• Published 3rd Jul 2019
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Fire and Steel - shirotora

A man finds himself in a strange world in a body he knows very little about. Now, with a little help from his reluctant acquaintance Ember, he must either find a way home, or a reason to stay

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Chapter 55: Return to Castle Drakenhiem

Talks took the rest of that day, and the following, though Cadence didn’t join us for the second day. She did promise her doctor she would get plenty of rest, after all. We still kept her in the loop as we worked things out.

In the end, we came up with a rather lengthy plan to help ingratiate Occelus’ Changelings with Equestrians. The details were long, but could be summed up as basically being that a few Changelings would be allowed in Equestria, but would not be allowed to wear a disguise. They would be escorted by at least one Royal Guard for the duration.

They would go to small towns, known for being friendly and open to outsiders, make friends, have fun, gather love, and then return.

Also, apparently my joke about a brothel was a ‘good idea’ according to Occelus, as lust was a type of love and the easiest to get quickly. The only pony that wasn’t uncomfortable with that topic was Blueblood. Being the most well traveled of everyone there, he had encountered many cultures where brothels were commonplace.

When Cadence was told about that part, she laughed for a good minute straight. When she finally calmed down, she simply said, “Auntie Celestia’s going to get so much action, and won’t even get to enjoy it!”

That was the second time I saw Celestia’s composure slip.

The redo wedding happened the day after that. It went off without a hitch. The closest thing to an issue was that Ju-Long took a good chunk of the spotlight from the bride and groom. All the mares were gushing over him, as were many of the stallions.

I also learned that my son is a total narcissist. He ate up the attention with gusto. He posed and postured for the ponies like a pro. I was both proud and concerned.

At least he was able to distract Rainbow Dash. Something was going on with Leo, and it was messing with Rainbow. She nearly forgot that she was supposed to do a rainboom, which, by the way, was just as amazing as the show made it out to be.

Occelus and her changelings were, obviously, not allowed to attend, but they had an entire wing to themselves and were granted unlimited room service and had several staff members assigned to do everything they could to make their stay more comfortable.

There were even a couple reporters that came in to interview Occelus, a few of her followers, and even Smolder. That was an interesting event. The reporters weren’t told what they were there for, only that they weren’t allowed to speak about it or publish anything until after the wedding. When they were informed what they were there for, there was a lot of panicking. Well, other than one pony. She just felt... hungry.

I recommended Celestia keep an eye on that one.

The day after the wedding was the day we were scheduled to leave. Originally we were going to be flying back with Blueblood when he shipped back out, but since we were bringing back a little over two hundred guests, we decided to ride with them on the train.

As we loaded the train, I noticed most of the changeling workers, identified by the blue or red sashes they wore, were in pony forms while only four were in larger forms, two minotaurs, a dragon, and a bear, despite that those forms were clearly better suited for the work.

When it was finally loaded and Ember, Ju-long, Smolder, Occelus and I found our private car I decided to ask about that.

“Oh, most changelings can’t,” she answered. “There are two kinds of transformations. Type one transformations are mostly illusionary.” A flash of green fire washed over her and she was replaced with the spitting image of Rarity. “With this type of transformation, our bodies only change shape. I’m still, in every way, a changeling. The only physical changes are to my body’s general shape. Everything else is an illusion.”

To illustrate this, her horn glowed and a section on her side glowed green and seemed to spread the fur revealing black chitin, teal shell, and gossamer wing.

“It’s useful for blending in, but we can’t use the abilities of those we turn into like this. If we want to use the abilities of another creature, we use a type two transformation.”

This time, when the green flames receded, Occelus took the form of a light teal dragon with a pink crest. “A type two transformation is a physical transformation. Like this, I am, in almost every way, a dragon. I can even breathe fire.” She let out a little puff of fire to prove it, much to Ju-long’s delight.

“There’s also a kind of hybrid transformation, usually referred to as an advanced type one that changes the overall body shape before using illusions.” This time, when the fare faded, there were two of me in the car. “This kind of transformation is no different in function than a regular type one, but is a little harder.”

I looked at the others and asked, “Did you understand her, or is she speaking poke-speak?”

“She’s speaking normal,” Ember said.

