• Published 5th Aug 2019
  • 809 Views, 35 Comments

LEGO Equestria Girls 7 - Chronicler06

In the Lego World, the opening of a new theme park leads to tension between Applejack and Rarity, while a magically enhanced object drives someone to selfishly threaten the rest of their friends.

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It was now almost midnight, which was closing time for Equestria Land. The few thousand remaining guests who had not already left were now gradually making their way through the exit gates back to the parking lot. Among these departing guests were the Equestria Girls — who had turned back into regular minifigs and regained their regular outfits after the end of their band’s performance — along with Spike and the Creative Mark Crusaders. Now that they were all heading home after their band’s performance, the girls also had to carry their instruments with them — for which Pinkie had to make use of that cart she had built in order to carry her drum set. As they left through the gates and started walking across the parking lot, they continued to talk about the events of the remarkable day they had just experienced.

“I’m glad Micro Chips actually remembered to let that security guard out of that weird room, once those holographic clones were gone,” noted Twilight. “I guess we were having so much fun on stage that we completely forgot about that guy.”

“I actually feel bad for Cranky Doodle,” admitted Fluttershy. “He sounded like he was really looking forward to watching that baseball game.”

“Either way, he should be glad we helped him out,” said Rainbow Dash. “I wouldn’t mind missing even a Wonderbolts stunt show if it meant saving the lives of my friends.”

“At least the Crystal Girls will be able to report good news to Princess Cadance when they return to the Castle Region,” Twilight pointed out. “Filthy Rich had not only obeyed all zoning laws with the construction of this park, but he also made all the right decisions he could’ve made in response to this latest magical incident.”

“I’m just relieved that we not only stopped Vignette from causing any serious harm,” noted Sunset, “but also made her understand that what she did was wrong.”

“Indeed,” agreed Rarity, “though it is quite a shame it had to come at the cost of her position as PR manager at Equestria Land.”

“Not to mention her reputation on SnapGab,” added Pinkie as she glanced down at her phone in her hand while slowly driving that cart beside her friends as they walked. “I had no idea it was even possible to lose over a million followers in only a matter of hours.”

“To say nothin’ of all those hateful comments that have been bombardin’ her SnapGab account,” noted Apple Bloom as she and her two best friends were also looking down at their phones as they walked.

“You said it,” agreed Scootaloo as she shook her head in disbelief. “Even though she did do some awful things, she doesn’t deserve to be trashed and trolled this badly.”

“And to think I was so looking forward to getting a chance to see her in person,” lamented Sweetie Belle. “But the very moment it actually happened, it turns out she would’ve done something totally evil to all of us and was stopped only at the last second.”

“You’re welcome, by the way!” quipped Rainbow Dash smugly.

Rarity turned to Applejack and hesitantly suggested, “Seeing as Vignette is without her phone and thus incapable of internet access for the time being, perhaps we should refrain from mentioning these online woes at her court hearing tomorrow.”

Applejack, who always valued honesty more than almost anything else, took a moment to consider Rarity’s suggestion, then spoke up, “Well, maybe not go into any details ‘bout how bad it really is, but we should at least let her know that loggin’ onto SnapGab might not be such a good idea for her anytime soon. Besides, now that she needs to find a new job, this could be a good chance for her to build some real connections with other people. She just needs to find what she’s good at an’ stick with it.”

“Easier said than done, darling,” responded Rarity uneasily. “Vignette has practically made her whole livelihood revolve exclusively around internet stardom for years.” She then smiled as she spoke up, “Even so, I shall remain cautiously optimistic for her sake. If she does end up sentenced to a few months of community service, as we anticipate, then all those charitable activities shall go a long way towards helping her rebuild her tarnished reputation. Given enough time, I believe she may have what it takes to prove herself to be a true role model worthy of the popularity she once took for granted.”

“So that’s another person corrupted by evil magic who we’ve beaten and turned into one of our friends,” remarked Rainbow Dash proudly as she arrived at the parking spot where she left her blue motorcycle. “All in a day’s work! We’re getting good at this.” She threw on her helmet, hopped onto the seat, and started up the engine, all while keeping her guitar strapped to her back. “See ya tomorrow!” The motorcycle engine rumbled loudly as she pulled out of the parking spot and headed out to begin her ride home.

A few seconds later, the group had reached Pinkie Pie’s van. As Pinkie stopped her cart and started loading her drum set into the back of her van, Apple Bloom turned to Spike and asked, “Are ya still sure you won’t ride home with us?”

“Definitely!” replied Spike without hesitation. “I’d rather spend my entire monthly allowance on a cab ride than take my chances with Pinkie Pie ever again.”

“That’s okay,” assured Pinkie as she shut the rear door. “I needed some extra space to pack my drums anyway.” As she hopped into the cart, she turned back to the three younger girls and said, “You three can just wait in the van. I gotta return this cart before we can get going.” She then began to drive off back towards the park entrance.

“Ah ain’t exactly comfortable ‘bout leaving you girls unsupervised this late at night,” stated Applejack as she slung her bass guitar over her shoulder, “so Rarity an’ Ah will keep ya company ‘till Pinkie gets back.”

“I do appreciate you providing me with a ride home,” Rarity spoke up as she slung her keytar over her shoulder. “My car is still in the repair shop, so I’ve had to rely on mass transit to get around town lately. Of course, I haven’t stayed at the park this late at night over the last few days, so I can’t exactly rely on the schedule I’ve gotten used to.”

