• Published 7th Jul 2019
  • 301 Views, 2 Comments

Lilly Valley & The Forty Year Old Blank Flank - Cyndaquil

Lily has a chance meeting on a train, with someone who's is determined to get revenge. What does she do? She Invites her for book club.

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2 Book Club

Warning, ahead there are spoilers for a Daring Doo novel that doesn’t actually exist. You have been warned.

“Hello, Ladies. I’d like you to meet my cousin from out of town. Her name is Marigold Merryweather.”

A million thoughts were racing through Ms Harshwhinny’s mind at this moment. How did that Lily mare talk her into this? What do I even think I can accomplish here? They see right through this disguise, surely they do.”

Rainbow Dash eyed her suspiciously for a moment. She moved her muzzle in uncomfortably close then jumped back and let out a laugh.

“Hah! Nice try Lily, but you gotta get up pretty early in the morning to pull one over on Rainbow Dash.”

Lily was flabbergasted. She was sure this trick would work. She gulped down some tea and stuttered nervously.

Rainbow Dash then turned to the Mare who called herself Marigold. Ms Harshwhinny nibbled on her hooves, nervously anticipating what was to come. “So Applejack, when did you get that new hairdo. It looks pretty good on you.”

Marigold (Harshwhinny) chuckled nervously. “Thanks, but I’m really not Applejack. It is a new look for me though.”

“C’mon, drop the act. I’m onto you.”

“Rainbow Dash,” Twilight cut in, “that’s not Applejack.”

“What! Of course it is.”

“It’s not come look at her cutie mark.”

Twilight was refering to the flower that Lily painted on Ms Harshinny’s rump. It was a fake cutie mark and not even her usual fake, yet it fooled the princess of friendship.

“Sorry about my friend just now, it is nice to meet you. Say, the name Merryweather, is that spelled with an M-A-R, or M-E-R.”

“M-E-R,” Marigold told her, though she really hadn’t even thought of that particular detail until then.

“Oh, so it’s not M-A-R-E, like a pony?”

“No, it’s M-E-R-R-Y, as in cheerful.”

“That’s such a cute name.”


As Marigold turned, she was surprised to see who had said that. Of all the things she wanted to say to Starlight Glimmer, she never-ever-ever thought she could possibly begin with a thank-you.

The two mares eyed each other, one suspicious, the other obliviously pleasant.

The group consisted of Twilight Sparkle, Starlight Glimmer, Fluttershy, Rarity, Spoiled Rich, Strawberry Sunrise, Rainbow Dash, Lily Valley, and now Marigold Merryweather a.k.a. Ms Harshwhinny.

It was an odd assortment. Book club had been a tradition in town since before Twilight moved to Ponyville, Fluttershy convinced her and Rainbow Dash to join, mostly because some older members left and she didn’t want to be alone with Spoiled Rich. Spoiled, drifted in and out of the group herself, often boasting of her many important responsibilities that made it difficult to remain. Actually some of those older members were town celebrities whom Spoiled wanted to be known to associate with, so Twilight becoming a princess was what brought her back into the fold.

A few minutes later, the girls were munching on cucumber sandwiches, and doing what the group was intended to do; talking about the book.

“I think,” Fluttershy paused, fearing her statement might be controversial. “I think it was really nice when Daring Doo forgave Bitty Rain Puddle.”

“Yes, it was.”

“I agree.”


“It may have been nice, but that Bitty certainly did not deserve it.” Marigold (Ms Harshwhinny) crossed her arms and looked sternly.

Everyone was surprised with Marigold’s proclamation. While the eyes were on her, Lily made a gesture motioning her to tone down the seriousness of her expression, lest ponies suspect who she really is.

“I’m with Marigold.” Starlight Glimmer announced.

Twilight practically gasped when she heard this. “Starlight, how can you say that.”

“Yeah Glimmer,” said Rainbow Dash, “you of all ponies know that forgiveness is the cool thing to do, and Daring Doo is not just cool, she’s awesome.”

Twilight, Fluttershy, and Rarity nodded in approval of Rainbow Dash’s statement.

“Bitty Rain Puddle just broke down crying when she lost. She seemed pretty happy in betraying Daring Doo and giving the amulet of Chicomoztoc to Dr Caballeron when she had something to gain. Maybe if she’d shown remorse, or switched sides before Daring Doo defeated Ahuizotl, then I’d feel it was more earned.”

Strawberry Sunrise began flipping through her copy of the book. Was it Caballeron or Ahuizotl that was the villain in this one. Darn these books blended together.

“I get what you’re saying Starlight, however, I’m pretty sure Daring was moved in Chapter 17 when Bitty told Daring Doo her backstory while she was hanging from a deathtrap.”

“Bitty could have gotten her out of that trap at any time.”

Starlight seemed to have replaced Marigold in arguing the point. “Look, tragic backstory or not, a cute pony begs for forgiveness and Daring Doo just gives it away unconditionally. Do you think she’d do the same if Caballeron or Ahuizotl did the begging.”

Somewhere far away, Discord was having tea with princess Celestia. The Draconequus suddenly stood up and said “Hey-Yo!” The princess will never know why.

“Were they both in this one!” Starberry Sunrise squealed in exhasperation.

“She did!” Rainbow jumped in, litterally. “In book eight, when Ahuizotl was dangling over a cliff, he begged Daring Doo to have him, promising that he’d change his ways if she did.

“Book eight!” I thought we were only on book five. Strawberry was losing her mind.

“No, this meetings for book four.”

“Wait, didn’t Ahuizotl pull a knife on Daring Doo immediately after that.”

“You’re spoiling. We’re four books behind you.”

“I have to read another four of these! Please no, don’t make me. Why I’d even let Lily pick the next book.”

Hearing her cue, Lily picked up a copy of Clive Cloppers Hare-raiser, showing the cover to the entire group.

“Why does that bunny have pins in its…” Twilight used a wing to cover Fluttershy’s eyes.