• Published 12th Aug 2019
  • 818 Views, 5 Comments

A Night Fury and a Unicorn. - General Sparky

A Unicorn and a Night Fury met on a hillside on a lone night.

  • ...

The only chapter

It was a lone, cool night in Equestria. Luna's moon has staring down on the surface as its inhabitants fall asleep.

A lone Unicorn climbed up Canterlot mountain and looked down on the city below. In the daytime, it was a bustling metropolis. In the nighttime, the rich and nobles ponies of Canterlot would attend grand parties or a local bar drinking with fellow nobles while the lower class of ponies will be closing their doors and having a good night rest.

In the daytime, she would be the laughing stock of the nearby town of Ponyville. In the nighttime, however, she would be a majestic creature, one which would have put everypony to shame if she was to reveal it. A dark secret she has to hide. Through her travels throughout Equestria as a mail mare, she has met ponies and creatures of all walks of life, from the poor to the very rich, from the ponies to the dragons. All those that she met never saw through her disguise, all but one dragon. A dragon covered in black scales, his eyes gave his identity away, just like hers.

Using the backdrop of the night sky, she let her disguise fall. What was once a gray mare stood a a horse of bright white. A golden horn stood on top of her forehead. Magical sparks flowed around her body. She lit her horn slightly, signalling for the dragon to come to her.

Not long after a small dragon flew up the mountain top and landed on her right. A small dragon of dark red scales stood looking at the Unicorn beside her. He subsequently let his disguise fall, revealing a moderately sized dragon covered with black scales. The Unicorn moved closer to the dragon and slide her head underneath his wings. She rested her head on the dragons neck. The dragon returned the gesture by spreading his wings to bring the cover the Unicorn, resting his wings on the Unicorn's back.

The Unicorn looked up to meet the dragon's eyes. The dragon returned the gaze and smiled at her. Neither creature wanted to break the silence between them, both are contented by looking at Luna's night sky and at the scenery in front of them. It was nice to have no one looking at them in their current form.

In Equestria, they were outcasts despite being of the same species as fellow equestrians. A white horse filled with outstanding magical ability in a primitive ponies' world? An excellent night hunter in a world where dragons do not hunt for food? They were well above their fellow counterparts in Equestria. Dragons that breath fire? How does that compare to one who has killed other alpha dragons before? Unicorns can do a variety of tasks that seemed amazing in this world would have been basic Unicorn tricks back in hers.

It took almost all their willpower to prevent themselves from revealing themselves in a crowd that doesn't recognize them. A majestic creature that spreads love and positivity next to one that creates fear and darkness is not something one would imagine. As the unicorn and the dragon gaze out at the moonlight, letting them enjoy being in their real form while they still can.

The Unicorn broke the silence by asking, "it is beautiful, isn't it?"

"Yes. It is beautiful, just like you my dear."

"Stop it, you are making me blush!" The Unicorn said cheekily, her cheeks slowly turning red.

"I am not lying my dear, you are one of the most beautiful creatures I have met."


"Yes. I never thought this would be your real form."

"Likewise. I never expected you to look so frightening and cute at the same time."

"I am not cute!" The dragon shouted in response, his cheeks turning bright red.

"Sure, you are, tough boy." The unicorn said, using her hoof to nudge the dragon. "Ouch that hunts."

The Dragon snickered. The Unicorn gave out an exaggerated gasp. "Why, you can't take it that a big strong dragon has laughed at you for failing?" The Unicorn gave the dragon a challenging stare, before both of them failing and rolling on the ground and letting out their laughs.

As they release their laughter along the mountain top, it dawned to them how long did they bury this feeling. Both Unicorn and dragon rolled along the ground, letting them experience their life before entering Equestria. They stayed in their own world until they bang into each other. The Unicorn looked in front of her, seeing the dragon lying on the ground, looking back at her. They looked into each other's eyes and blushed. They quickly gaze up at the night sky, looking at the stars that dotted the night sky. Except the stars was getting brighter and brighter and brighter....

"Mummy! It's time to wake up!" Dinky said, jolting Derpy awake.

Derpy woke up and saw her little muffin, she begrudgingly got out of bed and smiled at dinky. "Wow! you are an early bird today, aren't you little filly?"

"Yes, today a new dragon classmate is entering my school, isn't it exciting?" Dinky asked.

"I'm sure it is. Come on, let's get you to school so you won't miss the excitement ." Derpy said as she got out of bed and prepared breakfast. After breakfast, she brought little Dinky to school.

As Derpy reached the school gate, Dinky hop off to join her friends in school. As Drerpy was about to leave, she saw a small dragon with dark red scales landing in front of her. On the dragon's back was an even smaller pink dragon. The pink dragon waved goodbye and walked inside the school, interacting with his schoolmates.

The red dragon looked at her, and walked towards her. The dragon stretched a claw out and said "Hi, my name is Toothless. I am new around here. What's your name?"

Derpy stretched her hoof out and shake the dragon's claw, "Hi, my name is Derpy hooves, but you can call me Derpy."

"Did we meet somewhere before? You seemed familiar." Toothless asked.

"Maybe. You seemed familiar too." Derpy replied. Derpy's eyes widen as she realized the connection. She asked in a soft voice, "Night Fury?"

"Unicorn?" Toothless asked. Both of them chuckled and looked at their child in the school, playing innocently.

If only they knew the truth.

Author's Note:

1)My first attempt on a short story.
2) It was supposed to be a cute little story, I hoped that it has achieved that.
3)What do you guys think? Leave your constructive comments in the comment section down below.
That is all, General Sparky out