Occleus nodded. “That’s expected. Like a normal type one, I’m still one hundred percent changeling. I only look like you. In order to use a type two to become a lucario, I would need to absorb lucario DNA.”

“DNA? That’s that stuff in splooge that makes it work, right?” Ember asked.

Occelus giggled. “Yes, but also in blood and even hair, skin, and scales. Hair or scales are the most common way we get it. My dragon form is courtesy of a scale from a large red dragon that was forced to abandon its lair.”

“So, why do you know this ‘type two’ transformation while most others don’t?” I asked.

“Well...” Occelus began, with a look of shame on her face as she dropped the lucario disguise. “Because I was an infiltrator.”

“So, what, that means you used to go out and gather love?” Smolder asked.

Occelus shook her head. “No, that’s a gatherer. Infiltrators, as the name suggests, infiltrate pony society and establish themselves. We create a persona and move into a town where we live like any other pony. We make friends, get a job, sometimes even develop real relationships.

“Our role is to act as a point of contact for the harvesters. When they come into town, we point them in the direction of ponies, events, or places where the most love can be found. Also, whenever there is a big event, we inform the hive to have gatherers sent in. Our most important role, though, is making sure we aren’t discovered. Usually we just have to smooth talk any inconsistencies, but sometimes we have to use a few muddling spells to fuzz up any memories that could hurt us.”

“So, you mess with people’s minds?” I asked, not bothering to hide my distaste.

“We did, but not any more,” Occelus said. “If I’m going to be in charge of the changelings in New Dragonia, we will never hide what we are, even if we’re wearing a disguise. That’s why we’re wearing the sashes.”

“Then how are you going to gather love?” Smolder asked.

“We’re going to take Luke’s advice and open a brothel,” Occelus replied. “Lust is the easiest type of love to gather, and there’s always a demand for it. Besides, ponies don’t trust us, yet, so other types of love will be nearly impossible to gather in sufficient quantities to sustain us. With lust, though, ponies don’t have to trust us. They know what we are and what we want. They give it to us, and they get to live out a fantasy. They don’t really need to trust us any more than to trust that we won’t drain them dry of emotions.”

“That’s part of the treaties we signed with Equestria,” I said. “We allow Equestrian agents to enter at any time to investigate. They can enter, scan the area for residual traces of mental domination, as well as scan patrons for signs of aura drain. In three years, that part of the treaty will be renegotiated.”

“So, you guys really did put a lot of work into this, huh?” Smolder asked.

“I’m just glad Celestia’s as cool as she is,” Ember said. “She could have taken advantage of the fact that we’re still inexperienced, but she actually gave us more than she got.”

“It’s an investment for the future,” I said. “Dragons in the past were a threat to Equestrian citizens. Now, she can help turn that threat into a great ally. If she helps build our nation, we’ll be more open to helping her in the future. So, she’s not getting nothing from it.”

“So, she’s just doing it because she wants us to owe her?” Smolder asked.

“I don’t think so,” Occelus said. “I think that’s just how she justified it to the nobles. She’s always seemed like the type who will help others just because it’s right.”

Ember nodded. “Yeah, she does come off as a softie, but not stupid. Of course she’s going to want to get something back, even if that isn’t the main reason.”

The train ride was quite long. It took a little more than two days to get back home. We pulled into the train station in New Dragonia slightly after noon, the sun still hanging high overhead. As we stepped off the train, we were met with a crowd of ponies, probably close to every pony working here.

News took a while to travel so far, but it did travel. Naturally, they wanted to know what happened and if everything was fine in their homeland. We explained what we knew and what we could, a few facts being withheld at Celestia’s request.

The ponies sent to work in New Dragonia were made of sterner stuff and weren’t as skittish as many could be, so when we introduced the changelings we brought with us, the ponies were willing to give them a chance. They were wary, and some were a bit angry with them, but they agreed to at least try.

“How long are these workers going to be here?” Occelus asked, speaking quietly as to not wake up the sleeping baby in my arms.

“A few more moons,” I said. “A few have been considering staying longer”

“That’s great. If we can make friends with them, we can likely have a surplus by the time they leave,” Occelus said. “That will give us time to get the brothel up and running and get a business flow going.”

“Why don’t we show you where you’ll be staying until your homes are built,” I offered.

