• Published 10th Apr 2019
  • 10,228 Views, 221 Comments

The Princess of Chaos - Foal Star

After making a bet with Discord, Princess Celestia must keep her new chaotic powers in check for one week. Seems simple enough

  • ...

Chapter Four: Day Three: Truth or Dare?

The next day eventually came as Celestia slowly woke up, stretching her claws and giving out a loud yawn. The princess lazily rolled from her bed and gradually strolled down the hallway, still feeling the rather foreign sensation of morning exhaustion still trying to get used to her new body. Upon entering the kitchen, she was mildly surprised to see of all ponies, Feather Duster dotting over baby Luna, currently seated in the highchair babbling and blowing out bubbles from her mouth.

Despite the surprise of seeing her still transformed pseudo mother again, Celestia couldn't help but chuckle at the sight of her now pint-sized sister happily chugging down a baby formula making cute suckling noises to Duster's continued amusement. Though the moment didn't last as Luna quickly took note of her sister's presence turning her smile in a frown, with a glare added for effect.

While the act was more adorable than intimidating, it had the added effect of alerting Feather Duster to Celestia's presence. However, if she was angry at all about the previous day, she did an excellent job of not showing it in her facial expression or body language.

"Oh, good morning Celestia. I was so busy attending to dear little Woona that I didn't even see you there." She cooed seeming to be loving ever second caring for the baby alicorn.

Celestia had to bite back a chuckle at the frankly adorable nickname the pseudo mother had given her sister, the lunar filly's angry babble, only making it harder to hold back her laughter. Of course, she still had more than enough composure to conjure a camera and taking a few snapshots of the scene.

Satisfied, she stored the device away for another time as she made her way to the table. "It's no problem Feather, I'm more than familiar with how much of a handful wittle Woona can be." Another loud and possibly profane screech came from the pint-sized princess rippled through the kitchen as Celestia sat down.

"By the way, Feather, I hope you aren't upset over yesterday. I admit it was a little harsh on my part, I just felt you were a little...overbearing is all."

Celestia paused, expecting the mother mare to descend into a parental tirade. Yet, while her expression did shift slightly, Duster otherwise showed little reaction, at least in the way of anything negative.

"Oh, that's alright, dear, the trip was actually quite relaxing. And, if I'm honest, you're right that I was getting a little overzealous. You're an adult, after all, and every parent needs to give their child their space."

Celestia felt a twitch come on at Feather, still looking at her as if the princess were her flesh and blood, but at least she was showing more restraint than before. Still, even so… "It's about time I finally reversed this spell and let Feather go back to the pony she was."

For a moment, Celestia contemplated just doing the act now and getting it over with, but she was brought to a halt as Feather promptly dropped a plate of food in front of her face.

"You should probably eat something, you've got quite a busy day on your claws, and we can't have you falling asleep on the job now can we?"

Feather's tone was practically dripping with affection as she laid out some utensils, napkins, and a cup of juice along with the food before turning her attention back to Luna, giving the tiny ruler a warm hug as she pulled the foal from the high chair, much to her giggling delight.

"Perhaps I'll leave her like this for one day longer. I do still need some pony to look after Luna, and Duster is more than willing to take the job."

Taking a quick bite of her pancake, the princess could only smile at how happy Luna looked compared to earlier, enjoying the parental attention for all it was worth. Perhaps leaving her in Feather's care for a day would do her some good, she had seemed a bit stressed as of late.

Her decision made, Celestia decided to speed through breakfast, transforming her mouth to a size comparable to a teenage dragon's and gulping down the food in one sitting.

"Alright, Feather, I'm going to leave Luna in your care for today. And Luna, make sure to behave for Feather while I'm gone."

The motherly alicorn looked positively delighted at the decision. At the same time, Luna blushed a little feeling more conflicted, but Celestia didn't bother to pay either of them a second glance as she snapped herself outside.

Once outside, the princess found a rather broad audience of Canterlot nobles, all waiting for her to raise the sun.

Celestia looked up at the still clear terrestrial sky, pondering on how she should raise it this morning, yet at the moment, all her mind seemed intent on focusing on was some of the cake she'd planned to eat today.

