• Member Since 26th Apr, 2019
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In the year 2152, the United Equis had launched it's first ship. Since that time it has developed warp drive technology, made first contact with alien species, and has joined the United Federation Of Planets. Now, in 2252, 100 years after the launch of the Equis, UE's first space craft, it's time for Equis to send its first cadets to Starfleet Academy on earth...

Join Jessica Cosmos, her twin brother Luke, Twilight Sparkle, Applejack, Fluttershy, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Sunset Shimmer, Starlight Glimmer, Rara Coloratura, and their dragon assistant Spike as they go through starfleet academy and learn just what it means to be a friend on top of being an officer

This is based on my STO, discovery starfleet human character. this will follow her adventures, plus, love is in bloom because I ship like crazy and can't help myself.



Changes made in this AU:

Set in STO timeline with MLP's musical element(because you can't have MLP without songs apparently), Starfleet discovery character

Everything pre season 9 happened, even twilight's ascension and spike's scale shedding ordeal, but twilight doesn't become a princess and the golden oaks library was never destroyed, and all those friendship missions were from celestia. And the school of friendship doesn't exist, and in the movie, the 3 princesses and not twilight put on the friendship festival, twilight and her friends just helped set it up and then did their hero thing.

After all the EQG movies, Sunset moves back to Equestria permanently

AJ's friend Rara gave up her life as a singer to be with Applejack.

Most of the inhabitants of Equuis are one.

Moondancer is Twilight’s twin sister in this. Why? Because from what I’ve seen they’re practically twins already and so far I haven’t seen any other fanfic on this site that had them as actually twin sisters so there.

One more thing, I’m running this as an interactive story, I.E. you can suggest prompts, anything goes as long as it follows these parameters

It has to set in the current time frame of the season

It must be school appropriate on the university level

Can’t be season finale type stuff unless we’re a good ways in to the story and a season finale seems appropriate.


Now that’s a cover worthy of this story, all rights go to their respective owners. Hope you guys like it!

Chapters (29)
Comments ( 95 )

Oh boy. This sounds like a carbon of another story on the site. Several actually. Just with different characters.

You must really be a fan of Rara. Cause her inclusion really seems random.

I don’t see very many stories with Rara as a character, and she’s AJ’s childhood friend, so I figured, why not.

Yeah, I know there are other stories about Star Trek meeting MLP on the site. But the concept put ideas in my head that I couldn’t get out so this happened.


I am intrigued.

Oh, just you wait, this will be nothing compared to what’s coming.

Rainbow Dash as a helmsmare, on paper that sounds fine but I can't help but be reminded of Tom Paris. Cocky, and a bit of a hot-rodder. She's going to have to dial it way back if she still wants to fly; starships or shuttlecraft cause Starfleet doesn't have starfighters.

Their shuttles seem plenty agile and fast for dashie. And hey, she could learn a maneuver or two that she can use when flying via her wings. Helmsman made the most sense to me since she loves flying so much.

Also, now that I think about it, yeah, yeah Rainbow is the Tom Paris of MLP


If we ever reach the Iconian War story arc I’m so writing rainbow and Paris’s meeting.


As for Fluttershy and medical classes, I knew she’d be the doctor type of officer when I first saw Star Trek meets MLP on this site.

"Rara" is just a nickname Applejack gave her... Coloratura is one of the names on the show that's one word. Please respond to this comment.

I know that, but Rara is easier to remember. Thanks for taking the time to read my surely suboptimal story though.😊

Also, I want to make sure that you all understand, I will consider any story idea, suggestion, or prompt that pops up in the comments. With the exception of a few MAJOR story ideas that I already have but need to space out. I want this story to be from imaginations just as much as mine.

Would the Riker mentioned here be the Will Riker we're all familiar with, or is this someone else?

Riker’s ancestor since the Riker we know and love doesn’t exist yet in this time and we only know if 2 other rikers, his ancestor which Quin saved, and his duplicate that joined the maquis

So, any prompts you want to see? I’m open to anything.

Wait, he doesn't? When does this take place again?

This is based off Star Trek Online Discovery character, I’m starting with my interpretation of what the academy would be like, then I’m gonna basically copy STO and put the ponies and my OC in it.

So they likely, if ever, won’t meet the riker we know until they get thrust into the 25th century

Hopefully that clears it up.

