• Published 12th Dec 2019
  • 529 Views, 21 Comments

Helix and Hooves: Trainers of the Future - The Kelduo

Two friends travel into the future to prepare for a dangerous threat to Equestria.

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Chapter 10: Duel of the Feathered Foes

Almost immediately after the interviewers, the path split in two. The first path continued east while the second path turned south. The Doctor checked his Rotom Phone. "Says here that the south path will merge with the east path further ahead. It'll be more straightforward if we continue east, but I'm certain we'll find some useful items and Trainers to battle if we turn south. What say you, Helix?"

I looked down the south path, which contained a Berry tree, a pond, and a Pokemon Camp, alongside some Trainers to battle. There were some patches of grass along the side of the path. "I have to agree with you, Doctor. Looks like there's lots to be found on the southern path." I walked towards the southern path, but a patch of grass on the east path caught my attention. "Actually, it might be better to check out that patch of grass over there first."

"Good idea. We might find some new species of Pokemon if we investigate the tall grass."

We approached the tall grass slowly, watching for any Pokemon that might ambush us. While the Doctor got to work catching the species that were new to him, I watched closely for Pokemon that were exclusive to the Galar region. Unfortunately, it was hard to find any Galar Pokemon with all the Drifloon, Swirlix, Minccino, and Stufful around. So I did what most Pokemon Trainers would do: battle every Pokemon in their path.

Corvisquire took down the Stufful while Hotshot battled the Minccino. I took on the Swirlix myself as Kilowatt zapped the Drifloon. I had to take a break every once in a while to heal Kilowatt, because some of the Drifloon had the Aftermath Ability and therefore burst when defeated.

The Doctor checked his saddlebag to make sure everything was in order. "Oh dear! I'm running low on Poke Balls! Helix, wait there while I run back to the Pokemon Center to stock up."

"Sure thing." I waved to him as he galloped back to Turffield. I used my Rotom Phone to check everyone's levels. It pleased me to see that all six of my Pokemon were at least level 23. "Good job, everyone. You deserve a break." I returned my Pokemon to their Poke Balls.


I immediately turned northwest and pointed a quill towards the source of the gruff voice. "You've got some nerve to call me pathetic. Are you sure you don't want to take that back?"

"Why would I? I'm only stating the obvious. Only a weakling would give his Pokemon a break before their power points reach 3 or their health reaches a fifth of its maximum."

I turned my quill into a Leaf Blade and held it at my side. "You sound like the type of Pokemon who likes to take chances. In that case, how about you show yourself and we can settle this one-on-one?"

"Are you challenging me to a duel?" A large, thick leek fell before me, and a figure used the other end to pole-vault itself towards me. The figure was a fierce-looking duck with a dark brown coat and a light-colored underbelly. The leek was easily double the length of the duck. "Then I accept!"

I consulted my Rotom Phone. "Is this a Galarian Farfetch'd?"

"Precisely," the duck confirmed. "Don't bother checking the Pokedex. I'd rather duel an opponent when neither of us knows of the other's capabilities. I find that to be the best way to train."

"Very well." I put away the Rotom Phone. "Let us begin!"

Farfetch'd lunged towards me and swung his leek vertically. I plucked another Leaf Blade and crossed both quills in front of me, successfully guarding against the leek. "A Grass-type, eh? Time to cut through your defenses!" His leek gave off a dark green glow, and he repeatedly tried to slash me with it. However, I parried each strike using my Leaf Blades, even as Fury Cutter grew stronger with each blow. When it seemed like my quills couldn't take it anymore, I dropped my guard and slashed at Farfetch'd with both quills. "Impressive, you are skilled in both offense and defense. Looks like a job for a same-type attack bonus!"

I spread my wings to fly away from the oncoming attack, but I realized that wasn't necessary; I had plenty of experience as a Pokemon, so I was certain I could take the attack. Even if I wouldn't be able to take the attack well, there was one other factor...

