• Published 8th Aug 2012
  • 5,643 Views, 393 Comments

The Hero of Oaton - thatguyvex

Lunaverse story: Trixie and co. must save a rural town from a corrupt lumber operation

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Epilogue: A Promise to a Filly

Epilogue: A Promise to a Filly

Trixie watched Luna as the alicorn stood looking out the window into Oaton’s village square. Trixie was done resting in her guest bed at mayor Sheaf’s home, and had spent much of her recovery time telling the full story of events to the Princess while Luna listened with only occasional questions here and there for clarification.

Luna’s features were hard to read. Trixie had seen a wide spectrum of emotions on her mentor over the years of her often rocky apprenticeship, from wry amusement to raging fury, and more recently with the return of Corona, even fear. However the dark alicorn could mask her emotions with an effectiveness that Trixie was jealous of. Trixie couldn’t gauge just what Luna was thinking, having just finished telling the last of the story.

“I have rarely heard of a more tangled tale of events” Luna said, turning from the window, “Nor as troubling. To think we missed one...”

Trixie, who was sitting up in the bed, working some feeling back into her limbs, asked, “Is this where you explain to me what in the name of, well, you, that shrine was about?”

The Princess’ wings ruffled slightly, her mask dropping to show the clear distaste she had for the topic, “Long ago, the ponies of this realm were ruled by a horrible being. A creature from the darkest of places. His name is best left forgotten, for he was a despoiler of the pony spirit. He loved nothing more than to inspire the worst traits in others and revel in the tyranny he created. When my sister and I encountered his wretched empire we worked together with the ponies he oppressed to defeat him and banish him to Tartarus. However he left behind parts of his spirit in a bid to create more like himself that would grow in power and potentially free him from his prison. Celestia and I thought we’d purged all such shrines from the realm... but it seems we had missed one, hidden all these centuries. I’m amazed it remained dormant so long.”

Trixie groaned, “What? So you’re not even going to tell me the name of the thing I helped banish? I can’t just keep calling it the Whisper, or whatever!”

“Whisper? A strange choice of names. Put it from your mind, Trixie. Do not give such things power, by naming them. Suffice to say it is best left forgotten. If you truly wish to know, study more. There are only so many tyrannical times where ponies were ruled by an evil being, after all,” said Luna with a wry little smile that Trixie knew, and often found quite annoying. Soon that smile turned genuinely soft, and proud.

“You did well. To face even a fragment of such a being and see it banished from our world is no small feat. More impressive the lengths you went for this small village.”

Trixie felt heat rush through her face, not really all that used to praise from Luna, “I was hardly the only one,” she found herself saying, much to her own shock. Normally she drank in praise, when offered, but right now, after all she and her friends had gone through she wasn’t feeling the need to bask. “Everypony else did as much or more. Oaton’s standing because of a lot of ponies working together. They didn’t need a hero. They saved themselves.”

“Perhaps,” said Luna, giving Trixie a curious look, then her tone became more serious, “In any case, there remains much to do concerning Oaton and the ponies involved in these events. If I am to take this tale at face value I have a number of ponies on my hooves who have committed grave crimes, despite their heroic actions in saving this village.”

Trixie, stretching her limbs, reluctantly left the comfortable bed behind and hopped out, giving the Princess a reassuring nod as the alicorn looked at Trixie with concern. She was still a bit wobbly on her legs, but she felt leagues better than she had in some time, “Been thinking on that. Lucky for us Equestria’s legal system is flexible.”

Luna’s frown was like a cloud passing over the moon, “I will not bend the rules more than I must, and not without good reason. I did not make the laws to put myself above them, nor twist them to suit my whims. Or yours.”

“No twisting,” Trixie said, raising a placating hoof, then paused, cocking her head in thought, “At least I don’t think so. Just hear me out, that’s all I ask. I know you can’t just let everypony off the hook, but maybe we can make sure everypony still wins in the end...” she frowned, “Most everypony anyway.”

Luna’s frown deepened, but also somehow became softer, if somewhat consternation, “Yes, the pony who led Hoofington’s Lumber Guild. Sawdust. Many choice words I would like to say to him, but it may be some time before I am able to do so.”

Sawdust remained unconscious to Trixie’s knowledge, being looked after by his sister Picturesque in her own room. Unlike Trixie, who had just barely been pulled back from the edge of overchanneling, the strain of the enacting the purification half of the ritual spell had put Sawdust over the edge and into complete magical burnout. Unicorns who did that ran the heavy risk of being put into comas. The kind that might last only a few days, or could last years. In some extreme cases, waking up never occurred. He was stable, but there was no telling at what point he might recover.

“I’ve taken Sawdust’s condition into account,” said Trixie, “My plan isn’t all that complicated, but I need to have everypony involved in the same room. Before that though, I wanted to ask if Bushel was going to be okay?”

Luna’s eyes shifted, gaining a brighter gleam to them, “Ah, yes, in between breaks of you telling me your tale I’ve had chance to both speak with and examine that young filly myself. And meet her siblings. An energetic trio of foals.”

“So she’ll be alright?” Trixie asked, unable to keep from shifting on her hooves with anxiousness she wasn’t used to feeling outside of having a mountain of paperwork to do.

Luna nodded, “My head maid, Miss Clean Glow, also possesses an Inverted Horn. Young Bushel makes the fourth that I know of that currently has this condition in this particular generation, though I’ve met many others over the course of time. It is a rare condition but not unmanageable once one understands how to control it. She will need to feed upon magical energy on a semi-regular basis to keep the horn’s needs satisfied, and be careful of taking in too much lest she overcharge herself like she did when she saved your life, but it should be a simple matter to learn the needed concentration to ensure she can control what her horn does or does not consume. I’ll be making the suggestion to her parents that she be allowed to make a home-stay for a month or two in Canterlot where Clean Glow can teach her what she will need to know.”

Trixie let out a soft sigh of relief, “Well, that’s good. Sheaf shouldn’t have a problem with that... or at least I’m hoping he won’t after today.”

Luna raised a brow, “I would hope not. Oaton will not remain isolated after this. I will see to its registry myself and look to see it has a proper Representative of its own.”

Trixie smiled, “What a coincidence you bring that up, given I have just the candidate in mind.”


“You can’t b-b-be serious?” Count Shiny Copper Coin said, then blanched, drawing back into his chair as Princess Luna gave him a hard look, “I-I mean... but...” he glanced to his left where his sister sat in a chair looking both frightened and confused, sitting stock still. She was cleaned up quite a bit from the previous day, though remained unclothed and just had her mane and tail well brushed.

“T-Tarnished cannot be the Representative of Oaton!” Count Shiny said, trying to sound more confident about it than he looked.

Trixie smiled, “I don’t see why not. The Copper Coin family are the protectors of this province and Oaton requires a Representative of the Night Court to see that its needs and concerns have a voice and that the Night Court has a pony to be its voice in turn among the community. Normally this position could be held by another, but Tarnished’s unique situation makes her ideally suited. She already knows the area well, and is in a position where she needs to serve a term of community service for endangering the lives of Oaton’s citizens. On top of that, with part of the forest being considered for being turned into a wildlife preserve, there are few ponies as well suited as Tarnished to the task of also acting as Warden.”

“But s-sh-she has responsibilities b-back home with her family!” said Count Shiny, hoof striking the table, then he jumped a bit at his own actions. Next to him, on the opposite side from Tarnished, Cheerilee leaned in and patted him on the back.

“Shiny, relax, before you pop something in your head. Trixie’s idea isn’t a bad one... assuming Tarn, that you feel you’re up to it?”

Tarnished seemed to calm down just a bit at hearing Cheerilee’s voice, gulping at the way Princess Luna stared at her, “I don’t know. How much choice do I really have? Its this or... or jail, isn’t it?”

Princess Luna closed her eyes, “I know that your mind was not of your own sound thinking. As such I am willing to see this matter in a lenient light. Even were you to choose imprisonment over working as Oaton’s Representative the duration would be shortened, perhaps a year, and in a low security facility where you would be allowed visitors. It may even be a peaceful manner in which to recover from your ordeal, as opposed to the challenge of serving Oaton.”

Tarnished’s ears lowered, her face a turmoil of thought, but ultimately she looked over at her brother and Cheerilee and said, “I can’t hide away anymore. I don’t know if I’ll be any good at it, but I’ll do it. I’ll be Oaton’s Representative. If... if they’ll have me.”

All eyes in the room turned to mayor Sheaf, who’d remained quietly sitting across the table thus far. He looked at Tarnished with measuring eyes. He then turned his gaze to Princess Luna, looking unsure if he should meet her eyes directly or bow before addressing her, but ultimately decided to meet the immortal alicorn’s gaze head on.

