• Published 5th Aug 2019
  • 5,243 Views, 75 Comments

Awkward Celebrations - Vore Crimes

Fluttershy introduces Discord to her family... as her boyfriend.

  • ...

The Morning After

Discord rarely had trouble sleeping. Tonight was an exception. He lay curled around his marefriend her sweat-matted, yellow coat reflecting a blue-ish tint in the moonlight. With each of her shallow, light breaths, she pressed her chest into his and blew hot damp air into his neck. Her tail had intertwined itself with his as they slept, the long pink hairs brushing against him occasionally.

It was all incredibly bothersome.

Regardless, he made no motion to disentangle himself from her. He’d found himself in this situation more than often in these three months since they started dating, and Fluttershy’s touch never kept him awake. On the contrary, it almost always served to knock him out or wear him out.

But sleep evaded him tonight, not for a lack of want, but instead for dread.


The future never usually bothered discord, so why on earth did he suddenly care about tomorrow? Tomorrow was Hearth's Warming day, a rather silly pony tradition in celebration of a rather silly pony fable. Unfortunately, it was also the day that the three month secret of their relationship would be revealed... to Fluttershy’s family.

He thought back on the past. The struggle to save Fluttershy from the changeling hive without his everpresent magic. And, his eventual realization.

He’d confronted her in the same way he did anything, rather suddenly, finding her alone in her room the night after the rescue.

For all his intelligence he never could manage tact around his feelings for her.

“Fluttershy, when I lost you I learned something about myself. I don’t know what to make of it, but I do think I’m in love with you.”

The pair had stood there for what seemed like an eternity. For the first time in his life, he’d run out of words. Finally, though, she flew up to wrap her forehooves around his neck and whisper, “Discord, I love you too” into his ear.

Discord smiled at the memory, running his clawed hand down Fluttershy’s spine, and smoothing out a particularly unruly tuft of her coat.

It was a good day, Discord thought to himself, he’d spent Hearth's Warming eve with Fluttershy and her friends, and most of the night with Fluttershy in her… their? Bed. She had loved his gift to her, and he had loved her gift to him, for these few moments, with his marefriend sleeping blissfully in his arms, all was right in the world.

But sleep had to come eventually, and with it, the morning.

Fluttershy was the first to wake. Her nose crinkled slightly at the scents of musky draconequus mixed with the caked and dry aftermath of last night's… activities. He always smelled different in the mornings. She chalked it up to chaos magic. This morning’s flavor was ash tree and molasses.

With some effort, she pried her eyes open, freeing her long lashes from the sleep-gunk that attempted to glue them together.

Her vision was filled with the gray fur of Discord’s neck. It was a familiar sight, and one she absolutely did not mind waking up to. Slowly she uncurled herself, pushing her head forward into his scent and giving Discord his good morning kiss.

Now, however, came the more difficult part of her morning: untangling herself.

She experimented at first. Tentatively unfurling her wings and probing about with her rigid flight feathers, feeling out the lion’s paw that had done its very best to blanket her midriff.

Fluttershy gently slid her extended wing under the darker yellow coat of his heavy hand, meticulously prying each finger off her. Slowly, she lifted her wing over her head and let the paw fall onto the pillow above her.

Discord groaned slightly in his sleep but offered no further complaint. Carefully, she rolled off the mattress and tiptoed to the bathroom, finding her way easily even in the half-light of the morning.

Fluttershy stepped into her shower and turned the knob. The hot stream of water was a blessing that served to wake her like no other.

She heard the poof of his magic as he materialized behind her. Apparently, her stealthy bed escape hadn’t been quite as stealthy as she’d thought. Any complaints she might have had were silenced as Discord applied one of the many bonuses of dating a draconequus: fingers.

Discord lathered his lion’s paw with conditioner and began to massage the base of her wings, his dexterous pads sliding around the ball joint and working out kinks and knots that she didn't even know she had.

“Mmmh, thanks Dizzy,” she sighed, pushing herself up against the encroaching fingers.
“You’re quite welcome, dear,” she heard him murmur, his voice almost inaudible over the sound of rushing water. “Although, I’m not sure I’ll ever get over how cold the bed was without you.”

