• Published 27th Mar 2019
  • 1,736 Views, 229 Comments

Five Score – A Prench Tale Vol.1 - Alsey

Getting a cutie mark for my birthday was already strange enough, but what will I do now that my body has suddenly decided to take a Prench leave..?

  • ...

27 – Breaking Points

[Content Warning: Violence, Blood]

Laurence's View

I stare at the window. For how long I don't know, my brain struggling to string up any sort of coherent thought, the image of that red and yellow eye refusing to fade, an image that never should've left my nightmares—

'So long, lily-liver!'

Squeezing my eye shut and shaking my head, I push the awful memory away, forcing my brain to reboot and—

Fuck, Dusky!!

I rush to the small window, climbing on the sink to try to see, but it's so narrow I can barely fit my head, the only thing the view reveals is roofs of salmon pink tiles, no sign of of the colt!

Jumping back I run through the living room for the French window and the small terrace beyond, knocking down potted plants as I lean over the metal railing, looking everywhere around me, but it's still the same roofs and chimneys and TV antennas and clouds! Goddammit he can't have just vanished into thin air!

Fuck fuck fuck and FUCK!! This can't be happening!! Why!? When!? How could I not see it!? How could I miss that!? How could I let that happen!? I have to find him!!

If you touch a single hair from his head I'll end you Discord, you fucking hear me!? There'll be no world where you can hide from me you overcooked noodle, I'll find you and make you regret any harm you put him through!!

“Laurence, what's happening!?”

I turn to Mom, standing behind me: “I'll fucking kill him!”, I growl, hands aching to gouge his mocking eyes out!

“Hey, you calm down now.”, she replies sternly, snapping her fingers to force me to focus on her. “Calm down, and explain.”

Ugh I hate the finger thing, I'm not a dog dammit! How dare you—

Hey hey hey, stop now! Calm down Laurence, get back in control! Breathe more slowly, stop clawing, be pragmatic..!

Breathe in, breathe out... Okay..!

I walk back into the living room, five pairs of eyes on me. All right, essential information first, speak calmly but without hesitation:

“We're in danger, we need to get away from this place before they arrive.”

The chorus of exclamations and expletives was to be expected, Mom and Élise growing anxious, and Maëlle angry: “How did that happen!? Was it your boy? What did he do!?”

I don't like her tone, but I'm not going to lie: “He called them, I– I don't know what he said, not everything, but at least that they'll find us here.”

“But why!?”, Élise cries out in disbelief. “Why would he do that!? He's one of us!”

“That's not important,” I deflect, “right now we have to—”

“I think this is plenty important!”, her father shoots back.

Oh for fuck's sake we don't have time for this! “It's Discord, Discord made him do it! Here, happy now!?”

The pegasus recoils in horror. “WHAT!?”

“Wait how is that even possible!?”, her girlfriend blurts out. “You said that guy was in this other world or something!”

“I don't know! All I know is that somehow that bastard reached here and took control over Dusky, he forced him to do it!”

Élise looks terrified, ready to bolt, and I can't fault her. “What should we do!?”

Okay Laurence, do what you do best – be pragmatic, look at all the pieces, formulate a plan! “Our priority is to get away and get everyone to safety, once we're back in a secure location we can start thinking about the next step.”

“Should we head back home then?”, Mom proposes, hopeful.

“I wish we could, but no. We don't know how much they know, how much he told them, but that address is one of the things he could've communicated – we need alternatives he didn't know about. How close are the cars from here?”

“I parked next to town hall, it's not that far!”

“Same for me.”, adds Élise's father.

“But we can't just walk there,” Brigitte argues, “we'd be right in the open, and the streets are pretty busy at this hour!”

Maëlle raises her hand: “Hey I have my car just down the street! It's too small for all of us but I can at least take the ponies!”

“Your car, is it a yellow-green Renault 5?”, the man asks her, frowning.

“Well yes, why?”

“They told me that's the type of car they're looking for, they'll recognize it immediately.”

“So what? Even if they see us leaving, I lost them once, I can do it again!”

Her mother doesn't share her confidence: “This isn't the middle of the night, Maëlle! People are just getting out of work, there's a lot of traffic!”

