• Member Since 12th Dec, 2011
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Impossible Numbers

"Gather ye rosebuds while ye may, Old Time is still a-flying, And this same flower that smiles today, Tomorrow will be dying."


Twilight Velvet's mind was stuck. She only wanted to write her magnum opus; how else could she explore the fantasy worlds of her past? It's just a shame her daughter is more interested in long words than she is in tall tales.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 14 )

Clap Clap.

Four hooves up? :-)

The title does not do this story justice.
Nor does the description.

Velvet as Tolkien. Fascinating concept.

"Hack the Giant Befriender" is a brilliant ponification.

“Clover the Clever’s Bestiary , of course. See, she performed experiments with an ordinary fruit fly and a vampire watermelon –”

Tolkien with perhaps a bit of Prachett.

Lovely bit with befriending dragons. Velvet didn't know how much Sparkle would need that lesson.

“Are you going to model the whole world?” said Velvet, chuckling.

When Velvet first saw the Cutie Map, she laughed for the next five minutes. No one could get her or a furiously blushing Sparkle to explain why.

Twilight Candle as a peer of Daring Do works quite well, especially when explaijing Velvet's thirst for adrenaline.

Marvelous work all around. From Velvet trying to instill some wonder in Sparkle's world of orderly lines and hard analysis to her trying to understand the wonder her daughter already sees there to the inspriation the two crafted together...
Seriously, a fantastic read. Thank you for it.

There was a lot of mythology and parenting shoved into this story, and a touch of sadness regarding Velvet's past.

I especially liked the bit with the baby dragons. If young Sparkle only knew!

I think that canonically,Twilight Velvet was an author. Looks like she went on to be Equestria's Tolkien!

Oh, that's an ending to warm the soul

Only thing missing was the grading of exams, the Tolkien is strong in this one.

That was some adorable mother-daughter bonding. Sparkle warming up to the old tales and Velvet starting to see what Sparkle sees in science was nice.


Don't even ask me where I got the idea from. Best I can suggest is that it was a collision between my taking an interest in Tolkien's biography and my simultaneous thought-experimenting with the "Velvet is an author" theory. Then I basically thought, "It's a million-to-one chance, but it just might work." Although the Daring Do influence was pretty fortunate in some respects.

Thanks for the fun commentary; it's always fascinating to see what stands out for some people. :twilightsmile:


I may have indulged a little bit with the mythology, but once you start it's so hard to stop. The dragons I had to address at some point, given their place both in Equestria and in Middle-Earth. All in all, it was a pleasure to write. Thank you for the comment; it was a pleasure to read too! :scootangel:

(Also, I already imagine someone in Equestria's version of Hollywood is approaching her for the rights to make a trilogy out of this.)


Thanks! As soon as I checked how the rest of the opening paragraph went in The Hobbit, I knew it had to end that way. The trick was getting there so that it felt natural rather than just dropped in arbitrarily. Thanks for commenting on it. :pinkiesmile:


I will admit I sorta went back and forth on how much to base this on Tolkien's biography and how much to strike out with Velvet's own backstory and character. Given I'd already deviated from Tolkien's original inspiration (it all came to him at once and intuitively, for instance, rather than being consciously constructed piecemeal here), I thought I'd give the exam papers thing a pass. Can't say I'm sure about it, though. Perhaps it could work as a subtle reference, like one of those drawers has old exam papers in it or something?

Either way, ta very much! :ajsmug:


I've always been fascinated by the comparison between the wonders of science and the wonders of fantasy. Mountain geology and ecology are worthy subjects of study, but it's still enjoyable to imagine trolls and dragons living inside one.

Glad you enjoyed my story, and thank you for the comment! :pinkiehappy:

While I haven't the life experiences of Velvet, not by a long shot, I understand her opinion of science and its ability to sap the life and meaning out of the world. This was a rather lovely little story that appealed to me on several levels and I rather enjoyed it. As a fan of myths and legends, and indeed even flat out fiction such as Tolkien's books, I find this story very relatable in a lot of ways.

Worry not Velvet, your daughter will turn out all right. She'll go on to step into myth and legend while you are still alive. In fact she will become her own by the time all is said and done. You have taught her well.

I LOVE all the references in this story! Velvet as Tokein is absolutely brilliant! It's great to see how the two Twilights bond over these stories! Bravo, good author, bravo!:yay::twilightsmile::pinkiehappy::raritystarry:


I have to confess I'm more on Twilight Sparkle's side regarding the wonders of science, but I don't see the point of only writing characters who happen to agree with my own view on this and that. It's also kind of appropriate in context, considering that Tolkien himself took an interest - and possibly some inspiration - from the science fiction of his day, an angle I wanted to play with in some form.

That said, it's still understandable where Velvet's coming from. And of course, it helped shape where I wanted the back-and-forth between her and her daughter to go. It's always worth looking around for ammo when it comes to drama.

That last part of your comment is so true. It's interesting to speculate what kind of stories Twilight's deeds would spawn in Equestria's future...


I admit I had a hard time restraining myself from including more. Once you pull a thread, the whole tapestry comes with it.

Ever since the fan theory that Velvet authored the Daring Do novels (a shame that was dropped in canon, but there are ways around it...), I had the idea that Velvet's life might have been more interesting than canon lets on, so when Once Upon A Zeppelin confirmed she was an adrenaline fiend, the adventure connection was obvious and too good to pass up. Of course, Tolkien is a giant in fantasy adventure, so that's (in part) where the idea behind this fic came from.

And thank you so much for the comment. Gosh, was it good to read such enthusiasm again. Much obliged, prism heart! :pinkiehappy:

Well, this story certainly has a fanciful allure to it. It's an interesting Tolkien inspired piece, full of imaginative ideas explored though the musings of a writer and the lengthy conversation between two individuals of opposing tastes. 🤔

I would describe it as complex, if not an in-depth contemplation on various notions, one leading right into another. The telling is intelligent and whimsical, and clearly written with much passion. And the style of the flowing actions and events themselves is what I would call 'very twisty' - intricately crafted and with a peculiarly out of the ordinary sort of pattern, one that sort of breaks the mold and does just the sort of thing you wouldn't easily think of offhand. :trixieshiftleft:

Also I'm now talking in fancy and getting more and more vague in attempt to describe it with accuracy. :unsuresweetie:

Um... it was engaging, and written from a mind very different from my own. I found it strangely intriguing. Also appreciated that I couldn't find a single grammatical error as I read. Thank you for sharing. :twilightsheepish:

Tolkien and MLP. I approve of this, so very much. I enjoyed the little references in this, and outright laughed when I read the line about Star-Swirl probably dissecting "good morning" for point-scoring. And that ending just had me smiling.

This was altogether a very well-done story, bittersweet in how Velvet and her daughter differ (I both smiled and winced to read Sparkle and Velvet on dragons), and yet uplifting considering the way it all comes together regardless of the differences. :twilightsmile:

Very nice, and it inspired a few pauses and trips to Wikipedia to look up details and possible references. :)
Thank you for writing.

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