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The Cloptimist

do not mistake peace for quiet


A magical accident leads to Starlight Glimmer mistakenly sending three unlikely heroines halfway across the world. Now, lost in a strange land, they fight to survive and seek a way home; meanwhile, a guilt-stricken Starlight tries to work out what went wrong, and Princess Twilight gets ready to mount a rescue.

My (deeply unsuccessful) entry for the excellent Season 9 Bingo Writing Contest!
Prompts: Derpy, Tartarus, Maretonia, Pony Politics, Diamond Tiara

"Just go read it, you won't regret it!" - Bug Reports
9/10, My Little Reviews & Feedback
"Entertaining and very readable" - 3*, Louder Yay

Chapters (7)
Comments ( 49 )

So, I got kind of stuck on the two stories I'm working on, and then chanced upon the Season 9 Bingo Writing Contest, and noticed there were a few days left until the deadline, so... I figured, why not?

And, luckily, the prompt card I got suggested a story to me straight away to incorporate all five - I was very lucky!

Anyhow. This is my first multi-chapter story, and I'm hoping to have it finished and submitted in the next couple of days; if you spot any huge, um, errors, please do flag 'em up!

This sounds like an interesting story in the making. Looking forward to see where it goes.... and what the tracks belong to.

I'm liking it so far.

I like Diamond's portrayal and the insight into Derpy.
Trixe seems a little less ... Trixie after the accident, but it I expect her to return to form once the shock wears off and she gets annoyed at something.

Yeah. definitely tracking this.


This is set up to be quite the adventure. Definitely looking forward to seeing where you and the cast go from here.

Thank you! I'm having a lot of fun with this, but I kind of wish it wasn't restricted by the contest, which will make it feel kind of rushed - the hard 20k word limit means I'm already over a third of the way there, when I could probably have written an epic adventure five or six times as long as that.

Sorry, Captain, they don't speak Tourist. (Tourist is like your native language, but louder and slower, to help foreigners understand you better.)

In any case, things are certainly looking up... as long as the trio doesn't attempt any daring escapes from their rescuers.

Heh. "AP-PLE-JACK! FLUT-TER-SHY! Remember?"

And, well, there are quite a few more... errors to be made yet. By nearly everyone involved in the story.

I know that, technically, per the rules of the contest, I didn't need to write a scene that actually took place in Tartarus, but it would have felt like a bit of a cheat if I hadn't. Anyway, I always liked the idea that Tartarus would be a bit like the Changeling hive from the S6 finale; there are so many great fanfic versions of it, the S8 finale depiction of it as just a big cave in some mountainside with, like, one prisoner and ten monsters, was - for me - a massive letdown. So... I "fixed" it.

Since the S8 finale, I also wanted to write a little scene about Starlight visiting the place, and ruminating on which cell she'd have been flung into if pony society wasn't quite so quick to forgive, so there's that!

Coming next, what happened to our three heroines in some backwater police station in the Maretonian desert?

"...Besides," said the guard, "it's not like they're going anywhere..."

Uh...Dun, Dun, Duuuun?😕

The physical door you heard about - because we now share highly sensitive, classified information with civilians, apparently

:twilightangry2: "Cerberus literally walked into town one day. Literally zero guards showed up to help. I had to personally escort him back to his post. Get off our backs."

And yeah, Tartarus is definitely more than it appears, especially considering the inconsistencies between "School Raze" and "Twilight's Kingdom." This portrayal works very well indeed.

Well, quite! That guard is going to feature in a future story that came to me while I was writing this (her lack of name here is intentional, that'll be important in the other story!), but for the purposes of this one, she's just meant to come across as a lifelong military mare who doesn't really trust or hold terribly high opinions of (a) civilians in general, and (b) Starlight in particular.

The End! With a couple of hours to spare!

Sorry the finish was a little rushed there - the contest had a hard 20k word limit and I was right up against it. I hope you enjoyed the story, anyway - I don't think I'll be doing another multi-chapter adventure again in a hurry!

Aye, as Trixie said, it was fun; thanks. :)

Thanks, I had a lot of fun writing it! I think I'm better at character pieces than multi-chapter adventure things that need actual storylines, but it was great to try something like this anyway.

"Maybe you should have run for mayor," muttered Filthy under his breath.

"Been there. Did that. Got run out of town."

In any case, a truly delightful conclusion. Even if Trixie nearly ruined everything. And of course Hoo'far was the interpreter. She just can't get away from that guy.