Damn this is getting complicated! I need to limit the variables... “We can't put all our eggs in the same basket. You,” I point at the other humans, “you're not the targets. As far as we know the only one they'd recognize from sight is Mr. Sommer, and he counts as an ally. Élise and I can't go with you, if they see you with us you're compromised – but if you stay away, you're potential backup instead. Mom, Maëlle, Brigitte, you should move out, together, and with Mom's car to be safe. Mr. Sommer you should stay on your own, they have no reason to suspect you, and if they contact you you can try gathering information.”

Of course Mom finds something to criticize: “And what about you in this plan?”

“I don't know yet! I want as many of us as possible away from here and out of danger, that's my first priority – then I'll think of something!”

“For that I know somewhere they won't find you, we could hide you there!”, Maëlle suggests, turning to Élise: “You remember where we had our second date?”

The mare's face lights up. “Oh, I see! That'd work nicely! But it's still some way away...”

“What kind of place is this?”

Maëlle doesn't answer right away, glancing toward the terrace as if suspecting eavesdroppers – and I can't fault her. “The kind where it's easy to hide for a couple days, and people aren't supposed to go to, especially if they don't have the keys.”

The lack of details doesn't really fill me with confidence, but she's living here, she knows the terrain better – it's been too long since I've last visited this town. “All right, let's go for that. Just need the means to get there now...”

“I've got an idea!”, Élise is quick to say, moving toward the French window. “We can get right to the roofs that way, then it's just a matter of flying up and reaching someplace high enough to wait safely, then later on meet up at... at 'the place', once they've stopped looking and it's night?”

It certainly isn't a foolproof plan, but... It could also be an opportunity to look for Dusky. I cut through Brigitte and Élise's father's argument of how risky the whole idea is: “Dangerous or not I think it's still worth a shot – safer than a lot of alternatives at any rate, and we don't have any more time to discuss the issue. All right?” I wait for everybody to nod, as reluctantly as it may be for some. “Maëlle, any news from your Antifa guys?”

“Uh, haven't had time to call them yet... Wait, where's my phone?”

While she goes to retrieve it Brigitte gives us her own to keep in contact, stowing it in Maëlle's sling bag for Élise to carry. More hasty preparations, the lovebirds share a last kiss, and I take Mom aside: “Please be careful... They could be here any minute.”

She cups my cheek, stern. “Be careful yourself..!”

They lock the French window behind us, leaving us on the terrace. Weather's cool and humid, a faint drizzle falling from the cloudy sky. Getting up the roof won't be an issue, just a matter of getting over the railing to land over the neighbor's, but I'm not especially eager for the next steps... Damn it, I'm sure Élise suggested this plan just to have an excuse to fly!

Oh come on Laurence, you certainly didn't have a better idea, so deal with it! We're in the center of the town, houses are organized in neat rows, the streets are pretty narrow, and with the rain people are less likely to look up... We can make it.

Now if only I knew where you were, Dusky..! In what kind of mess have you put yourself into? Just look at what you're making me do, stupid colt!

Élise leads the way up and with a sigh I follow after her, careful to not slip on the wet tiles. Reaching the top of Brigitte's house, the pegasus points directly south of us, at a church of which the tall belfry dominates the horizon.

“That's the collegiate church,” she whispers, “I thought that could be our waiting spot... It's on our way, and they'd have a hard time finding us up there.”

“Are you sure..?” That thing's the tallest building around by at least two stories, even without the belfry. How is she planning to get us to the top?

She gives me a sheepish shrug. “Pretty sure..? If anybody sees us we can still say we're angels, right?”

I roll my eye. “Less joking, more fleeing...”

Walking over roofs proves to be less daunting than I feared, fortunately. They're not particularly steep, and with four points of contact plus wings acting like a balancing pole the slipperiness isn't as big an issue. The first real hurdle is three houses down, when we must climb one floor up to reach the roof of the fourth house – I almost lose my footing while preparing my leap, and I must flap the wings to make up for it. 'Not as big an issue', huh..? At least Élise doesn't have any problem on her side, it seems that she has the workings of her new body down pat.

We progress to the end of the row of houses, with still no sign of Dusky or our enemies, and I need to revise my judgment – that is a true hurdle: a street to cross, or rather to jump over. As expected it's narrow, 'only' six or seven meters wide, but it still feels like a lot. The house on the other side is just as tall as the one we're on, we'll need a running start...

