• Published 13th Aug 2012
  • 8,410 Views, 317 Comments

They Grow Up... - overlord-flinx

...But that doesn't mean we can't meddle. If for their best interest, we should step it. Always.

  • ...

Part 7: Mother knows best?

"Your papers all check out... Though, I have some protest on your request."

"Protest? Why? Our papers check out, and don't we just look like the perfect couple?"

"Yes, that's all true... But... Mr. Chief--"

"It's pronounced Chif..."

"Mr. Chif... I can see you and your wife's papers are very well done and documented. But... Don't you at least want to look over a few of the other colts and fillies?"

"Nope. We know the one we want. We like the cut of his jib."

"...Alright. I'll sign off on the papers for Pipsqueak's adoption if you're so sure."

"Trust us; we know he'll just love us. And, heck, we may even love him just as much."

How many hours had gone by...? One? Two? Three!? How much longer did she have to suffer! 'Disarm' seemed unfazed by the whole ordeal. Unlike 'Crystal', the goat kept a level head and kept close to Pip. 'Crystal' watched as the goat and colt took a seat by a fountain, still brooding in her laying annoyance. "So, Pip-rip, been meaning to a-a-a-a-ask you something..." Disarm Honey 'bah'd' out his words as he fixed his own flank into the dirt beside Pip.

"As your guide an' friend, be 'appy to answer anything ya' want," Pip said with his usual cheery smile.

"A while ba-a-a-a-ack, you were talking about a filly named Scootaloo," Pip nodded, letting Disarm go on, "I was wondering... Do you have a special somepony that isn't your 'mummy'?" his tone seemed almost mocking, but Pip still chuckled at the comment.

Crystal's head shot up and looked at the two with overcoming bewilderment. He... He's doing the job... He's doing the job! Makers of mine, he can do something right! She waited with excitement as her eyes set against the two conversing boys. Pip made for a shy look as he pressed a hoof to his scarf, as if trying to collect his thoughts. In that moment Chrysalis saw hope; bashfulness was ringing through his face. But, she would have to wait.. The plan was too far along to blow it now. "Special somepony? Well... A'right... But don't go tellin' it round town..."

Atlantis, go drown yourself. El Dorado, not even going to bother. I have found the golden goose, and she will spring forth all I desire! Chrysalis was exploding on the inside as her eyes bulged from her; every moment of anticipation was now stabbing her. Discord in his shape of a goat still looked like the same uncaring tone he always was, except for his hind leg thumping firmly into the dirt behind him. Pip cleared himself and gave a wry smile. "Ya' see... There's this one mare--"

"Pippy!" a sharp whistle filled the air, cutting off Pip's thought and snapping Crystal and Disarm's attention to down the road.

So... Close... Chrysalis started to seethe with rage, accidental letting a green flame spark at the end of her tail at just an ember. However, the flame and her rage quickly were doused as she caught sight of the one who interrupted. It was a mare...! But not just any mare, no. She was fair, lean, and had a winning posture. A coat of pink and mane of pale violet with white streaks that had a rather stylish frame tiara tucked into the top. The mare trotted down the road towards the trio, holding Disarm and Crystal's eyes like none-other. She's PERFECT! Her gate, her stride, her calling expression! YES!

WOOP! WOOP! Hoe-dar is going full skank readings! Disarm, unlike Crystal who had sprang next to him, wasn't at all amused as his muzzle formed a crooked scowl.

When Pip looked up and saw the young mare, he chipped a smile and kicked to his hooves. "Afternoon to ya', Tiara." He greeted the mare once she was within regular speaking distance.

Tiara? Oh, this one is a winner... Chrysalis snickered to herself as she braved a moment to study this new mare.

Tiara? OH, this one's a REAL winner... Discord rolled his yellow eyes, though kept his thoughts to himself.

