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1- Start

Author's Note:

Editor/Proofreader = Twisted Colors - the almighty editor, the unmatched the powerful!

he's going to edit this chapter and the next one that is already done... So soon youll have the chapters.

Beautiful art here - harwicks-art

Is our universe unique? There is a concept that suggests that there could be other universes besides our own, where all the choices you make in this life play out in alternate realities, where all things considered fiction exists. The idea of parallel universes is known as the multiverse theory.

Based on the multiverse theory, everything is possible, universes so different to ours that the fundamental laws of the universe we know and abide by, may not apply within them at all.

Echo theory explains that if the multiverse theory is true; then every universe produce an echo. What does that mean? It implies that universe A and B have almost no differences from each other, but universe A and Z have nothing in common, every decision that is made creates an offshoot, then answer to a yes or no question will create a different parallel universe. Every decision be that what you want for lunch right the way down to the fundamentals of the universe's creation.

The echo theory also theorizes that everything we see as entertainment like TV Shows, cartoons, books, etc. Are merely echoes of others parallel universes that might or might not be disturbed, the easiest way to explain this would be the example of the telephone game, the first person in the line or circle whispers a word or phrase into the ear of the person sitting or standing to their right. Player’s whisper the phrase to their neighbours until it reaches the last player in line, the word that the first person said might not be the same as what the last person said at the end of the game, in other words as the echo of the alternate universe brushes past others they begin to distort, by the time the echo reaches you it might not resemble its originating universe, this would be the easiest way to explain the Echo theory.

You must be wondering why I’m explaining all of this. Well the answer is quite simple, and everyone will understand it, later, just know that those theories are correct

Year - 20XX

Jack Starling, twenty-five years old, thief, con-artist, womanizer, gambler. Those are the first things that come to mind when describing him. Jack had his redeemable qualities but rarely showed them. One of those redeemable qualities is that he loved children, in the proper and approved sense of the law kind of love. In his free time, you could often find Jack helping in one of the local orphanages. Perhaps because he was an orphan himself, he wanted to help other kids on his position, or he was just a kind soul, who knows.

Jack had stolen over four million dollars during his life, all of which he used to help sick kids of the orphanages and other people in need. His targets were always the same kind of people; politicians, drug dealers, human traffickers, etc. Jack had the philosophy that taking from the corrupted members of our society was not a crime. It was justice, but he never prepared for the repercussions of his so-called justice, one of the many corrupted people he stole from, eventually found and killed him.

Is death the end?

No, it’s just the beginning.

Jack POV

It was dark, too dark to see anything at all. Where was I? I remember being shot at my hideout, didn’t I die?

"I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but yes, you are dead." A voice said.

"Hmm was bound to happen anyway," I replied.

"... I expected at least a bit of denial", the voice said. "Or at the very least some questions, like why am I hearing a voice in my head, for example."

"No, it's alright." I said, "I remember being shot, twice in the heart, so my chances of being alive are pretty low, so why should I fight or denied that what it's done it's done, and was unavoidable."

"I see." The voice said while chuckling, "You are an exciting fellow."

"Thanks." I said, "I knew that one day it would happen,"

"The thing is," The voice said, taking a deep breath, "You weren't supposed to die today."

"Huh, what do you mean?" I asked.

"Well, you were supposed to die at your 82nd birthday." The voice answered, "You died 57 years too early; for that, I must apologize."

Out of nowhere, a blinding light started to fill everything around me. Once the light died down, I saw a man in a business suit sitting behind a desk with some papers. I noticed the room we were now in was underwater. The water itself was clear and stretched out as far as I could see. I’ll be honest; my worst fear is drowning.

"Where the hell am I?" I babbled jumping on his desk, trying to get something to hold onto, while hyperventilating.

"Oh yeah, fear of drowning, my bad." The man in front of me said, with a snap of his fingers, the room changed to a beautiful garden with thousands of roses and other flowers, "Sorry about that, really trying to figure out why you died before your day...today is really not my day as you can see."

"It's okay; I suppose we all have bad days..." I concurred, getting off his desk, "By the way...now I'm curious, just who are you?"

"I thought you weren't interested before." Commented the man with a smirk on his face, "I'm God."