Down on the street there's some passersby and cars driving through regularly, it'd be best if we could time it so we limit potential witnesses. As we wait for an opportunity, I see Mom and Brigitte walking briskly into the street from the direction of the latter's home, and taking a right toward town hall. Good, they got away in time... But where's Maëlle? I hope she's not doing something stupid..!

Finally there's a lull in the traffic, and there's no more excuse for waiting. Come on Laurence, you've done stuff like this before, you can do it again! It's not that different from jumping over hedges, just on the horizontal rather than vertical!

Élise doesn't share my hangups – she runs, flaps her wings, and leaps! Just that initial impulse carries her almost mid-way, but her flaps are uneven, she lists to the right and over-correcting makes it worse, she's losing altitude fast, too fast!!

No time to think – I dash over the edge and push the air down, strongly enough so that when I reach her I'm slightly higher, just enough to get my arms under her flailing wings – then I push again, again and again, carrying her upward with me, droplets pelting my face from the speed, and our shared forward momentum is barely enough to make us land on the roof, our legs still dangling over the edge!

Scrambling the rest of the way up, I allow myself a minute to get my breath and heart under control, to let the cold feeling of helpless panic recede from my chest... Goddammit this was horrible! As for Élise, she's red from embarrassment: “I'm so sorry, I– I don't know what happened, I panicked, and... It felt so simple in my dream..!”

“Don't worry, you'll do better next time.” Hopefully... “Come on now, we can't linger too long.”

I'm the one leading us along this new row of houses this time, being careful not to slide down into any of the small gardens and terraces between buildings. Another floor to climb up, without issue, we arrive in front of the next street to cross, and... Damn, how many time will I have to revise my definition of 'hurdle' today?

That one is twice as wide as the first. Traffic is also more intense. Only saving grace would be that the building on the other side is one story shorter than the one we're on, so if the initial leap is good enough we'd just have to glide...

... Oh yeah, that's just so reassuring!

For now we wait again, Élise preening nervously next to me. This really wasn't the best time for a daylight escape, we should've—

My attention is drawn downward by the screech of a car as it comes to a stop just at the foot of our building, halfway up the curb and on a delivery zone to boot. Five men get out of the vehicle in a hurry, some of then obviously trying to conceal things under their coats and jackets. The driver argues about potential parking tickets but his friends don't care one bit, just running up north along the row of house we just came from.

That can't be a coincidence.

“Oh my gosh, that was Julien..!”

I turn to Élise as she stares at the running men. “Who?”

“An old friend from school, but... But that was them, right..?”

“Seemed like it. They must not know we're already on the move, but that won't last.”

“I don't know why he'd help them, he's not a bad guy! He's just... Just a bit too easy to convince, I guess...”, she sighs, ears drawing back.

“Not your fault, Élise.”, I try to reassure her. “We have to look forward right now, okay?”

She nods, and I focus back on the traffic. We were already on a timer, but we're reaching the end... Luckily for us our opportunity to cross arrives soon, and I push down my dread to jump right after Élise! We glide swiftly to the other side, almost without issue – I think a couple children caught a glimpse of us, from their excited shouting.

I hope their parents won't put too much stock in tales of 'flying horses'... Just to be safe I make us walk on the opposite side from the street, as we go eastward along this new row. It's slower work than for the previous ones, we have to go up and down more often with buildings alternating between three and four stories, but we make it to the end, and our next jump.

There isn't just a street this time, but also a sizable canal. Even though it's the narrowest spot I can see to make the crossing, it's still about the width of the last one, and without the advantage of the opposite building being shorter... But we're nearly there, the gray belfry standing tall and massive fifty or sixty meters in front of us!

Our roof doesn't lean in the most advantageous way, down toward the canal... Should we still try to leap from the edge, or rather from the highest point even if the distance is slightly increased..?

Élise suggests the former... and I'll trust her. The only advice my brain's giving me right now is 'DON'T!!', and that's no very pragmatic.

We run down the roof and jump over the edge, a couple of good flaps managing to get me to the correct height. Élise needs one or two more to do the same, but I'm forced to flap once more before reaching the building, my glide a little less effective than hers. Another successful crossing in any case!

Though these stupid limbs are starting to ache, I've never used them that much before...

Maybe being so tense doesn't help either.

Come on Laurence you can do it, you're almost done..!

