• Published 5th Aug 2019
  • 1,973 Views, 24 Comments

My Little Pony: Hybrid Friendship is Magic - Zipp Storm

Twilight and the Mane 6 meet an antisocial mare who is hiding from her past and hiding a secret.

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Jasira's Sick Day Part 2

Jasira was struggling to sleep in her bed, but she felt hot and clammy so she kicked off the covers. Minutes later, she felt cold and covered back up and that cycle repeated. "Ugh... I hate being sick..." she groaned.

"Hmph, join the club." Jasira gasped and turned to her window and saw Aura sitting on the window sill. "Aura, w-what are you doing here?" Jasira asked.

"I heard that you were sick so I wanted to come and see you." Aura replied.

"Why didn't you just use the front doors?"

"I wanted to surprise you." Aura replied. Jasira blushed and giggled before sneezing. "A-choo!" she sniffled.

"Do you need anything?" Aura asked.

Jasira sniffled, "Some tissues would be nice."

"Okay." Aura nodded and went over to her dresser that was across the room and grabbed the tissue box and placed it in front of Jasira. "Here you go."

"Thanks Aura." Jasira said. She took on and blew her nose. "Guh." Aura felt her head for a moment. "Hmm, fever?" Jasira nodded, "I'll go and get you an ice pack." Jasira nodded and watched as Aura left the room and sneakily went into Twilight's kitchen and pulled out an ice pack and went back to Jasira's room. Aura placed the ice pack on her head and Jasira sighed, "Better?" Aura asked.

"Much better." Jasira said.

"Good." Aura smiled. Jasira grinned at Aura when she heard the door open, "Aura Moon?!" Twilight and the girls exclaimed.

"What are you doin here?" Applejack asked.

"I came to see how Jasira was doing." Aura replied.

"Aww, isn't that adorable." Rarity cooed. Rainbow rolled her eyes.

"Well thanks for caring for her Aura." Twilight thanked.

"Oh it's nothing." Aura said. Then Snowflake came into the room and warbled at her sick rider, "Oh Snowflake, I'll be alright. I just have to rest." Jasira reassured. Snowflake nuzzled her riders' cheek despite the hot feeling.

Aura and the girls smiled at the two of them.

A few days passed and soon Jasira was feeling better. She was on her way to visit Aura to thank him again. She opened the door and came in. "Aura... are you here?" Jasira called but for some reason... no answer.

Snowflake sniffed the ground and suddenly went upstairs. "Snowflake, what is it girl?" Jasira followed her trusty Light Fury dragons and saw her nudging a door with her snout, opening it. "Aura..." Jasira and Snowflake walked in and saw Aura... sick in bed.

The poor pony was really red in the cheeks and had an ice pack on his head and tissues covering his bed. "Huh...? Sniffle, oh hey.. cough cough."

"Oh no, you got sick being around me." Jasira cooed, feeling guilty.

"It's fine. A-choo!" Aura said. "It was worth it."

Jasira rubbed Aura's cheek, "Don't worry, Snowflake and I will take care of you." Aura smiled before he head his stomach growling. "...Hehehe, could you make me something to eat? I haven't had anything to eat yet." he asked sheepishly.

"Sure." Jasira said. "Come on Snowflake."

Snowflake followed Jasira as they both went to make Aura something to eat and help him feel better. Just like he did for her.