Diamond Tiara giggled as she neared Pip, one of her hooves flaunting against her well kept mane. Crystal nearly crumbled at her wobbling legs at Diamond Tiara's action while Disarm seemed to hold down a gag. "Good afternoon to you too, Pippy..." when she turned a glance to the other two with Pip, her 'delightful' expression took a sharp turn into a grimace of disgust, "Who're your... friends?"

Pip didn't miss a beat, except the beat of noticing Diamond Tiara's harsh expression. "Diamond Tiara, these are Crystal..." Crystal waved very enthusiastic at the mare as she was introduced, "...And Disarm Honey."

Disarm opened his mouth to comment, but was cut off as Diamond Tiara took her attention away and returned to looking at Pip with a limpid glance. "Right-so! Pippy..." Scum-sucking--! "...I missed you at the shop earlier. I wanted to ask you something."

"Sorry 'bout that. 'Ad ta' give these two a tour round town," Pip snickered and gave a playful nudge to the goat beside him.

"Uh-huh, yeah--So!" If she does that one more time... "I wanted to ask you-seeing as it is Hearts and Hooves day tomorrow..." Diamond Tiara's front hoof started to move circles in the dirt below her as she tried to hint her words.

At the same time, Disarm Honey's eyes shot extremely wide with a mix of emotions swelling into them. Oh-ho-ho-ho! No you don't hoe! Not with my boy you wont! From the corner of Crystal's eye, she could see 'Disarm's' tail curling out from behind him as it started to twist and furl. The scruffy tail of the goat soon started to take on a life of its own and mimicked the act of fingers snapping before falling limp once more. "So, if you didn't have a---" Diamond Tiara's throat suddenly felt heavy as feeling left her hooves.

She had only a second to glance down to see that a manhole somehow opened underneath her hooves before she fell in and splashed loudly against the sewer system under Ponyville. Her scream of disgust and surprise literally fell under mucky water as the current of sewage swept her away. Left there with only the last image of a mare falling into a manhole, Pip and Crystal stood dazed and confused. "...Surprise manholes... Gotta look out for those..." Disarm spoke up with a casual tone.

In spite of the death glare he soon received from 'Crystal' Pip shrugged himself once and looked back to the goat. "Ya' know--that's completely true. man'oles come out of nowhere these days!" He shook his head and let out a sigh, "'Ope she'll be a'right... Wonder what she 'ad ta' ask me..."

"She'll be fine! And I'm sure it was nothing!" Disarm laughed and put one of his legs around Pip's neck, pulling him into a friendly grapple. Discord One. Skank Patrol Zero.

I will not be so easily defeated, mark my words cretin. That one was perfect! I can only imagine the amount of love we could have fed off from such a high-grade harlot...

Within Canterlot, only the elite or noble are privileged enough to live in such an elegant and prestigious setting as the inner walls of Canterlot. Though, it comes as no surprise that parents would send their young fillies and colts to Ponyville for a more steady and homey education before their teen-hoods. In time, many of those same colts and fillies, once they reach their teens, grow more used to the way of Ponyville and take up residence there. But, for mares like Diamond Tiara, that's a thought that never crosses their mind. Such a rural and uncivil town with rural and uncivil ponies...

Inside one of the houses lining one of the may roads that fill Canterlot, a young mare sat silently on one end of a rather long mahogany dinner table. A plate of rather well cut and conditioned lettuce with carrots had been placed before her, though she gave it only a blank look from behind her glasses. "...Mom?" She spoke up, looking to the other end of the table. "What do you do when you like a boy?"

Silver Spoon regretted even asking when she saw her mother jump out of her chair and slam two hooves commandingly against the table. "You take!" The burning conviction her mother spouted across the table sent Silver Spoon to stagger just a little. "You take ze boy, and you keep hem!"

"I-I take..." Silver Spoon motioned two hooves forward, picking up her plate, "...A-And I keep?" on that, she pulled the plate into her chest, still a bit confused.

"Ja! Zat! You take, you keep!" Silver Spoon continued to look over at her mother from across the table before sighing.

Maybe I should talk to somepony other than Mom...