However my apprehension only grows as we reach the last leg of this journey – we have to go down one story to get to the closest point from the church, and its façade is taller, a lot taller than our building, with a gap to cross barely narrower than for the canal! How are we supposed to make that one work!?

Looking down, there's less pedestrians and more cars than for the more central streets... I hope we won't cause an accident if someone has the bad idea of looking up at the wrong time.

Maybe there's a better way to get up there? We don't have to go from the front!

Or we could do it in steps? I can see a ledge, just over the relief topping the large entrance doors! Then I can climb on the sides of that stained glass window, grab that other ledge under the clock, and that's it!

Yes, no reason to be anxious, none at all! It's not like jumping face-first into a brick wall – there's also a three-story gap to cross before that, after all!



At least I should be thankful I'm not afraid of hei—

“Come on!”, Élise calls as she runs for the edge of the roof and leaps through the air!

I panic for a second, already seeing her crash against the façade, but she aces the jump – no, it can't be called jumping at this point, she's truly flying up, up in an elegant arc to lan– oh never mind, the landing still needs a little work, I hope she didn't hurt herself!

Her head peeks up from behind the clock, waving at me. Good, still in one piece...



There's... not a whole lot I need to do now.


Come on Laurence, you've done well until now, there no reason to believe you'd fail this time!

You can do it, you know you can do it! Birds do it all the time, and they're not half as smart as you!

Granted, any bird afraid of flying wouldn't fare very long outside the nest... Well, except if they're ostriches, or cassowaries, or emus, or kiwis, or elephant birds, or I'm stalling aren't I?


Pragmatic, Laurence, be pragmatic.

I walk back to the middle of the roof, and when I don't hear any car coming, I shoot for the edge. Coiling my legs at the last second, I spring upward and forward, forcing my eye to stay on Élise's puffy mane on the other side, contracting the pulley-like muscles in the front half of my chest to lift the wings up then contracting the larger, straining ones of the back half to pull them into a downstroke, elbows in extension and feathers bending at the tip as they slap the air toward the ground, magic tingling like electricity through their length!

Elbows flex, the pulleys draw up, the strained muscles already start to pull down – another flap, the stone façade rushes toward me, too close now, I lose sight of Élise! Flap again, I've almost cleared the stained glass level but it goes so fast, too fast, I'm almost to the clock, just a little more– no I'm gonna crash!!

Angling backward, legs flailing, the clock goes up – I'm falling, I'M FALLI—

Surging upward, not on my own – scent of gentle rain and coat of white, air rushing to my sides as elegant wings pump with vigor, façade of gray stones lagging behind and—

Ack– ugh



“Hey, are you okay? I'm sorry I, uh, kinda dropped you at the end...”

Uh, wha..? Oh, oh! I pick myself up from being sprawled on the wet tiles. “It– it's all right Élise, I mean, well, thank you for catching me..!”

“You did catch me earlier, so tit for tat!”, she smiles. “And we've made it!”

Looking around while waiting for my heart to calm down and for my limbs to stop shaking, I find ourselves on the church's roof, hidden in a depression just behind the top of the façade, the ticking of the large clock louder than the patter of the rain. We're nicely out of view from everywhere except the windows of the belfry – I hope nobody has the strange idea of checking the bells today...

Sitting down, I catch Élise crossing herself – or as much as she can, with how a pony's shoulders sit.

“Can't hurt!”, she giggles.

“Appropriate, in any case. So, the plan is to wait here?”

She nods. “Then we can use the height to glide further south. Rest of the way is mostly individual houses with lots of gardens, a little like home. That's good, right?”

“As long as it's night, yes. Can you tell me what's our actual destination now?”

The mare sits next to me. “The Moingt fairground. The fair itself only starts Friday night, but Maëlle works for the festivals committee, so she has access to the grounds and the function hall there. It's a good place to hide and wait for the people who're coming to help us.”

“Hmm... That could work, as long as they're on time. How far are we still from there?”

“I'd say it's about three to five minutes by car, directly south from here, so it can't be much longer on the wing.

“Guess so...”, I mutter.

“Still not a fan of flying, I gather..?”, she asks softly.

I don't feel any judgment coming from her, if anything she sounds concerned. “Not a fan of that body, full stop..!”