Thank you for a wonderful adventure. Best of luck in the judging.

Aw, thank you very much! I had so much fun writing it.

Even though this didn't get anywhere at all in the contest it was written for, and it's my least-viewed story ever (although as of today there are no downvotes, which is a novel experience!), I had an absolute blast writing it. Thanks to everyone who read it, I hope you had fun too!

I realised that - probably because she wasn't featured in the contest prompts - I'd not tagged Starlight as a major character here, but she obviously is (all the Ponyville and Tartarus chapters revolve around her!), so I've made that little change and also added this story to a couple of the best Starlight groups.

Why do I feel that Filthy Rich would actually make a pretty good political candidate?

I thought there was something vaguely familiar with how those ponies were speaking.

Unamused Trixie is also a very fun Trixie.

Is there any reason why Derpy’s name is inconsistent in the narrative? (Or Muffins, depending on what you want to call her.)

This gang was fun to follow. I really liked how well Diamond Tiara tended to take charge. I guess there’s a future in leadership waiting for her with that attitude.

I was wondering when someone would notice that! It's actually not (supposed to be) inconsistent - she's Derpy in the narration, and Muffins in dialogue. (Unless I missed one or two, in which case oops.) My little nod to/poke at the enforced name change.

I can't take credit for that, I'm afraid! That comes from the comics, where he runs for Mayor of Ponyville (and where the Pony Politics bingo tile image came from).

Thank you so much! I'm glad you liked it!

Oh wow, thank you so much! Nopony ever reviews my longer pieces, so it's great to be able to talk about this one.

Yeah, the ending was badly rushed - the contest had a hard 20,000 word limit and I was right up against it. I had, indeed, planned to have a whole extra chapter in there detailing the rescue a bit more, but just ran out of space. It feels wrong going back to "fix" it now.

And the machine-generated Arabic - I mean, I did apologise for it likely being horribly mangled gibberish in the author's note for that chapter. I was going to just have the Maretonians talking in generic Unintelligble Foreign Language as far as the Equestrians were concerned (with their POV then revealing what was being said), but then thought it might as well be something analogous from Earth, even if I knew Google was butchering both the translation and transliteration the words! If anyone out there does speak Arabic and wants to provide an actual translation/transliteration of what the Maretonian ponies are saying, I'd be glad to have it.

Thank you again for the kind review, I'm really glad you enjoyed the story! And if you do decide to read anything else I wrote, I hope you enjoy that too.

Trixie teaching consideration? Did the spell turn her brains inside out or something?

Kind of - I wanted her to be disoriented and snippy, but also to reflect Starlight being an influence. Also, thanks for reading, this one gets so little attention it's fun to receive comments on it!

You're welcome - I was skimming the whole bingo group to see how the different parts got mixed.

I knew Trixie’s Pink Heart would come in handy! Let’s just hope she didn’t lose it.

It’s not really inconsistent, though. Derpy refers to herself as Derpy, so when the narration is from her point of view, it says Derpy. But other characters call her Muffins, so when the narration swtiches to their perspective, it says Muffins.

And with that, you have earned your 176th follower!

This story was a delightful adventure. Who knew that Tiara, Trixie and Derpy would have such great chemistry? And poor, poor Starlight. My heart went out to her; poor mare was taking all the blame and trying her best to fix it.

Also, might I add that I love the moment where Filthy stood up for Starlight and got the guard to back off, and Starlight returned the favor minutes later by encouraging him to keep running in the election.

Thank you! This is one of my least popular stories, but I've always had a soft spot for it. I'm glad you enjoyed it! I don't know if I'll ever write anything new, but I'm grateful for the follow! :eeyup:

You’re welcome, Cloptimist. :twilightsmile:

I stuck this on my RIL forever ago when you mentioned it in Discord. Finally found time for it the other day, and I enjoyed it! I can see what you mean about the contest limit though--I can just feel the narrative crunching into it, and crying out for more time.

I really loved poor Trixie finally getting her moment to shine in the breakout and then--it no longer being necessary. And it's an especial shame because she actually did a good job! I think a story with more time to explore a far-from-home Trixie-and-odd-crew hijinks story would be great fun.

I'm also always a fan of Tartarus being more than it seems, and I appreciated the brief aside between Luna and Twilight here, about its apparent denizens.

Thanks for the nice comment, I'm glad you enjoyed the story!

I sometimes think about rewriting this to include the "extra chapter" and other fleshing out, but it seems wrong after all this time.

