• Member Since 5th Jul, 2016
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Just a guy who found out that a show about talking ponies is a lot better than I expected.


The Dazzlings and the Rainbooms have been hanging out together for a while now. But Aria decides she needs more if she's gonna fully trust them. The solution? A fistfight, of course.

Proofread and improved by the great forbloodysummer

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 8 )

Great to see you published it, I'm glad you're happy with how this turned out :twilightsmile:

I particularly like Sonata's enthusiasm in the face of everyone else's horror :yay:

read it.... my opinion... decent so far. Wish there were more... but, I guess this is a one-shot story... 6/10

So when I read this...

Aria Blaze challenges the Rainbooms to a fistfight. Surprisingly, they don't think this is a terrible idea.

....I had a totally different story in my head, one that'd make me nervous for Flutters. I'm glad to be wrong.

See, I pictured it as:

Step 1: Aria challenges the Rainbooms. They take a day or two to decide.

Step 2: Aria happens to pass by Fluttershy's workplace, and sees her suplexing a full grown kodiak bear (actually just giving Harry his monthly chiropractic treatment)

Step 3: "Err, yeah, see, I meant in the game Mortal Hoofbat, yeah!"

They could have made a lot of money selling tickets

This was both touching and exciting. You made Aria both very badass and very relatable. Well done.

It was fun to see the fight.

Sunset got into fights? Well, she obviously had piss-poor opponents. Fighting against a madman like me would have mentally scarred her for life. It's nice to have the strength of more than 10 men and an immunity to pain on my side. I can shrug off just about anything and my attacks aren't exactly pleasant to be on the receiving end of, so yay me!

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