• Published 21st Jun 2019
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G-Academy - RedlinRanger

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Chapter 3

Chapter 3 - Operation: LTF (Let Them Fight)

Back in the city the last remaining citizens have finally to manage to get on the last remaining bus transport, however a new problem comes as traffic was a complete hell as it led a couple of fight with those who are trying to leave the area to there jobs and those who not even on the transports who wanna return to there homes and refuse to be escorted out of the city, riot units were sent in to deal with the situation to try to keep order in the busy highways.

Meanwhile, in Shinagawa, G-force and the JSDF set up a base of operation to plan a straggly on the threat that there dealing with not knowing that there already here, however one of there spy plane did spot a few kaiju in the city harbor just around east from were there located at,however they only detect one kaiju as the other two have no terminal readings as where these creatures are our hiding their terminal heat from there sonar readings, Realizing then one of the soldiers then remember that they had a call from the FPN that they spotted the kaiju from the area they were that but they didn't believe them as they think they were pulling a joke being that they were new recruits.

"Those Girls were telling the truth, and we didn't believe them"

He then requested to his commanding officer that they need to send a squad of mbn93 attack craft,ah1 attack helicopter, and there gunhed tanks to take out the kaijus in that area, however before he can commit to his request another signal appear coming from the shores of the Shinagawa bay not far where they were at. The Unknown creature then approaching out of the dept as they realize that it was Godzilla. Panic, the commander then give out an order to send the gunhed to deal with Godzilla along with any ground units to order to send in some units to give support to assault on Godzilla.

As Godzilla makes landfall, out of nowhere a loud buzzing sound Elco throw the area as one of the Kamacuras appear and dash right those the monster king as Kamacurs slash his claw hitting Godzilla in the head knocking the monster king to the water, Kamacuras sprung up and with lightning speed and dive down to the water depth to attack his new prey.

Godzilla then got back to his feet and growled at the mantis, mantis slammed his claws into the back of Godzilla's head as he zoomed past him again, causing him to stagger forward. But when the emerald insect tried the tactic a third time, Godzilla bent down and swung his tail upward, slamming it into Kamacuras' face and bringing his flight to an abrupt halt. As Kamacuras crumpled to the ground, Godzilla bent down and grabbed the mantis' arms. With a mighty heave, Godzilla tossed the mantis through the air, sending him smashing into a nearby building crashing down and giving the monster king a chance to use this perfect opportunity to attack the mantis as it was stunned by the blow.

Godzilla begins to charge his atomic breath to open fire on the down and twitching Kamacuras, however, Godzilla was then taken a massive hit by one of the gunheds glauss cannon, taken back by this Godzilla then turn to face the one who attacks him, He didn't like that they had to strike on him, however, this led to him dropping his guard as the Kamacuras landed behind him and struck the backside of his abdomen with his lengthy claw. not only Godzilla was being attacked by the humans, but the same bug kaiju that he was gonna finish was still attacking him even after the punish he hade affect on.

Godzilla in rage begins to charge a bright blue light and then unleashed a powerful nuclear pulse that levels everything in site, even killing the Kamacuras as it begins to burn to death as the last sound it makes was a loud shrieked to call it fellow Kamacuras about Godzilla. The two who then heard this begins to stop there fight with Zilla and then fly off to there fallen brother add giving Zilla a chance to get back on his feet to then persuade of the Kamacuras that were airborne, this also gave Io along the ranger soldier that was with her to escort her manage to get the ANEB rockets and begin to meet up with kairu at the harbor.

When they finally meet up with kairu and company with the ANEB rockets, then begin to issue a plan on how to deal with the Kamacuras, but one of the rangers that had a radio just got word that Godzilla is at Shinagawa and has already taken out one of the Kamacuras as he has leveled the whole area, they also said that Godzilla is now attacking any Remaining G-force and JSDF in the area.

The then sifted the plan to have Godzilla fight off the two remaining Kamacurus along with Zilla who probably on Godzilla side, they'll gonna have to use the ANEB on Godzilla since originally it was designed to be a virus to eat all g-cells that will consume until I'll be effect by the ANEB, and will stop Godzilla heart and knock him in a comatose sleep. However Io ask kairu how will they fire the ANEB on Godzilla, kairu reply explaining that they shot throw mouth before he'll release his atomic breath or that he roars, they, "I hope this plan of your work or else we won't get a second chance" said kairu as he looks over at Lizz who she still unconscious.

Io ask what will they do with once Godzilla is knock out by the ANEB, he then explained that they'll transport him along Zilla to monarch monster island facility

Few minutes later back up finally arrive were kairu and the others are waiting, the medic then took Lizz to care for her, Yuri request to go with to be by her, Akane agreed to go with but Io stay behind to assist with kairu to stop Godzilla so that no one can get hurt or killed, She'll help monitor Godzilla moment trying to predict what he might do next, Kairu will try to get some communication with any remaining forces that were not destroyed by Godzilla or the Kamacurus.