Farfetch'd brought down his mighty leek like a hammer, but it happened to pass right through my body. "Rock Smash had no affect? Your secondary type must be Ghost, then. That only makes you more vulnerable to my next attack!" He spun his leek around rapidly, turning his entire body into a weapon using a move called Brutal Swing.

"If Button Mash were here, he'd be reminded of a certain masked penguin boss..." I thought to myself as I ran from the deadly spinning leek. For the most part I ignored other wild Pokemon, because they were easily taken care of by Farfetch'd and his weapon.

"Perhaps I should have stopped spinning earlier..." Farfetch'd moaned as he reeled from dizziness. I considered this my chance to strike, so I flew at him quickly from a low altitude. Although I suffered some recoil damage, using Brave Bird was definitely worth it. After all, it hit its target directly and also knocked the leek away from Farfetch'd. "Hmm, you've more potential than I expected. But you underestimate my inventory!" With a smirk, he pulled out a smaller leek like the ones Kantonian Farfetch'd wield.

I let go of one of my quills and grabbed the other with both arms. I put all my strength into the quill, turning it into an even stronger Leaf Blade, more like a sword than a mere blade. "Come at me!"

Farfetch'd raised his leek for another Fury Cutter, but he was clearly faster without his other leek. This was enough for me to consider it an actual challenge, because he seemed to be quite good at swordplay. He even caught me off-guard twice by fooling me into thinking he would go for one maneuver and then making a different approach than the one I anticipated.

I chuckled before stabbing my Leaf Blade into his shadow and leaping backwards out of the tall grass. "You may have outsmarted me, but I have yet to meet someone who can outsmart Z-Power." I flashed my left wrist, revealing a black hand-crafted bracelet with a Z insignia. Embedded in the insignia was a green crystal with a symbol of a Decidueye's head. "Will you be that someone?"

Farfetch'd narrowed his eyes. "Z-Power? Such a term is unfamiliar to me. Show me what Z-Power is, so that we can find out."

"What a bold Pokemon you are. Very well, allow me to show you the Alolan might that is known as Z-Power!" I crossed my arms in front of me, the Decidueye symbol on the crystal glowing. "Why do I hide in the shadows?" I brought my arms to my sides then held both straight forward, one arm on top of the other. "Opponents know they're visible out in the light of day." I crouched down, my wings/hands covering the lower half of my face, and slowly rose up in an eerie fashion. "So they retreat to darkness, where they think they're safe." When I stopped rising, I lurched forward and spread my wings. "But I'm always four parallel universes ahead of them, for I have mastered the art of reading my opponents." Z-Power surged into my veins from all around: from my Pokemon, from my friends, even from nature. "The only way you could hope to survive my next attack is by reading me. Prepare yourself!"

Farfetch'd got ready to dodge, but couldn't move due to the Spirit Shackle I had pinned to his shadow. "An impressive signature move, and an even more impressive setup involving said move. Dodging is not an option, so I have no choice but to counter your attack!"

"Exactly." I soared high into the sky, producing countless arrows that circled me. I stopped increasing my altitude and looked down at the wild duck Pokemon. "I wish you the best of luck as you attempt to counter my signature Z-Move... Sinister Arrow Raid!"

I swooped down towards Farfetch'd, who gripped his leek in preparation for my attack. I unleashed a dive bomb, but he crouched to avoid it. Seeing the onslaught of arrows coming at him, he twirled his leek to deflect them. "Did you really expect to hit me with those arrows? I am the most elite of my kind on this route!"

Facing away from Farfetch'd and the arrows he deflected or avoided, I grinned. "Nope. I didn't intend to hit you with those arrows. Are you ready for me to show you why I launched those arrows?"

He looked at the arrows around him, and his eyes widened. "...They explode, don't they?"

Boooooom! The arrows promptly exploded, causing Farfetch'd to collapse.

He tried to get up, but failed. "Even with the special Leek... I failed to unlock my critical power... Am I simply considered not worthy in the eyes of fate...?"