“Ahem, Princess, Oaton’s been without any contact with your Night Court for as long as we’ve been a town. That said, what Trixie here’s suggesting is just part of a lot of changes that’d be coming our way,” he paused, then shook his head with a small laugh, “Few days ago I’d never have even considered this. None of my ponies would have. Guess things change.

He looked at Trixie, “Ponies can change. My folk, I think they can accept Tarnished her as Representative.”

Tarnished seemed to look both relieved to hear that and more than a little terrified. Trixie smiled over at her, “Don’t worry, I’ve got some experience with the job, and Ponyville is a short distance for mail carriers. I’ll help you out with answering any questions you might have on how to be an inspiring, capable Representative!”

Cheeriee’s lips twisted in a wry smile. Raindrops, sitting on Trixie’s right, gave Trixie a deadpan look. Trixie frowned, looking between her two friends, “What? I’d give good advice!”

“Tarn, whatever she says, don’t start keeping stashes of bourbon in your desk,” said Cheerilee.

Sheaf coughed, loudly, before Trixie could retort, “In any case, there’s also the other matter that Trixie has brought up.”

Count Shiny, who’d been looking like he was still having trouble fully accepting the notion of his sister staying in Oaton, started and looked over at Sheaf, “Y-y-yes... that. I...w-well,” he gulped, steadying his voice and suppressing the stutter, “I understand that unlike my sister, I do not have the excuse of having my mind influenced. I have endangered the lives of Equestrian citizens, participated in illegal smuggling of protected species, and my actions have disrupted the peace. I know that I cannot avoid due punishment... and do not intend to. Princess Luna, as a Count of your Night Court, I fully accept responsibility for my actions and submit to your judgment.”

Princess Luna carefully examined the blue earth pony before her, Count Shiny looking quite uncomfortable underneath that ancient stare despite doing his level best to hold himself with some dignity. Trixie couldn’t help but admit that the Count was doing better than she would have given him credit for, at least when they’d first met. Amazing how much one’s perceptions of a pony could change over the course of a day or two.

“Count Shiny Copper Coin,” Luna began, “It is my understanding that all of the actions you have taken, every crime you have admitted to, were done with the dual goal of retrieving your missing sister, and to erase the significant monetary debt your parents have incurred over the years.”

Count Shiny said nothing, knowing the Princess was not asking confirmation, merely establishing the circumstances. After a brief pause, Luna continued.

“It has never been my policy to bail the nobles of my Night Court out of messes they themselves have created. Your parents, while being quite foolish in amounting such large debts, remain the heads of your household. I cannot erase those debts. That said, my apprentice has suggested that it is possible for you to begin paying those debts off over a long term period of time by focusing on developing areas of your province that have remained,” she glanced at Sheaf, “untapped, shall we say?”

Sheaf sighed, “That’s one way of putting it. I... a long time ago I and a close friend dreamed of change. Oaton’s not ready for all of that change, nor to the extend Sawdust and I envisioned all those years ago. I’m willing to see where some of that change may take us, though. The Lumber Guild... some of my ponies have gotten kind of fond of those ponies. Saving our village together, kind of forged some bonds there. As I understand it, the wildlife preserve will only focus on the inner portions of the forest. The edges, within several miles, are still open for lumber work?”

“That is correct,” said Princess Luna, “South Everfree is a vast area, and I encourage the industrious nature of my little ponies. Within reason, I see no reason the Hoofington Lumber Guild could not continue its operations, as long as certain conditions are met.”

“But who will lead them, with Sawdust... ?“ Sheaf trialed off, frowning.

“The Copper Coin family owns the controlling share of stocks,” said Count Shiny, “I can speak with the ponies of the Guild and chose one among them who’d best suit.”

“There would be no dam,” said Sheaf firmly, “Oaton is still a farming community, first and foremost, and we need water.”

“I see no issue with that,” said Count Shiny, “The dam’s purpose was solely to allow us to use rafts to move animals in secret to our contacts in Hoofington. We can transport lumber overland. Harder, but doable, especially if you’re serious in following Sawdust’s plans and developing an actual train station.”

Sheaf huffed, “Let’s just take this one step at a time, Count. We’re taking your sister in as pretty much one of our own, and going to be learning to get along with the lumber ponies. Going to take us all a while to adjust to all this, so let’s not rush it all, alright?”

Count Shiny nodded slowly, setting down somewhat, “Agreed. It will be... difficult. Especially as I’ll be somewhat restricted in overseeing all of this from prison.”

“Brother...” Tarnished said, hesitantly putting a hoof on his shoulder, which he then placed his own hoof over.

“Its alright Tarnished. I can survive some time behind bars. It won’t break our family.”

“You’ll still have to go through the normal process of trial,” said Luna, “But I can safely predict that with some consideration for both your actions in protecting Oaton from flooding and fully admitting to your guilt and willingness to take responsibility for your actions that your sentence should be relatively light as well. Perhaps two years of confinement. You will be able to oversee your family’s affairs and coordinate with your sister on Oaton’s own efforts to rebuild itself even from prison.”

Cheerilee had a sour look on her face, as if she wanted to say something to Luna, but the schoolteacher seemed to understand that Luna was doing all she could under the circumstances to show Shiny some clemency. Instead Cheerilee leaned over to Shiny and gave him a comforting nuzzle, “Tarnished and I both can come visit you, and you’d better believe I’ll be writing.”

Count Shiny’s face burned red and he smiled, a little exasperated, “It w-will be good to have that to look f-f-forward to. And in time...p-perhaps I can turn my family’s finances around.”

“Princess,” said Sheaf, “What is going to happen to Sawdust? Assuming he wakes up.”

Princess Luna’s frown was back like a storm cloud, “As it stands his crimes are the most grave, especially given his use of extremely forbidden memory spells and the magical assault he has committed upon Equestrian citizens.” She was referring to the Threshers, who Sawdust had petrified. The Princess herself had dispelled the effect on the two Oaton ponies, who had quickly recovered, confused over events and with little memory of what had occurred to them.

“Much could be laid at his hooves,” Luna said, “He would normally be facing imprisonment for no small span of time. As long as he remains as he is, such imprisonment would be pointless.”

Sheaf grimaced, “Sawdust may have done a lot of things wrong, but he also did what was right, come the end.”

“I am not ignoring his final deed,” Luna said with a level tone, “Trixie has suggested that as long as he remains in this comatose state, that time counts towards his prison sentence. I am inclined to agree with her idea. There is the question of where he shall be kept-”

“He remains here,” Sheaf said firmly, and Princess Luna gave him a sidelong look, not one used to being interrupted, let alone have things told to her so bluntly. Sheaf, for his part, did not wilt at her look and instead held her gaze as he explained, “Here he has a sister who loves him who will look after him, and...” Sheaf’s voice wavered, “a friend who cares for him as well. When he wakes up, better we be there for him. Do not worry, Princess, when he awakens, you will be informed.”

Luna met his eyes for a few seconds before slowly nodded, “So be it. I shall have a Night Guard who is also properly medically trained to maintain vigil on him as well. Now then, that would seem to cover everything. Trixie, Raindrops, Cheerilee, the three of you have gone through no small trouble to help Oaton. The least feel I can do is offer you swift transport back to Ponyville so you can rest properly.”

Trixie looked at her friends. Cheerilee shrugged, “I need to be back by tomorrow morning for work, but the train would suit as well as teleporting... and honestly I’d rather take our time leaving. I have yet to really catch up with Tarnished or Shiny.”

“I’m dead tired,” said Raindrops, “But not in a rush.”

Luna shrugged her wings, “Very well. Mayor Sheaf, I trust that you and Count Shiny can work details out concerning Oaton’s future without me overseeing things. Count Shiny, you will have one week to set your affairs in order with your family before you will be required to appear at court in Canterlot. Do not require me to send an escort of Night Guards, yes?”

“Of c-c-course,” said Count Shiny, ears flattening.

As Luna stood to leave, Sheaf also stood, “Hold a moment Princess.”

“Hmm?” she glanced at him.

“I know you have important Princess-ish things to do, but might want to consider hanging around Oaton, least until the evening,” he said.

“Why would that be?” the Princess of the Night asked quizzically.

Sheaf smiled, “Well, we just worked our tails off saving our town, got a batch of genuine heroes to celebrate,” he gestured at Trixie and her friends, “And we Oaton folk don’t just let things like that go by without throwing one hay of a party! Be shame, the one time we’re likely to have the Princess here in town, that she skips out before the festivities start. You want us to get comfy being part of Equestria, best way to do it is thrown down with some dancing and drinking.”

“I avoid drink,” said Luna, but smiled, “However dancing, that is a joy to indulge in.”

“I, on the other hoof, am less apt to avoid drink,” said Trixie.

At Luna’s disapproving look Trixie stuck her nose up and cross her hooves over her chest, “Oh don’t give me that look. I’ve earned a night of being pleasantly buzzed.”