"What in Equestria is wrong with me. Has raised the sun to become so monotonous that I'm more interested in satisfying my cake cravings than performing my most treasured of duties.

As if to answer her, an all too familiar snap sounded, earning a worried flinch from Celestia and a collective gasp from the collection of ponies that surrounded her.

Briefly hesitating, Celestia looked upward, finding that once again, her Chaos magic had opted to act up, now replacing her sun was a giant cake, coated in white frosting, with pink icing outlined each layer with her cutie mark decorated in the center.

"Part of me what's to say, I'm shocked that this happened, but after these last couple of days, I think I'm just numb to it."

If Celestia was completely honest with herself, she wasn't sure if she could call this a bad thing or not. True, the sun was essential to Equestria's survival and was a true masterpiece of nature that commanded respect from all those bathed in its warm glow....the massive cake in the sky looked quite delicious and more a small part of her wanted a slice.

"Oh my, turning the sun into a giant cake. I'd figured that would've happened on day one, but no, you made it all the way to day three. Points for subverting my expectations again, little Sunbutt."

Floating just above her head Discord hovered once again, a telescope in hand to get a better view of the celestial confection.

Celestia tried to speak, only to find her mouth quiet literally zipped shut as Discord was now looming over her like a disappointed parent. "While I do so enjoy our little back and forths, my dear, let's just skip the formality and get right to me fixing yet another of your messes, shall we?"

With a casual snap, the sun returned to its shimmering state, allowing the massive pack of political ponies to return to whatever they were doing, leaving Celestia with Discord, her mouth still zipped.

"Well then," Discord said while dusting off his hands, "After this little fiasco, I trust you're keen to start your first lesson in Chaos Magic?"

He waited for a response only for Celestia to flatly point at her still zipped up mouth, though Discord wasn't so quick to respond, somewhat enjoying the situation. "Maybe we should keep you like that for now, a little incentive always goes a long way in motivating somepony to learn. Plus, it's such a good look for you."

That earned him a growl from the muzzled mare, whose entire body seemed to turn progressively redder with each passing second, even causing the nearby temperature to rise.

" My, somepony's a little hot under the collar," Discord, now holding a frying pan near the princess's head, using her heat to make popcorn. Another glare and point back to the zipper caused him to finally relent. "Happy now?"

"Not exactly, but thank you regardless, Discord," Celestia's body quickly returned to its natural color as she straightened herself out, "I'm ready to learn all you have to teach me. However, I still expect you to maintain a proper level of decorum. No mischief of any kind is that understood?"

She looked sternly at her hopeful instructor, who looked ready to gag at the notion.

"My goodness, you are such a stick in the mud. But fine," he quickly pulled his left claw off and proceed to cross his heart with it, "I solemnly swear I will not be up to no good. Happy?"

His claw quickly poofed back to its original spot, leaving a satisfied looking Celestia. "Yes, thank you, Discord."

"Well, now that everypony is happy and all that fun little nonsense, we can start," with another flash the draconequus was now clad in a traditional black instructor robe, complete with glasses and a floating blackboard, "Hello class, I'm Professor Discord, and this is Chaos Magic 101. So let's get started by opening your textbooks to page 22."

Another flash and Celestia was seated in an airborne chair and desk before a yellow and black textbook landed right in front of her. A glance immediately brought a look of annoyance at the words CHAOS MAGIC FOR DUMMIES written on the cover, made more anger-inducing by the added, 'specifically Celestia' in small text in the left-hand corner.

Discord's knowing smirk only added to her annoyance as the spirit levitated a piece of chalk up to the board and had it start writing.

"Now then, today, we will be discussing the most fundamental rule relating to Chaos Magic. Can anypony tell me what that rule is?"

In an instance, Celestia found herself surrounded by copies of Discord, all clad in various forms of clothes and school bags, all excitedly waving their raised arms around in an attempt to get their...teacher's attention. Sadly for them, it was clear he only had his eyes on one person in the room.

"Celestia, care to take a crack at this problem. Please don't be shy; there are no wrong answers."