Other then that, I’m hoping you are enjoying the story.

Great! Thanks for taking the time to read it.


Does anyone know how to make the links appear as actual videos that won’t take you from the site?

Trying to think of what to do next. Let me know which prompt I should do.

  1. Life back on Equuis
  2. Jessica‘s progress researching Nightmare Moon in secret.
  3. Jessica and Luke’s weekly letter to their mother and stepfather.

Maybe dial it back a bit on Pinkie's forth wall breaks.
As for where to go from here, maybe Jessica's research.

got it on pinkie's fourth wall breaks and that's one for prompt #2. I'll give any other readers until this Sunday to vote in the comments or suggest their own.

Edit: voting is closed. Tune in after episode 8 for the next round of voting.

Ok, so here’s how we’re doing it from now on, we’re doing polls. Y’all have til Monday of next week to vote on prompt one, or two.

  1. Life back in Ponyville
  2. Jessica and Luke’s weekly letter to their mother and stepfather.

Whatever option doesn’t win in this round will be written after the winner, right before the Halloween special. Thanks for reading and I can’t wait to see what you guys choose.

Edit: voting is closed, no one’s voted, so the coin toss resulted in life in Ponyville being the victor.

Hi, I don't think it would hurt putting it in the description. Personally I don't mind, but you never know with your audience.

One thing I think you want to look out for is that at least in this chapter you have a tendency to have the information telling the reader who is talking disjointed from the actual dialogue being spoken by that character. Often times in a preceding paragraph you will have one character talking like Rarity but at the end of the paragraph you will put something like Pinkie sighed and then the next paragraph will be Pinkie talking but that paragraph will end with a reference to the speaker in the next paragraph.

That makes reading more difficult because the reader needs to go back to a previous paragraph to know who is talking which is not how writing dialogue typically works. Normally you reference which character is speaking in the same paragraph as the dialogue the character is speaking.

I can piece this together but it makes harder than it needs to be.

Thanks for the feedback, I really appreciate it., hope this doesn’t prevent you from enjoying the story.

Would you all prefer I do the Halloween special in parts or just upload the whole thing in one chapter?

I like the idea that Vulcan children entertain themselves through art. It's very in character.

Thanks. I remembered seeing younger Spock play around with a holographic 3D sketchpad thingy in Star Trek Discovery and thought it was an interesting idea to keep the children occupied while they learned to suppress their emotions and embrace logic.

If it gave us the confession scene we got, I'll take the delay. That was very touching, and the emotion (good and bad) felt very real.

What's next? How about some space-time? Nothing too fancy, just a space walk or a trip to an orbital station should suffice.

ooh, a day trip to Earth Spacedock. good idea.


That’s literally the best comment I’ve seen on this story yet!


I applaud your creativity.

Just throwing something out there. But how would everyone like a visit from the Spirit of Chaos as the next episode?

Personally, I think it needs to happen. Maybe Discord and Q talking to each other?

Oh my god that would be insane! I am definitely putting Discord and Q meeting on the To Do list. But for now. I think just Discord will do, especially since the Q don’t actively reveal themselves to the Federation until well after discovery’s era. And who am I to mess with the timeline anymore then I already have?

It could be something like Discord inviting Q to his home for a "family reunion" of sorts. Maybe just comparing notes on their favorite sapient species.

Or maybe, Discord is the Q of Equestria. Wouldn’t that be an interesting twist.

Six adopted siblings? Are these the Cosmos or the Weasles?

They are Cosmos, but they’re chipmunks. It’s kinda like Dave with Alvin and the chipmunks at the end of roadchip. And why am I putting it in? Because I was watching Alvin and the chipmunks and the idea just popped into my head and wouldn’t leave. And actually this idea goes back to Spacedock Rendevouz because I dropped the hint of their existence in Luke’s letter at the end.

And also, I just realized that I made a reference to Harry Potter the Weasleys without meaning to. 😂😂😂😂

Finds out the chipmunks are the actual chipmunks
What? What!? WHAT!?

Yeah. The idea just popped into my head and wouldn’t leave.The chipmunks in this story are basically carbon copies of Alvin and the chipmunks, just with different names.

So, what’s next for our favorite interspecies dream team? No idea is too crazy, or I could just skip right to the Christmas special if you guys want.

Edit: guess we’re going right to the Christmas special.


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