Cheerilee was grinning, hooves wrapped around Tarnished and Shiny, “It’s been way too long since all three of us were together, so neither of you better be thinking of sitting this out.”

Tarnished was wide eyed with her tail twitching nervously, but she smiled at Cheerilee, “I wasn’t planning on hiding away anywhere. It’s just been a long time since I’ve been around so many ponies. You’ll stay close?”

“Of course,” Cheerilee said.

Count Shiny made a small grumbling noise, and one of Cheerilee’s ears twitched towards him, “What was that Shiny?”

“N-n-nothing! Nothing at a-all! Just don’t en-encourage my sister into anything inappropriate! I’ll have to ch-chaperone both of you the whole night.”

Cheerilee’s grin only widened as she leaned over and whispered in his ear, “Who says it’s her that I’ll be encouraging towards inappropriate things?”

Count Shiny’s eyes twitched and he made a small squeaking sound as he shrank down in his chair like he was trying to burrow out the back of it.. Trixie just shook her head with a small laugh and got up from her chair. Raindrops gave her a look, “Where are you going?”

“Before the festivities start I have something I need to do,” Trixie said, squaring herself and taking a steadying breath , “Something that has to happen, before I feel right celebrating anything. Won’t take long.”

Sheaf, his eyes understanding as he saw the look in Trixie’s face, simply said, “She’s in her room. Or at least she’d better be in her room.”


Bushel was starting to think her parents didn’t want her leaving her room.

She knew she wasn’t supposed to have left during the storm, and that perhaps jumping out the window could, but certain parents prone to overreaction, be seen as bad. But she didn’t see how threatening to tie her to her bed, put iron bars on the windows, and board up the door was really just overdoing it. And grounding her!? Again!? Milkdrop and Bread Crumb were outside playing and she was stuck inside twiddling her hooves. She goes out into mortal danger to save Trixie? Gets grounded. Her siblings stay inside doing nothing (nevermind that’s exactly what they were told to do)? They get to go outside and play. Totally unfair.

Fortunately Bushel could distract herself from her unjustified incarceration by checking out... recent developments.

She felt with her hoof around her forehead, wishing she had a mirror. She couldn’t feel a horn there, but there was a kind of odd tingling warmth. She could also feel the faint, odd buzz that seemed to stem from her head. A little light, faintly white in color, shone from her head. Bushel didn’t really understand fully what made her horn different, but the huge blue pony with the pretty moving mane had explained it to her. Bushel was a pony whose blood from both her parent’s tribes was equally active. Apparently there were pony’s out there who had both horns and wings, but weren’t alicorns, because of the same reason. But for Bushel, who was both unicorn and earth pony, she had this weird horn that didn’t cast magic, but ate it. An Inverted Horn, which wasn’t physically there, but whenever it consumed magic it appeared in the shape of a horn, glowing with whatever magic it had eaten.

She didn’t understand but it sounded kinda cool. She kept flicking her hoof over her head, wondering what the Inverted Horn looked like. The white glow meant it still had magic in it, though she’d been told that magic would gradually be used up, and she’d have to learn how to eat more. Apparently too much magic in there though was bad, and caused headaches, fever, and passing out. It was like actually eating food. Too little and you starved. Too much and you got a tummy ache. That’s what had happened to her when she’d saved Trixie from that lightning bolt, but somehow all that dark magic had been purged out of her horn when Trixie and others did some kind of spell to make bad energy go away. Bushel didn’t fully understand, but she knew that her headache was gone and she felt a lot better.

Bushel jumped in surprise as the door creaked open, immediately hopping towards her bed.

“I’m in bed, just like I was told! No need to ground me more!” she said hastily as she threw the covers over herself.

“Don’t worry Bushel, I won’t tattle on you,” said a familiar voice that made Bushel immediately gasp, then grin as she tossed the bed covers back off and hopped up on the bed.


The Great and Powerful Trixie, Hero of Oaton, was standing there in Bushel’s doorway, oddly without her hat and cape, and looking a little awkward, even hesitant to enter the room, but Bushel didn’t care! Happiness flooded the filly as she saw the mare before her. Bushel had of course heard some bits of what had happened after she’d lost consciousness and knew Trixie had been okay, but it was one thing to hear something and another to see the proof. Bushel found herself bounding over to Trixie and throwing a tight hug around the grown mare’s nearest available leg.

“I’m so glad you’re okay! I mean, of course you are, I knew you’d be! You’re the Great and Powerful-”

“Bushel, we need to talk.”

“-Trixie, and nothing can keep you down for long! I heard you beat some big bad evil thing in the forest and saved everypony! That’s-”

“Please, settle down, I have to tell you something.”

“-awesome...? Huh? Oh! Sure, no problem!”

Bushel let Trixie’s leg go and stepped back into her room, practically prancing on her hooves. While being grounded as a drag, all in all she couldn't be happier! Her hero really did save the day, and everypony was okay, though her mother seemed really sad for some reason. Actually, Trixie looked a little sad right now too. Why? Trixie closed the door behind her as Bushel went back to hop up on her bed and sit on it. Trixie slowly walked to the center of the room, and after a second of seeming to debate with herself where to sit she decided to settle for doing so at the foot of Bushel’s bed.

Bushel didn’t understand why Trixie looked so nervous and worried. Everything was great! Oaton was saved, thanks to Trixie (and her friends helped to, Bushel supposed). What was there to look so down about? Trixie seemed to be having a hard time meeting Bushel’s eyes. She fidgeted, and kept shifting her gaze about the room, as long as it was anywhere but on the filly sitting before her.

“I, well,” Trixie bit her lip, then with a heavy shake of head like she looked Bushel in the eye, “I lied.”

“Lied?” Bushel’s little head tilted, “About what?”

“When you first came to me,” Trixie said, each word only seeming to come with strain, like she was fighting to get them out, “I made myself out to be the very hero you were looking for. More, even. I got caught up in the... the performance. I wanted to meet the image of being the Hero of Oaton that you had, so I puffed myself up and played the role, even though I’m really nothing like what you thought. I just didn’t want to disappoint... a fan. I’m sorry, Bushel, for lying to you.”

Bushel just blinked several times at Trixie, mind trying to process this. She heard the words, but nothing about them made sense. It was like Trixie was speaking some bizzaro version of Equestrian where everything’s meaning was in reverse order.

“What are you talking about?” she piped up, jumping onto all fours on her bed, “But you did everything you said you were going to do! Oaton is totally saved, and everypony’s happy! You beat up the big basilisk monster, and made the Lumber Guild ponies be nice to us now, and even took down a huge scary evil thing in the forest! How does that not make you a hero?”

Trixie rubbed her head with a hoof, “Bushel, I didn’t do any of those things by myself! Without my friends, we’d never have survived the basilisk, and Tarnished in the end saved herself. Oatons’ ponies, your father and mother, the Lumber Guild, Count Shiny, even... even Sawdust in the end, they all did things that saved Oaton. I’m trying to tell you, I’m not the powerful hero from the song I let you believe I was. I’m just a pony.”

Bushel stared at her, her ears slowing drooping alongside her head, and Trixie mirrored the look, lowering her own face.

“I really am sorry Bushel. I have this... slight ego problem. I didn’t want to hurt you, but you deserved to know. I wanted to be a hero for you, and really, when it came down to it, you saved me.”

Bushel was still silent, and Trixie’s face scrunched up in pain as she whispered, “I’ll go now...”

As Trixie turned and headed for the door Bushel spoke.


Trixie stopped, turning her head. Bushel hopped off her bed and came over to Trixie, looking up at the azure unicorn with wide, shining eyes. A hoof reavhed out and tightly touched Trixie’s leg.

“So some of the things you told me were lies?”

Trixie grimaced, nodding, “Yes.”

“But everything you did since I met you was real.”

Trixie blinked, “...Yes?”

Bushel pulled Trixie’s leg close, hugging the other pony, “It was real that you promised me you’d save Oaton. Then you, Cheerilee, and Raindrops. You came to my home and protected it. Even if a lot of other ponies helped, you still fought to save us when you didn’t have to. You saved my mother from being a statue, and saved that crazy mare from being crazy. Oaton is safe, my ma and pa are save, my brother and sister are safe... and you did that! You kept your promise!”

Bushel was crying, which was a very uncool thing in the filly’s opinion, especially in front of Trixie. But maybe it was alright, because Trixie was crying too.

“Yes, I guess I did, didn’t I?”

Bushel let go of Trixie’s leg and instead jumped up onto the mare’s back, hugging her around the neck, “Then this is way better than the song or stories! The real Trixie is better! The real Trixie let me look after her hat, and said she’d teach me magic, even if I’m not a unicorn!”

Trixie was stiff with shock at first, but quickly recovered and leaned her head over and nuzzled Bushel on the cheek, “The real Trixie did. So, you want to learn magic still?”

Bushel nodded her head, “Yes! But, I eat magic now, how can I learn it?”

