• Published 21st Jul 2019
  • 3,129 Views, 96 Comments

What Now? - Q-22

Whether they wanted it or not, two beings of immense power are brought to Equestria in the most unprobable of circumstances. And nothing bad happens!

  • ...

No Tea, Then?

After everything he lived and died through, after every challenge and struggle, The Guardian had consistently been confronted with sights like the one below him. Empty air and crushing death down where gravity welled. Normally this wasn't an issue, and he was numb to frightening heights by now. Falling down a steep mountainside was nothing new at all. He had died a few dozen times trying to climb the cliffs above the Iron Temple at Vostok Observatory, up near the peak of a mountain that loomed over the Cosmodrome in Old Russia.

So. Big drop out a window over the side of a mountain? No biggie.

No. No, the biggie came from the "mouth" of his Ghost.

"I might not be able to do that..."

And with that, the falling began. Fortunately, he managed to keep himself feet- er, hooves first. Flailing around wouldn't do him any good, especially in this- his new body. Presently unable to respond, The Guardian focused on trying to figure out how an equine would jump, hoping he'd be able to stop his fall just before hitting the ground. Meanwhile, Ghost continued his line of thought. Briskly, though. Big a drop as it was, it wouldn't last forever.

"Okay, so, I MIGHT be able to bring you back if you die, but I don't know for sure. Everything feels different here and I can't explain this in the span of a few seconds so just keep doing whatever it is you're doing while I run a few diagnostics on the ambient energies of...wherever we are."

Cutting to the chase, The Guardian wasn't able to figure out exactly how to stop falling before making contact with the ground.

The downside was that this immediately broke his legs and sent him sprawling down the mountainside, rolling rather cartoonishly instead of violently tumbling.

On the upside though, Ghost was making progress in his little...endeavor, trying to figure out how to work the natural "magic" of Equestria. All of The Guardian's friend making and group heroism seemed to be paying off, or so Ghost thought. Whatever power that resided here seemed to amplify when one was in alignment with their comrades. Ghost and Guardian were, more or less, an inseparable duo, so, there was power to spare.

Skipping forward a minute or five, and The Guardian had come to an abrupt stop near the foot of the mountain. Ghost wasn't sure exactly when or where The Guardian had died on the way down, but he hoped it was earlier on. There were a few drops and bumps that were...particularly nasty. The little light hovered above the tangled mess of cloak, limbs, and red-stained mane, expanding his Light out once more and focusing it back inward. There was another milky flash, and The Guardian dropped from a few feet in the air and landed safely in a nice, soft patch of grass. Where his mangled corpse used to be was just a bunch of flattened tall grass.

The Guardian inhaled as he took in his surroundings, exhaling softly and staring at Ghost, expressionless. He tilted his head and snorted. The blast of air sent Ghost fluttering- if such an errant airborne path could be described in such a way -back a few meters, and he seemed to huff, flying back again and bonking The Guardian on the forehead, right under his long, slender, pointed horn.

"Oh, don't be like that. There wasn't much I could have done, short of bashing your skull in!"

He paused.

"Besides, that would have been ridiculously hard with how fast you were moving."

The Guardian looked around, gazing back up the mountainside, up at the castle he jumped out of. He wasn't entirely sure what the consequences of that action were going to be, but he figured things would work themselves out. Eventually. Maybe. They usually did. Unless they didn't. He really didn't like it when things didn't work out.

Looking forward, he flicked his head back to drop his hood, shaking his head around to loosen up all the matted down mane. Really, with how fluffy it was, it was more akin to a lion's mane than a horse's. Though, he'd never seen an actual lion. Just cats, tigers, and statues of both.

The little glade he had unceremoniously flopped into was more lively than he was used to. A variety of wildlife populated the area. Lush plants, plenty of trees and flowers, birds, dragonflies, bees, and countless other things he had never seen before. Small, six legged creatures with three main body parts and two antennae sprouting from the head. Long, armored little creatures with what looked like dozens of legs, scuttling around rocks and roots. The Guardian moved slow, taking time to just watch life. It was...new, in a sense. Familiar, but never this abundant. Never this calm. Ghost floated along with him, staying close to his side, and eventually just flying into his lowered hood and plopping himself down in it.

Ghost gazed up at the moon, briefly showing through a cluster of clouds high up in the stratosphere. Memories of Earth's corrupted nightmare hellscape of a moon began to surface, but the longer Ghost stared, the longer he scanned and analyzed, the more he realized that it wasn't the same moon. This moon was whole. Pure. Untouched by anything unnatural to it. He nestled down a little more comfortably with that thought in mind, allowing his Guardian some time to explore all the little things the glade had to offer.