• Published 23rd Jul 2019
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The Ghost of Coltistrano - EthanClark

There are stories children are told of a figure in black, emerging from the darkness to strike at those who threaten the goodness of the world. This creature is the Ghost, but for young Silver Spade, it's his last hope for vengeance beyond the grave.

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Chapter 12: "That monster has taken too much from me already."

“You said he’d be here, right?” Honey fumbled with her bag. Her voice was shaky and her hooves rushed across the counter as she gathered her few daily necessities.

“I said he left a note,” Gilda replied. “It said to meet him at the town square.”

Gilda examined the note in her claw again. It was a smaller sheet of paper, firm and of an eggshell white color,with a border of thin gold leaf lining that glittered in the light shining through the bay window behind her. It felt smooth between her digits, with a satisfying heft to it’s form.

“Jeez, I could buy lunch with this thing,” Gilda muttered.

“It’s not right,” Honey said aloud, rushing past Gilda to the front door, wrapping herself in a dull green shawl. “He shouldn’t have left like that. Did he say where he was going? Was he with somepony? Gilda, why did you let him leave?”

“Hey! It’s not-” Gilda caught herself and took a deep breath before continuing. “I don’t know. He ran off to mess with Plunder and his creeps-”

“He what?!” Honey shouted while grabbing Gilda. “We have to go now! I can’t let my boy be taken again!”

With surprising strength, Honey yanked Gilda out through the door and into the street. Morning in Coltistrano was normally relaxed, with ponies either having already gone to work or just coming home from it. Today was different. As Honey bounded through the streets, with Gilda chasing after, a crowd of ponies began to surround her. Others were making their way to the town square as well, the group becoming thicker and thicker until Honey and Gilda came upon a veritable mob that formed around the central fountain. Ponies were pushing and shoving to get a better view, with some pegasi hovering overhead. Gilda followed suit and leapt into the air, keeping Honey in sight, and rose until she finally spied the source of the commotion.

“Ok, I have a black and gold saxophone here! Who owns one of these?!”

Gilda’s jaw dropped at the sight. Around the fountain were four carts, piled high with valuables and possessions, conducted by a single pony in black. He commanded a few pegasi in passing the items out to the crowd. In a single motion Gilda swooped down, picked Honey up off her hooves, and flew to the front of the crowd. As they landed a smile came to the leader’s face as he leapt off the pile.

“You guys made it!” Silver lunged toward his mother, lifting her in a big hug before moving to Gilda. She tried, half-heartedly, to resist Silver’s embrace as he released her.

“Sweetie,” Honey began, eyes darting from Silver to the carts of valuables. “What’s going on? Where did you get all of this?”

“I finished what dad started.” Silver stood tall, wearing a pleased smirk on his lips. “I ran Plunder out of town.”

“You what?!” Honey and Gilda gasped in unison.

“I went to the mansion last night and broke in. Everything here is something his gang stole from a pony in Coltistrano, so I took it all back.”

Honey Hearts tried to keep her lip from trembling. She slapped Silver’s shoulder, causing him to wince at the pain. She slapped again and again until tears fell from her face.

“You stupid, stupid, brave boy. I thought you were gone again.” Honey ended her barrage with a powerful hug.

“So he’s gone? You didn’t find him?” Gilda asked, astonishment on her face.

“No. I looked everywhere for him, from the mansion grounds to the train station. My guess is he’s run back to Canterlot.” Silver waved up to an orange pegasus. “Hey Peach, I need you to take over from here, okay?”

Peach gave a firm salute, floating down to the cart as she began rummaging. Silver lead Gilda and Honey out of the crowd and down the street to a small cafe. They sat around a table before Silver spoke.

“While I was there I found this.” Silver produced the red ledger, placing it between them on the table. “I’ve been flipping through it all night. It’s a detailed account of all transactions made between Plunder’s gang and a third party in Canterlot. My guess is it’s Shield Wall and whatever crowd he’s built around himself.”

“Wait, Shield Wall?” Honey asked. “You mean your commanding officer? I know he sent you to that awful island, but working with criminals like this?”

“Plunder was there the day I was abandoned in the ocean. His real name is Serenade. I don’t know what for, but this ledger says Shield Wall requested an eight-pony squad from Serenade four days ago, all heading for Canterlot.”