"Huh, God..." I said, taking a good look at the man in front of me, "Well, I kinda expected something different, this is super anticlimactic."

"Anyway, going back to the subject at hand." God said, ignoring my comment entirely, "You died, and you weren't supposed to."

"Can you just revive me?" I asked, "You know being almighty and everything."

"I'm afraid I can't," God said, looking at me.

"Then let me die," I said.

"Can't do that either." God said, "Consider your life money, a newborn is rich, while an old man is poor."

"So you owe me metaphorical money?" I asked, raising an eyebrow at him.

"Yes, whoever orchestrated your death will pay for that." God declared, "It must have been one of my sons; they think it's funny to start messing with my job."

"Great, spank the kids." I said with a bored tone, "So what am I supposed to do with metaphorical money I can’t spend?"

"I never said you couldn't use it," God said.

"So, what can I do?" I asked, wondering if I could reincarnate if he couldn't revive me perhaps that was possible.

"You can't go back to your world, I can certainly restore your life, But I cannot simply place you back where you came from, there are rules about that," God said, "But you could go to another world, one where magic flows free,"

"So if I go to that world, will I die in 57 years?" I asked, after all, he said that I still had that amount of time.

"Haha, that's not how it works, though I wish it was. I kinda have to compensate you for all this." God said, while hitting his head on the desk.

"Aren’t you God, don't you like… decided how things works?" I asked.

"Yes and no." God said with a big laugh, "My wife also has a say in this. I made the world, but she made the rules."

"Oh, okay," I said.

"Well, one of the natives in the world you will reincarnate to recently died," God said, looking at some papers, all I was able to gather from said papers were two letters, BL, on the name.

'BL, what kind of name starts like that' I thought.

"You could use that body." God said, with a smile on his face, "I know you will love this world, you were a fan of a distant echo of this world when you were a kid, My Little Pony."

"My Little Pony?" I asked, surprised, taking a deep breath, "Is real?!"

"There is an infinite number of universes, everything that could exist does," God replied with a smile.

"Okay, makes sense, but why would I take over the body of some dead pony?" I asked.

"Well, I already reincarnated other souls thousands of years ago into another universe and the experience of being a baby, while having the mind of an adult drove every single one of them crazy." God said, with an apologetic smile, "It's either a body that already exists or a new adult body, in your case the existing body works better and I really don't want to make a new body."

"I see your point, not being able to talk and other stuff for years, must have a serious psychological impact." I said, "What about the compensation?"

"Ask for anything, if it's not too crazy or overpowered I'll give it to you," God said.

"Huh, well I always thought the power of the gamer, from a webcomic I read a long time ago, was super cool. I would like that," I said.

"Okay, anything else?" God said, taking notes.

"I kinda expected that you would say that, that wish was too much, and that I would only get one,” I said, I mean the gamer power was extremely op, unlimited growth indicated unlimited potential, eventually.

"Nah," God said, shrugging his shoulders, "Go on."

"I would love to know how to use my body, Biped to quadruped body issues, ya know?" I said.

"Oh, dear, no." God said, laughing, "I see your confusion."

"Huh?" I queried.

"Well, the echo that your world got from the My Little Pony universe was very distorted," God said taking a deep breath, "While it's true the creatures in that world are mostly ponies, they are more like anthropomorphic versions of it, imagine a human with fur and pony features, something like that."

"That's a disturbing image," I said.

"But I suppose I could give you control over the other parts of your body; your human body didn't have," God said. "Still too green, continue."

"No that's all," I said.

"Good," God said with a sinister smile, "if you kept making wishes, let's just say, hell was your destination, but you proved you are a human that can control his greed."


"My wife thought it would separate the worthy from the scum when reincarnating someone," God said laughing, "If that's all, I have work to do, and a kid to punish, by the way, you're the first soul I reincarnate in eons, so good luck."

"Bye," I said.

I came to my senses, laying on my back on a bed gazing up at the ceiling, the room had monitors, and I had some cables and tubes connected to me. Everything indicated I was in a hospital bed. I clambered to my feet and got out of bed; my body didn't hurt at all. As I studied my surroundings, two nurses came in running.

"Please your highness, you have to go back to bed." one of the nurses said to me, it startled me that when I turn to see her, I saw her name on top of her head, and her level.