Trixie patted her on the head, “I told you before, there’s more to magic than spells,” a light blossomed in the showmare’s eyes as she smiled, “In fact, there’s a party in the works, and a party needs a show. Perhaps you’d like to assist me in showing Oaton my special brand of magic?”


Evening settled in over the small hamlet of Oaton. The sun started its descending course under Princess Luna’s direction, though she had yet to return to Canterlot. Raindrops wasn’t going to question why the Princess decided to stick around Oaton for the festivities, but perhaps Luna was just taking the opportunity to spend an evening relaxing away from politics. Raindrops herself wasn’t certain how into the idea of a party she was. She was still feeling drained from the hard flight from Oaton to Canterlot and the stress from returning and barely making it in time to keep Trixie from overchanneling.

Hard not to get into the spirit of things, though, with the sheer infectious exuberance the Oaton ponies celebrated with. Torches had been set up to give plenty of light to the town square, which was the site of dozens of dancing and drinking ponies. Tables hastily erected along the sidelines were lined with food and drink and even more ponies conversing and carousing. Lumber Guild ponies mixed with Oaton ponies, the animosity of a generation buried, two groups having fought together as one to save each other. There was perhaps a little tension, here and there, but Raindrops to her satisfaction saw that anger didn’t rule the hearts of these ponies and many an Oaton stallion danced with a Lumber Guild mare, or vice versa.

The romantic in Raindrops imagined many a future couple were getting their start amid the laughter and high spirits of the evening. Music provided by both groups floated through the air, strumming strings and energetic flutes providing a melody of life and family that bound these ponies together. The image was brought to full fruition by the stamps of applause the rolled from one end of the celebration, where Trixie had erected a makeshift stage with several tables and borrowed tablecloth. There the showmare put on a performance, her cape on her back, but her hat upon the head of a certain yellow filly who stood on stage with her. Apparently Bushel had gotten out of grounding, at least for this one evening. Raindrops was worried about Trixie trying to put on a magic show so soon after nearly draining herself, but Trixie was keeping things simple, relying more on actual sleight of hoof with only a little help from illusion spells.

Raindrops sat at one of the side tables, enjoying a bowl of apples and oats, a small mug of milk (she had to explain she wasn’t much into ale to many confused Oaton ponies) and was just enjoying soaking in the atmosphere. She knew Cheerilee was out there in the thick of the dancing, taking turns with both Tarnished and the Count. The magenta mare was easy enough to spot, spinning her friends around the crowd of dancing ponies and laughing with them. Even if the Count was soon to face jail time, he seemed happy, and Raindrops could only nod in approval. Everypony deserved at least this evening to be happy. Tarnished still seemed nervous by Raindrops’ estimation, but some things could only be overcome with time. Raindrops still didn’t know what to make of Trixie’s plan to make Tarnished this town’s Representative, not to mention also be some kind of forest Warden. Seemed a lot of responsibility to put on a mare who ran away from home and subsequently went crazy, but maybe Raindrops was being too harsh. She was still a little sore at Tarnished for, well, nearly killing her friends.

“So,” said a quiet, nervous voice next to Raindrops, “You, um, prefer staying outside the crowd?”

Raindrops turned to see the rust colored unicorn guardsmare of the Copper Coins, Cut n’ Dry, standing next to her. Cut n’ Dry wasn’t wearing her chainmail armor or sword, but still had the blue tabard with the Copper Coin red fish on it. She’d apparently combed her black mane and tail and looked quite a bit better than the haggard look she’d had when Raindrops had briefly seen her after they’d made it out of the forest.

“I guess?” Raindrops said, shrugging, “Just not bursting with energy. That flight took a lot out of me. Thanks, by the way. Without your spell, I would never have made it in time.”

Cut n’ Dry’s muzzle brightened with a smile and Raindrops couldn’t be sure, but there might have been a deeper cast of red to that rust coat, “I was happy to help. You looked... I mean, I just, I’m glad you liked the wings.”

Cut n’ Dry suddenly facehoofed and Raindrops couldn’t figure why. Noticing some movement behind Cut n’ Dry, towards the nearby Oaton house, Raindrops saw Cut n’ Dry’s brother... Lock something-something, and that other guard, Bootheel, peeking around the corner and watching her. Cut n’ Dry’s brother was making encouraging gestures while Bootheel was just grinning like he was having trouble keeping from bursting out laughing.

Raindrops raised an eyebrow, looking at Cut n’ Dry and scooting over to provide room at the table, “Want to sit?” she asked casually.

Cut n’ Dry opened her mouth, then closed it and silently nodded, taking the spot next to Raindrops. Awkward silence ensued.


“Oh for the love of- C’mon sis, make a move!” Lock n’ Key said as quietly as he could while still shouting. His sister was just sitting there like a lump next to the pegasus and not doing anything other than examining her hooves! And sis said he had trouble with the mares!

He felt a hoof land on his head in a light pat, Bootheel standing next to him sighing, “Don’t think we’re going to get much of a show out of this, Lock my boy. Cut n’ Dry, for a unicorn who specializes in flight, is crashing hard out there. This requires drastic measures!”

Lock n’ Key looked at Bootheel warily, “What are you thinking?”

Bootheel grinned, and gestured out into the crowd. Lock n’ Key followed until he spotted, across the town square, Princess Luna. She’d been at the party since the start and most of the ponies had gotten used to her being there, though she seemed content to watch rather than participate. Lock n’ Key gave Bootheel a weird look.

“Your sister has to be shown how its done. To give her confidence!”

Lock n’ Key felt his eyes turning the size of ale mugs, “You’re not serious? Even you’re not that crazy.”

Bootheel’s grin only widened.


Cut n’ Dry wanted to smack herself again, but realized facehoofing in front of Raindrops would just make her look strange. She used drinking from a mug of Oaton ale as an excuse for her silence as she mentally did backflips trying to think of anything to say to the pegasus sitting next to her. Cut n’ Dry was sitting very carefully, trying to keep from brushing up against Raindrops, though those wings were just so close with their array of soft looking feathers, what would it be like to have one wrapped around- Gah! Think of conversation, not anything else! Talk like a normal pony!

“You alright?” asked Raindrops, causing Cut n’ Dry to nearly jump off her seat. The guardsmare turned, forcing a ‘normal’ laugh that probably sounded anything bet.

“Me? Yes, I’m fine! Why ask?”

Raindrops shrugged, “You must have pushed yourself hard last night, with those ice walls. Don’t know magic much, but from what I’ve gathered, listening to Trixie, big stuff like that isn’t easy for your average unicorn.”

Cut n’ Dry was at once pleased at the praise and concern, and soured at being reminded that Raindrops and... that mare, were friends and would be going back to Ponyville soon, all... together and stuff.

“I pushed myself, yes, but so did everypony else. Ice walls aren’t that hard, and is a well known spell for Equestrian battlemages.”

“Is that what you were before joining the Copper Coins?”

“Huh? No, not at all. Cold Edge, one of the other guards, was a discharged battlemage. He’s the one that lead the spell linking for the ice walls, the rest of us just poured our magic into the link. Me and my brother were brought into the Copper Coin Housegard by lord Shiny after we tried to, well... rob him.”

At Raindrops look Cut n’ Dry looked away, “I’m not proud of how me and my brother lived back then, and my lord gave us a new life, saw potential in a pair of desperate young ponies rather than just thieves. He will always have my loyalty. No matter how long his prison sentence is, I will await his return to serve him faithfully, until my dying day.”

“That’s admirable,” Raindrops said with a warm smile that sent Cut n’ Dry’s heart into acrobatic leaps of glee, “He’d better appreciate what he’s got in you, or I’ll have to have a talk with him.”

“That won’t be needed, my lord Shiny is - what in Tartarus is he doing!?

Cut n’ Dry’s outburst started Raindrops, but she didn’t notice as she stared across the towns square, eyes not believing what she was seeing. Raindrops looked to where Cut n’ Dry was looking and the pegasus let out a small whistle.

“That’s one of your guard buddies, isn’t it?”

“Yes,” Cut n’ Dry squeaked, paling as she debating between trying to stop Bootheel, or just watching the train wreck happen then proceed to find somewhere to hide.

“He’s walking up to Princess Luna,” Raindrops commented dryly.

“Yes,” Cut n’ Dry confirmed, feeling oddly detached from events as she watched Bootheel saunter through the crowd and right up to the Princess of the Night. To Cut n’ Dry’s utter humiliation Bootheel very obviously and intentionally turned to look at her and Raindrops from across the crowd and waggled his eyebrows at her.

He then proceeded to approach a somewhat bemused looking Princess Luna. A few Night Guard trotted out of the shadows as if to bar his path, but they stood back at a small gesture from the Princess. Bootheel ignored the Night Guards like they weren’t even there and came up right to Equestria’s sovereign and... looked her over with the most unashamedly lecherous smile Cut n’ Dry thought she’d ever seen on him.