I thought back to the days when I was corrupted by rage and tried to find some worthy opponents to unleash my rage on. "That is where you're wrong." I knelt down and offered my wing to Farfetch'd. "It isn't that you're not worthy. The true reason why I battled you was to prove that you can still grow stronger."

"And how..." He looked up at me with distrust in his eyes. "...does this prove that I can grow more powerful?"

"Oh? You don't know about me? I'm Helix, and I just came here to Galar. I am proof that you can become even stronger than before, because I'm not your average Pokemon." I pointed a thumb towards myself. "I am a Pokemon Trainer!" I showed off the medallion with the Grass Badge in place. "And I have this collection of Badges to prove it."

"Humph," Farfetch'd scoffed. "Doesn't look like much of a--"

"I also have this." I opened my Trainer Passport for the Alola region. Not a single stamp was missing.

"...Never mind. Seems you really are a good Trainer." He took my wing and got up. "I'm about ready to join your team."

"No, you're not." I rummaged through the tall grass and found his stronger leek. I dragged it over to him. "You almost forgot this. You don't go anywhere without it, do you?"

"You're right." Farfetch'd grabbed the leek and lifted it onto his right shoulder. "Is your Poke Ball ready?"

"Definitely." I took out my Poke Ball. "You've been through quite the battle, so I'd rather not hurl this at you. Why don't you do the honors."

"Of course, Helix." He pressed the button on the front of the Poke Ball and went inside. The Poke Ball rocked once, twice, thrice... Click!

I recalled Milo mentioning that Nessa, a Water-type user, was the Gym Leader of Hulbury. "Sorry, Rev Rock, but you'd take a beating in Hulbury Gym." I sent Rev Rock to a Box and added Farfetch'd to my party.

Just then, the Doctor returned. "I'm back and ready to catch more Pokemon! Did I miss anything, Helix?"

"Well, I--" Suddenly, one of my Poke Balls shook. "What's this? Kilowatt, are you okay?" I sent out the electric puppy to see what was wrong. To my surprise, he was positively glowing. The bright blue glow completely consumed Kilowatt, and his form began to change. The electric sac around his neck disappeared, and his body became larger yet slimmer. It was like he changed from a Welsh Corgi into a greyhound. "Hold up, I don't remember giving you an Experience Share. Come to think of it, I never even brought one on this adventure."

"What's an Experience Share?" the Doctor asked.

"Yeah, Helix, what is it?" Kilowatt chimed in.

I gave Kilowatt a confused look. "Wait, they don't have Experience Shares in Galar? Strange." I turned back to the Doctor. "Anyway, in other regions, Experience Shares take some of the experience gained in battle and give it to Pokemon in your party that didn't participate in battle."

The Doctor was impressed by this. "Really? And you said you didn't have an Experience Share this time? Maybe Yamper doesn't need experience to evolve."

"Nah, that isn't it," Kilowatt said to me. "It's just that we Pokemon in Galar don't need to participate in battles to grow. We're smart enough to gain experience just by watching battles, and that's what caused me to evolve into Boltund!"

"Boltund, eh?" I checked my Rotom Phone.

"Boltund, the Dog Pokemon. An Electric-type, it generates electricity and channels it into its legs. This process allows Boltund to run nonstop for three full days."

The Doctor checked his own Rotom Phone. "Boltund sends electricity through its legs to boost their strength. Its top speed easily breaks 50 miles per hour. Boltund and Thievul are natural enemies."

"Oh, and before I forget..." I checked the Pokedex entry for Galarian Farfetch'd.

"Farfetch'd, Galarian Form, the Wild Duck Pokemon. A Fighting-type, Farfetch'd from Galar are brave warriors who wield powerful leeks in battle. The stalks of leeks in Galar are thicker and tougher, so Galarian Farfetch'd have become Fighting-types to gain the strength required to carry their leek."

"Farfetch'd?" the Doctor asked. "Never heard of it. Judging from its Pokedex entry, I don't think I saw any while catching Pokemon here. Oh well, maybe we'll find some new Pokemon down on the south path."

I nodded. "Right. Okay, let's head down that way!"