Celestia felt hesitant, knowingly Discord was more than likely baiting her somehow. Yet, she had asked him for his help, so might as well throw caution to the wind.

"I….I suppose it would be learning how to control."


A loud buzzer that threatened to rupture her eardrums howled through the room, with a massive neon sign forming the word Wrong hanging over Discord's head.

"Oh, I'm so sorry, my dear, but not only is that answer wrong, but it is also so incorrect of an answer that as punishment, you now need to wear this."

Another snap and a big pink dunce cap suddenly appeared atop Celestia's head, earning a mass of laughter from the many Discords sitting around her.

Satisfied by the now furious looking Celestia, Discord carried on. "The most crucial and basic thing to know about Chaos magic is that you don't control it. Control goes against everything Chaos magic stands for; it is chaos after all."

As if to emphasize his point, Discord casually allowed his lion's paw to shapeshift into an ice cream cone, a dragon's head, a chair leg, a unicorn horn, and...was that Pinkie Pie's head for a moment, before reverting to its original shape.

"See that, totally random. Chaos magic will typically do what you want but not if you try to force it. The harder you try to rein it in and the more out of control it will become."

As he continued to teach, Celestia, having gotten the cap off, found herself processing every word her instructor was saying, comparing it to everything that's happened to her up to this point.

"It does at least seem to match up slightly with my past experiences. Yet that still doesn't offer me much help in regards to avoiding future mishaps like earlier."

Deciding to humor Discord, Celestia opted to raise her hoof and play along with the classroom scenario he'd cooked up. "So then, if we can't control our magic, how do we make it work without causing it to just activate randomly?"

"Oh, I'm so happy you asked my dear student...oh, bet you never imagined somepony saying that to you."

Taking his hand to the chalkboard, he quickly flipped the board to the other side to reveal the words JUST DO IT, leaving Celestia more than a little unsatisfied.

"...is this supposed to be some kind of joke Discord?"

In response, Discord was now dressed up as a clown in a purple suit with green hair and a painted-on smile. "Well, I don't doubt you could use a good laugh right about now my dear, you're so serious all the time, it's almost painful,"

He immediately changed back to his normal appearance as he got right in her face. "However, I'm quite serious here. Chaos magic, at its core, is as simple as it gets, you want something to happen, just think about it and do it, that's all there is to it.

"It can't possibly be that simple?"

"Oh, what exactly were you expecting, some overly elaborate magic equation full of symbols, numbers of text no sane pony would ever try to translate."

Another flip of the board showed such an equation, one that would look right at home in Twilight's lab.

"Listen, Celestia, it really is that simple. The thing you need to remember above all is that normal magic has rules. Hence it has limits to what it can or can't do. Chaos magic has no rules, the fact you can do literally anything you want without restriction is what makes it chaos. So if you want to do something..."

Discord once again shifted, this time being clad in a black t-shirt, jeans, a wristwatch, and a short black beard. "JUST DO IT!"

The princess looked slightly unconvinced, staring now at her hands, trying to wrap her head around this new information.

"I see you don't believe me quite yet," Discord said, hanging appearing right over her shoulder, smiling all the way, "Well then, the best way to learn is through trial and error, so let's have ourselves a trial filled with all sorts of errors."

With another loud snap, the pair found themselves transported to the massive castle kitchen, earning a bit of a jolt from some of the staff whole immediately went back to work, unbothered by the sudden appearance.

"Exactly how long is this lesson going to take Discord?" Celestia's eyes couldn't help but drift to a nearby clock, and a literal thought bubble appeared above her head, showing a long piece of paper with the words schedule printed in bold red letters, "I don't feel I need to remind you. I have more pressing matters to attend to today."

"Right, important," Discord let out a raspberry as he casually brushed away the thought bubble, "I'm certain all those frankly overdressed and overpaid ponies you're always dealing with can go an hour or two without crying to you over every minor inconvenience they have."

"It's not that simple Discord. We're hosting an important banquet tonight, and I need to make sure everything is ready. I can't waste too much time on this."

Discord paused, casually stroking his beard as he thought for a moment, "Well, if you're that worried about it, then we can just multitask, something you should be more than familiar with by now."