She turned her head upwards, an apology forming on her lips and a blush tinting her yellow cheeks. Then, she saw his cheeky, sharp-toothed grin, and realized he was teasing her.

She spared a moment to give him her best pout. Then she pushed off the ground, and with a beat of her wings, brought herself face-first into the shower-head, pushing the flexible nozzle upwards and away from her.

Discord yelped as the stream of water arced over her to splash itself on his coat.

Then she was giggling, and he was giggling, and the shower was filled with the echoes of their rising laughter.

Eventually, though, it died down, and Discord resumed his cleaning. His fingers sliding along her spine, pushing soap suds down and off her coat.

“They know I’m coming right?” Discord, asked, pausing mid-rub.

“Of course, I told them I was bringing my special somepony,” she said, rocking back and forth on her hooves to rub her back against his paw.

His fingers stiffened momentarily in her matted mane.

“Discord, are you worried?”

“Fluttershy, I’m the god of chaos-” Discord began.

“Don’t worry, I know they’ll love you.” She saw right through him. She was getting annoyingly good at that.

“Twilight taught you a spell to see the future?”

“No Discord. I know they’ll love you because I love you.”

A moment of silence passed between them, Discord’s paw once again sliding into motion.

“Thank you, Fluttershy. I love you too.”

After toweling off, Discord made his way down to the kitchen and got to work on food. Fluttershy went out to check on her animals. It was a practiced routine. Soon enough, the animals were fed, breakfast had been enjoyed, and the dishes were putting themselves away. The couple stood together at the door.

“Ready?” Fluttershy asked, her voice as quiet as ever.

“Of course my dear Fluttershy. You said they’d love me after all.”

Fluttershy giggled, putting a hoof to her mouth. She flapped her wings and brought herself level with Discord’s cheek, giving him a light kiss. Together, they stepped through the door.

Discord had long since decided that he liked teleporting far more than flying. It just made more sense. why fight a long and annoying battle against gravity when you could just snap your fingers and be wherever you wanted to instead?

But, Fluttershy had insisted that the view was absolutely beautiful. And, although he wasn’t one for sightseeing, he did like the sight of Fluttershy’s smile.

So, they flew, hoof in claw.

Watching the Ponyville townscape grow smaller and smaller beneath their wingbeats was rather surreal for Discord. He hardly ever left Ponyville. He didn’t know how or when it happened, but Ponyville had, with all its charm, sunk its hooks deep into him, and forced him to call it home.

Not that he minded particularly. He was free to do whatever he wanted (within reason), he had a very loving marefriend, and, there was never a shortage of entertainment.

His train of thought was interrupted by a distant, “Fluttershy!”

They sprang apart, eyes wide, determined to look anywhere but at each other.

Rainbow Dash streaked to a halt in front of them, buffeting Fluttershy’s mane with a residual gust of wind. Scootaloo sat, a broad grin stretching across her face, in her arms.

“That. Was. So cool!” Scootaloo cried.

“I know,” Rainbow gave her an affectionate pat on the head.

“H-Hi there Rainbow, how are you doing today?” asked Fluttershy.

“Yeah. I’m good. I thought it‘d be fun to take Scootaloo up to see my mom and dad with me.”

“Oh, that’s very nice of you.”

“I know right, I’m SO EXCITED. Oh, hi Discord, why’re you here?” Scootaloo asked, her wings buzzing with anticipation.

“Same reason as you,” Discord replied, a hint of annoyance in his voice.

“Discord doesn’t have any family to spend Hearth’s Warming with so I invited him to join me,” Fluttershy explained.

“Are you sure that’s a good idea?” Rainbow asked, arching her eyebrow.

“What do you mean?” said Fluttershy.

“No offense, but Discord kinda has a terrible reputation.”

Discord glanced up from Scootaloo to Rainbow. “Ponyville ponies seem to like me just fine. I’d even go so far as to say that some enjoy my presence,” said Discord, snapping pictures of Big Mac, Spike, and an arrow pointing to Fluttershy into existence.

“Yeah, but that’s ‘cause Ponyville ponies know you, Discord.” Rainbow gave an exasperated sigh. “Look, I’m just saying Cloudsdale pegasi might treat you different.”