Cut n’ Dry didnt hear what he said to the Princess, a small favor to be sure, but there was no mistaking his grin nor his highly suggestive eyebrow waggles. How could anypony convey so much low brow thoughts with just an eyebrow waggle!?

Cut n’ Dry just waited for the inevitable hoof slap, or in Princess Luna’s case likely to be lightning bolts from the sky.

Princess Luna, however, neither smote the lecherous pony before her with a smack across the face or bolts of magic. Instead, with that same slightly bemused look on her face and a small playful half smile she leaned down and whispered something in Bootheel’s ear. Bootheel’s entire body went rigid, his eyes going wider than the moon in the sky, and his entire body went glowing red from tail tip to the end of his snout.

Princess Luna’s laugh echoed over the party and the alicorn stood from where she was sitting and proceeded out to join the dancing, her tail giving a single playful flick at Bootheel’s nose as she went past him. Bootheel for his part took several minutes to recover, and upon doing so very stiffly walked over to where Raindrops and Cut n’ Dry were sitting.

“What was that all about!?” Cut n’ Dry asked, “Don’t you have any shame!? Hitting on the Princess!?”

Raindrops just cocked her head, “What did she say?”

Bootheel just sat next to them, seemingly in a daze, grabbed the nearest mug of ale, and downed it in one go, staring out into the crowd where the Princess danced among the Oaton and Lumber Guild ponies.

“That mare has a smutty mind,” he said with wonder in his voice, as if he’d found a million bits under his bed.

Bootheel seemed so stunned that Cut n’ Dry somehow doubted she’d get much more out of him, but... well if he had the guts to approach the Princess of all ponies...

“Raindrops,” Cut n’ Dry said, “I don’t suppose you’d like to go join the dancing? With me?”

Raindrops looked at her for a second, then polished off her own mug of milk and wiped her chin with a wing, then stood, “Sure, why not? Guess it is a party after all.”

Cut n’ Dry’s grin was, for once, wider than Bootheel’s had ever been.


Cheerilee settled onto the ground, not even bothering with a bench at one of the tables, just enjoying the cool feeling of the grass on her coat as she tucked her hooves under her. Tarnished flopped down by her side, panting slightly.

“Its been years since I’ve done that,” Tarnished said, looking out at the crowd of ponies that still danced wildly amid the town square, the music only increasing in tempo as the evening wore on. Cheerilee smiled, seeing Princess Luna finally in the spirit of things, most the Oaton ponies not seeming to treat the alicorn any differently than any other pony that swung about the gyrating crowd of dancers.

“Winded already Tarn?” Cheerilee asked with a smile, and her friend punched her lightly on the shoulder.

“You’re taking a breather too. Don’t want to hear it,” Tarnished said, returning the smile. Cheerilee leaned against her friend and after a moment Tarnished’s smile faded a bit, as she looked around the town. Oaton was such a small village, but with the Lumber Guild ponies sticking around, how fast would it grow? Cheerilee could imagine her friend’s thoughts were turning towards the very uncertain future.

“You’ll be okay Tarn,” she said, rubbing her friend’s cheek with her nose, “It will be hard, but I’ll always be nearby. Ponyville is just a short train ride away.”

“I know. It’s just so much, so fast. Yesterday I was so full of anger, wanting to hurt so many. Now its like I woke up from a fever dream, only to find myself in a unfamiliar place. If you and Shiny weren’t here, I’d already be running away again. Shiny... I wish he didn’t have to go.”

Cheerilee sighed, putting a hoof over her friend’s back and drawing her close, “He’ll be out before you know it. Then we’ll have ourselves a night on the town in our old stomping grounds of Hoofington. Get him to do some proper bar hopping.”

“I’d like that,” Tarnished said, leaning into Cheerilee, the two friends enjoying the comfort of each other’s presence. Then Tarnished perked up, “Where is Shiny anyway?”

Cheerilee’s smile turned devilishly coy as she pointed him out in the crowd, being dragged out of the dance area towards one of the many drink strewn tables by a white mare.

“Let’s just say I ran into a mare named Piper who showed quite an interest in your brother, and I maybe encouraged the two to spend some time together.”

From the look of Shiny’s wide eyed flailing it was possible Cheerilee had encouraged Piper a bit too much, but hey, Cheerilee figured Shiny needed some help getting out of the nervous shell of his.

Tarnished looked on curiously, “He’s going to be okay?” she winced as Piper practically wrestled Shiny to the table and proceeded to shove drinks his way while slapping on the back hard enough to nearly bowl the Count over, “Right?”

Before Cheerilee could respond a voice called to her from the crowd.

“Hey, Miss Cheerilee!” it was Spit Shine, followed by Potato Sack, the two obviously drunk stallions stumbling by and smiling wide at her and Tarnished, “How’s the evening treating you fine mares?”

“Just fine, how about the two of you? Not bothered by having the Lumber Guild ponies here?”

“Nah, they’re alright!” said Potato Sack, “Don’t figure why they never just came to town for a proper drink before! And with us getting our river back we got no quarrel worth mentioning!”

“Don’t hurt that their mare’s are easy on the eyes. Even some of the stallions,” Spit Shine said musingly, looking out into the crowd.

“Hey, aren’t you the mare that’ll be looking out for us with them Night Court nobles?” asked Potato Sack, looking at Tarnished. She gulped and pulled a little closer to Cheerilee, but nodded.

“I... am, yes.”

Potato Sack and Spit Shine exchanged looks, “Do we gotta bow or something?”

“No! I’d even prefer you didn’t! I’m just going to be doing, um, paperwork mostly, if Trixie’s explanation is accurate. Lots of paperwork,” Tarnished frowned, “I never liked paperwork.”

“Don’t worry,” said Cheerilee, “Trixie has plenty of experience on how to avoid doing exactly that. In fact, hiring an assistant was one of the first things she did to make it easier to slack off.”

“Assistant, eh?” said Spit Shine, rubbing his chin, “Might be something I’d try a hoof at, if you’re looking.”

“I, uh, maybe?” Tarnished looked a little overwhelmed and Cheerilee gave her a comforting pat along the back.

“Alright boys, let’s give the soon-to-be Representative some time to relax and avoid talk of work. This is a night for enjoying ourselves! Tarn, you feeling rested and ready for another round of dancing?”

Tarnished nodded, but looked off outside the circle of torches providing light to the party, “I am, but I sense... an old friend nearby. I think that I want to spent a little time with them, assure them I’m alright among all these ponies.”

Cheerilee looked into the darkness beyond the circle of torches and also noticed a large silhouette in the distance, keeping away from the town, probably to avoid spooking any of the ponies. Cheerilee smiled and nodded to Tarnished, “Sure, I’ll be here when you get back.”


The night was long, and was filled with the sounds of joyous ponies. Slowly, one by one, the ponies of Oaton and the Lumber Guild retired, some back to their homes, some to the lumber camp which was still in need of repairs from the fires and rain of the previous night. Some went alone, or with friends, saying fond good nights to new friends. Perhaps more than one or two new couples stole away to private places to see where their new found feelings might take them.

On the outskirts a young mare who was once lost in both mind and soul consoled and reassured a certain pair of sizable basilisks that she was going to be okay, and that many changes would be coming...but that the forest would always be their home, and she would always be nearby for them. Not far away that mare’s brother watched with a warm smile, knowing he was soon to wait a long time before seeing her again, but calm in his heart knowing he would have a chance to restore his family, and be a noble in truth and not just in title.

Within one of the rooms above the village’s tavern a husband and wife talked quietly, rebuilding trust, reassuring love, and musing over what they had both protected, and lost. On the bed they sat by a stallion slept, his countenance peaceful. Who knew when he would awake? But when he did awake, the husband and wife agreed that he would awake to the sight of family. In the next room three young ponies slept off a night of excitement, the eldest of them dreaming of a future where she too protected ponies, like the hero who’d kept her promise to a filly.

Back in the town square a tired, but exuberant showmare rested with her two friends, the three of them looking up a night sky full of stars.

“I have class tomorrow morning,” Cheerilee said with a yawn, “Maybe I should get somepony to substitute, just for one day.”

Raindrops rubbed her eyes, “We all ought to be in bed. Got to catch the train early tomorrow. Maybe we should have taken the Princess' offer to teleport us?”

Trixie grimaced, rubbing at her horn, “We'll manage. She had to return to Canterlot, then get back north to the Griffin Kingdoms. Political duties never cease when you’re at the top. I’m surprised she took this long to enjoy the party tonight... though her rapid departure might have to do with that oaf googly eyeing her the entire time.”

Raindrops chuckled, “I think the Princess can more than handle that buck on her own.”

Trixie’s grimace deepened and she shook her head, “Bad images, get out!”