Without even snapping this time, a large table appeared out of nowhere, with a book containing a picture of a cake in the center. "I'd planned for something like this anyway. Might as well start simple, and making cake is about as simple as you can get."

"You want me to make a cake with magic?" Celestia asked with a look of uncertainty on her face.

"Given earlier this morning, you've already gotten a head start, though try to keep it to the size of this room, please." Discord snickered secretly hoping a cake that size would suddenly explode out from the princess's magic.

Celestia looked ready to dismiss the idea outright, still afraid of what might happen. In a way, it was odd that she felt so nervous about the mere idea of doing something so simple. Yet these last few days had shown her just how much trouble she could cause if she wasn't careful. At this point, it was a surprise she hadn't ended up in a near-hysterical state similar to Twilight during the Smartypants debacle.

"Get a grip, Celestia, it's just cake. Just think and do it, that's all. Stop hesitating."

Without a moment's pause, Celestia formed a picture in her head and immediately snapped, staring down at what she'd created.

"Hmm, well it's an improvement over earlier, but…"

On the table, there was currently a large white cake covered in pink icing, which wasn't the inherent problem. No, that was the large mouth filled with teeth seemingly made of hardened blue icing and a pair of eyeholes illuminated by candles. All the while, the carnivorous confection growled and bit in every direction, icing leaking from its mouth.

Discord took a moment to trap the cake until a large glass cake server, looking over the treat with amusement. "You know, I think serving these would make for a more enjoyable experience then bland old normal cakes. Goodness knows it could get those stuck up ponies to liven up for a change."

A quick glance at Celestia revealed her sulking in the corner, a tiny black cloud hanging over her head as she tried to curl into a ball.

"Oh, come on, you don't need to be so melodramatic. Compared to this morning, it's an improvement, sure it's a little." another growl and the sound of something smacking against glass interrupted him, "bitter, but you're starting to get the hang of it."

Celestia, however, only seemed to curl in further, the cloud getting larger with mini lightning bolts and rain for added effect.

At this point, Discord's half-hearted smile fell from his face at the pitiful sight of the usually confident and powerful ruler. Without any prompting, he immediately reached into his face and pulled out a new mouth before smacking the cloud away.

"Okay, this has officially stopped being funny. Clearly, you're not in your right head at the moment and need to get a little air. So, we're just going to go out for a little while and get you away from all this negativity."

Celestia finally pulled herself out of her state of self-compression, pondering on the notion before nodding.

"Perhaps taking some time off would do me some good, but we're only going to be out for a few hours. I still need to test the cakes for the banquet tonight and make sure they are up to the proper standard of quality."

"Which I bet are quite high considering your love for cake." Discord chimed in.

Celestia reared her head at Discord and snapped back. "These banquets are host to the most prestigious ponies from all across Equestria. As such the food must be up to a certain standard. The fact I just happen to have high standards when it comes to confections is a benefit, if anything."

Discord stepped back, seeing how angry his fellow draconequus was getting and replied, "Ah, ah-ah, temper. I'm more than confident in your capability to critique the quality of countless culinary confections, but do remember to keep your emotions in check. One thing Chaos magic has in common with normal magic is that emotions have a big impact on how much power you produce, so try to keep calm."

Celestia gave a deep breath and calmed herself. "Right, sorry, let's just head out. There are at least two shops I need to visit, and I'd prefer not to rush."

The two floated down the cobblestone streets, eventually making it to a quite extravagant looking bakery. A glance in the front window showed a massive ten layer wedding cake, which even Discord himself had to admit looked quite appetizing.

Celestia paused before looking at Discord with a critical eye. "Remember Discord, we're simply here to test the cakes for the banquet; as such, I expect you to be on your best behavior.

Discord quickly shifted into an angel outfit, complete with glowing halon and equally glowing smile, earning him a dismissive eye roll from Celestia.

The draconequus calmly strolled in, making Celestia squeak out in surprise as she quickly followed suit. Upon entering the bakery, the pair were then hit with an aroma of fresh cake, melted sugar, chocolate, and a lovely looking baker's mare with a cream-colored coat and a warm, loving smile.

