• Member Since 13th Dec, 2011
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Comments ( 95 )

God damn you.

Of all the people to join this lunacy... YOU as well? You had me right till that last line!

God. Damn. It.

~Skeeter The Lurker

Oh sweet Luna YES that was brilliant!

I had no idea it was a feghoot until the end.

Why is it that Rainbow Dash is always the first to die and always in the stupidest ways possible.

Comment posted by TurtleMadness deleted Jun 29th, 2019


Of all the people to join this lunacy... YOU as well?

I didn't meme to at first, but then I saw everypony having so much pun! :pinkiehappy:

It's been kind of her thing since... well, forever. We still love her anyway. :derpytongue2:
Almost as much as Twilight offing herself for science. :twilightoops:

That pun was Suri-ously bad.

I love it.

Oh, for.........!:facehoof:

I have no words for this, other than..........

What the blue blaze hell is a "feghoot"?!

May I request a sequel? I would love to see these negotiations, zebras, and Monopoly games!

maybe play a round of Monopony with Death.


Personally I want to see Princess Twilight’s reaction.

Sunset: “Mmm! Twilight, this is some good hay! I always love the hay here - “
Twilight: “What are you doing?”
Sunset: “I’m just complimenting this fine hay you’ve provided - “
Twilight: “Don’t do that. I know I have good hay. When I send Spike out to get hay he always get the cheap crap they have down at the Hay Bale. So I go out and I buy the good stuff, the gourmet hay from Rushia. So don’t tell me I’ve got good hay, I know I have bucking good hay. What I don’t know is why I have a dead featherbrain in my library.”
Sunset: “Well, see - “
Twilight: “No. Buck you. When you came through that bucking portal, did you see a sign that said “dead featherbrain storage” on it?”
Sunset: “Filly, you know there isn’t any sign - “
Twilight:Did you or did you not see a bucking sign that says “dead featherbrain storage” in my library?”
Sunset: “No. I did not see a sign that says “dead featherbrain storage”.”
Twilight: “Do you know why?”
Sunset: “Why.”
Twilight: “Because there is no sign that says “dead featherbrain storage” in my library! So do you wanna tell me why I’ve got a dead featherbrain decomposing in my library?!”

Everyone remembers the Christopher Walken Watch scene, but personally the Dead N***** Storage scene is my favorite in Pulp Fiction

awe :fluttercry:... the dude is just lonely.


Well played you fiend, well played.

Kinda want the resurrection quest now...

I don't care so much what happened to RD, I'm more curious on how Sunset is so knowledgeable and nonchalant of how to bring her back.

It's like she's done it before...?

“She just died for our SIMs.”

Data's all, folks.

she will forever be in our memory

I was on the verge of tears and just couldn't believe Rainbow would be so foolish...

Right up to the punch line.

Dang you!

You got me!

Damn that was funny!

So Rainbow died because no one used clouds. Irony.

9705761 Okay, thanks.

Edit: Ah, now I see.

Please, explain the pun, if it is. Looks, my English is not that good.

The phrase which is being punned on is "Died for our sins", attributed to the religious figure Paul the Apostle in the Christian Bible (reference: 1 Corinthians 15:3), writing about Jesus Christ.

Trust me, you don’t want to know.

... I hate you so much right now.

Okay, I'm following you for that.

Yup, that's exactly how Rainbooms' life now is.

That opening feels strange. "Everyone's trained to get out my way" seems like a very pre-reformation sentiment for Sunset.

The rest of them had the jitters in varying degrees, except for Twilight, whose contemplative examination of Rainbow’s anatomy suggested that she was only a couple of electrodes short of attempting to re-enact Frankenstein.

"All I'm saying is that we could just close the circuit and throw her back in the lab."

I know some zebras with friends on the other side.

"So you know zebras on the other side of the portal with friends, or you know zebras with friends on the other side?"

This is the proper way to enter this contest. Well done. Best of luck in the judging.

On the one hand, I want to put this in Never the Final Word, Vol. 2. On the other hand, I kind of beat you to the punch.

I don't know who you are, but you are one of my favorite people now. Props to you mate.

I should get around to reading, like, everything in that story. And every story it references.

That's bad and wrong and evil and it's great!

"Darling, who is that and why does she look like Dash?"
"More importantly, why does she have pushbuttons? That ain't normal."
"Well, since the other Rainbow Dash is busy in Equestria, I built a robot to fill in until Sunset revives the original!"
"Ooh! Is this the on button?"
"Pinkie, wait, I haven't quite finished..."
"And there it goes, out through the wall. Goldurn it Twi, we talked about this last time!"

*quack sound effect in the background* all of that for a bad pun, not sure if I should be mad or impressed

Booooooo-urns. I love it.

In all seriousness, cute story.

RAM it another pun lol

that pun felt like a kick in the nuts

Just think; if Dash hadn't moved the phones with the RAM chips, we might have gotten the worst pun in... leaving memory.

Raugos, of course it was Raugos, it takes a special kind of wickedness for a pun like that.

Absolutely brilliant, from everyone's blase attitude to the pun.

I am so tired. 10/10

Which would have made people ROM away in terror lol


All of that build up just for that line... :facehoof: I don't know if I should congratulate you or swear never ending vengeance upon you and all you hold dear...

Either way, good luck in the contest.

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