• Member Since 21st Jul, 2018
  • offline last seen May 22nd



Truck-kun did not send me into another world. Instead I died chocking on soda and a goddess decided to have me become
a Hero summon. I am joined by some interesting characters that have cool powers. Izuku Midoria is a Monk, Weiss Schnee is a Magic Knight, Naruto Uzamaki is a Black Mage, and Zidane Tribal is a Thief. All of them have skills that allow them to kill the Demon King. As for me I am a Green Mage. A job class that can learn any skill so long as it is not an attack. While being sorted into which countries to train in, Celestia invites me to Equestria. A country of pastel ponies is safe enough for me to survive in right?
[Being Rewritten with new premise]

Chapters (5)
Comments ( 37 )

so.... the rising of the shield hero but truly no attacking from the mc + some referential characters from popular media

I've had this idea in my head since 2016, but I agree it does have shield hero vibes so far. However the Green Mage won't be mistreated like Shield hero or framed. Slavery will be brought up, but not like in other isekai. Thank you for commenting and I hope to hear from you again for the next chapter :raritywink:

Sidenote RedVsBlue is a great series. I like Caboose the most

Caboose is a great character (if a little clumsy) but I always had a liking to wash cause he tries sooo hard to be a proper supersoldier military man but can't catch a break from the entire group of awesome idiots

"E.M.P, what you meant the Emp?"

So there's a bit of a grey area here. What about trap magic? Like pitfalls and such. Those can be used to kill but are usually classed as support magic in games.

Saving that for chapter 3. She can learn any nondirect attack skill, but is restricted by what level she is to get certain skills. She will be able to set up traps like casting float and pushing someone off a cliff. Float is not a combat spell. Spells like poison can not be learned. Now as for pitfalls how the pitfall is made is the determinate factor. For example she can't use a earth manipulation spell since that is considered attack magic. Using a conversion or alchemy spell to remove or change earth can be done since they are not attack spells. Unfortunately for her alchemy is a level 50 spell and would take 100 minutes to make a trap at level 1. She is going to have to rely on others and have people near her to be safe. This will be covered next chapter, but she can still learn how to use a weapon, but she has a 75% damage debuff so it would be pointless. So casting a damage buff spell and make gun, but it would be no different than a BB gun. Having someone fall at skyscraper heights is still effective. She is not OP in a traditional sense, but who needs to kill an enemy when you can slow them down and run away. Anyway the next 3 chapters will cover her powers in depth and the year in training will be more slice of life than adventure. Thank you for thinking about the grey area and pointing it out. I enjoy comments like these because one of the things I want to get across is how there is more to being powerful than having instant kill power or turn country into a crater. Anyway since I'm feeling good I will tell you that Weiss will be going with the dwarves and there are 7 leaders in the Dwarve country. Had to do it. Thank you for the comment and your time.

This gives me a sad image of a ork floating in the air and being used as a pinata while his friends watch from nearby.

Oh my Gahhh! I didn't even think about Pinàta tactics. Now I'm imagining Pinkie Pie volunteering to be one to be one with the party

For those wondering where the next chapter is don't worry. I have been working on further chapters to make sure foreshadowing is properly managed. P.S. Sunset Shimmer is a great character :trollestia:

Story is not dead. I have already gotten 2k words in next chapter, but want to have it be more than an info dump. Been plotting out battles, skills, and villains. Going back to edit chapter 2 to change Equestria timeline. I was going to have it be more up to date with current show, but decided to have it take place in season 1. So expect the next chapter by this week.

Reminder: I don't have an editor so if there is any major grammatical errors please let me know. Also once it is up please let me know what you think. Also from now on Mane Cast will have color coded dialogue. It takes a little more time, but makes reading easier. Also it will play a role in later chapters.

Sorry for hyping the chapter before it comes out, but I feel like everyone should know what is going on to prevent worry about abandoning story.

There will be a pairing, but not with Lime Light. I would like to see if people can guess which ponies get together.

