• Published 16th Aug 2019
  • 522 Views, 19 Comments

The Pros and Cons of Working Over Time - meanderingNekomata

Minuette and Limestone Pie are bound by the Choosing Stone.

  • ...

Unicorns of a Feather

“And so, I hereby call this Midnight Donut to order.” declared Moondancer, raising her strawberry frosted donut aloft for effect. “Minuette, if you would?”

The mare in question had gathered them all there for a bit of a tradition they had formed based around a book series Twinkleshine read and subsequently shared with the rest of their friend group. It was overall, a relatively simple concept which kept them all closer as friends: whenever one of them had some major announcement or needed support or advice on something, they would call a ‘Midnight Donut.’ Each member of the group would pitch in for a couple assorted batches of donuts to enjoy at one of their homes as they talked through it all. This time, they were at Moondancer’s house. Of course, the books specified a different kind of dessert, but ultimately the mares decided that donuts were kind of their thing.

Minuette stood from her seat on the couch and looked around at each of her friends. “Before I start, I need to give a bit of background. As some of you know, I was in Rockville with Twinkleshine for work a few days ago. Well, while I was there, I met two of Pinkie’s sisters, Limestone and Minuette. They showed me what a day on the farm is like for them and at the end of the tour, Limestone took me to see a magical rock they call the Choosing Stone. Apparently, it’s supposed to tell you the pony you’re destined to fall in love with, so I thought to myself: ‘Well, why not?’” At this point, she couldn’t help noticing Twinkleshine, Lyra, and Lemon Hearts were leaning in with expectant faces. Twinkleshine was even motioning for her to go on now that she’d paused to take them in. Moondancer was at least a bit better at containing her excitement, but she could still see it in her goofy grin and the way she nodded along.

She couldn’t really blame them, despite all their differing interests, romance was a genre they could all get excited over. Maybe it was because they saw themselves in those stories, so whenever one of them was in a relationship, it was always so exciting. Like somepony in their group had become the protagonist of a romance novel. There was a sort of entertainment to the whole thing. Everypony always ended up with such different and unique stories, it could be a surprise to see who they were dating, and best of all, they all got to contribute to that story. At the same time, it was more than that, things like this brought them together, tested, and proved the bonds of their friendship. Bonbon had even become an exciting new addition to their circle of friends.

Deciding she’d kept her besties in suspense long enough, Minuette continued her story. “So, I put a hoof to the Stone and asked who my destined pony partner was. My cutie mark flew right off my flank along with Limestone’s and they started circling the thing! Then it spoke into both of our minds and basically told us we were meant for each other. So basically, long story short, fate has decided that I’m meant to be with Pinkie’s older sister! Correction, Pinkie’s hot older sister! Oh, and she’s taking me on a date next Friday! So, as you can see, I need help.”

Naturally, Twinkleshine was the first to speak up. “Wait, wait, wait, so you’re telling us that I left you alone for one night and you found yourself in a fated romance with a pony you only met that day?!”

“To say nothing of the odds that your special somepony would not only be in Rockville with you at the time, but would be right there with you when it happened!” Moondancer chimed in. “Assuming that this Choosing Stone does exactly what you say it does, and given that it’s you we’re talking about, one of the most well traveled ponies I know, that alone makes the odds at least a million to one! Add in the fact that you just met that day and who knows what other factors to consider regarding this mysterious Limestone character and her situation and it might well be even slimmer.”

“Forget about that!” Lemon Hearts retorted. “What’s she like?! Are you into her?! Is she into you?! How’d she react to all this?! I wanna hear allllllll the details!”

“When can we meet her?” asked Lyra. “I’ll be finishing up on a couple art gallery exhibitions here in Canterlot soon, so maybe Bonbon and I could take a train out with you.” she winked. “Don’t worry, we can be inconspicuous about all this if you haven’t talked to her folks yet, which I’m guessing is the case given the circumstances. Ooh, we could even come up with some cover stories for future dates if you need some time together before bringing it up. I know firsthand that in-laws can be… difficult, future or otherwise.”

“Okay, okay! I’m glad you’re all excited for me.” Minuette waved them off. “I’ll answer all of your questions, don’t worry. Lemme see here, Twinkle, Moon-Moon…”

“Still didn’t agree to that nickname” Moondancer grumbled, cutting her off.