Cheerilee drew in a deep breath and let it out slowly, looking over the now quiet village, “We really did it, didn’t we girls?”

“Only took excessive investigation, battling giant monsters, and facing down a piece of an ancient evil spirit,” said Raindrops, heaving out a tired sigh.

“I can think of worse ways to spend a weekend,” said Cheerilee.

Raindrops glanced over at Trixie, “Hey, will Bushel be alright, after we leave?”

Trixie nodded, “Luna assured me Bushel would be shown how to control her horn so it wouldn’t be a problem,” she smiled and adjusted her hat, “Besides, I’ll be seeing her once a month anyway. Her parents have agreed to allow her to come to Ponyville one weekend a month, and I’ll be teaching her stage magic. She has a real flare, and has already chosen a stage name; the Beautiful and Brilliant Bushel.”

Raindrops shook her head, “That’s just what we need, you corrupting the youth of Equestria.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about, I am the perfect role model for today’s youth!” the showmare said, nose in the air, then laughed and said more seriously, “Thank you. Both of you. For everything.”

Cheerilee and Raindrops both shared a look, then smiled at their friend. As Trixie was embraced by her two friends she felt all her concerns and worries drift away. There were many threats and challenges to come. Greengrass’ machinations. Corona’s wrath. Let them come. Trixie Lulamoon knew that ponies were stronger than the things that tried to break them apart. She’d seen it with her own eyes. Heroes aren’t the ones who stand above others. Heroes are the ones who stand beside others.

Author's Note:

And so here we are...

Really I don't know what to say. It's been over a year since I started this journey, with the simple goal of just telling a fun story about Trixie and some of her friends saving a rural town. I never imagined it'd grow into a story of this scope or size, and while there are a lot of things I consider to be less than stellar about it, I don't think I'd really change anything either. This has been a heck of a experience. Made all the better by all the support I've gotten. Every comment, every thumbs up, every page view, I want to thank all of you for giving this story a chance. I especially want to thank RDD and everyone in the Lunaverse group who have together created this world that's just been a pleasure and a privilege for me to be a part of.

This is not only the first Lunaverse story I've completed... this is the first story I've ever finished, period. I started writing fanfiction with the expressed purpose of training myself to not just toy around writing stories, but to focus, keep writing, and finish them. And Hero of Oaton, while to some it may just be another MLP fanfic, to me it marks a goal I've been striving for since I first started putting my fingers to a keyboard. And it will not be the last story I finish, Lunaverse or otherwise.

Speaking of which, while I intend to shift my focus to work on my non-canon Lunaverse stories, I will be working on developing and fleshing out ideas for my Season 2 Lunaverse story.

Once again, thank you to everyone who's given this story a read, and over this past year have helped give me the strength to see it through to the finish.

Comments ( 72 )


OMG ITS COMPLETE now onward to lunaverse.

3162344 You're my favorite.

Anyways, this is still in the books as one of my favorite fanfics of all time. I'll go back and reread it often, I'm sure. This last chapter is great, ties up all the loose ends and has some utterly fantastic humor (dat hitting on Luna scene) with plenty of good 'feelsy' scenes too. There were some grammar and punctuation issues but they weren't too bad.

this is the first story I've ever finished, period.

I know that feel. It was a great feel. Took me awhile to finish my second story, but they just started rolling out after that.


...it is more than a little humbling, though, to know that your first finished story is in a universe that I helped to create. And damnit if this might not be the best story in that verse so far.

This story was perfect, by the way; you hit a home run the first time you step up to bat. I'm certain, though, that it's not a fluke.

Looking forward to more. :twilightsmile:

Hmmm....I wonder if Puissance has a unicorn/Earth pony hybrid like Bushel in her collection.

Whatta ride.

It's actually kind of hard to believe it's over, but...

I am happy. I don't know how that's significant for you, but I promise that it is. Somehow.

Oh, Bootheel, you scamp!

Good fun! :pinkiehappy:

Great work Vex. I have loved every second of this story from start to finish. It to me, is probably the best Lunaverse story we have so far, and seeing all the dedication and effort you put into it just makes it feel even better. I can't wait to see what new works you can bring to the Lunaverse, and what new chapters lay in wait for the stories you have begun already. You are an extremely talented writer and can only make this group even more amazing with your contributions to it. I can't wait for more :twilightsmile:

Excellent story, thanks.

Awesome!!:pinkiehappy::derpytongue2::moustache: Your first completed story and it is an Epic is every sense of the word. Good job!

THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS STORY!!!!! :raritycry: The joy I have experienced!

Easily my favourite Trixie story, top job.

This was pretty impressive... now I feel a little self-conscious about my own effort at an adventure story. I still haven't gone far in Secret of Andalantis and now I have to come up with an ending worth the one you produced!

Congratulation on a job well done! I hope to see more from you in the future. :pinkiehappy:

I'd love to see some more of Bushel in the future....

3167770 :twilightblush: Ehehehe.... You have successfully made me blush like crazy at 1:42 AM, congratulations!

3167775 Cool. What do I win?? JK. Also EST buddies! /)

3167780 You win the knowledge of my timezone, yay *throws confetti* But seriously, before I even started reading the story or the comments I'm like, "Jaynestown" Yes. So on board. Thus my comment that you like.

3167787 Sadly, I hadn't known of Firefly when I first started this fic like six months ago but luckily have been educated since. I can definitely see how the title is a reference to one of my fave episodes. Now that I can see the connection I might have to go back and reread the beginning to see if there are any other subtle references I missed. /"so awesome" face

3167803 Sadly, I didn't know this fic existed until just under 30 hours ago, and I must say it was a fun ride! I'm also quite proud of how quick I plowed through this considering that I had college in my way...

3167807 Wow speedreader! That's awesome. I'm still reading a 30+ chapter fic that I started like a few days ago.

3167816 Reading could well be my special talent, but as you can see by my ponysona, I like to think my talent is art.

3167822 In today's economy we might as well all have two cutie marks. :trollestia: I actually have a silly pony OC I made once, she's pretty similar to me but has some abstract concept as a CM that could pretty much mean anything. Or it's just a flower, idk.

3167838 Crap I almost burst into a loud fit of giggles. I should fall asleep before I actually do start giggling and wake my dad XD

3167841 Good idea. Have a good one. :)

Well it was a really fun ride, looking forward to your season 2 writing!

Just wow...Beautiful piece and I'm definitely eager to see more of what you come up with.:twilightsmile::pinkiehappy:

This was awesome! Great story!

About stories getting away, that is what happened to Kkat:

Kkat wanted to make a moderately long storyset in a future Equestria based on FallOut. These things happen. Stories getting away from the authors is nothing new:

Lord of the Rings was suppose to be a short sequel to the Hobbit. It grew to big for 1 book and came out in 3 volumes.

Unfortunately, I cannot be more specific since I am a terrible writer, although I might have to write a terrible story for Season 3 of the LunaVerse:

I do not want genocide in the LunaVerse. If I have to do so, I shall write Too Many Pinkies without the genocide. It is too bad that the show looses Morrow and Larson. I wish that we should keep them and loose “AntiScience and ProGenocide” Polsky and “Everypony is a Flankhole” Williams instead.

So, here's my question: Whatever happened to Pokey?

All those happy endings.:twilightsmile:
I am become feel, feeler of feels.

I argued once that the Lunaverse often felt dark and hopeless to me. I think this story is an excellent example of why I dont see it that way any more.:pinkiesmile:

This story is awesome. The pacing was great, the OC fit their roles perfectly and you absolutely nailed the mane characters. Thankyou Very Much for Writing This!

but i think you are forgetting something:


That right there sounds like 7 flavors of hilarious right there. you have got to write another epilogue or maybe a separate short story about that event!
So what about it? Will Bootheel finally get lucky?

I'm curious, who was that ancient tyrant whose spirit terrorised Oaton? I kept thinking of Tirek, although some dark magic suggested Sombra. Who was it?

Alright, so this ending was just about everything I could have hoped for and more -- good work! Getting to some specifics...

It was enjoyable to see Luna recapping events with Trixie. Though while I'm sure the princes originally came in the full measure of her power, I'd expect that with the crisis passed she used her duplication ability leaving behind only a lesser potion of herself; running a whole nation is after all a very busy job.

Do not give such things power, by naming them.

Loved this line, and also Luna's some what passive criticism that if Trixie really want's to know more then she should study for herself. Good teach a man to fish instead of giving him one ethics.

"They didn’t need a hero. They saved themselves.”

Good quote there that show a good deal of character growth on Trixie's part. I also enjoyed Luna response because it implies the other half of that truth, which is that just because people save themselves does not diminish the importance of the hero's efforts in inspiring them to do so in the first place.