Thank You for Your Time

If you see me post in green text it means I am asking for help from readers.
At the end of each chapter I will provide a short shout out to fanfiction on here. If there is a fanfic you want me to read, even yours, let me know. I read a lot of fanfiction and sharing will hopefully spread awareness of each fanfic. Chapter 2 will have first shout out so be ready for it.:trollestia:

"Good. I now declare you Princess Lime Light".

heh, flew right into that one

"Zidane Tribunal" Couldn't even be bothered to use google, huh?

Thank you for the correction. I went off memory and it was wrong. Thinking about posting chapter 3 now. If I do I'll correct it afterwords. Also they are going with new names. I hope you can guess the references for the names.

Bar Slut Barbie. Now that's a interesting toy.

I'm curious to see if anyone would drop this or would be interested if I made this M and had clop in it. Chapter 3 made a good setting for it. The scene would involve bdsm, transformation, possible yuri, and be consensual. Let me know if that is not your cup of tea and I can skip it or make a later skippable spinoff with different sex scenes.

Update. Been busy packing for move from Florida to Illinois. I'll try to update asap. Also decided that the M chapters will be separate so people can decide if they want to see it or not and have at least 1k words of smut. As always leave a comment on what you think or suggestions and sorry for the wait. Sidenote: have you noticed most gamer M stories don't have sex related skills. That is just weird to me.

Thank you for the comments. She has seen the show. Don't worry the M related stuff will be a separate story and not necessary to read. Next T chapter will be a brief rundown of important stuff on boat trip. Been to busy this month to write down story, but I have been thinking about the next chapter. Also Bar Slut Barbie is from Saturday Night Live's Street Hoe Barbie.

Good news EVERYONE. Ch 4 has reached 1,000 word mark. going to add more tomorrow and publish. It is a bit of a world building chapter. No clop in it, that will be in a seperate story i will link to when made. Sorry for such a long absence. I plan to incorporate 3rd PoV, but 1st person PoV is so common in Isekai it is hard to imagine it not in 1st person.

Did anyone else realize this has the similarities of rising of the shield hero when come to aesthetics like he cant use at magic like the shield cant wield other weapon

It also reminds me of an isekai manga where the main character is really low level and only has debuff spells.

Honestly, no. I have been busy getting settled in new city and just got work. Thinking of reworking this story a bit, but will likely give a few more chapters before deciding that. I know it has been a long time, but I won't give up this story since I want people to see what I do with Sunset. Also I have not had money to buy booze and I tend to write when drunk, I know that explains a lot. I have work tonight, but so far tomorrow I will be off so will finish up next chapter by then. .

Dear Lime Light, bring this so called anime with you.

That is what I expected but bring henti instead *evilly laughing*

Next time : Chapter 4 [I swear I am not learning shapeshifting for that reason]


oi get of your ass and do more chapters

I got good news and bad news. The good news is I'm working on new chapters again. The bad news is I'm likely going to rewrite this story. Im terrible with gamer mechanics and will likely give Lime set powers rather than every none lethal power imaginable. I also need to add more to Celestia and Sunset since the story will really revolve around them and Lime Light. So I am going to post rewrite here till Chapter 5. This story was mostly written without any drafts and that has lead to very shit writing that honestly none of you deserve. I'm keeping original for those who enjoy it. As to why I have been on haitus:
1. hard time writing conflict for op character
2. Been busy despite pandemic
3. I have clinical depression and anxiety which makes motivation for anything difficult
4. I felt that nothing I write would be worth the wait.
TLDR; Story will be rewritten with new premise and same humor

New story is here: https://www.fimfiction.net/story/480814/being-a-merchant-is-better-than-being-forced-to-be-a-killer
Not much yet but worth putting on your update list. The story is more like what I'm used to writing and will be M. Enjoy

For those wondering where https://www.fimfiction.net/story/480814/being-a-merchant-is-better-than-being-forced-to-be-a-killer
Is I clicked auto approval for post and now waiting button says waiting for post. Just submitted 2 chapters so look forward to that. I'll comment when I get approved

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