“C’mon, it’s super cute! Besides, I can’t really shorten your name by half like all the others, just ‘Moon’ or ‘Dancer’ sound like they’re missing something and I don’t always feel like calling you by your full name. But what I was gonna say was that I agree with you two about this all being super insane. Like, I wasn’t even really looking for a relationship and I was just curious about who I’d end up with later in life, I never expected it to pair me with the pony who was all of maybe five hooves away at the time. Still, I managed to get photographic proof that it happened, so, definitely not a dream or anything. Now she knows that I know, and I know that she knows, and I kinda ended up kissing her, and said some things that gave the impression I thought we could make it work because I was afraid she’d up and bolt if I didn’t give her a reason not to. Well, that and it just felt right in the moment. Dunno what came over me.”

“Hold on,” Lyra interjected, “you did what?!”

“I’ll get to that one at the end, Lyra. One question at a time, please! So, Lemon Hearts, to answer your questions, she’s really toned, like looks-wise she has some amazing muscle definition, but not in the admittedly kind of freaky Bulk Biceps way. More like one of those models they use for swimsuit and fitness ads. Oh, and she’s an Earth Pony, more on the gray side than Pinkie, but then, at this point I’m pretty sure she’s the anomaly in the family where that’s concerned. She’s got a short, kinda off-white mane which was almost begging for me to run a hoof through it the whole time I was there. Personality-wise, I get the sense that she puts up a tough front to convince herself she’s stronger than she really is because she feels like she has to be. She has a strong sense of responsibility and takes a lot of pride in her work and her family’s farm. I think I like her as a pony and at the very least, I’m definitely physically attracted to her! As for how she feels about me, I’m not entirely sure, I think she likes me though. Or she wants to. She did kind of ask me out on a date, after all.”

Before anypony could respond to that, they heard a knock.

“Oh, I’ll get that!” said Moondancer, trotting out of the room as the others glanced between each other in confusion. They peeked around the corner, into the hallway at the end of which sat Moondancer, an ajar door, and Princess Twilight Sparkle. And they tripped over each other almost on cue, a pillar of peering ponies swiftly became a sprawling pony pile in the middle of the hallway. Out of the pile came a single name echoed by four voices. “Twilight!?”

Twilight gave a sheepish wave around Moondancer. “Hi guys, I guess Moondancer forgot to tell you guys she invited me, huh?”

“You could say that…” said Twinkleshine, stretching out the words as she held her forehooves about an inch apart.

Moondancer tapped a hoof nervously. “Sorry guys, I just wanted it to be a surprise. Y’know, the whole gang’s back together for a night of bonding and all that. Sure, Twilight’s the ruler of Equestria now, but what better way to relieve stress and make her feel at home here in Canterlot. And while she may not be the Princess of Love, I’m sure she’ll have some insight into your new relationship, Minuette! Soooo, what do you all think?”

There was a brief moment of silence before anypony responded. Then, a chorus of nods and agreements from her friends.

“Of course, this is perfect!” exclaimed Twinkleshine.

“Couldn’t have picked a better night.” said Lemon Hearts, nudging Minuette.

“Maybe the sun’ll rise a bit later tomorrow and we can all get a few extra hours of shuteye!” joked Lyra.

“You did remember to tell her to bring donuts, right, Moon Moon?” asked Minuette. “Oh, and feel free to bring Spike along next time, it’s been too long since the last time I saw the little guy.”

Twilight floated a box of donuts out of her bag. “Spike can handle device to raise the sun and moon if I sleep in. And if not, well, I’m sure Equestria can handle a few inconveniences as I settle into my new position. He’s still young for a dragon so I can’t really bring him out this late just yet, you can always visit the castle if you wanna come see him though, Minuette. I’m sure he’d love that! And speaking of love, did I hear something about a new relationship?”

Minuette nodded several times, smile spreading along with a faint blush. “Yep, or at least I think so, it’s kinda this whole complicated magic stone destiny thing. I’ve already gone over it with all of these guys here, but I’m sure I’ve got another summary in me if everypony’s up for it.”

And just like that, with some nods of agreement and words of encouragement from her friends, Minuette began her tale of unexpected romance once more.