“I mean, sure it comes with its share of issues,” she concedes, tracing loose circles on the floor with the tip of her hoof, “but flight's still a pretty big silver lining I'd think!”

“How can you like that!?”, I ask, the thin veneer of calm I've tried to build crumbling too easily. “It feels like you're constantly falling with barely any control, just hoping that you flap well enough to postpone the inevitable crash as long as possible! I know I'm already terrorized by simple rollercoasters, but this is a lot worse, by an order of magnitude!”

She spreads a wing, making each long remex bend and twist after the other. “But we do have control, once we get used to it.”

“Doesn't feel that way...”

“You did well enough here, and when you saved me too.”

“It's not like I really had a choice..!”, I snort.

She doesn't say anything right away, looking up at the sky. The drizzle shouldn't last for very long now, the cloud cover breaking in places from the crisp wind. It's easy to forget the sounds of the town up here, with just the regular, calming rhythm of the clock...

“It's because you don't like being a pony, right..?”, she eventually asks.

'A' pony, and that pony in particular...

My silence doesn't deter her. “There's really nothing that you gained? Pragmatically speaking, of course.”, she adds slyly.

Is there?

I'm taller, but only when upright, something that body isn't made for. I may be stronger, and definitely quicker in my movements and reflexes, but that's only relevant when I need to punch bad guys. And then there's... Uh.

Pragmatically speaking... that could count.

“Having my brain altered isn't exactly what I'd consider to be a 'gain' usually,” I answer slowly, “but... There's something, with how much easier it's become to read people, to simply 'get' their emotions, especially with ponies. I'm used to collate clues from tone, body language, context and so on, so used to it that most of the time it's just a task running on a background thread and I get results relatively quickly, yet now it's... It's not even quicker, it doesn't feel like the collage has to take place, I just feel the thing, like some sort of intuition or instinct! But like I said, as practical as it could be, it really is a poisoned chalice...”

... Because it also means that I'm a little less me, and a little more her..!

We're interrupted by the ringing of the bells hurting our ears. Well, I guess we only have to wait two or three hours for sundown, now. I hope Mom and the others are safe, we haven't heard from them yet...

And you, you stupid, stupid colt, what are you even doing right now..?

“Dusky...”, Élise begins, as if reading my mind, “are you sure he's not, well... That who he was, in Equestria, could maybe be related to who you were?”

What brought this on? “I don't know, and I don't care. I've just met him, it's just that we're just getting along well. Why should there be more to it?”

“It's just that, well... You look very worried, even after what he did. You must care a lot for him.”

“He didn't have a choice, he's possessed by a monster!”, I protest.

And of course I'd be worried! But not like that, I care because... Well I have to protect ponies, and...

Damn I don't know, Amber and him are just special I guess, they 'get' me. Or at least I thought Dusky did... It can't have happened just right now, out of the blue! Why wouldn't he talk to me about it?

Now we're in this awful, unknown situation, and... What am I supposed to do?


I look at the clearing sky, resolve hardening.

One thing's sure, at least.

Whatever that demonic bastard did to you Dusky, he'll get it back tenfold..!

Sweetchard's View

Like some sweet pastry just out of the oven...

Crispy's scent is everywhere in this room, masking almost completely Solange's more subtle one, even after just a couple nights spent here.

Its familiarity is comforting, in a way, but it also makes it hard to forget why I'm so anxious...

Right now I'd rather be outside, trying to help with something, anything – I'm slowly managing to get myself together, I don't need opportunities for a relapse right now!

There's also poor Amber, I'm worried for her. We haven't talked enough recently, and after whatever happened with Violette... Sure she came back last night, but I... I was so afraid, I couldn't get that fear out of my head that she'd be found by some human and... And that she'd be hurt..!

But it was okay, she's a tough little cookie, she knows how to handle herself – even if it's obvious she's still hurting. She wasn't willing to share much during breakfast, and didn't show up for lunch, staying away from Vi, spending the day in the woods... I guess she's patrolling like Rafale?

Luisard's worried too, when she comes back we should talk to her.

Maybe I could try to find her before that? I don't walk very fast, but she could still appreciate a friend's company!


Oh come on Chard, stop trying to weasel out of this! You wanted to have this talk with Crispy! You need to!

But what am I going to say!? Should I talk about the foal!? Should I—

The door finally opens, bringing all my thoughts to a crashing halt.

