• Member Since 18th Mar, 2018
  • offline last seen 9 hours ago

Liquid Truth

Life's still pretty great


This story is a sequel to Laws of Celestial Motion

Twilight Sparkle and Albert Einstein found out that with science and magic, everything is possible. Literally.

They decided to open up a workshop that makes anything they can without ever questioning whether or not they should. Because, you know, there are customers to do that for them.

Is written with the same idea of Laws of Celestial Motion, but not necessarily in the same continuity (If there is one in the first place).

Don't expect comprehensibleness.

Chapters (15)
Comments ( 64 )

The wut is strong with this chapter.

I love the wordplay. Does it mean that the bow could become a bowl, a bowery, or a set of bowlegs?

And now I'm waiting for Discord to rage-quit or fall madly in love.

Magic, science, and wordplay? Twilight and Einstein collab? Yes, please!

Magic + Science > P(0)

Works for me. I can only imagine what Sparklestein Innovations will produce.

Oh, there's already another chapter. :twilightsheepish:

"She lives in Ponyville! For all I know, she's secretly a Guardian of the Everfree Forest ordering a Longbow! Or a sky pirate ordering a bow for her armored ship! Or a bowtie!"

Given Ponyville, these are all viable possibilities.

"Mafia Busting."

Excuse me, what.

Delightfully mad, especially the synergy with the stern look. This is going to be fun.

This is a really good story that exists.

I love this story’s absolutely ridiculous take on science, and it’s definitely a story I won’t forget.

This, this is what we call nailing tone. Although I was expecting a chapter and not a story, I was intrigued by this all the way through, and you transported me to another world for 15 minutes, one of my reasons why I read so much in the first place.

You really did a great thing with this chapter.

Well, that was something impressive. :)

I have no words except these: thank you. Thank you for writing this wonderful masterpiece, and thank you for pointing me to the masterpiece that inspired it. There's one line in particular that spoke to me on a personal level:

"Just exist for a while and be decent. That's heroism enough."

Again, thank you.

So if you neutralize a bully's acidic tone with basic compassion, she's left salty. Makes sense to me.

And yes, multiversal travel sans Sweetie is not recommended.

The clerk noticed her hesitation and said, "You'll get a refund if you die drinking that. Or if you die afterward for any cause."

Eternal life or your money back!

Commissioner: Panicky and overwhelmed SunnyBuns

And now I find myself wondering whether Sunset ever saw that form.

A fantastic fable with a great moral... though this Twilight is taking a rather disturbing bent. Just because you can doesn't always mean you should. Just because you don't have to deal with the consequences doesn't mean they aren't there. Still, well done.

"Even better!" she said. "I'm thinking, 'Lucid Sparkle, Twilightspawn.'"

... Why do I feel like you're trying to bait me into making a Magic card for this Twilight Lucy this Twilight?

Also, the mental fission does do a lot to explain the disturbing amorality of the last chapter. Good choice. From a narrative perspective, anyway. Not a very good choice on original Twilight's part.

"You don't understand," Trixie wailed again. "It was a gift from Trixie's long-lost father, and it will never be replaced!"

"I thought you said your father did shows in Las Pegasus."
"His two halves do. There was a tragic accident involving magical personality fission."

Sunset scoffed. "There's no such thing as destiny, kid. You're making it up."

"Cutie marks."
"That's talent, not fate."
"If you're always going to exercise that talent, what's the difference?"
"... I wish this thing was still full of vodka."

Sweetie watched in awe as ponies ran around in a panic—but efficiently—into the castle, following the tendrils of light. "How is this the only Ponyville to have evacuation protocols?"

Correction: It's the only Ponyville you've encountered with evacuation protocols. There could be more.

Wonderful chapter. There's actually sort of a plot now!

"I made a vaccine that actually causes autism! Want to try it?"

Wow, just wow.

Next to her sat Sweetie Belle, bobbing her head along with the music, her face smiling brightly at the happy tune despite the depressing lyrics.

Funny how I find this right after listening to Welcome to Paradise by Green Day.

As soon as Einstein came back with Newton, I knew where this was going. Brilliant stuff.

And just pay the Gelds, Parke. You don't win against ponies.

Sunset climbed them both and stood on their shoulders.

The instant I read this, I knew where it was going. And it was glorious.

I proceeded to declare myself the Ceiling god

Could I cheer you on? I'm a big ceiling fan.