So then, Tarnished gets to serve out a sentence of community service as lesion between Oaton and the Night Court, Shinny has to serve a light prison sentence but will retaining privilege to oversee controlling interest in the lumber guild while developing the are around Oaton to pay off family debts, and Sawadust's fate is put off until his eventually recover with time spent comatose to be applied as part of whatever sentence he must later serve; all sounds quite fair to me, fits well I think with the idea of a society where the most important law of the land is "forgiveness" Although I do sort of hope Shinny can at least serve most of his own sentence under house arrest, as it's sort of unfair that an unrepentant criminal like Greengrass ends up getting off with only social and political repercussions while Shinny must endure actual punitive measures (which is not to say I think the Duke's punishment was a miscarriage of justice, being free but otherwise locked out of the court is to him a far worse fate than any amount prison time)

Anyway and moving on to less controversial fair; the lingering romantic tension between Shinny and Cheerilee was resolved quite adequately. There was never really that much to begin with as Cheerilee seems to see him far more as just a friend, and I'm not sure Shinny has ever really so much been enamored with Cheerilee herself as the idea of being enamored with Cheerilee. So it seems all very well and good that Cheerille helps set him up with Piper, though of course who knows how well that will turn out.

Next up, Bushel lamenting the "unfairness" of her being grounded was hilariously childish, and of course Trixie finally fessing up was appropriately heart touching.

Oh, and we can't forget Bootheel, ever shamelessly incorrigible Bootheel -- hitting on the princess indeed. What wondrous fun though that Luna can say suggest things


You aren't alone; I'm still struggling with EoI, and that even after getting Guyvex here to help me out a bit. :twilightblush:



Sounds like good material for a webisode tie-in, I should think. :trollestia:

Congratulations on finishing your first fic. I must say that I envy your dedication on it and look forward to reading more by you.

That said, and not to be a downer at all, but there were some spelling and grammatical mistakes that I noticed while reading. :twilightsheepish: Obviously you do not intend for them to be present, but knowing that spell checks would complain about many pony-specific words, I can understand how some minor ones would slip by. They usually don't interfere with reading, but I'll point out the ones I recall below. (Some of them I only caught while using a TTS engine while multitasking.)

Spelling errors I noticed while reading:
"ect." should be "etc." (et cetera) in Luna's titles
"pegaus" (such as in Ch. 2) should be "pegasus"
"starred" should be "stared"
"comma" (as in Chs. 10-12) should be "coma"
“Its horrible! ..." should be "It's horrible! ..." (meaning "It is horrible!") Likewise, “Its both you daft draft horse. ..." should be "It's both you daft draft horse. ..." And “Okay! Wait…um…so its not safe now?” should be “Okay! Wait…um…so it's not safe now?” Also, "Its whatever’s gotten..." should be "It's whatever’s gotten... (It is whatever has gotten...). Another is "So, its okay for us to do something crazy when you get back?” which should be "So, it's okay for us to do something crazy when you get back?”
The reverse problem in "...right off the top of it’s head!" ("its" is the possessive of "it")
"Trixe" and "Trxie" should be "Trixie"
"pizazz" should be "pizzazz
"Chereilee" and "Cheeirlee" should be "Cheerilee"
"basiliks’s" should be "basilisk’s"
"...said Sawdust as he walked passed the Copper Coin guards." should be "...said Sawdust as he walked past the Copper Coin guards.
"...remember how to breath..." should be "...remember how to breathe..."
"fours" should be "four" (the line is "It should last about fours hours.")

And some other misc errors (typos making things meaningless or additional words):
If not Corona it was also possible Zecora might dig up some ancient zebra magic that at could at least interfere with the Elements ability to function.
There weren’t many ponies from the Lumber Guild in the camp, and what few that were there were looking at the them curiously, except for Sawdust.
The light of those flames also flickered off the massive form of the female basilisk as it took long, shaking strides down the path between the camp’s cabins. (missing a pronoun there)
“I'm going to... to... make sure you can never leave me again!” (have a double quotation mark as opposed to a single one as needed in the contraction I'm)
...Shiny said, approaching and looking out at the rest of the came,... (Could read it as "and looking out at the rest of them" or "and looking out as the rest of them came")
...jaws widening as it let out a... (slight typo)

Thank you all for the comments! :twilightsmile: I'm glad it seems the ending has gone over pretty well.

I definitely tried to tie up all the loose ends I could. The scene between Luna and Bootheel was something I'd been looking forward to writing down since I came up with him.

I'm just happy you made such a fun alt universe and let others like me play around in it. Its good to know I managed to make something that not only adds to this world, but did so in a way that entertained the guy who inspired it all to begin with.

She might. Luna confirmed that Bushel was one of four such hybrids currently alive in Equestria, which makes them pretty dang rare, just the kind of pony Puissance would be interested in adding to her collection.

Among the favorite lines I wrote for this entire fic.

Hey, I consider it pretty significant that I made another person happy with a story I wrote. Its the primary reason I write, after all. :pinkiehappy:

If there was such a thing as the Element of Lecherousness, he'd be the prime candidate.

*nod* One of the reasons I wrote that particular scene was to give an example of why having that Right of Approach is so very, very useful for the L6 when they get knighted. There are situations where they just don't have time to mess around with the proper procedures and need that emergency ability to see the Princess.

Thank you for the kind words. I do intend to focus my attentions mostly on getting some more chapters out for Fate/Lunaverse and Lunaverse X Shadowrun, while brainstorming and cooking my ideas for my Season 2 story.

Thanks, glad you guys liked it. :twilightsmile:

By all means if you want to make use of the shrine, go for it.

You're more than welcome. Hope I can do so again. :pinkiehappy:

Thank you. Top Trixie story period, that's pretty cool. There's a lot of Trixie stories out there outside the Lunaverse.

I like Secret of Andalantis quite a bit, so don't feel self conscious at all, you're doing a great job with it. Glad you liked the story here, and can't wait to see more of your own man. :twilightsmile:

I'll probably be bringing her up again at some point, either in a small webisode, or in a side story. She's also up for grabs as a character for anyone doing stories themselves.

Thank you all, and hope I can keep it up for Season 2.

Heheh, I guess I won't beat myself up too much then over the way the story got so large.

After finally getting the door removed from his head (the escapades of which could probably take up a story in and of itself) Pokey decides to have the door mounted over his fireplace as a trophy of his horn's piercing prowess.

I'd briefly considered going in that direction, but decided that the coma made for a more open ended kind of result where he does still pay a price for his actions but the extent of it is something the reader could decide the severity of.

I'm glad you enjoyed it and didn't see things as being dark, as I was definitely going for a more uplifting kind of finish to this story.

Ah, yes, Bootheel wouldn't have forgotten that promise. I'd considered doing a kind of bonus chapter or webisode where the three Copper Coin guards visit Ponyville around the same time Bushel is also visiting Trixie, and have some hijinks ensue. We'll see.


I'm a bit unsure what to think of Cut'n'Dry casting a wing spell on Raindrops. It sounds like a variation of the spell from Sonic Rainboom in the show, but that spell lasted was specifically stated to last for three days. Though maybe it's a spell that trades quantity for quality, since, the other spell was explicitly fragile and probably wouldn't be ideal for speed, let alone in the middle of a raging storm. Either way, part of me wishes what she'd cast had been instead perhaps some kind of endurance spell, so that rather than raise Raindrops' top speed it would just allow her to maintain her normal top speed for a longer period of time. Especially since conceptually Raindrops "speed" issues should be more about acceleration and maneuverability, as given her strength she should probably have a pretty good top speed when only flying in a straight line over long distances.

In my head for the spell it was basically Cut n' Dry's own special brand of flight spell that she learned due to Shiny's patronage giving her access to the right spell research and materials to learn it. Its designed more to directly simulate pegasi flight and abilities, but it isn't long duration, lasting hours rather than days. The speed boost Raindrops gets out of it is less about the spell directly making her faster and more that having the extra pair of wings just helps her get that much more lift, and then long distance endurance. Granted it was just my excuse for Raindrops to be able to get to Canterlot in a sensible amount of time, so I didn't think too hard on its specific mechanics.

The whispers at the shrine where an interesting touch. I'd not expected them to take on physical form, but it certainly made for a very interesting set of interactions. I'd somewhat expected the trials and tribulations the containment team faced to be far more insidious and not so easily dismissed, but either way I'm just as glad that friendship and harmony prevailed.

This part of the chapter went through... many changes. Originally there were no physical manifestations and instead each character had to go through a sort of nightmare illusion of their own. It played off the same issues and weaknesses the physical Whispers did, but separated the characters from each other. The reason I scrapped that idea though was that it was taking far too much time to do each characters scene, and it occurred to me that since I wanted the characters to support each other and gain strength from one another, it'd seem better to do that in a situation where they were all together to fight back. Doing things with the Whispers appearing physically allowed me to keep the scene more contained and streamlined, while still basically hitting all the same points I would have otherwise.