"...and remember, a vote for Filthy is a vote for you, and the town, to get RICH! So, on election day, you all be sure to vote Filthy Rich for Comptroller! Thank you very much!"

The crowd of ponies stomped their hooves in appreciation as Filthy finished his speech, mopping the sweat from his brow as he held his other hoof aloft in a victory pose, taking in the applause. The polls had him more than 20 points ahead of his rival already, and after this little performance, that was only going to get better.

i have to say it is heartening to see Ponyville residents take such a keen interest in local politics. i have no idea who my city’s Comptroller is at all!

"...a factfinding mission, and goodwill expedition to Maretonia," she read aloud, "to advertise Ponyville's trade goods across the other side of the world! Isn't that..."

ooh, ponified Mauretania?

And we all thought Filthy Rich was the right pony for the job, so we're happy to support him, even if some of us might believe that an even better idea might be, oh, I don't know, for the workers themselves to control the means of production, and..."

so Starlight and so true

We all reckon it's too good an opportunity to pass up, even if it means puttin' our family name next to Filthy's, when ah don't rightly like givin' the smell of us messin' in politics. A deal's a deal," she huffed, before nodding at Starlight. "So, uh, in short... yeah. Ah do believe this will be good for everypony."

oof Applejack totally would potentially be associated with something awful due to trusting someone who seems honest and a lack of interest in politics. though i guess i will see! i have no idea what will happen in this story after all

But I've been studying this for weeks, and I found that if you combined the standard long-distance teleportation spell with Mistmane's Cælum Novum... it takes a bit out of you, but we've tested it over and over again, going back and forth to the Crystal Empire, and you can safely send ponies over long distances, without turning them inside out, or sending them to Tartarus. You just need a few days between castings to recover!"

well that certainly sounds like hubris that will later lead to Problems

"Stage banter!" whispered Trixie, with a wink. "No self-respecting magician would pass up the opportunity to work the crowd a little more! It'll make it all the more... impressive when it goes perfectly right."

Starlight smiled at her friend. "Thanks, Trix," she said, blushing.

"I'll see you when you get back, OK?", smiled Trixie, and Starlight thought she saw a blush on her best friend's face too.

so StarTrix and so true

She scrunched the notes up with her mouth, and spat the ball of paper on the floor.

"I'm not doing this again," she thought to herself.

love the mental image of this, really adds to the emotion behind the action even if it’s a natural thing for earthponies to do

A series of lightning-fast calculations shot through Derpy's mind, as she worked out how best to take evasive action and the optimal angles for diverting Bulk away from the ceremony and towards a safe, soft landing, lists of angles and trajectories flitting past her eyes, filing a flight plan in her brain even if she had no idea what her subconscious was doing.

love this bit, exactly how i imagine it

There was a horrible bang, followed by a horrible whistling noise.

Everything went purple.

love that all of the pieces for this chaotic sequence of events were set up as background details, also explaining why these three ponies who would have no reason to ever be in the same room together end up being the ones on this adventure!

An ant made its way slowly across Diamond's field of vision, crawling in a straight line across tightly-packed red sand. Diamond watched it, marching along, until it passed out of visual range, and thought she'd try lifting her head a little.

The throbbing in her head got slightly worse, but Diamond pushed it down, trying to remember all the hours of lessons her father had drilled into her about reacting to a crisis situation. She'd give herself ten seconds. Ten awful seconds of looking around, and then she could reward herself by lying her head back down on the sand in blissful relaxation.

really easy to inhabit Diamond Tiara’s perspective with these bits, love it. also the idea that Filthy Rich would make sure Diamond Tiara developed the skills she would need to succeed in any situation, like he has

"We all need to work together," said Trixie, and as she pushed her chest forward, the morning sunlight glinted off the jeweled Pink Heart of Courage medal pinned to her dusty cloak. "You need to trust me. We're going to need all three of us if we're going to do this."

augh Trixie really stepping up here! i am so proud of her

"...it was me," came a timorous voice, and both Diamond and Trixie turned to look at Derpy.

ooh “timorous” now that’s a great word

Far in the distance, to the south - 208° south-southwest, ran a voice somewhere deep inside that she couldn't even consciously hear - the sand changed color.

love that this is how pegasus brains work

Trixie and Derpy both looked at her, and nodded enthusiastically, and Diamond had to work very hard not to break into a huge, disbelieving smile. I'm the leader now, she thought to herself. Me. A filly. This is on me.