Crispy stands on the threshold, staring at me yet not meeting my eyes, though it's maybe because I can't meet hers either. Solange kneels at her side and gives her a one-armed hug:

“Be strong. You need to have this talk.”

“I know, I know..!”, Crispy grumbles, her ears folded back and her tail swishing.

Solange still needs to give her a little push for her to enter the room.

“I'll be in the living room, just call if you need anything.” The woman says, looking at me too – the offer's for both of us.

The door closes, faint footsteps echoing away, leaving us to an awkward silence.

“It's... good to see you out and about.”, Crispy eventually tells me, shifting uneasily on her hooves.

“Yeah it's... It feels good.”, I reply honestly. “How, uh... How do you feel?”

“Exhausted, stressed out,” she sighs, “like God's full sentence has finally been carried out...”

“Can I help..?”

“Not really, Chard... But thanks.”

She sits on the carpet, not much closer to me. Her curly brown mane is a tangle, her spotted coat not properly brushed, her eyes rimed by fatigue...

... But I have to ask. We can't hide from this.

“What about your foal..?”

She grows even more withdrawn at that word. Of course she wants to avoid the subject, just like she has done ever since we learned about it...

I certainly know how that feels.

“We don't have to talk about it directly,” I tell her, “and... and I know how hard it is to bring up these things, we just want to look away and act as if they didn't exist, but...”


If it can help making my point...

I shift so that my left side is in plain view, and put a hoof over my hindleg—

My hindleg that ends just after the hock in an envelope of bandages, my hindleg that—

Caaaaaaalm down Chard... You can do it. It's hard, but you're strong enough now.

You can't let yourself turn away anymore.

Opening eyes I don't remember closing, I see that Crispy winced just as much as I did.

“... Even if we refuse to look, that doesn't make it go away...”, I say, mouth dry and throat tight. “And it stops you from trying to do something about it...”

Her answer is to scoot over and hug me firmly. I can smell the weariness and the anxiety that cling to her hair, but her warmth and her softness are unchanged.

I embrace her fully, forelegs closing around her withers, my nose tickled by her mane.

How much I've missed that..!

After a long moment that already feels far too short, Crispy pulls back. “Okay..!”, she breathes out. “I can– I can do this!”

“Take your time...”, I whisper. “I doesn't have to come out all in one go...”

She lets out a nervous chuckle. “Sure, sure, but I'm not sure I'll be able to stop once we get that floodgate open..!”

“That's okay too, we go at your own rhythm. Do you want me to ask a question, if it's too hard to start like this?”

A quick, thankful nod.

Better to start with something simple then, and slowly work our way through: “Solange is taking good care of you, yes?”

“Of course she is, she's amazing, like she's always been..! She dropped everything to come see me, without hesitation, she even rented that ultrasound machine just for me!”

“She loves you very much.”, I smile.

“And to think I've treated her so badly for years... Things were different, but it's still frustrating that I needed to become a pony for them to change... That I needed this..!”, she hisses, pointing at her tummy.

“I'm sure she'd have still come, even if it was another issue.”

“Maybe. Probably. But this is special for her, I can feel it! I don't know why this situation affects her so much, but she's doing her darnedest to make me 'think about it'!”

Thank you, Solange... “So, have you..?”

She throws her hooves up in frustration “I don't know! On paper, after I've had some years to get used to things, to fully make peace with the situation, and if I buckin' choose to? Yeah, maybe! But not right now, not like this! I don't want this, I can't have this thing growing inside me!”

“It's not a 'thing',” I try to reassure her, “it's a foal – our foal.”

“You don't even know if it's yours!”, she cries out, eyes wide with disbelief. “I don't even know if it's mine, for Christ's sake!”

I'm pretty sure it must be, as the only logical explanation is that this foal is the fruit of our past selves' relationship, but it's obvious that this argument won't fly right now. “So you... You want it gone?”

“Why shouldn't I!? What, do I have to get your permission now!?”

The sudden shift to blame throws me off for a minute. “What? No! Of course not!”

She crosses her arms, still angry. “I'm not blind, Chard..! You can't tell me you wouldn't use this foal like a chain, to try to get me back!”

Where are you getting that from!? I've only been supportive, and now you're accusing me of trying to coerce you into– into—

Okay Chard, you calm down now..! Breathe in, breathe out, think about the boats...

