• Published 31st May 2019
  • 1,368 Views, 34 Comments

One Crazy Pairing (Stone) - Jhoira

A new pony stops by the Pie rock farm for directions, Marble Pie is fascinated by her.

  • ...

Epilogue: WHAT!?

"WHAT!?" Was the single word shouted by Limestone as she got to the elder's meeting. Normally her father would have reprimanded her for such a loud and rude display of emotion, however, this time Igneous Rock Pie completely agreed with his daughter.

"Mine daughter is most correct!" Igneous Rock Pie nodded. "This event hath never been seen before! The pairing stone has but announced a pair unknown to us!" He pointed at the pairing stone, which displayed Marble's cutie mark, and a strange antler-like inscription that none of them recognized. Igneous Rock Pie looked back to Limestone Pie, seeing her paled face he awkwardly patted her on the shoulder. "Worry not for your sister my daughter. Providence will surely smile upon us that we may find your sister's mate. We will not rest until it is so." The rest of the elders nodded and Limestone shook her head.

"No father... I know who that is..."

Comments ( 29 )

okay some more context may be needed here.

While Marble will probably be thrilled about this, I kind of wonder how Autumn Blaze is going to react to the news. I mean the idea of a magical stone that declares she and Marble are to be together.

I had to look it up, because I had forgotten about it too. The Pairing Stone is referred to in a single line in the show. In the episode "Hearthbreakers" Pinkie's mom (Cloudy Quartz) says that she and her husband "were chosen by the Pairing Stone and betrothed within a fortnight."


Yep! I remember useless facts too well and can include them in stories because I'm a crazy person! :D

That is a good question!

dang it i want more

Heh, this story has become strangely popular.

Wonder if Marble will follow her or if Blaze would like to stay.

That is also a good question.

well you did kinda leave it on a cliff hanger which usually causes people to have questions about media that have been left on cliff hangers. which in turn makes them want more. and considering how well written this fic is don't expect it to go down any time soon.

Is that a challenge!? *Deletes it!* Hm... Maybe I shouldn't take everything as a challenge...

And true, there are some nuance questions that aren't answered. I mean I knew it was a tiny bit of a cliffhanger but now that I think about it I suppose it was more of one than I thought at first.

i promise it's not a challenge just a statement

Well, I wasn't really planning on it but I could write a sequel.

if you do thank you if you don't well thank you for a good story any way

I do really like Autumn Blaze. And I am writing way, way, way too much... :D

is it she is a slightly more energetic and talkative version of pinkie pie?

She has a lot of depth to her too!

that is true despite her only one appearance and if you like her that much then write about her as much as you want

Hehe, well if you're like me and overanalyze the crap out of stuff you get a lot from her very short appearance.

Well, I made a prequel.

Sequel please? This is to cute to not want one.

Also, a very interesting pairing.

Once I'm not so sick and writing more it’ll show up.

It's because it's strange. A nice kind of strange. A new kind of idea. There are plenty of Rainbow X Soarin so those are not as popular, but a Rainbow X Sombra will be popular because it's a new idea.

It also helps that Autumn Blaze is awesome!

That to.
Top three crazy MLP characters.
1. Autumn Blaze
2. Princess Sea Spray
3. Pinkie Pie
Do you think that anypony could be crazier than Pinkie if they didn't get out often?

There's always a crazier pony.

Excellent fic. Good to see there’s more Marble ship fics out there (my own trilogy included). Hope I get to see more of them.

I’m working on a sequel to “someone you can trust” so you will.

Dear Celestia I loved this and hate the fact it ended so abruptly without getting to see more of Autumn and Marble together. But overall well done! It made me crave more interaction between the two mares and caused me to power through each chapter enjoying the interaction of very opposite characters that blended so nicely. This is definitely a new ship for me!

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