“Just doin’ what any good friend should do,” assured Applejack with a smile. “Consider it a favor to make up for the way Ah behaved earlier today.”

“Please, Applejack, I was clearly much more in the wrong than you were,” insisted Rarity. “If anything, I should owe you a favor to atone for my atrocious behavior earlier today.”

“Oh, just kiss already!” snapped Scootaloo irritably.

Rarity and Applejack turned to the three young girls, glanced back at each other, then turned back to the girls while awkwardly stammering over each other as they struggled to get over the shock of that accusation.

“Mah barn door don’t swing that way!” Applejack firmly insisted.

“And I’ve fawned over plenty of boys over the years to know with certainty where my preferences lie,” insisted Rarity indignantly.

“C’mon, Scootaloo,” complained Sweetie Belle, “just because there’s nothing wrong with certain girls liking other girls doesn’t mean it’s okay to assume any girl could be like that.”

“Yeah, how would ya like it if someone suddenly shouted for you to kiss a girl?” argued Apple Bloom.

Scootaloo huffed and crossed her arms as she grumbled, “I have no comment on that.”

Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle shared a laugh at Scootaloo’s expense, which Applejack and Rarity couldn’t help but soon join in laughter as well.

Meanwhile, Sunset, Twilight, Fluttershy, and Spike continued to make their way across the parking lot. “I still don’t think you should take a cab home, Spike,” argued Twilight. “That money could be better spent on more important things.”

“You mean like those science journals with expensive subscriptions that you never bother to read?” retorted Spike.

“They’re reference material!” countered Twilight. “I’ll read them when I have need for that information.”

“It’s okay, Twilight,” assured Fluttershy. “I can give Spike a ride home. I should have just enough room inside my car.”

“Now that you’re offering, I guess I’ll be cool with that,” agreed Spike. “Out of all you girls, I actually trust you the most to obey all the rules of the road.”

“Are you sure you know where to go to reach our apartment building?” asked Twilight.

“We’ve been friends for some time now,” assured Fluttershy. “I always make sure to know where to find my friends if I ever need them. Besides, my car does come with GPS.”

It wasn’t long before they reached Fluttershy’s car. As Spike climbed into the passenger seat, Fluttershy placed her tambourine inside the car’s trunk and then climbed into the driver’s seat. Fluttershy took her time going over the usual safety checks before she started up the engine and began to drive away.

Not much time later, Sunset and Twilight arrived at Sunset’s red convertible. Sunset tossed her guitar into the backseat before hopping into the driver’s seat, while Twilight climbed into the passenger seat beside her. Once both girls were buckled up, Sunset started the engine and pulled out of the parking lot.

A few minutes later, as Sunset and Twilight cruised down the road on their way back into the city, Twilight spoke up, “It’s quite unfortunate, really. Last time we tried to take a vacation together, it was marred by that incident involving the Memory Stone. Now, an attempt to spend just one day off at a new amusement park has been overshadowed by a social media diva with a magical phone.”

“The feeling’s mutual,” agreed Sunset. “It sure would be nice to go somewhere that we didn’t have to worry about Equestrian magic for once. Though considering just how widespread it’s been getting lately, we might as well have to go all the way out to the middle of the ocean.”

It may have been an offhand remark, but Sunset’s suggestion was something Twilight found quite intriguing. After thinking about it for a moment, Twilight muttered, “I have occasionally considered the idea of going on a luxury cruise.” As she began to smile, she turned to Sunset and said, “I’ll look into it and see what’s available. If I find something that can work for all of us, I’ll be sure to inform you and the others.”

“Now that’s something I can look forward to,” remarked Sunset contently.

Author's Note:

And that concludes another story in my LEGO Equestria Girls series. Although this brings an end to this year's main story content, I'm now going to start writing a two-part short story that will focus on where many of the former villains have been and what will be next for them, so expect to see that about a month from now. By the way, now that I've seen the recent showing of that Equestria Girls holiday special, I've decided to make a slight change to my plans, so I'll post a blog later today explaining what will be different from what I shared in my previous blog post (let's just say next year is going to be very busy for me).

Comments ( 4 )

Ah, at least it wasnt the Point Of Remotness.

Thats where they dump all the space junk they cant reuse for shielding or reaction mass etc.

9924918 Since we all know the basics of what's to come (but not the details, since it's going to be my own version rather than the official version), that's an understandable feeling. Besides, I figured this was a good opportunity to sort of build a link between two main stories (which I believe I last did between the fourth and fifth stories), which should help make this series seem like a true sequence of events rather than an apparently scattering of ideas that we've seen in the last few years of the official Equestria Girls series.

Poor Cranky man needs a compensation for the missed game :fluttercry:

“Oh, just kiss already!” snapped Scootaloo irritably.

Scoot you're the best :scootangel:
Well that was good, you did improve some things like Vignette are not so dumb as in original, final battle are pretty epic as usually and of course Rocky and Mugsy (this two always put a smile on my face). Unfortunately that's still pretty dull (I really had to remind myself from time to time that this is the Lego world), though that's a problem of the special itself not yours.
Looking forward to the former villains story and of course can't wait to see what you have in mind for Spring breakdown :pinkiehappy:

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