The talk between Tarnished and Cheerilee about the latter's cutie mark seemed a bit odd. Presumably Cheerilee would have been old enough to already have it back when she was running all over Equestria and beyond with her old gang. Yes, she hadn't yet decided to become a teacher yet, but I think that's where the idea that talents don't equal jobs is important. Personally I don't see Cheerilee's as just about teaching, but rather, bringing joy to others by helping them "blossom" into fuller more self-actualized individuals. Teaching her students now is just one application, but it was also what she did for Tarnished as well back when they first met (even if as a teenager Cheerillee took a much shallower and more hedonistic approach to the concept of joy).

Good point. I have played kind of loose with just how old Cheerilee has been during her years of traveling around, but my own headcannon on it is that Cheerilee and Tarnished did both get their cutie marks fairly late, and that the picture we see of Cheerilee in her 80s style duds and mane style was taken not long after her separation from her gang.

Well, if you really want to know...

My original plan kept the actual identity of the being open, with the idea of it being either Discord of Tirek. I finally settled on Tirek as the more appropriate force, as he's less defined in the show, and hence I'd have more room to play around with what the fragment in the shrine would be like. RDD has mentioned and I myself have hinted at the fact that there was a time Equestria was ruled by Tirek, and he was defeated by the Princesses and that's what started their rule over Equestria. Though its not confirmed one way or another, my headcannon says that Tirek's powers of corruption is a kind of dark magic that could be learned by others, and Sombra might have been one who learned that magic, hence the black smoke and green eye motif seen in Hero of Oaton.

Glad that you liked the way everything wrapped up. Lots of threads I needed to tie together and it was good to get it all done. Yeah, Cheerilee and Shiny were never really meant to be more than a passing fancy, mostly on Shiny's end. Really there's more lingering feelings on Tarnished's part than anything, but I made sure to keep it downplayed enough that it didn't come off as shipping. Cut n' Dry's crush I left kind of up in the air as well for the same reason.

Hey no prob, I appreciate it when people spot errors for me, so thanks for that. :twilightsmile:

Good point. I have played kind of loose with just how old Cheerilee has been during her years of traveling around, but my own headcannon on it is that Cheerilee and Tarnished did both get their cutie marks fairly late, and that the picture we see of Cheerilee in her 80s style duds and mane style was taken not long after her separation from her gang.

Fair enough. I agree with keeping the exact timeframe loose, but the idea that Cheerilee lacked her mark for the entire time Tarnished knew her just doesn't sit well with me in this context.

To me a pony always gets their cutie mark before becoming a teenager. On the show only children ever lack marks (baring animation errors), and not only do all adults have them but so do the few ponies which seem to be teenagers, and implicitly the CMC are the oldest kids in school yet to get their own. Roughly speaking I see it as something that usually happens between the ages of 7-12 (or basically the same as the show's target demographic). With then the subsequent teenaged years being where a pony figures out how to apply their talent towards a profession.

Cheerile might have discovered her talent late, but I still feel that has to be prior to being old enough to go gallivanting all over the nation and beyond. I like to think of it not as a time when she was still trying to discover who she was, but where she thought she already had. Plus, like I said, I prefer broad interpretations for cutie marks, and intentional in my own head have conceived of a way that Cheerilee's could be equally applicable both to being a teacher and her previous hedonistic wild youth.


Only story you've finished? With your writing style and what you come up with for ideas you should wrap up what you can. This story proves you can do it , and i'm sure those following all your other stories would love to see them complete.

I understand how trying the writing can be, particularly trying to find an ending that fits with what you have built up.[What i'm having issues with atm anyway]
In any event finishing or not, if this story is any indication of of your work then you should write more.


I'll probably be bringing her up again at some point, either in a small webisode, or in a side story. She's also up for grabs as a character for anyone doing stories themselves.

If only I wrote! Ahahaha! But I'll love to see her again, she's cute. And I am so curious about the whole inverted horn condition, how it works and all the details.

3178347 I didnt feel that him surviving was a twist as much as an edit, like in the old cartoons where the jet blows up and you see people with parachutes coming out.

Thing is this isnt the first story where they act like overchanneling is going to kill you when it actually wont. I understand that it can be very serious with coma and everything, I just dont know why they Lunaverse writers take the bite out of scenes like that one by shaking the keys in our faces and going 'No no he's alright. no no one's dead! Dont cry!' :rainbowkiss:

Maybe I'm the only one that feels this way.:twilightblush: I know this series is rated teen but im pretty sure that still allows for death. Just not gruesome death.

“Few days ago I’d never have even considered this. None of my ponies would have. Guess things change.
nor to the extend Sawdust and I envisioned
Cut n’ Dry’s outburst started Raindrops
Assistant, eh/

1. Forgot your closing quotation mark.
2. Extent.
3. Startled.
4. Forgot to hold shift:derpytongue2:

Ahh happy endings... Though the shipper (or romantic like Raindrops) was just hoping for lots of romance even if this story is mainly action packed:twilightsmile: I can just imagine in one possible timeline where Raindrops is the envy of every mare as well as the target (in a romantic way) of every pony in Equestria and then some. Just like Cheerilee but with more violence. Or was it the same?:trixieshiftright: Might need to have Trixie tell me on what Cheerilee told her during that rainy day with her friends:rainbowlaugh:

refferee, you are an error correcting wonder. :twilightsmile: Rest assured I'll be getting to all those typos and not letting your hard work go to waste, though it might take me a day or two.

Oh yes, most definitely.

Hmm, I'll agree that in Cheerilee's case she would have had her cutie mark by the time she got her gang traveling around to the extent I suggest in this story. When I go through correcting typos I'll give that conversation another look to see what I can do with it, though I'll be keeping Tarnished's own cutie mark story as is. She is a few years younger than Cheerilee and can be considered a late bloomer. :twilightsheepish:

Congrats on finishing this epically epic masterpiece. :yay: Great wrap-up all around. Home run, maybe even a Grand Slam.

From experience, a story sometimes is just waiting to come out- regardless of the author's desires in controlling it. It came out with four hooves, fur in all the right places, and cute as a button.

Sorry I didn't get round to reviewing this story, it's just so long and windy and awesome! There's not much I can say beyond the fact it was utterly fantastic, it really built the world, developed the characters and your OCs were fantastic and I loved the background behind the whispers as well. I did feel Sawdust and Tarnished turned around a bit quickly near the end (and that Sawdust was a bit OP), one way or another, but it wasn't overly so. Cut&Dry asking Raindrops to dance was great, honestly pretty much everything was great, and congrats on this being your first finished story, it's an epic! :pinkiehappy: The Luna Bootheal scene was awesome, as were all the other happy endings.

:ajbemused: I am displeased......with myself, for not having this liked and fav'ed this previous to it's completion. As such I missed a fantastic conclusion before having the over all ending revealed by The Return of Tambelon. A nice touch with the lightning in the previous chapter though, as soon as you said it was purple and green all I could see was Sombra's eyes in my head (and having already known it was a certain centaur's shrine) just love the amount of world building that you and the others all put into your stories to make them all link up! Eagerly awaiting your season 2 outing and any works in between. :pinkiehappy:

3238461 Since it gets people riled up I wont say much on this. From my stand point life is about reproduction. Its the only reason you or anyone else exists. To me someone being asexual is like someone being a non-eater. True you wont die if you don't screw, but its as much a function of life as eating or sleeping. Having no inclination for it is not healthy and that person is missing out on one of the great joys of living.

Really I would have an easier time overlooking it for the sake of this being fiction if Trixie was simply neutral on the subject. The fact that it causes her distress is what I find especially troubling with the character. Since its there I just deal with it being part of the story by getting a little creeped out when its mentioned then moving on.

I have nothing against asexuals in the same way I have nothing against a bulimic person. I'm not judging their worth as a person, I just see them as being ill.

Abjuration is a school of magic in DnD that revolves around protective spells; barriers, wards, that kind of thing. RDD and I both reference DnD a lot for magic in the Lunaverse, so you'll see the school names of magic from it used a lot in our stories.

I can kinda see where you're coming from here. For me I find Trixie's asexual nature as both fascinating and a little... not so much troubling as just weird. Like you, its kind of like if someone told me they're horribly disgusted by the notion of eating food. I think it'd bother me a lot less if she was just making a conscious decision to not care about sex, or just found it a little off putting; but its that she's so vehemently disturbed by even thoughts of sex that is at once both fascinating and baffling to me. Its not even a decision of choice on her part, just... mental wires that are crossed differently.

Glad to see this completed. Very satisfying ending. I enjoyed it. Only criticism is that it needs some serious proofreading throughout, because some of the typos were bad enough to break my immersion.

*looks at comments, sees asexuality drama* ... you know, I'm not touching that with a barge pole. I'm glad there are characters of my own sexuality in fiction and that's all I'm saying.

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