She tried not to let that terrify her too much.

ironic given Diamond Tiara’s blusterous attitude historically! very interesting dynamic between the three, and it is fun that it is a unicorn, pegasus, and an earthpony

The nurse grimaced before finishing her sentence.

"...Or even break off altogether."

Princess Twilight, and every unicorn within earshot, visibly winced at those words. Lyra turned an even more sickly shade of green, and stumbled behind a convenient bush, followed soon after by retching noises.

aww that is how unicorns would react! and burn on Lyra

"...And if that happens," sighed Redheart, "well, there's no magic in all of Equestria that can put it back together again. Not as it was before. If you're lucky, you'll be able to give ponies a nasty electric shock, or send some pretty sparks up in the air. If not... you'll have to wear an ivory prosthesis for the rest of your life. Decorative purposes only. Do you understand?"

that is how it apparently works, given Tempest Shadow. and oof, going from one of the most powerful unicorns in Equestria to not being able to use unicorn magic at all…

A huge, charred FILTHY RICH FOR COMPTROLLER poster lay draped across the podium where it had fallen after the explosion, the enlarged picture of Filthy's grinning face warped by the heat into a terrifying skeletal form, and Starlight turned away with a shudder.


"...to Tartarus", said Twilight, her jaw dropping, as Starlight nodded again, before resuming poking the ground and drawing sad faces.

augh that is so extra adorably sad

"Well excuse me if I haven't just accepted we're stuck here! I can't just do nothing. The Great and Powerful Trixie does not end up dead in some desert somewhere in the middle of nowhere!"

so true you tell her queen

"He's obsessed with something bad happening to the family. He says he has nightmares about me being foalnapped and held for ransom or something. He says that's why he stayed in Ponyville... I mean, we could live in Manehattan, or even Canterlot full time, we could have a huge house and I could go to a private school and everything, but nooooo, he likes Ponyville, because everyone's so friendly. He says it's safer there. I think he's crazy. How may monster attacks and crazy scrapes happen there? And... this" - she gestured at the desert around her with her hoof - "isn't making his argument any better."

very interesting backstory on Filthy Rich here! and DT has a point, but then again, the M6 are always saving the day from whatever Problem is plaguing Ponyville this week!

"You wouldn't like it there," said Trixie, almost dismissively. "It's clean, and it has nice restaurants, it's fine for a visit, but... I don't think it's a good place for ponies who aren't unicorns."

"You're a unicorn," said Diamond, confused.

"Yes," said Trixie. "But I'm not really their kind of unicorn, either."

"I'm a pegasus!", chimed Derpy, happily.

ehehe love this! 

"...Anyway," continued Trixie, after a confused pause, "I've never felt entirely comfortable in Canterlot. One time I was trying to do a show there, and of course all the stuck-up unicorns were giving me trouble. It's always the same. 'You need a permit to park your wagon there, Trixie! You can't perform for paying customers without a ninety-bit license, Trixie! Your last illusion could have landed the schoolponies in the hospital, Trixie!' Ugh, like they couldn't have worn raincoats? I told them the first two rows might get wet. I told them! OK, sure, they probably thought I meant from one of my illusions, and not from me knocking over that water tower, but, I mean, come on, wet is wet! Right?"

if this were anyone but Trixie they would clearly be in the wrong here but it’s Trixie so she did nothing wrong and Canterlot should really get over itself

Derpy gave a huge smile, happy to be included in the conversation. "Ponyville is a nice place! All my friends are so nice and friendly. In Cloudsdale, all the ponies used to laugh at me and call me mean names when I dropped a parcel, or got an address wrong, or messed up Winter Wrap Up for the birds because I just love talking to them so much while I'm flying, and everypony thought I didn't know which way was south but it was not because of that, I just liked hearing the birds sing, and when I talked to the birds they never said mean things or called me bad names or looked at my special eyes like that, and then when I came to Ponyville everypony just liked to sing and dance and Fluttershy said she liked talking to the birds, too, and I could talk to her birds whenever I wanted to, and she could even tell me what they said to me sometimes too and I thought it must be the happiest place in the whole of Equestria, and when I do clumsy things or accidentally break stuff or make a mistake, everypony always just says it's OK, and usually they smile, and I like my job so much, and I like helping my friends, and then there's the Doctor, and..."

aww, love this whole sequence! and her connection to Fluttershy here makes so much sense

"I was trying to stop the accident from happening," continued Trixie, in a softer and quieter voice. "I was trying to save us, and I just made it worse."

She looked up at Diamond Tiara, with an apologetic expression.