You have to remember that Crispy's lost in a storm of her own, just like you she can fire her cannons at any moment if she believes others are trying to make her sink faster...

Come on then... Be honest with her, it's the only thing you have left.

“'Use' it..? No. No, I'd never do that. But did I still hope? Well, yes...”, I admit. “Can you really blame me for that, for still wanting to be with you, if – and only if – you'd have me?”

Her anger dwindles at my words, but it's to be replaced by bitter frustration: “Chard, just... Just look at what happened to us! You want more of that!?”

“I don't want to be alone.”, I answer, as honest and straightforward as I can be – both to her, and to myself.

A little kindness shines through her eyes, her shoulders sagging. “You're not alone Chard, you have your friends, you– you still have your family, too..!”

Not anymore... “I hoped that you would be my family...”

“Chard, we... We aren't good for each other! It only worked because we enabled each other, and that wasn't a good thing!”


I can't argue with that, as much as I wish I could...


“I found so much solace in you... In the idea of 'Crispy', of the mare of my dreams...”, I mutter, not caring much anymore that I'm letting it all out. “Being with you, trying to build that relationship, it made everything so much easier, so much easier to convince myself how great it was to be a pony, that nothing else mattered, and... And now, without you, it's... I can't keep hiding from the truth that easily, from how we both lost so much more than we gained, and...”

The conclusion hurts me, but I can't escape it either now:

“... And you're right. We can't do that anymore. Not like this.”

She puts a supportive hoof on my shoulder, a sad smile on her lips: “If that can make you feel any better... It's only by meeting you, by meeting Sweetchard, that I could start accepting the idea that I was 'normal'. That maybe this wasn't the end, or a punishment, just... Just another start. You allowed me to believe that it wasn't a mistake to defy my father, that I didn't have to feel so guilty for abandoning my family, or for pushing him into... into the extremes he went to. As long as you were there, that you proved me I wasn't wrong, that it wasn't just my fault, that it was even destiny, I could forget about the defiance, about the rejection...”

I lean closer to nuzzle her tear away, and she lets me. “Saying it like that... Almost sounds like we were actually perfect for each other – just for all the wrong reasons.”

“Indeed..!”, she scoffs. “You know, in the beginning, when it all started, and that curse robbed me of everything, it was easy to think I was being punished by God. That my father was right all along, that it was my fault for helping, rather than condemning, my non-straight friends... Therefore, on what ground could I contest to be sequestered in my room, or even in a cage in the basement? I was an animal, it was for my own good and that of others, I didn't deserve any better... It was extreme, but I can't truly fault him, he didn't have the context we have now.”

“That doesn't mean he did the right thing, context or not.”, I contend.

“I don't know... I did the same when I found myself in similar circumstances, and it sounded like the right decision to make at the time, the necessary decision. I suppose that doesn't make me much better than him...”, she sighs.

“Crispy, we may have our issues, and you definitely have some shitty opinions about some stuff...”

She lets out a small indignant huff, though she also lets me finish:

“... But deep-down you're still a good pony. Everyone makes mistakes, we just have to learn from them.”

“I wouldn't be so sure...”, she muses, her gaze losing focus. “I'm already too much like my father, and if possible I'd prefer to not be like that mare...”

She's lost me there. “But you are her, you are Crispy Crust.”

“I am Crispy Crust, but not that one!”, she insists, frowning. “You want me so badly to be like the mare that pushed you in Discord's path to try to escape..?”

What!? That's ludicrous! “She– she didn't do that!”

“I know you don't want to accept it Chard, but I've seen it with my own eyes! Heck, I have to see me doing it every time I have this nightmare, every time I have to deal with how callous and selfish she was!”

She had claimed the same thing during our clash, before I ran away. At the time I rejected it outright – she was just fishing for stuff to throw at my face, twisting the knife for all she was worth... Unable to believe it, just as much as I couldn't when I was just Sweetchard and it happened to me...

It's still hard to even contemplate, but... Deep down, despite myself, I know she's not lying.

“Guess we weren't that much more functional back in Equestria...”

“No, we weren't...”, she confirms sadly, her eyes drifting to my bandaged leg. “I always end up hurting you, in that life just like in this one, making everything worse...”