Such memories never cease to fade even after millennia.

Uh, that means they never stop fading... :unsuresweetie:

Sunset pulled her sword back and swung it to where the previous lance came from, and sure enough, a charging valkyrie Sunset atop a pegasus came galloping with her spear held forward.

The question is, is her pegasus also a Sunset?

I haven't even said anything yet.
Kind of busy holding a universe together. Also, Spirit of Harmony. I don't really do battle royales.
Scared you'll lose?
Sunnybuns has aleph-2 power. I know I'd lose.

My self-indulgence aside, fun stuff, if a significant deviation from your usual wordplay-laden shenanigans. Still an entertaining read and some nicely fast-paced action. Looking forward to more.


Why does Newton have a daughter sword?


The sheer number of puns and clever wordplay is awe-inspiring.


That was good. Too bad two entire universes had to die first.


So...did Sweetie undo the double universal genocide, or...


Goddammit, Trixie.

Ah, yes, cease to fade, stop fading, never fade. That's why it sounded so wierd. :facehoof: Thanks for the heads up!

This was both incredibly touching, and remarkably hallucinogenic. I highly approve.

It's amazing what you can do with oneiromancy these days.

Commissioner: Panicky and overwhelmed SunnyBuns
Address: -
Preferred Delivery System: Self pickup
Contact: -
Item Description: Blissful Ignorance
Notes: -

You've got to be more careful with this sort of thing, a glass of water from Lethe would have fulfilled this contract handily.


I dunno, fixing a double-omnicide is a tough job for nearly anything.

Truth Is A Lot More Complicated Than An Internet Quote.

No kidding. Last time I used that line, I ended up derailing the comment thread as people brought up salsa and caprese salads.

Science is not dependant on the opinions of the masses.

So, about that guy at NASA saying Pluto should be a full planet...

Say you're going to sell tomatoes. Now, would you put it in the 'fruit' aisle or the 'vegetable' aisle?

"The produce section. Where the heck are you shopping that has separate aisles for the two?"

In any case, lovely bit of highly technical silliness. Though selling Everycrafted products outside of the shop seems like a potentially dangerous decision. Not everyone looks for labels before purchasing.


So, about that guy at NASA saying Pluto should be a full planet...

I would argue that “planets” should be considered a broad category with multiple subclasses, much like stars. Just as a star is defined by hydrogen fusion, a planet should be defined by hydrostatic equilibrium. Gas giants, terrestrial planets, dwarf planets, satellite planets, they’re all big round objects that do not and never have fused deuterium, just as supergiants, subgiants, main sequence dwarfs, and white dwarfs are now or did at some point fuse hydrogen.


Last time I used that line, I ended up derailing the comment thread as people brought up salsa and caprese salads.

Yep. That thread is where the idea for this chapter sparked into existence.

An enjoyable chapter. :)

(Yeah, I recall likely the gummi (spelling?) ship bits (mostly in II, because I mostly played II), and a few others. Other parts... ehh... And from what I've heard, the plot got even more confusing in later games.)

I was told that even the people who played every game still didn’t understand the plot.

Antivaxxers rejoice! A vaccine that causes autism! And guess what? You’re all ready for your shots!

Well it was an impressive fight, that's for sure. You know, in a way I feel that Lucy is a victim of her own genius, in her quest for power and certainty she's lost the capacity to hope, to have faith in something. The world must be a very bleak place for her, made of naught but calculations and wheels.

As to the post-script, well, that's the big question isn't it? "who am I?" Do you want to talk about it?

Even better, she was Standing on the Shoulders of Giants .

I’m the giant on whose shoulder’s you’d stand, if you could stand
I’ll give you a brief history of pain with the back of my hand.

Sweetie jumped toward an aisle just as her brilliant conclusion shattered because no one can outsmart bullets. Luckily, Sweetie was always prepared, and so she took out an umbrella and kept the storm of bullets at bay.

I missed this story.

As for the ending... I thought we were shading into Rick & Morty territory, but then I read the author's note. Obviously, I can't give you the answer you seek, but I do hope you find what you're looking for, preferably soon.

Ah, I'm sorry you've been having such difficulties; good luck, one way or another.

"Well," Twilight answered in a distant voice, "you'll kill yourself, waking up as two completely different beings that can never truly be a whole person anymore."


Sweetie's arc is a truly fascinating one. Hopefully she can come to a decision before trying to have it both ways through fission.

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