“So, a few days ago, I went to Rockville with Twinkle here to take photos for the article she’s working on for The Canterlot Times about the recent improvements in rock farming and their effects on all kinds of industries…”


Princess Twilight Sparkle was sitting on the couch beside Moondancer, still trying to comprehend what she had just heard by the end of Minuette’s story. There was a magical artifact which could determine the special somepony anypony was meant to be with. This artifact pretty much told Minuette that she was destined to be life partners with Pinkie’s sister, Limestone. That meant that her old friend Minuette was going to become Pinkie Pie’s sister in law. It didn’t really help when Lemon Hearts chimed in with Minuette’s earlier account of Limestone’s physical appearance or when Lyra did the same with the stuff about how they kissed, forcing Minuette to elaborate. And to top it all off, Twilight kept coming back to the fact that these were two ponies who had only met a few days ago. All of it seemed like it was going so fast, it gave her a sort of mental whiplash.

Then there was the more pressing concern of the upcoming date. It all just felt like she was in something out of a novel. At the same time, hadn’t she dealt with much more fantastical and strange things between the threats to Equestria and her own ascension to Princesshood? When she thought of it like that, it felt a little less daunting.

Okay, now for the hard part, she thought. Dating advice for a couple joined together by a magical stone, dating advice for Minuette and Limestone. And I’ve never been on a date in my life. Oh please, books, don’t fail me now.

“Do you know where she’s taking you?” Twilight tried, reaching out with her magic for a cruller. She bit into it, only to realize she’d accidentally grabbed a blueberry donut instead. Ah well, blueberry works too.

Minuette swallowed her bite of raspberry glazed with a swig of milk, shrugging before she replied, “No clue, said she’d figure it out and we could meet at the station next Friday around noon. I was honestly half expecting her to have the date on the farm since it’s familiar to her, but I guess it makes sense not to have a date too close to home so her parents don’t find out.” She took another bite, chewed, swallowed, preventing some of the strawberry creme from dripping out with a quick swipe of her tongue. “I’m not sure how well she knows Canterlot though. Maybe she’ll stop by sometime before then and scope out a place or two, maybe she’ll be spontaneous and we’ll just wander around and pick a place. I gotta be honest, the whole not knowing part has me pretty psyched, like, in a good way. I’m not even sure I care all that much where we go. I’m more excited to find out where she picks if anywhere.”

“I get what you mean. Where somepony takes you for a first date does say a lot about them and what they think of you.” Twinkleshine said, matter of factly. “Some generic fancy restaurant may imply something along the lines of ‘I don’t know much about you in particular, but I want to impress you and I’m not afraid of spending a few bits to prove it.’ And while something more personal could say ‘I want to let you in on something I find special, fun, or important,’ it could also mean ‘I haven’t taken the time to pay attention to your interests.’ Likewise, if they go for something more catered to you, it could mean ‘I care about you and want this date to be a special experience for you,’ or it could mean ‘I’m trying to buy your love by giving you what you want, is it working?’ There’s a lot of nuance, and sometimes you have to get to know a pony better before you understand what the date means to them, while other times, it’s plainly obvious from the outset.”

Lemon put a hoof on Twinkle’s shoulder, giving her a knowing smile.

“Yeah, yeah, thanks, Lemon. Sorry if I’m rambling, I just can’t help but be passionate about these things. Sometimes I’m surprised I’m not the one with the heart cutie mark!”

Her friend snickered at that, removing her hoof to cover her muzzle. “And I’m guessing you’d have me taking on all the hard hitting news stories and celebrity gossip then, huh?”

Twinkle gasped dramatically. “Oh, I could hardly do that to you, they’d eat you alive!”

The group chuckled at that before Minuette cut in again. “Okay, so ‘read into where she takes me and try to get inside her head.’ Got it! What about clothes? Should I wear something on the date or go casual. And if I do, should I wear socks? Do you think that would be too much for a first date, or just in case, a second or third date? I’m kinda favoring a natural look at the moment since I kinda have her at a disadvantage being from the city and all, but then I also feel like the right outfit could really dazzle her! But then, I don’t wanna look like I’m trying to get her in bed on date one either. She made it clear that she’s taking this date seriously. I’m not entirely sure how to go about a serious date. I mean, should I even take it as seriously as she is? How do you even go about being a serious dater if you’re the datee? I mean, she didn’t really ask me to, but if she is and I’m not…”

“Minuette!” Lyra interrupted. “Calm down, it’s going to be fine. If there’s anything I’ve learned about relationships, it’s most important to be yourself. If they don’t like you for who you are, they’re not worth your time. Do the date your way and if you mess up, I’m sure you’ll be able to laugh about it later. If not, well, maybe that magic rock isn’t all it’s cracked up to be, or maybe you’ll meet again years down the line as changed ponies and click then, I dunno. And at any rate, best to show your date who she’s dating firsthoof, don’t ya think?”

