's possible that 'Red Riot' would hire other dragons to sabotage the gauntlet and our plan. If he gets the scepter, he might pay them handsomely which is dubious coming from that scumbag.

"Okay. That is one problem to deal with, so what about your dad? There has to be a way for you to sneak in the gauntlet."

"Ugh. I wish." She went to her hoard and sat irritable, "My father expects me to be at his side as he gives a presentation, for sure he will keep a close eye on me, and will tell me to go home after." Keeping a close leash huh? What I wonder is how old she is, "*sigh* I wish there is a way to make myself invisible or something."

I start to think in my own thoughts about trying to help Ember. I know for a fact that there is magic here, but what is the point now if I don't know any spells, nor if I possess magic at all? I couldn't help but look around in the cave to help me think, until I spotted something on one side of the cave that could be useful.

"Hey. What is that?" I pointed.

"Huh?" She looked at the object I was pointing at, "Oh. That. That is just some rusty armor I found a while back. It's meant for ponies but I don't see any use for it."

I looked at the silver armor and an idea struck in my head.

"Why don't you wear this?"

"Are you serious!? That won't even fit me! Yet I will look stupid if they see me wear that."

I looked at the armor, then at Ember as I checked her out (not in a perv way). What caught my attention is the amount of gold she has. That, is when the thought struck.

"Why don't we coat it?"

"What do you mean?" She wondered.

"I can help reshape the armor to your size and coat the platings to gold."

Ember stares at me for a short second, "And how do you plan to do that?"

I was about to reply, but I just remembered something very important, "Uh… well I could help melting and molding the metal, but I got a problem with my plasma breath."

"... Impossible. Hardly any dragon is capable of melting metal with just-” Ember’s eyes widened, “Wait. DID YOU SAY PLASMA!?" she shouted, in shock.

"Uh. Yeah?"

"No way! I never heard or seen a dragon with plasma breath before!" She said excitingly, "That will definitely melt the armor."

"Yeah, but." and again more lies, "On my way here, I somehow got choked up mid flight and for some reason I wasn't able to use my breath at the time."

"What? That can't be possible. Let me see." Ember immediately jumped off her horde, came to me, and to my surprise forcefully opened my mouth. "Hm. Odd. I don't see your igniter."

"Ha haa?(The what?)" I tried to say.

"There is a little flame that acts like a flint and our breaths that we breathe out activates our flame." She explained, giving me some interesting info about dragon’s breath. She then let go of my jaws, "Show me your flame."

"Umm." Crap. Now she expects me to even though I don't know how! "Well…"

"Well what?"

"W-won't that make a mess?"

"So? My place is already a mess?" Easy for you to say. This is a gold mine here. "Just aim at that wall. I plan to have more space, so just go for it."

"... sure." Well, better late than never.

Now it is time that I practice using my plasma breath. I took a deep breath and calmly exhaled as I am trying not to get too excited. I'm still unsure how it works so I will give it my all. I tried blowing for a start, but it was only just air and how can I blow if I don't have lips. Next, I tried huffing my lungs and yet air again. Then, I inhaled through my nostrils and breathed air. With all those attempts, I feel like a weirdo blowing air for no reason. In embarrassment, I looked at Ember with a serious look.

"Hm… try charging it."

"Charging? Like build up warmth in my throat?"

"Yes! Now do it!"

It actually makes sense, I have seen Ridley do it in the games, and he does charge it before he unleashes his breath. I start by building breath, like how we exhale in our hands when it's cold, and keeping the heat in. I also try to imagine the energy built in my throat as I inhale some air.


Immediately, I shouted out as a yellow-orange beam appeared in the middle of my view and straight towards the cave wall. On impact, the wall shattered and the space inside all hot and melting like the earth itself returned to it once melted.

"Wow. Impressive." Whispered Ember. She went to her horde and began to scoop as much gold and put it in a fancy looking cauldron, "Use this, we can melt the gold. Don't worry about the cauldron, it's magik and it won't destroy too easily."

"Alright. Let me remove the straps and belts from the armor so it won't ruin when you equip it. Then, I will work on resizing it and reattach the belts and leather."