“Yeah, but what could he do with them?” Gilda questioned. “It’s not like he could assassinate Celestia or something.”

“He’s tried it before.”

Gilda shot Silver a surprised look. Honey, however, merely closed her eyes and began shaking her head.

“No. I can’t do this, Silver, I won’t let you put yourself in danger again.”

“I don’t have a choice mom. You saw what he did you me, what he’s done to our home.”

“Sweetie, I buried both you and your father in a year,” Honey stated firmly. “I don’t want to bury you twice.”

“You won’t, mom,” Silver reached out for Honey’s hooves. “I promise, but I have to get back at him. For Shining and Abby and for everypony he lied to. His goons killed dad, mom. I can’t let that pass.”

Honey said nothing. She stared at her hooves in her son’s, squeezing them softly as a few moments of silence fell upon the trio at the table. The sounds of cheering from the crowd began to dim as ponies and families walked teary-eyed from the town square. A unicorn mare, red fur and with delicate pink mane, came to their table.

“Ms. Hearts? Are you okay?”

“Oh, yes, Lily, I’m fine.” Honey wiped stray tears from her face as Lily turned her attention to Silver.

“You must be Silver. I’m Lily,” she raised a hoof, which Silver bumped lightly. “You might not remember me, but your mom and I worked together before you went out to Canterlot. Did you really get all of that back yourself?”

“Regrettably,” Silver nodded, chuckling as he clutched his bandaged shoulder.

“Ms. Hearts always said such wonderful things about you. Well, minus all the embarrassing stories.”

This brightened Honey’s face, who smiled and giggled as Silver blushed hard.

“Don’t worry, sweetie,” Honey said. “They weren’t the most embarrassing.”

Mom.” Silver groaned. Gilda chuckled herself, shooting a wicked grin at Silver that drew more of his blush to his face. Lily walked to Silver.

“Thank you. Thank you for everything you’ve done. Nopony’s fought back against Plunder like that, not since Trusty was taken. We all miss your dad, and I’m so glad you turned out like him.”

With that, Lily gave Honey a hug before walking down the street. Silver turned to his mother, whose smile had yet to fade. They stared at each other before Honey gave a long sigh and hunched over the table.

“Fine, fine. You’re right, and I’m not the only one Shield Wall’s hurt, but please be careful.”

Silver looked past his mother, out across the sky, as a wide smile came to his face. He stood from the table and walked out into the street.

“Don’t worry,” he said without averting his gaze. “I have friends.”

Gilda’s eagle-like pupils narrowed in the direction Silver was looking before she, too, stood up from amazement. Honey turned around in time to see a large shape forming in the sky. It was ovoid, colored a dull purple, and was coming in closer. It descended toward the cliff side and made a sharp turn before Silver could make out the shape of a ship underneath the purple mass. He and Gilda shared a look, smiling, recognizing the shape of the Tornado attached to a large balloon. Silver, Gilda, and Honey all ran off to meet the flying vessel at the cliff edge of town.

“Weigh anchors an’ secure tethers,” they heard Gorn shout. As they peered up towards the deck of the airship, Silver noticed a second figure next to the captain. In a bound, Silver cleared the remaining distance between the ground and the ship, coming face to face with a weary Darrox.

“You’re alright!” Silver embraced his mentor just as the ship touched down.

“Yes, yes, my boy, though I still require breath to function,” Darrox chuckled. Silver released him from the hold. Gilda and Honey both stepped aboard before the latter was pulled forward by Silver.

“Mom, I want you to meet somepony,” Silver lead Honey across the deck. “This is Darrox, I met him on the island. He’s the one who pulled me from the ocean.”

Darrox gave a soft smile to Honey. Silver had expected his mother to be shocked by the sight of an undisguised changeling, but Honey walked forward. She stared straight into Darrox’s face, with an almost piercing gaze, to the point where he began to squirm with uncertainty.

“You saved my boy?”

“Yes, ma’am.”

“You took care of him?”

“Of course.”

Honey took Darrox’s black hoof in her own. She held it firmly and shook, earning a sigh of relief from Darrox and he returned the gesture.