Ember stepped up and said, “While you do that, I’ll take Ju-long to meet my dad. They’ll get a kick out of each other. What was it called, again? A great dad?”


“Right. Dad’ll like that title,” Ember said before gently taking the tyke.

Honestly, we didn’t need to be so quiet and gentle. The kid fell ten feet from where he was napping in a tree in the garden back in Canterlot and didn’t wake up. We could have tossed him around like a football and he’d still be asleep. He got that from his mother.

“I’ll see you this evening,” I said, giving both of them kisses before watching Ember’s ass as she walked away.

I finally managed to look away. Smolder and Occelus had stepped away to give us a bit of privacy... or not. I felt mischievousness from Smolder, and had to wonder if she was planning something. Occelus didn’t come off as a prankster, and her expression didn’t make me think they were planning something, but she was a trained infiltrator. I figured she was quite skilled at hiding her emotions when she needed to.

“How about the grand tour?” I offered. “This is going to be your home for the foreseeable future, so let’s make sure you don’t get lost.”

“That would be very nice, thank you,” Occelus said. “I’ll admit, I’ve been curious what kind of place would be called ‘Castle Drakenhiem’.” We broached the obsidian spires of our home. “It kind of looks like a villain’s lair.”

“It’s much like dragons, themselves. Intimidating and scary on the outside,” I said, watching her as we made our way inside. Her jaw dropped at the interior. The polished obsidian with gold filigree inlay into the walls, all illuminated by white magic crystals, in a gothic design that blew her away. “Inside, it’s still quite intimidating, but also quite beautiful.”

“I get to live here?” Occelus asked.

“For as long as you like,” I replied.

Occelus looked back at Smolder and just gave a nod, as if affirming something.

“Wait until you see the rest of it,” Smolder said, stepping out in front.

I let her take the lead, showing her friend around. We went to the throne room, ketchens, training rooms, library, and all the other important areas. She was especially excited by the library. The tour ended with the resident wing.

“That’s Luke and Ember’s room, that one’s mine, and this,” Smolder said, throwing open the door across from hers, “is yours.”

We followed the excited changeling into her new suite, right down the hall from the emperor and empress.

“Oh, my gosh! All these rooms are mine?!” Occelus asked. “I have two bedrooms? Why do I have two bedrooms? That isn’t a bathtub, it’s a pool!”

She jumped into her bed, snuggling into the soft sheets.

I had to admire the room, a bit, too. I rarely saw these rooms without the decorations Smolder, Ember, and I had. Even the view outside her window was something different. Where ours looked out over the kingdom, and Smolder’s looked over the lava flows, Occelus’ looked over the forest, toward where we had decided to alot them land to do with what they wish.

“Oh, hey Luke,” Smolder said as I admired the view. “I still owe you something.”

I turned back to look at Smolder... or rather, Smolders, as there were two of them on the bed, giving me very saucy looks.

“Why don't we both show you how grateful we are?”

“Why, Miss Occelus, are you trying to use Smolder’s face to seduce me?” I asked in my best ‘scandalized noble’ tone.

“I haven’t been laid in more than a month,” Occelus said, even sounding like Smolder. “Seriously, thirteen moons. I’m not exactly needy, but I enjoy sex as much as anyone else. Besides, I want to see if I can take lucario DNA.”

I meandered towards the bed, wearing a cocky smirk. “Oh? And how would you ‘take lucario DNA’?”

Occelus blinked, as if trying to understand something. “Oh, well, I was going to perform oral sex on you and absorb it from your semen.”

Smolder and I facepalmed.

Author's Note:

There are three important thing I have to say. First, Occelus is not "joining the harem". What happened in this chapter is not going to be a regular thing. She's just showing her gratitude (and Smolder kinda talked her into it).

Second, I'm going to be slowing down on this story for a little bit. I'm not stopping, but I am going to be putting a little more focus on my other story, Chaotic Harmony: Do Over. I'll still try to post a chapter every month, but no promises.

Finally, I got some awesome art from FireworksPOP

We got Luke with floating Blade Rush swords (which isn't something he can do, but now I might have to give him the ability to control them telepathically) and Ember with her Bigsby's Hand (Bigsby's Claw?) ready to yeet some moron that mistook her small size for weakness into the side of a mountain.

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