And with that we both started working on the armor for Ember. Conveniently, my claws and strength can bend iron really easy as I peel and tear the belts, clasps, and leather easily. I can probably make a makeshift mini spike so I can reattach them when I'm done. I even limit how I use my breath to melt the metals surprisingly quick. Thankfully, the liquid gold doesn't burn me so it makes this a bit easier to mold the shape. As for molding, cupping my claws wasn't an option since it goes through, so I quickly run to the hole that I blasted and mold a wide stone bowl before it cools off. Apparently, it worked, and I got started on molding the metal. It may take a few days for normal smiths to forge, but as I do it I can get it done within minutes. It's all thanks to me from my grip strength and breath to make this possible. I even used some weapons that Ember collected as tools. It's like how they say, 'weapons are tools of destruction'.

Did I mention I was an excellent clay artist? It's a hobby of mine, it may not look too neat in metal, but it's at least it won't matter much. I don't know how to work around metals but at least I understand a bit on how it works. I was too focused on working the metals and I didn't realize that Ember came back with a huge bowl of water. I'm glad she brought water in order to cool the metal.

It's been quite some time, and I already began to mold the armor. It almost feels like I am kneading a tough clay when it takes its shape. I did it as fast as I could and took my time to get the shape and edges right. I even found out that my tail is an excellent crafting tool. With its sharp edge and a strong tip, it makes this job a bit easier, plus I even use a rapier to make holes for the nailing. The armor is nearly done, but as I was working on the helmet, my body began to glow bright and a tingling and burning sensation enveloped my body. This is the last fucking straw to put up with this, but it did remind me to ask Ember what this glowing and itching is. So, I stopped for a bit.

"Hey Ember." I said, while scratching.

"Yeah?" She answered, while scratching.

"I don't know what is the deal with this glow all over my body, and I know it's happening to all of you. But, can you please explain to me what the hell it is? I'm getting irritated as hell with this!"

"That's because it is the call to all dragons in the world to come and enter the gauntlet. Once everydrake is present, the whole glow and burns will stop and the gauntlet will start."

Great. Now I have to wait until… how long?

"Uhh… when is it again?" I stopped on making the helmet and asked her.

"Hmm…" Ember took a moment to think, until she gave a shocked expression, "Ah crag!" She put her claw on her head.

I couldn't hear, "What?"

She slowly looked towards me, and said,



And with that said, I spent the entire night finishing the last few touches with the armor. It fit her perfectly, and I was surprised that I nailed her size. But, I didn't have time to hear her thanks as I made a dash out of her den. I could have said goodnight, but I'm sure she would understand. I barely had any sleep that night and the rashes even got worse as well.

This will be one hell of an event.

Fuck me…


In the Dragon Lord's den, Torch has become restless. The gauntlet is tomorrow, pondering about the last preparations for the gauntlet, until he came up with something that he feared most.

"I have no choice," he said, as he dug in his horde and took out an odd shaped flute that has an avian skull shape, "You will soon realize, my daughter. By becoming Dragon Lord, they face consequences that are far beyond you…"


Just a few miles away from the Baltimare Bay, a ship is setting course to the Dragonlands. There are 3 three passengers, and one of them is a young small dragon named, Spike, who has a similar condition to the other dragon's bodies as they glow. The other two are different from the drake, there are two ponies with one who is white, with a deep violet mane, and a spiral horn on her head, a unicorn named, Rarity. And the other being lavender color with a navy-violet mane and two color streaks to add, a spiral horn on her head, and feathered wings on her back. An alicorn named, Twilight Sparkle.

"*Argggh* I really wish this ends after we get there! And hopefully I still hope they don't burn me into a crisp." Said Spike, who is still scratching his body as it glows.

"Relax, Spike. Remember, me and Rarity will watch over you while you are there." Said Twilight.

"And, not being fully immersed in research of dragons while we protect poor Spikey Wikey. Right, Twilight?" Said Rarity, reminding her friend.

"Yes, Rarity. Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye." Said Twilight, as she did a gesture ending with putting her hoof on her eye.

"I'm glad you two are there for me. And speaking of, what did you two bring to disguise?" Asked Spike.

"Oh! Well it is no difficult task, but might as well make up some simplicities along with some variants." Said Rarity, as she revealed the disguises to hide in the dragonlands. But, Spike has a bad feeling about it.

"... oh no."

What plans does Torch have prepared for the gauntlet? Will Ember become Dragon Lord then? Will Ridley get enough sleep by then? And who are these newcomers? Find out in the next chapter, the two part Gauntlet of Fire begins!