"...I always make things worse."

poor Trixie… :trixiesad:

"Yeah, well, you should have, like, met me a couple of years ago," said Diamond. "I wasn't very nice, at all. I spent most of my life shouting at other ponies, and wondering why everypony didn't do exactly what I wanted them to do, all of the time.

i mean yes she was terrible, but also a literal child? lol

She sat me down, and put her wing around me, and for a moment, just that one little moment, I felt like I hadn't done all those awful things, and that all these ponies saying nice things about me were telling the truth. Like I actually deserved it."
Trixie stared down at the sandy ground.

"...It was the best moment of Trixie's life."

ooh i love this! definitely stealing it for myself

"WHAT?" barked Diamond Tiara. "What is it now? Friendship is important? Hugs are great? You can see some sand?!"

hey, all those things are important!

"Min fadlik, nahn faqat nurid musaeadatak! Tueal maeana, naetaqid 'anak qad tahtaj 'iilaa einayat tabiya!"

ooh what language is this? it feels sorta Semitic but also not? 

He noticed the filly was wearing some sort of... crown... thing. A dignitary from some travelling desert tribe, maybe? But then, what would she be doing traveling out in the middle of the desert like this, with no water, no shelter, and just these two mares for guards?

aww that is how Diamond Tiara’s tiara might be interpreted! interesting that it’s not too uncommon for fillies to wear them, considering Zipporwhill. Princess-inspired cultural custom?

"Let's take them to the police station," said the Captain. "We can send word to the Duchess, and see what we're supposed to do next."

love that we got to see the encounter from the Maretanians’ perspective! it's so easy for the best of intentions to be lost in translation

"Tartarus isn't just a big cave under a mountain. The physical door you heard about - because we now share highly sensitive, classified information with civilians, apparently" - she took a moment to look disapprovingly at Twilight - "is a secure portal to a different plane, and visitors aren't usually allowed in and out of there; the Princesses made an exception last year because magic was disappearing from Equestria and they needed answers. Try a stunt like that today, the unicorns on guard would make ash of you, long before you got to the front steps and Cerberus ate you... Ma'am."

love this worldbuilding and explanation for canon events

"Well, that's really two questions," said Twilight, deep in thought. "Can you really separate out the different parts of a creature's magical nature, without fundamentally altering who that creature is? And then, is the purpose of a prison to reform and rehabilitate offenders, or to punish them? I mean, it's..."

no Twilight you are not supposed to question the justice and purpose of Equestria’s Super Hell!

There is no simple spell to give us an accounting of anypony, or any creature, currently imprisoned here. But with careful scrying, we can observe the reflections left on the magic of Tartarus by a particular being, whether a prisoner or an... unwilling visitor," she said, and Starlight shrank into herself again.

further great explanation of what we saw of Tartarus in the canon, making it make more sense

"Please do not kick the pebbles," said Luna, tartly.

ehehe love it! 

"This is where I should have been," finished Starlight, softly. "If I'd chosen to attack Princess Luna, and not you, this is where I would have ended up. In one of these cells," she said, gesturing at an empty cage, shuddering at the upturned food bowl, its contents long since rotted away to dust. "Not living in a big, warm room in your castle. Not as your student, and not as your friend."

and, oof! what a thing for Starlight to face

"...Besides," said the guard, "it's not like they're going anywhere..."

ehehe the delicious irony

I had this all ready, with lots of Tartarus stuff, and then the s9 premiere happened and I had to throw a whole bunch of it away! Oh well.


For the umpteenth time, Diamond Tiara and Constable Aziz shared an exasperated look, trying to convey their apologetic boredom through facial gestures alone.

augh love this shared moment

The strange gray pegasus balanced the dried date on her muzzle, trying her best to fix her eyes on it, before flicking it up towards the ceiling and catching it in her mouth with a giggle. Constable Aysha giggled too, unable to stop herself. She picked another date from the tray and held it up in her hoof in front of the pegasus, who stuck out her tongue while she concentrated on it, her eyes slowly drifting into focus.

already love them

Corporal Fatima was bored out of her mind. She wondered if she could find an excuse to tranq this infuriating blue unicorn again, just for the fun of it.

not the most uncommon reaction to spending this much time alone with Trixie

The idea of a few weeks of KP duty and cleaning out the stables was starting to sound less discouraging than it had before.

are the “stables”, uh, the equivalent of “barracks”?