When the chopper left with Akane, Yuri, and the unconscious Lizz who still barely breathing, Yuri hold her friend hands tight telling her everything is going be ok and nothing bad will happen. Akane then puts a hand on yuri shoulder explained to her that she is sorry for her friend and that it's not her fault and that everything is gonna be ok. However, one the nearby rescue chopper get shot down by a blasted by Godzilla atomic breath.

This causes the medic chopper that Yuri and Akane were on off guard and almost crash in a nearby bridge, luckily helicopter manages to land to the Toshiba General Hospital that the JSDF have made an outpost, the medics and Lizz friends rush Lizz to medical care yuri still hold her dear friend hand but was asked to step back for the doctors and nurse to take Lizz in the operation so they request the two to wait by the bench until there friend recovers from her conditions.

The scene then cuts back with Godzilla as he still trotted forward, his feet breaking through the concrete as footprints were left in his wake. Nearby structures that had survived the tremors rippling through the ground were soon demolished by Godzilla's body. The atomic saurian stomped into the heart of Tokyo, a battalion of tanks rolled to advance on toward Godzilla to try to distract him from heading to the capital, The battalion opens fire, shells blazed out of their barrels, battering Godzilla's scaly hide. Even the tanks recoiled from their firepower. Plumes of black smoke and fire baked Godzilla's flesh. Shells failing to explode remained dislodged inside the creature's scales. After the tanks depleted all of their ammunition, an eerie silence pervaded the landscape. Godzilla's savage gaze pierced the hazy smoke, locating the tanks.

But then two strange objects in the sky started to dive towards the king of the monster. Godzilla's reptilian eyes glared at the two incoming objects, his then also notice that Zilla was also following whatever it coming those him, He then realize it was one of those bugs again as one of them tackle him to the ground, Zilla rush to help out Godzilla but the second one jump on top of the smaller opponent.

The Kamacuras then pick up Zilla and lift him off the air to then drop him on top of the Shinagawa V-Tower, the building collapse with smoke and debris as Zilla was completely buried from the rubble of what was left of the tower as the bug kaiju landed on top of the rubble making some screeching sound as it was, laughing? you could say. However the Kamacuras guard was drop as a green flashing light hit him right in the face as Zilla unleashed a powerful atomic breath destroying the Kamacuras upper jaw as it was hanging around like a broken puppet rocking around, the bug gurgle a cry as the pain was enough to cause the bug to turn and make a run for it, but not as Zilla pouch on top of the bug as it rips one of his wings as it was about to go airborne, desperate it try to swing hit claw on Zilla impelling throw Zilla right arm, this even anger Zilla, even more, his this grab both of the Kramacuras eyes and rip them right off from it sockets, and then unleashed a powerful atomic breath vaporizing the head until there was nothing left.

Zilla led out a might roar but stop as the other Kamacuras was sent flying by Godzilla crashing the two bug creature to impact on the ground, Without holding anything back the two titans begin to power up there atomic breath ready to finish off the Kamacuras, However they both stop as they begin to feel the ground to sake, the Kamacuras notice this too begin to get back up to there feet. something is coming whatever it is, its gonna show its face, but then.....


A massive hunchback kaiju have risen from the ground below along with another one appear with it but this one is more slender with a large tail that appears to has what looks like pincer's which it then begins to used it to grab one of the injured Kamacuras as it throws the bug kaiju to a nearby bridge, the hunchback then jump on the other Kamacuras that try to attempt to escape but was tackled by the brute as it slams itself with the Kamacuras into the ground killing the Kamacuras with it weight.

Godzilla and Zilla Jr then post their battle post to be ready by there new arrivals, Back with Kairu he is in shock as two new kaiju appear and no one couldn't even pick up their singles or where did they even come from, but then two more kaiju appear and this was huge, one was a huge green skin humanoid kaiju with hair on its back and two large horns that appear to be very similar to deer's antlers and the other look like a massive theropod like dinosaur that looks a lot like a Carnotaurus but with bull-like horns and spikes around its back similar to Anguirus.

Godzilla notice the newcomer and this is something about this Carnotaurus that seems awfully familiar like he has fought a similar creature from the past, however, a surprise attack came from the hunchback kaiju as it slams itself to Godzilla knocking the lizard king to the ground.

"Uh...ok...change of plan... "

Realizing the situation has changed drastically they got no choice but have to let the kaiju fight each other and focus on trying to give some support to any civilians that are still in the area try to evacuate, this new Operation is now dub, "Operation LTF......Let Them Fight"

Back with Godzilla, he is dealing with the hunchback kaiju as he is bounding on him, Godzilla manages to get up as he unleashed a nuclear pulse knocking the big kaiju down to the ground, Zilla, however, has to deal with two kaijus as the same time and given the fact he also a little injured from the beating he got from the fight he has before, he tried to take on one of them but unfortunately the other will counter this by knocking Zilla down to the ground, the Carnotaurus then bite down on Zilla neck lifting him up and throwing him over the water of the bay.

