• Published 21st May 2019
  • 19,635 Views, 2,036 Comments

The Unique Properties of Dark Magic - Shadestyle

Stranded in Equestria's far past in the body of a unicorn without any magical knowledge, the self proclaimed "Weiss Noir" fights for survival in the Frozen North by indulging in sorcery most foul.

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(Weiss Report..?) Color Commentary

Entry Number Two, Day Twenty Three

To be fucking frank, I kinda wish I hadn't just figured out how to make guns. But whatever, the idea's in my head, and I'm just going to have to be careful not to let this particular genie out of it's bottle. I tested it too, it fucking works, I mean, if you give the tanks enough juice anyway. I should probably elaborate. Turns out, if you grow Royal Crystals inside a sealed vessel, the pressure rises. Pretty standard, but the energy in and energy out are way out of whack.

What exactly is a "gun?"

It's like a tiny cannon. They're a thing in the human world, tiny cannonballs fired fast enough to act like arrows.

Why would that concern him so? My own artificers have attempted such in the past, but ponies shrug them off if they lack the mass to overcome a pony's natural fields.

I don't think he knew that. Guns are pretty terrifying in the human world.

Water in nature isn't meant to reach the pressures I can put it at inside a thick graphene-lined canister, and a big boom combined with a pellet is otherwise known as a gun. Or a pipe bomb. Look, I'm not a gunsmith, I just know that I had to burn a bunch of prototypes that I was able to whip up, namely because they fucking worked.

I mean, there's a ton of other uses for this, but I'm too fucking spooked to push them to my R&D dudes because while making a freeze-ray by swapping the water for gasses would be cool, it's basically just making a gun without a bullet, so if I started using those, then someone's going to figure out the trick in a few years.

Didn't cannons exist back when this was written? Can't exactly let the genie out of the bottle when the bottle's already empty.

Indeed they were, but based on these later entries, he had been isolated from the wider world for at least a month before my sister and I found him. He may have assumed we were too primitive to have them at the time.

Really, it looks like there's only one call to make. I'm going to sit on these blueprints and work out a way to create and destroy them on demand, using nothing but my own abilities. I'll probably disguise it as a spell or some shit. If I wasn't so fucking hype about trying to make a respectable book, I might put a fake spell in the Grimoire Noir to throw people off further, but I'm not going to use my baby like that.

Honestly, this speculation is pretty pointless, considering guns aren't even useful for the one individual I want dead. Sombra's dumb smokey smoke thing would probably fuck up any of my plans to just shoot him dead. The best use for it would be to force him to assume his freaky-beaky shadow form, so I can use other stuff to fuck up his day. Or just run away as fast as possible. Probably a better plan, honestly.

He's a bit of a coward, isn't he?

He may be Equestria's biggest coward. I should tell you the story of when I first met him someday.

Entry Number Three, Day Twenty Three

Oh Christ, that's a bit fucked up. Looks like, yes, Crystal Ponies have the actual properties of crystal. I got a hair sample from one of them, and Royal Crystal Growth absolutely works on it. Not sure if it would work on a living subject, but fuck testing that. I'm not exactly eager to accidentally turn my dudes into a bunch of The Fly-esque Cronenbergs because I tried my hand at some kind of Royal Steroid.


I think it's supposed to be a reference to a human movie in which a human was turned into a disgusting monster, but the author's name in the human world I went to is Cronus Dirge, not Cronenberg.

One question answered, but several more evoked... It seems Weiss was unaware that transformative magics are as trivially reversed as they are performed.

Ugh. Speaking of potential Cronenbergs, I hope Dr. Real fucking listened to me when I told him to only clone parts of the dragon tissue samples I collected. The minute a brain gets grown, I'm suddenly dealing with ethical quandaries that I so fucking do not want to deal with right now. You inform one scientist how cloning works, and he gives you a look like Frankenstein if he found a bulk deal on right legs at a lightning bolt store.

Does every other word that comes out of his mouth have to be a curse word?

Only when he's not trying to impress someone. Oh dear. I might owe him a small apology. It might be a bit late though, all things considered.


Well, you smell gratuitous amounts of dragon blood on a pony and you have to make some assumptions about where it came from. Ones I unfortunately made.

It's going to be so fucking cool if it works though, This levitation magic is so bullshit. It doesn't even come with the emotion-boosting that dark magic comes with. Light magic sucks ass, and I'm hype to get some hands back. The fact that they're dragon hands is just the icing on the cake. Dragons are cool, I need hands, and dragons are seriously cool. It's the most basic math imaginable.

It seems Weiss enhanced the truth when he explained why he had attached those limbs to himself. I believe his exact words were; "Now the power of the noble dragon race is within me, and with it, their supreme greed is mine to command. I am fire, I am death!"

That's hilarious. It's also another reference. That exact line about fire and death is from The Hobbit, I think?

Indeed. It seems a lot of my former assumptions about his origins were wrong. But I have to admit, the idea of him being from the human world's future is a far fetched conclusion to reach.

I don't think he is from the human world. Or at least not the one on the other side of the portal.

Well, the important thing is, Weiss despises being outsmarted, and I feel this will be a very enjoyable thing to wave in his face when he starts getting uppity.

Are you sure we should be taunting him about this? He seemed to take keeping this book a secret rather seriously.

Trust me Sunset, he would be offended if we didn't.

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