"Oh, hello there, welcome to Sweet Hearts, one of the finest bakeries in all of Canterlot. My name is Cream Heart, tell me, are you looking to buy a wedding cake?"

Celestia's face immediately turned red at the implication, while Discord looked more amused than embarrassed.

"Well, while I'll admit my companion here is certainly a catch, especially now, I'm afraid we're here for a much more mundane reason."

Celestia, further embarrassed by the veiled compliment, took a few steps away from Discord as she quickly explained, "We're just here to inspect the cake for the banquet this weekend."

Sweet Cream, upon taking a closer look at Celestia, immediately recognized the monarch, becoming mildly embarrassed herself. "Oh, Princess Celestia, my apologies, I'd almost forgotten about that! Please, just wait here for a moment, I just baked a fresh cake a few minutes ago, anticipating your arrival."

The mare then skipped off quickly, being quite excited to show the princess her best cake yet, leaving the pair in somewhat awkward silence.

Discord turned to Celestia and whispered in her ear. "Certainly, I know I said we'd take a little break, but why not take another crack at some Chaos magic I can't exactly imagine you being nearly as stressed out here?"

Celestia didn't say anything, seemingly trying to focus on some of the other cakes in the store to avoid speaking to Discord.

"Oh, don't tell me you're still bothered by her little misunderstanding? Does the idea of us as a couple bother you that much?"

Celestia refused to make eye contact, "Can we please not discuss this."

Discord was tempted to press further but decided against it, not willing to risk a possible outburst from the still volatile princess. Thus instead…

"Then how about we play a game instead."

Celestia's perked at the suggestion, looking warily at her companion. "And what kind of game did you have in mind?"

Discord's smile grew, his long fang nearly sliding across his other teeth. "Think of it as a simple practice exercise for your magic. Once the cake comes in, we change it around a little bit to see who can come up with the most...chaotic effect."

Celestia immediately prepared to shut the idea down only for Discord to beat her to the punch.

"Listen, I'm not asking you to reinvent the wheel here. Just keep to something simple and if worst comes to worst I can fix it in a literal snap. You do want to control your magic, don't you?"

Celestia debated for several moments before, reluctantly agreeing to the proposal.

Thankfully, the pair didn't have to wait too long before the baker mare came back and presented them with the cake.

"Alright, here it is!"

The cake was quite beautiful mixed decorated with swirls of pink and blue frosting, which only made it more appetizing to Celestia, almost making her regret agreeing to tamper with it. Yet, they had agreed, and the sight of the cake had caused an idea to form in her head.

A mischievous smile across her face, the princess pictured the effect she wanted in her mind and immediately zapped it without taking a moment to question her decision.

In a flash, the cake's decorations were now split down the middle, completely blue on one side and pink on the other. While the baker looked shocked, Discord seemed less than impressed.

"Well, you managed to not cause a scene, though I was hoping for something a little more impressive than a simple color change."

Celestia's smirk quickly grew, earning a curious look from Discord. "Oh, I've done more than change its color. I've added a sort of transformation charm to it. If you eat the blue side, you turn into Shining Armor while the pink sider turns you into Princess Cadence," the now proud princess puffed out her chest with pride at Discord who offered a light clap in response.

"Hmm, that's a bit more creative I'll give you. But we still need to check and see if it works."

Celestia, however, quickly remembered where exactly they were and turned to the still stunned baker. "I hope you don't mind this, but we're having a bit of a magic competition. If it's too much trouble, we can leave."

To her surprise, Cream Heart rapidly shook her head, "oh, it's no trouble at all. If anything it sounds like it could be quite exciting. Please feel free to continue. "

Thus with little room to argue, the two then started to eat the cake, with Discord slowly transforming into Cadence, though with a dark brown coat, a long yellow and light brown mane. Meanwhile, Celestia became a Shining Armor clone with a similar white coat, but with a mane comprised of dark and bright pink.