“Yeah, thanks Lyra.”

“And socks are definitely too forward for a first date,” Lemon Hearts interjected. “Better for a third or fourth, maybe a second if you really think things are going places. As for outfits, I’m sure I can help you throw something together. She’s a farm mare, and worried about the sustainability of a long-distance relationship. You need to make her forget about those worries, really pull her in. Going casual is fine and all, you could probably make it work regardless, but it won’t hurt to give her something to fantasize about.”

“Lemon!” Moondancer chided, blushing slightly.

Twilight laughed. “It’s fine, Moony, Spike’s not around and we’re all grown mares. Honestly, you girls are already pretty on the ball with all the relationship advice. I guess I’ll throw in my two bits too, though. Fair warning though, I’ve still got no experience with the whole ‘dating’ thing, so this comes completely from books and my understanding of friendship as a basis for romantic relationships. The point of a date is to learn about each other, so ask questions, have fun, and try to be her friend first before focusing on all the stuff that comes next. It is only the first date, there’s plenty of time for everything else.”

Minuette nodded. “Thanks, Twilight. I’ll try. Really glad Moon Moon brought you, even if you don’t have a lot to say about what I’m going through, it’s very nice of you to just be here. Oh! And I’ll definitely try to come by the castle from time to time! Maybe I’ll even bring Limestone along at some point if things are still going well. I know, ‘best laid plans of mice and ponies’ and all, but better to hope for the best, right?”

“Probably for the best,” Moondancer agreed, “you’re at your best when you’re cheerful and happy.” She winked. “How else do you think you manage to sucker all of us into taking so many trips and breaks from our otherwise busy lives? I can pretty much guarantee you that if you sweep her up in your enthusiasm and excitement, she won’t stand a chance.”

Minuette’s smile broadened and in a blink, she was noogying her bespeckled friend’s mane with her other hoof around her withers. “C’mon, Moon Moon, you had fun on that trip to Neighagra Falls, and you know it! And I’m not the only pony who loves a good impromptu event or two when the mood strikes me, right, Lyra?”

“Well, I am an event organizer, so it’s kinda my job, and I usually manage to get free tickets. It’d really be a shame to waste them.” Lyra replied. “But trips are fun! She’s got you there, Moon Moon.”

“Not you too!” Moondancer exclaimed, turning to Twilight, “Please don’t start using that nickname too, Twilight.”

Twilight shrugged. “I don’t see what the problem with it is, it’s pretty cute really. But if you really don’t want me to, I can do that for you.”

And for the second time that night, as her friends are fond of saying, the Moon went red.


As the night drew to a close, Moondancer’s friends began to settle in for the night. All except one alicorn princess. They had a tradition of staying the night at the house where the Midnight Donut was held, but Twilight couldn’t be a part of that. She had royal responsibilities, but reassured the group of friends that they might be able to hold the next one in the castle.

Moondancer had invited their old friend along for exactly the reason she’d given Minuette and crew. That wasn’t the only reason though. There was a feeling in her heart she couldn’t quite rid herself of, no matter how much she told herself that pursuing it would be madness. Still, her old flame for her childhood friend stood the test of not only time, but also rank and status.

So then, it was inevitable that Moondancer asked Twilight if she could walk her home. Even knowing that Twilight could easily fly home. Even knowing that she was a powerful alicorn princess who had saved Equestria with her friends several times over and could easily handle any pedestrian threat that may trouble her. Even knowing that she was so far out of her league, she might as well be in another division.

At the same time though, when Twilight mentioned having never dated, she couldn’t help but feel a small hope ignite within her heart. It filled her with warmth, and the night brought with either a feeling of recklessness or confidence, she couldn’t quite decide. When Twilight said okay, the feeling only grew.

