• Member Since 10th Apr, 2016
  • offline last seen Mar 9th, 2021

Animation Crusader

Cartoons and video games are my favorite things in the world.



Odd Wonder is a young stallion with an interest in things most ponies would find weird or would avoid.

One of his interests leads him to visit the Changeling Hive to seek an audience with King Thorax. Upon hearing what Odd wants, Thorax directs him to Pharynx for assistance. Only problem is Pharynx doesn't like entertaining guests.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 14 )

Ponies are weird.

for other uses for cocoons try,
"Home Is Where The Hive Is"
by TwistedPretzel

I just sorta assumed the changedlings repurposed the cocoon making for something else. Considering how spartan their style of society tends to be, both before and after the reformation, it makes sense to me that the cocoons had more than one function to begin with, and not all of those functions were eliminated after the reformation.

Being weird is cool. And it's the weird ones that keep the world spinning. :twilightsmile:

Thanks for the recommendation.

Heh, changedlings. I don't know what else they would use the cocoons for. All I know is they haven't been seen since season six's finale, so I was curious what the deal was there.

Don't be silly. The world doesn't rotate. Celestia and Luna moves the sun and moon around the planet.

This was a fun little read! I always love seeing people explore the baby steps of the fledgeling changeling kingdom. And the idea of changelings repurposing their adaptations toward more positive ends is actually really neat, I'd certainly like to see more of that. :pinkiehappy:

Thanks! I looked around, and nobody had tried to put a positive spin on the cocoon thing post the Big Metamorphosis, so I just had to scratch a writing itch. I'm hoping what I wrote inspires other writers to explore the topic. Not sure if I will write more on this topic myself, but we'll have to wait and see.

Thanks! Good luck with that changeling story.

Lol love it

A fun bit of headcanon exploration. :twilightsmile: I think you did the brother's dynamic well.

Thank you very much! It was my first time writing the royal changeling bros, so I wasn't sure if I did them justice.

Cocoons are one of the many pieces of Magitech that could be explored more thoroughly.
Cute story!

I find myself siding with Pharynx most of the time, at least from a practical standpoint. There has to be a middle ground between being villains and pacifists. If nothing else, they should keep the cocoons in case they need to keep prisoners. Hopefully, they won't cocoon everybody who shows up unannounced on their borders, but they should be ready to do so if needed.

Could also be useful for certain espionage missions, though I know many changelings don't like being reminded of that. Still, I would like to see them do a little deception now and then, if only to catch villains and criminals. I think it would help them get over their past somewhat and accept their nature as shape shifters. They shouldn't deny their gifts if they can be used for good instead of evil.

The idea of a cocoon spa does amuse me though. As long as you clean up afterwards, probably wouldn't be much different from a mud bath. Just need a timer so you know how long someone's been inside, which most spas should have anyway.

I'm off to read the sequel. Keep up the good work!

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