They were surprised and laughed as they looked over their new bodies as Celestia looked over herself with a smirk on her face." Well, this is certainly different. Though after being turned into a draconequus, it's nice to be a normal pony again," she paused and took a moment to look at herself in the nearby window. Her face turned bright pink, looking at her reflection, seeing how muscular she looked and responded in a surprised tone, "I must say, I cut quite an impressive figure as a stallion."

Cream Heart nodded rapidly, stars visible in her eyes, "Oh yes your highness, if I may be so bold you look very handsome," her eyes shifted to Discord, looking at him equally starstruck, "And Discord, you look positively breathtaking, the picture of eloquence and beauty."

Discord offered a half-hearted chuckle, brushing the mane out of her eyes and looking into another window admiring his new body. It was thin and graceful not unlike Cadance's and was quite bashful waving the compliment off with his new hoof. "Oh, stop, you're gonna make me blush." Discord's entire body turned completely red, though it seemed more he was simply humoring her than being done out of actual embarrassment.

Celestia eyed Discord, finding the momentary distraction somewhat calming as if the pressure she'd been feeling earlier was lessening. "Well, as enjoyable as this is, it's a tad limited as far as possible challenge options are concerned, so how about a new game Discord."

Discord, still in his Cadence form, stretched his ears like rubber right over to Celestia, "I'm all ears, Celestia what did you have in mind?"

"Nothing too elaborate, just a simple game of Truth or Dare."

Immediately Discord's excitement dropped, "Have you been reading some of Twilight's old books again," Afterwards, he poofed up the book with the title Slumber Party 101, "Because I'm pretty sure we've already visited this particular scenario."

Celestia rolled her eyes, "Oh, stop being so negative, it'll be fun," Discord didn't look convinced, prompting Celestia to up the stakes.

"Very well, then how about this, as a rule, if you refuse to do either Truth or Dare, then you must eat another piece of the cake. That should make things a little more exciting, don't you think?"

Pausing as he weighed the options, Discord offered a shrug, "Well, it's not my usual game, but putting a little chaotic spin on it could make things more exciting. So I'm in, I suppose."

Sweet Cream rose a hoof and exclaimed with a big smile on her face. "Oh, I wanna go first!"

"Okay, Sweet Cream, you can go first?" Discord scoffed, rolling his eyes, being a bit agitated and wanting to get this game over with.

Sweet Cream turned her attention to the princess, blushing, seeing how hot she looked in her stallion body she gulped and stammered, "um..C...Celestia truth or dare?"

"Hmm, why not dare?" The princess of the sun responded, wanting to see what this baker had in store.

"I want you to kiss Discord!" The mare chirped out, clapping her hooves together.

"What!" The princess and Discord squeaked out in surprise with big wide eyes.

"Oh, come on! You two are the royal couple I need to at least get a picture of you two kissing!"

The two looked at each other with their faces both a bright pink and both considering not going through with the dare.

"Look, I'll do this dare only as long as you know we're not actually going to get married." Discord snapped with an embarrassed look on his new face feeling quite conflicted about kissing the princess.

"Just shut it, and let's get this over with." Celestia squeaked out feeling just as conflicted. But they slowly move their faces together both sweating a bit and as they puckered their lips the two gave each other a quick peck on the lips. As Sweet Cream snapped a few pictures. "Oh, that was so cute! You should've held it!"

Celestia sat back, coughing a bit, and immediately responded, "So, I think I'll go next...Discord truth or dare?"

Discord eyed Celestia, stubbornly refusing to play, especially after having to kiss her...but finally after being glared at by his chaotic partner in crime, snapped, "Alright, fine... I'll go with truth I have nothing to hide?"

The princess, however, despite requesting the game, didn't seem especially happy, practically looking at him with a harsh glare. "Very well then, tell me? Do you wish I could stay a draconequus forever?"

Discord's confidence immediately evaporated as his whole body paled, "Uh...well, that is…"

"You have to answer, it's the rules, and you agreed, now answer me."

Discord shivered at the force behind her tone, making it clear this wasn't a request but a demand, and he'd be wise to answer. "F-fine, yes, I do wish you'd stay like this."

"I'd say that I'm surprised, but I'd be lying. Though, now I'm curious to know more."