LV 5 - Rose Hooves

'Wait... your highness? Please anything but one of the princesses!' I thought in the form of pleading; I didn't want to change my gender.

"Please prince Blueblood," the other nurse said, and on top of her head her name and level, now was for sure, I had the gamer power. "Don't make us call your aunt because you don't want to rest."

LV 4 - Meredy Flower

'Uff, I'm a male thank G...Blueblood! Oh for god sakes, nobody likes him.' I thought while getting back to bed.

"Now stay there, we will get the princess immediately," one of the nurses said.

"Where am I?" I asked.

"Oh, you're in Canterlot, inside the castle." The nurse said, "And yes, we have the best equipment to treat the pinnacle of perfection."

"Thanks, if you could be a dear Miss Rose, and, if possible, bring me a glass of water please?" I said, making the nurse look at me like I grow a second head.

"Sure..." The nurse said while leaving the room with the other nurse while whispering to each other, 'Did he just said thanks? And please?. He even remembered my name! He must have hit his head harder than we thought.'

As soon as the nurses left, I stood up and grabbed a mirror to look at my new face.

Like God said I was like an anthropomorphic pony, my hair or mane now was blond, my fur was white, my body was quite well built, and on top of my head was my name, with my title and level.

<The Gamer - Prince>
LV 10 - Blueblood

'Let's try,' I thought. 'Status.'


Gamer's Mind - Passive LV MAX: Allows the user to calmly and logically think things through. Allows a peaceful state of mind. Immunity to mass psychological effects and any other psychological effects.
Gamer's Body - Passive LV MAX: Grants a body that allows for the user to live the real world like a game. Sleeping in a bed restores HP, MP and all mass effects.
Cutie mark - Mastery Over Light Magic - Passive LV MAX: Allows the user to learn and improve light magic with ease giving a bonus of earning 500% more experience.

Telekinesis - Active LV 1: The user can use magic or magical energy to telekinetically push, move, lift, or otherwise manipulate matter in general. This even includes the ability to use magic as a medium to enable flight; the amount of mana used for this will depend on the weight of the thing the user is moving. 10mp/min per pound, a maximum of 200 pounds. The higher the telekinesis spell level is, the less mana the spell will use, and also, the larger the mana pool means that more weight can be lifted.

Grooming Spell - Active LV 45: The user can use magic to groom and clean himself to look fabulous, that all. 150mp for a full deep cleanup.
Anti-dirt Enchantment - Active LV 25: The user can use magic to enchant his fur and clothes to protect himself from any type of dirt! That's all. 250mp/h for a full-body enchantment.

'That's it...?' I thought. 'Man this guy only learned spells to keep himself clean, nothing beneficial.'

As I looked at myself in the mirror, I heard the door of my hospital room open, as I turned around, I saw the nurses and Celestia, seeing her I almost fell from the surprise, the name, title, and level on top of her head.

<Alicorn of the Sun - Princess of Equestria>
LV ??? - Celestia

The nurse I asked for a glass of water came up to me and said, “I told you, you had to rest.”

"Thanks, and sorry, Miss Rose," I replied, still staring at Celestia.

Again the nurses were having an internal panic attack. Apparently, Blueblood never had the decency to say thanks or please, then again I was a thief so I can't really guilt trip this guy.

Celestia came up to me, and hugged me, as she cried, “I was afraid you would never wake up, dear nephew.”

"I'm okay...auntie," I said, the auntie part took an enormous toll out of me, but I had to play my role.

"Rest for now dear nephew," Celestia said with a heavy look, levitating me to the bed like a baby, "Tomorrow we will try to figure out who tried to murder you."

'Wait...what?' I thought. 'I know he was an asshole, or should I say I... anyways but trying to kill him? Where is the friendship and harmony and all that?'

"I have my best ponies investigating the case," Celestia said with conviction, "I have to go, dear nephew, I just wanted to see you before getting ready for the summer sun celebration in ponyville."

'So this is at the beginning of the series...' I thought, "Don't worry auntie, I'll be okay."

"Alright," Celestia said, leaving the room, with the nurses following her.

"Now you know why I explained everything at the beginning" God