It was cold outside when they left, Moondancer and Twilight were bundled in winter coats and hats complementary to their coats as they strolled down nearly empty streets. Moondancer could only imagine it was almost three in the morning when they left. It would take at least thirty minutes to reach the castle by hoof, and she suddenly found guilt joining the bubbling pot of emotion inhabiting her heart. Then, almost inexplicably, determination joined that feeling. If she ever had a chance, it was now. She had to at least try, she couldn’t just let this be the night she inconvenienced Twilight and gave up on her feelings entirely. She’d convinced herself that if she couldn’t let Twilight know her true feelings tonight, she’d never be able to. And then she’d spend the thirty minute walk home mentally berating herself, possibly the rest of her life regretting it.

About nineteen silent minutes into the trip to the castle, she finally spoke up.

“Hey, Twilight?” she asked, voice struggling to rise above a whisper.

Startled, Twilight jolted to a stop, turning to face her friend. “Err, yes Moony?”

“There’s um, something I need to… confess.”

Here it was, moment of truth. Now or never. C’mon Moondancer, just say it! No getting lost in that flowing mane or those deep purple eyes of hers! Just words, just actions! Just like a band-aid! “I’ve had a crush on you since we were fillies!”

And there it was. Maybe that was too much. She’d never felt so exposed in her life, heart pounding, frozen in place, unable to walk back her words no matter how badly she wanted to, waiting for a reply which would likely shatter her in an instant. She fought back the wince which felt like the natural response to incoming blows such as this. I said it. I can’t falter. If I don’t she’ll think it’s a joke. Maybe she’ll think I’m a joke. If she doesn’t already. No, no, none of that. Just stop trembling, dammit!
As Twilight’s muzzle opened to voice her response, Moondancer’s thoughts ejected from her mouth almost like a reflex. “Please don’t make me say it again! It was hard enough the first time!”

“Since…” Twilight repeated.

“Yes,” Moondancer replied.

“So, even now?”

“Yes, even now.”

“Wow, um, so, what happens now?” Twilight asked, giving Moondancer a confused look.

“Uh, you give me a response. I think. I dunno, tell me you like me too or I’m disgusting and you never wanna see my face again. Well, maybe not that extreme, but… I don’t know, Twilight, I figured you just would.” Moondancer replied, gaze going from rigid and terrified to incredulous and mystified.

Twilight tapped at the ground with her hoof a few times. “Well, I uh… I really like your… mane? Celestia, Moony, I’m not sure how to feel about all this. Maybe I like you, maybe I don’t, I just haven’t really had a ton of time to think about it. When I knew you as a filly, I was always just so wrapped up in my books I barely even gave anypony aside from Princess Celestia and my brother the time of day. It still amazes me that anypony considered a pony like me to be their friend. And when we reconnected, I just felt so guilty, like I’d abandoned all of you. After that, I still hardly had any time to see any of you. I don’t hate you, that’s for sure. I’m surprised and flattered to hear that you see me that way. Maybe if we spend some more time together, I’ll see it too. I guess what I mean by all that is yes? Sure? Give it a shot? We can try a few dates and if we both feel the same way or not, we’ll figure things out from there, okay. Just know that I don’t know you like Minuette or Twinkleshine or Lemon Hearts or Lyra do, but even if things don’t work out, I’m sure we can find a way to be friends.” Finally seeming to get a foothold in the conversation, she pointed to her crown and gave her a wink. “I am the Princess of Friendship, after all, and if things do work out, well, my sister-in-law is the Princess of Love.”

“Huh, I uh, didn’t expect that. Wow, thank you? Should I say that, like is that even an appropriate response? I dunno, I just feel like saying thank you for giving me a chance, and thank you for understanding. I’ll give it my all, er, that sounds awkward too, doesn’t it?” Moondancer gushed. Now that the chance had been offered to her, now that the possibility she could have a future with Twilight Sparkle was a reality, she could hardly help it. She needed to show how what her response made her feel. Still, words fell short, so she soon fell into silence again. It was a happy silence though. A hopeful silence.

“So,” Twilight said, after a few more minutes passed, “what do you like about me?”

Author's Note:

Sorry I'm posting this late. Tbh, this is gonna be the least edited chapter so far, so if you see any issues, let me know. Still, I had a lot of those moments where the words just flow from your mind to the page with this one, so I hope that counts for something. Also drew some inspiration from my favorite lesbian romance writer, Melissa Brayden. I encourage anyone interested to check her out sometime! She's awesome and I have all her audiobooks!!!