Discord, however, immediately raised a massive stop sign in response. "Uh uh, I answered my question, so let's give someone else a chance."

Celestia huffed angrily at being denied, but an idea quickly formed in her head, and she immediately pulled Sweet Cream to the side, who'd been sitting there simply enjoying the show.

Discord tried to hear what the two were whispering about but found himself unable to. His suspicion grew as Sweet Cream seemed to nod excitedly, before focusing her eyes on Discord.

"Why do I get the feeling something excruciatingly painful is about to happen?"

"Well, I believe it's my turn now," Sweet Cream snickered with a suspicious smile on her face, "And I chose you Discord. Truth or Dare."

"Wait a minute, I just went, you can't make me go twice in a…."

Celestia immediately cut him off mid-speech. "Technically, when we started, we never established any specific rules outside of asking Truth or Dare along with the cake rule. As such, it's perfectly fine for more than one person to ask somepony twice. Besides, it's more...chaotic this way, and I know you just love that, don't you Discord?"

Discord could feel every part of his body twitching angrily as he quickly realized the hole he was currently dug into. Yet, he begrudgingly relented.

".....Fine, I'll pick truth again. Honestly, that seems like the safer option here."

Sweet Cream quickly cooed in excitement. "Alright, do, you have feelings for Celestia!?"

He squeaked as Celestia blushed, turning towards him. He crossed his claws, "That's not a fair question, ask another?"

Celestia scoffed, "According to the rule, you have to answer the question, or you have to eat another piece of cake."

The draconequus scoffed, "fine, I'd rather turn back into a male anyways! No insult to you mares, but I prefer being my gender."

The mare cooed, "oh? Who said anything about turning back into a stallion? Eat another pink piece of cake."

Discord rolled his eyes, seeing little reason to argue as it was not like it made too much of a difference as he ate another piece of cake. He squeaked, feeling a graceful looking wedding dress poof around her body, It was complete being fitted to the waist and the fabric flowed naturally to the floor, along with a white wedding veil flowing down Discord's head. Hearing snickering she turned around with a glare at the pair annoyed.

"Really? A wedding dress?" The lord of chaos grumbled under his breath.

The two laughed as Cream Heart exclaimed, "My goodness Discord you look great in that dress? Are you sure you don't want a wedding cake!"

"Oh Cadance you just look lovely? Maybe we should get married here?" Celestia joked with a smirk on her face feeling good that she was able to make Discord feel embarrassed.

The lord of chaos looked away feeling bashful about his new outfit and because how Celestia in Shining Armor's form was staring at him with lustful eyes.

Celestia turned to Discord. "Alright, my turn, truth or dare?"

Discord snorted through his nostrils. "Is anyone else going to get a turn, or am I the only one being humiliated through this silly game? Cause I feel as though I've more than earned my turn here."

Both Celestia and Sweet looked at each other, gave a nod, and turned back to their fellow player.

"Very well, Discord, it's your turn." The two chimed in unison.

"Finally," The draconequus jumped for joy as he immediately pointed the finger at Sweet Cream. "Alright, baker, I'll start with you. Truth or Dare."

"What? You just want to get me back for earlier!?"

"That's right!" Discord snickered evilly as he loomed over the helpless baker, "So choose your answer wisely because I promise you won't like what I have in store for you if you choose wrong."

The baker panicked, sweat being to pool around her forehead, fearing what horrors awaited her should she make the wrong choice.

"....I...I...I CAN'T choose. I'll just try a piece of the cake."

She immediately felt regret, as Discord's smile grew dramatically. "Oh, I was so hoping you'd choose that option, and since turn about is fair play, we never established any guidelines about cake consumption. So I want you to eat a slice from each side, at the same time!"

She froze, staring down at the cake, wondering what exactly would happen if she tried such a thing. Yet, she knew there was no way she could refuse, especially not after how she'd helped humiliate Discord before.

Thus, without pause, she scarfed down both pieces of cake and found herself covered in a magic glow that threatened to blind all those present. In a flash of blue and pink, the baker mare found herself now replaced with a baby, alicorn filly with swirls of pink and light blue for a mane and tail, giant white feathered wings and big wide bright blue eyes babbling incoherently.