“Thank you. It’s the most you could’ve done for a mother.”

“It has been a pleasure, I assure you. Your son has thrived over the years we were trapped on that island and has only been somewhat of a headache.” Darrox gave a soft staccato laugh. “I am to presume he has told you?”

“Yes,” Honey replied. “That monster has taken too much from me already. If you’re going to stop him then I need you to promise you’ll look after my son.”

“Silver is more than capable to fend for-”

“Promise me.”

Darrox was taken aback by Honey’s persistence. She stared him down, reducing the once legendary hero to stuttering mess. To his surprise he felt a heat rise to his ears, but felt an even greater warmth from within Honey, a warmth he had not felt in many years: love.

“I promise,” he finally replied, giving the most sincere smile he could muster. Honey sighed and turned to Gilda.

“Gilda, thank you for helping bring him back to me. I don’t have the means to repay you, any of you, but I thank you anyway.”

“I-It was nothing, really,” she said before Honey wrapped her in a warm, soft embrace. Gilda hugged back, unknowingly, almost losing herself in the display of gratitude. Her feathers were left ruffled and puffed out as Honey broke the hug and left her with a smile. Darrox hobbled to Silver.

“Now, tell me, what is that commotion in the city center?”

“Oh, that,” Silver said, smiling a bit. “I found Serenade. He’s now one of Shield Wall’s associates and has been running a criminal underground out of Coltistrano. Their compound was in the governor’s mansion, over there.”

“Fascinating,” Darrox rubbed his chin. “Is he still there?”

“No, he skipped town. After I infiltrated the mansion, though, I found a ledger full of info. We fought before-”

“You fought him?” Darrox stood perplexed. “You fought him and he escaped?”

“Yeah,” Silver replied. “I know it’s not ideal, but now we know they’re working together. They’ve been recruiting, Darrox, and if we find him-”

“If you had waited we would not need to find him,” Darrox interrupted. “Do not become overzealous. You must be patient, instead.”

“I’ve been patient for six years,” Silver’s voice rose. “Serenade had been stealing from these ponies for who knows how long and ruining their lives. I had to do something.”

“I do not fault your intentions, my boy, only your enthusiasm. Remember-”

“They killed my father, Darrox!”

Darrox’s mouth snapped shut. Silver was breathing hard and the eyes of the deck were on him. The tension soon left his face, leaving only a solemn expression.

“I’m sorry, Darrox, you’re right. If I had-”

“No, forgive my haste,” Darrox stated. “I did not know the stakes. Knowing that, I am more proud you didn’t take your revenge in blood than I am disappointed. What all have you learned?”

Darrox lead Silver to the other side of the deck, away from the group. The two sat on the wooden floor as Silver produced the ledger.

“It’s a list of transactions and correspondence,” he began. “Serenade has been running a criminal operation out of Coltistrano for almost six years. It started with smuggling, but soon turned to black market trading and mercenary work. They… they killed my dad when he stood up to them. Since then, they’ve been sending shipments to Canterlot in the form of money and recruits. A bunch of shady stuff, Darrox, and the last entry says Serenade sent a group of his worst up that way, but doesn’t say why.”

“It is very possible Serenade does not know. If he is in league with Shield Wall, as this ledger suggests, then he has become a mere puppet to use. Not an equal.”

“One way or another, though, we have to get to Canterlot. I don’t want to imagine what Shield Wall would do with a band of mercenaries like these.”

“Neither do I.” Darrox turned toward the center of the deck. “Gorn. How long of a trip to Canterlot?”

“A few hours, sir,” Gorn shouted from above. “Best ye expect a night voyage, though, us bein’ an unregistered airship now, an’ all.”

“Unfortunate. That will give Serenade enough time to warn Shield Wall of this interference.” Darrox turned back to Silver. “But it gives us plenty of time to deduce the nature of his plan… and say farewell for now.”

Darrox nudged his head over to Honey Hearts. Silver made a double take, darting his vision between his mentor and his mother.

“It has been years, my boy, I would not dare fault you a reunion.”

Silver could only smile. He stood and patted Darrox’s shoulder before running back to Honey. Darrox, though, turned his attention back to the ledger. His expression soured.

“What have you planned this time?”

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