Discord’s brow furrowed.

“Well once they get a chance to meet him I’m sure they’ll love him,” Fluttershy encouraged, placing her hoof on his shoulder.

“Uhhhh, well, good luck with that. Scoots and I have to catch brunch with my family, so we’re gonna head out. And Discord, try not to turn Cloudesdale upside.”

Discord snapped his fingers and a dark green military uniform, complete with a round cap and golden trim, appeared on him. Slamming his legs together with a click, he gave Rainbow his very best salute.

Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes at him and shot off. Turning her and Sootaloo into a rainbow blur with extra orange.

Once the wind of Dash’s retreat had died down, Discord turned to Fluttershy, snapping his fingers once more to remove the uniform. His eyebrows knitted together as his eyes met hers, “Do you think she’s right?”

Fluttershy thought about his question for a minute. “I think she’s partially right, Cloudsdale is different from Ponyville, but I think that once my parents see how nice you are they'll like you too.”

“Aside from you, I’ve never really cared about what other ponies thought of me. It's all very new. How do I make ponies like me?”

Fluttershy flapped her wings until she was eye to eye with Discord. Then, she put her forehooves on Discords cheeks, locking her eyes with his. ”Discord, you're wonderful. You don’t have to make anypony like you. I wouldn't be the mare I am today without you. Be yourself and remember that I'm here with you. It’ll all be fine.”

Discord gazed back at her, studying his reflection in her eyes and wondering what exactly she saw. Then, she closed the distance between them.

Their kiss was short. Shorter than he liked, at least. But in their brief moment of shared connection. He felt her warmth and her love.

I can do this.

Before Rainbow and Scootaloo could meet Bow Hothhoof and Windy Whistles, they needed to pick up some cloud cakes that the adults had ordered earlier in the week.

The door to the local bakery ‘Sky-High Pies’ jingled as Rainbow Dash pushed it open. The store itself was empty, aside from a bored-looking silver Pegasus in a ‘Sky-High Pies’ cap that pressed the matted red strands of his hair into an awkward pinecone.

Scootaloo zipped out from next to Rainbow to admire the confections shielded behind their curved glass displays.

“Woah, look at all this candy,” Scootaloo squeaked.

The clerk looked up to find the source of the noise, saw it was an excited filly, and put his head back down again.

“Rainbow Dash?” a timid voice called from behind her.

Rainbow turned, to see Fluttershy’s mother standing directly behind her in the doorway.

“Hey there, Ms. Shy,”

“Rainbow, I’m so glad I ran into you today. You wouldn’t happen to know who Fluttershy’s Special somepony is?” Asked the yellow Pegasus, her voice muffled as she turned her head to dig a bag of bits out from her saddlebags.

“Wha-“ Rainbow began.

Ms. Shy continued, oblivious to the stunned Pegasus in front of her. “Fluttershy wrote us a letter a week ago telling us that she was bringing her special somepony with her for our Hearth's Warming day celebration.”

Then, Rainbow Dash understood. As much as she wished she didn’t. There’s no way. Sweet Celestia tell me that this doesn’t mean what I think it does.

Scootaloo chose that exact time to interject. “Well I don’t know about special somepony but Fluttershy was flying up here with Dis-“

“NO IDEA! THANKS! BYE!” Rainbow’s hoof shot over Scootaloo’s mouth before she could finish that thought. In a flash, she’d scooped up the filly in one hoof, pulled the requisite number of bits from her saddlebags, and traded them in for a cake. She shot out of the store, practically dragging Scootaloo behind her.

“Well that was strange,” Ms. Shy momentarily pondered. But she had more important things on her mind: tea cakes. Whichever gentlecolt had been lucky enough to win her daughter’s heart deserved the very best the Shy family had to offer. She just hoped that the limited selection of confections on Hearth’s Warming day would be enough to make a good first impression.

Author's Note:

Vore Crimes here. I know it's been a while since I did anything on this site, but with the Bronycon freshly over and my love for fluttercord reinvigorated I figured it was time to come back to writing.
Thank you for taking the time to read my story.
If all goes according to plan, next chapter next week.
~Vore Crimes