After doing so the Carnotaurus begin to make his way to advance on zilla in the water, however not realizing that Godzilla threw the heavy back kaiju at his direction, which knocks the Carnotaurus on the ground, as godzilla was about to unleashed his attack, he is then struck from a scrutinizing pain as he begins to roar in pain as the wyvern spit acid right those Godzilla eyes, godzilla then fail to his knees. the wyvern then wrap his tail over godzilla neck and begin to drag him as the wyvern begin to make flight knocking a few building in the process, two of the strongest monster on earth our out of the count, but godzilla still try to get back up to help out his comrade but is block by the two kaiju that is in front of him, he is out number...what will he do.

Meanwhile, in the dark void of the milky way, a fleet of strange alien ships are patrolling on a nearby Earth-like planet that is 10 times bigger than earth. These Alien ships are CCS-class battlecruiser being lead by a CAS-class assault carrier commanded by one of Lord Bakan best Shipmaster Commander and Technical Officer "Mulu-Elu Galu-Gu" a Bilusaludo who is leading a patrol mission alongside the Sangheili's, Jiralhanae's, and the Bilusaludo's. Shipmaster Galu-Gu is ordered by his superiors to patrol this region of the galaxy as sightings of an Unidentified Space Monster causing some destruction on some homeworld that is controlled by "Bakan Empire"

Not long after they would send a ground team to investigate strange crystals on the planet surface, a massive monster appears out of one of the crystal structure and begin firing on the beast with no effect, the space monster retaliates by unleashing its own attack wiping out most of the ground teams in the areas: "Alert, Alert, Where under attack we need back up" Back on Galu-Gu flagship he sees what's happening down on the planet serves, he then begins to be prepared for battle stations against this new threat.

He requests to send there T-47B Deutoros Scarab in actions, and any remaining ground units that are available to send a squad of Hover Bikes and Multipodal Battery tanks to give support to slow down this creature for the scarab to arrive. but even with the combined support of the ground units are still having trouble against with this space monster, even as the Scarab finally arrive they didn't have a chance at this thing is too much.

Galu-Gu realize how trouble this creature is: "Doctor, i need you to release out secret experiment " "But sir, it's not battle ready" "It ready when I say it is, Now Do it"

a few minutes later specimen 7 codename "Gigan" was sent to take out the space monster, the two would begin fighting realizing prove to be almost equally matched, but the space monster uses his mastery of crystals to shred, Gigan accosted from the side, slicing the lizard's neck and sending the space monster crashing to the ground. Landing a few meters away, Gigan shot off another burst of his Cluster Light Ray, surrounding the area with a huge explosion. Gigan then swiped his right scythe at his opponent, who easily avoided the attack, leaping clear over Gigan's head.

The spae monster then use his telekinesis to lift Gigan up in the air and begin to slam Gigan around like a rag doll and finally throw him down in the ground with a large impact, The space monster body begin to glow in crimson red and unleashed a powerful attack that destroyed the whole area, the blast was so powerful it could have destroyed the planet itself.

The space monster begins to head out flying into the void but Galu-Gu request to send a Reconnaissance Drone to track the creature to learn where it's heading to, for now, they need to regroup and return back to give there report to there master and retrieve Gigan for repairs. So after they begin to head back to planet x to give there report to there leader. Galu-Gu along with the High Council of the Galactic Federation that being Soha 'Rolamee, and Rtas 'Vadum representative for the High Council of High Charity, over in the corner Xeon and psycho Jenny are here as well.

"Great leader, we come to give you our report "

"No need to tell me Galu-Gu, I already know"

"What, you already know what I was about to tell you, How "

Galu-Gu then turn to see Bakan second in command and daughter volara as she gave the Bilusaludo a smug smirk on her face, she requests to speak with her father alone, he applied and request everyone in the throne room to leave as they'll continue there meeting later. Bakan then ask his daughter on what is it she wishes to speak about: "Its about that girl sunset, she is not from this dimension"

"Hmm, i see if that the case then i want you to still continue your mission on earth for Ragnarok, and another thing...I want to know more about this Godzilla. if this creature can be turned he would become a powerful ally. can it be done, my child"

"He would join us or die, Father"

She then bows to him and begins Summoning a Portal to make her way back to the planet earth. Bakan then would look back on his desk as he then picks up the book of Jioba and begin to turn the page and begin to read the chapter about the different universe and dimensions what he finally discover was one dimension he has been before, over a long time ago.


End of Chapter 3