Daring Do can't start writing her latest story. She should Daring Do something about that.

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Daring Do can't start writing her latest story. She should Daring Do something about that.

EDIT: luv u bby :heart:

This was strangely awesome. I want to say more, but I'm left with nothing else to say.

... Oh, okay then.

House of Leaves vibes, for sure. Silly fun, with a little slice of mysterious spookiness.

It took me halfway through to realize where was this going.

Alternative title: When you run out of Dr. Pepper


Heh. I thought it was going to be a plot hook and there would be some joke about where Daring Do gets her ideas from, but no, you took it one step further. Bravo.

Now I'm sort of reminded of an SF story by Henry Kuttner in which the protagonist (a scientist who always does his best work when drunk) wakes up from a lengthy bender to find he's created the world's most advanced (and conceited) robot, only to later discover that it started out as an improved can opener.

So she basically summoned a demon so she could steal a hook from it to open up a can of some drink just to help her write.

Now that I think of it, that is badass as hell!

Fantastic blend of malaise, adventure, and ponefuzz. Thank you for it.

From an interview in Pony magazine:

PONY: I know you must get this question a lot, but where do you get your ideas?

YEARLING: The same place everypony does. Now, my kitchen appliances, there are some stories there.


I'll "daring do".....your mom!!!!

- my idiot brain after I read this synopsis


Next Week on Daring Do Adventures: Daring Do needs a new toaster.

All that for a can opener... I Don't know if I should say that some people just looooooove complicating their lives over simple matter or if Daring is just so used to mystic and eldritch horrors that she no longer perceive what is normal and what is not.... Coupled with a slight addiction to adrenaline.

I found the spell and ritual that she did very well thought of and it left me with a sensation of malaise too. There was a concept for magic to explore there that I find deeply interesting. It made me think of the Fate Stay Night franchise, a darker setting where some magic are based around concept and abstract ideas.

Well done!


What an adventure

She ran her hand back and forth across the now-stenciled surfaces of the enchanted paper.

Should be "hoof."

This was hilarious, as well as well written and detailed.

All that for a can opener?

Well alright then.


Man, what a coincidence ā€” I just finished reading House of Leaves today. Iā€™d love to see a pony adaptation/interpretation.

I got you fam. Not exactly the same, but in the same spirit:

TBroken Bindings
You've found an "interesting" book recently. You don't know what it is, or why it was hidden in the back of Twilight's library, but you feel so compelled to read it. And keep reading it. And keep reading it...
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