The stunned guard pony's spear fell from her grip and shattered on the floor, pieces of broken teacup lying all around as Trixie crashed into her at full pelt, and the two of them rolled straight through the unlocked cell door as it pushed open.

love the combat use of the teacup spell

Diamond opened her mouth to speak, but was cut off by a whinnying snort from the doorway. A tall, pale blue unicorn with a dark blue mane and dirty, sand-spattered robes stared in disbelief at the scene in front of him, and Trixie's heart sank down to her hooves.

"...Miss Powerful?!"

aww, poor Trixie! she actually did a really good job in taking the initiative and saving the day here, it’s just that she was in the wrong genre of story

"Yes, that is correct, Miss Tiara," said Hoo'far, nodding.

yay Hoo’far’s in this! and does make sense as a translator

"There may be a chance to do that... if you can prove to these guards that your story is true. I have smoothed the way a little by explaining that you are a travelling magician, an entertainer, and not a powerful mage as they suspect..."

"Powerful mage?" grinned Trixie, quietly, beaming with pride.

love that this is Trixie’s takeaway

"...if you were willing to prove you are, indeed, an illusionist, by performing a little magic show," he finished, as Diamond gawped at him.

oh i love this! so many layers of irony

She looked back across the courtyard, to where Derpy was lying on her back, having her chin and belly tickled by a giggly Constable Aysha.

"...Or, y'know, maybe they are," said Diamond, shaking her head.


"Kayf faealt dhilka?!" asked Aysha, breathlessly, staring at the now-interlocked rings in wide-eyed wonder.

i mean i would too, that is pretty impressive!

"I spend most of my life trying to atone for things I did in the past," said Starlight. "This is just another one for the 'Starlight Messed Up Again' pile by now. And I'm going to fix it," she said, scanning the map some more.

and oof, very Starlight

"The Great and Powerful Trixie thanks you for being such a wonderful audience!", she beamed, as Hoo'far translated. She beckoned him closer, and whispered to him.

"These ponies really like magic, huh?", she asked, under her breath.

"Not a lot of entertainers make their way this far away from Equestria," he replied. "They have never seen these tricks before. I knew they would be won over seeing your wonderful show. Even... this version of it."

so true! this is exactly how i imagine Trixie would be received in places far away from Equestria, where they would have never seen the magic tricks that are no longer new and impressive to Equestrians due to cultural osmosis

"Alright, my little ponies!", cheered Pinkie Pie as she danced across the rebuilt stage, and the crowd stomped in appreciation. "Let's have a round of applause for the REAL comptroller!"

"What a strange line," said Trixie, as the newly-elected Comptroller Filthy Rich appeared on stage, waving and making victory salutes as Diamond clung to him tightly.

that is, indeed, a strange line!

"Yeah, actually," said Starlight. "Her exact words were that his big press conference speech really showed how Ponyville was a friend to Maretonia, and how much better this was than if he'd just sent her a crate of apples or something."

ahaha, Applejack L

"You are all nice ponies," she said, with a huge smile. "I'm glad I could help my friends. And Aysha is a nice pony too, and she's going to learn Ponish, and we are going to write letters, and she is going to visit Ponyville and I'm going to show her the town and give her some apples, and we're going to be good friends!"

and yay! 

definitely see what you mean about the wordcount limiting this story. i love the worldbuilding you’ve done here, and the setup of the premise was fantastic, but it feels like the dynamic between this unlikely team of ponies was just getting off the ground when everything needed to start being resolved due to approaching the end. in a sense, that actually makes this story feel more “realistic”! a fun read, and it definitely leaves me wanting more out of Maretonia and its ponies, especially Aysha. thank you!

I did actually start writing this and everything - it was called Mercy, which was always the guard's name here (but I took out the part where this was explained and moved it to the different story), I was just never happy with it. Maybe one day I'll pick up my pen again and finish it, along with the dozen or so other unfinished drafts.

Thank you so much for the commentary and nice thoughts, I'm glad you had a good time with it :ajsmug:

A delightful story. Even for how compressed it was due to the contest restrictions, it was a fun read. Diamond Tiara, Derpy, and of course Trixie are very entertaining together. It was nice to see how each contributed by using their skills to the fullest to getting back home.

I especially liked the idea that Diamond Tiara would take charge, even with two full grown ponies with her. It puts her in a situation that both takes her out of her comfort zone but also highlights the talents she has. Character growth under fire!

If there ever comes a time where you expand upon this story, I'll be sure to read it!

I'm really glad you liked it, and thank you so much for taking the time to say so! :twilightsmile:

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