Discord and Celestia shouted out, "WHAT?"

"How on earth did that happen. How does eating something that supposed to make you male and female at the same time turn you into an alicorn of all things?" Celestia asked as she scooped up the pint-sized princess crawling babbling and cooing in her hooves.

"What part of Chaos Magic do you not understand. It's supposed to be random," Discord argued, before going over the alicorn filly with a magnifying glass, "though even as random chaos is, this is a new one. Hmm, maybe this is what Cadence and Shining Armor's child would look like."

Celestia immediately looked at Discord like he was completely insane...or more insane than he already was, "That's your explanation for this. How in Equestria did you arrive at that conclusion."

Discord started to pull out another blackboard that contained another overly complicated equation only for Celestia to throw the rest of the cake at it, "Never mind. What's important is changing her back to how she was before. Bad enough I turned Feather into an Alicorn, I'd rather not this become a trend."

"You sure?" Discord asked, wiping the cake off his blackboard, having returned to his original form, "You still don't exactly have the best track record when it comes to transformations."

Celestia, now transformed back to her draconequus form with a snap of a claw. "How was that!? I think I'm getting the hang of this."

"You're getting better but do you think you can fix Sweet Cream?" Discord asked eyeing Celestia still being unsure of the princess's capabilites.

"Well, I had only a few hours of experience as of right now, so no, not really. But, I still have to at least try to turn her back to normal, leaving Sweet Cream like this would be irresponsible after all." The princess snapped back as she now held the cooing alicorn foal in her claws. The foal was acting quite adorable waving its hooves uncontrollably, flapping her wings and blowing bubbles through her mouth.

Celestia stared down at the foal with a worried look on her face as she slowly held out a claw and with a quick snap another burst of light, the pair found that the alicorn filly had been changed...into an older, seemingly teenage version of the same alicorn. Needless to say, Celestia didn't exactly look thrilled at her latest attempt while Discord held up a scorecard with a "4" on it.

"Well, you made her older, at least, but she's still an alicorn, so not your best showing dear."

Sweet Cream meanwhile seemed to be looking over her transformed state, puzzled at her new giant wings and rubbing her new horn as she asked, "Oh, wow, that was weird!? Huh? Why do I think my name is Flurry Heart?"

"Why do I feel so energetic!" She chirped out, bouncing up and down in excitement.

Flurry Heart started to flap her wings and fly around, only for an oversized paw to immediately pull her down to ground level and keep her from flying away. "Okay, I think we've met our hijinks quota for this chapter. So let's wrap things up, shall we?"

"Let me go! I wanna go fly!" Sweet Cream snapped being quite bratty in her teen form.

Celestia stood over the teenager and scolded her. "You stop it right now young lady."

"Your not my mom! You can't tell me what to do!" Flurry Heart whined stomping about and shot magic out of her horn at Celestia dodged the blast. With a loud BOOM! one of the cakes in the shop exploded sending pieces of frosting and smashed cakes to splatter all over the walls.

Celestia turned to Discord with smashed cake all over her body and shouted in anger. "Are you going to stand there or are you going to help me get her under control!"

"Jeez, calm down it's not like were actually her parents." The lord of chaos snapped a claw as Sweet Cream was turned back into her normal self again and the cake being restored, magic free as well.

The princess immediately began apologizing to Cream for all that happened, only for the baker to calmly laugh it off.

"There's no need for that your highness. Truthfully, it was actually pretty enjoyable, and after everything else that's happened in Canterlot these last few years, being made into an alicorn for a few minutes is just a drop in the bucket!" The baker's mare replied happily as she seemed to secretly want to stay as an alicorn. Celestia simply smiled sadly, still feeling she hadn't been able to have a grip on her new chaos magic.

The pair left the shop, Discord having teleported the cake back to the castle (despite not noticing two pieces were missing), as Celestia being too afraid to even attempt such a thing as the two continued on to the next stop on their travels. As the two left the cake shop, Sweet Cream placed the two pieces of enchanted cake away in a cupboard with a crazed look in her eye. "Oh, I can't wait to be an alicorn again!"