“Hey, that one's definitely more on me than on you.”, I argue. “I didn't stop to think that night, I just ran away from you, from the crack in that make-believe life I had built in my head... Heck, most of my issues these days are still because I don't take time to think before acting! I always had a bit of a temper, but I don't think I was that impulsive before the change! Well, I don't know, I... I've never been big on picking my own brain, you know..? But I'm trying, now. It... It's not perfect yet, but it helps a little!”, I conclude with a timid smile.

She answers with a bittersweet smile of her own. “We're pretty messed up, aren't we..?”

“Yeah...”, I chuckle. “We were running towards a cliff, but at least we were doing it together...”

She rolls her eyes, smirking.

“Maybe... Maybe we could try to pick up the pieces together, too..?”

I know I've misstepped from how her smile instantly turns into a frown, but I had to ask.

“Chard, it's not because we recognize our issues that they stop existing, but more than that...” She bites her lip, looking down at her hooves. “I've heard what the others say... You need help, real help, and even though I really do wish that you'll get better soon, I just don't feel up to the task right now...”

“But that's, uh, that's okay, I understand completely!”, I'm quick to agree. “I mean, I'm not saying we should be each other's therapist, gosh that'd be a disaster, just that... That this shouldn't stop us from trying to make things work, if we want to..?”

“I... I can't separate these two issues, Chard!”, she blurts out, dumbfounded. “You were the one providing the easy way out, the one who gave me the key to lock reality away, but I could only use that key so long as I kept playing the role that came with it! Now we've let that cat out of the bag, and it's not just a simple role anymore, not with that thing in me! As long as I kept to the role I could let my body speak and do things I'd never imagine myself doing, and that body likes you, I can tell you – heck, it feels like you're the sexiest stallion on this planet! But you were right that night: it's only ever been a role, and nothing more... I can't forget, can't reinvent myself, and... And because of that, I just can't be with you, not how you want me, Chard. I can't be that crutch for you, I already have too many things to deal with before I can even begin thinking about relationships, and... And you'd only end up burning yourself a second time if we tried..!”

She takes my hoof in hers; I'm too stunned to react.

“Maybe someday, or maybe never, but I'm sure it's not now, and probably not anytime soon... I can be your friend, but I can't give you more, can't give you what you're looking for, and that's better for you in the long run! It doesn't mean I don't want to help, just not that way... You understand?”

I don't want to understand.

I just want to go back to how it was before.

But that's not how Life works...

I look into her eyes, through my tears and hers, and let my heart shatter:

“I understand.”

Amber Spire's View

Looking around, I don't see or hear anypony in the immediate vicinity, but I'm still cautious as I leave the cover of the woods.

It's raining on and off this afternoon, so most ponies must be staying either in the barn or in the garage. The work in the fields is as done as it could be, and it's not worth getting one's hooves all muddy if you can avoid it... I can certainly attest to that!

My gosh, they better be grateful for all the trouble and pain I'm going through for them..!

Or, at the very least, I hope they'll forgive me... I still dislike the idea, but this time I can't hesitate, there's no choice: I need material to complete the bridge. Cords or cables, nails and screws, whatever could serve to piece together the most problematic parts and strengthen the rest. If possible I'd rather not have to weave my own tail hair into makeshift rope...

Hurt and anger bubble back to the surface as I reach the shed at the back of the house, the memories of yesterday still very much raw in my mind, so... Let's get this done very quickly, shall we?

Besides, I have to get back to the aven before the next round of Clémence and her obnoxious colleagues... And the sooner I'm done with all this business, the sooner I can show my friends that they can trust me, that I'm strong enough! The sooner I can prove her that I'm not just an airhead filly she can dismiss so haughtily..!

And if she and her lover don't want us to go... Well I'll just have to lead them away on my own! Guiding them, it's my talent, and it's the mission the Princess gave me! I'm still doing the right thing, for them!

Okay Amber, now stop working yourself up for nothing, and get to work already...

Right, right... So, let's see what's left under those tarps.

I lift the first one... and it's just leftover planks. Second... ah, now we're talking! I gather in my magic the bunch of plastic straps; isn't that the stuff that was used to tie the planks and rafters? They've just been tossed here into a heap, and dang it they could've at least tied them together or something, they keep trying to slip out from my aura..!

Ugh, and the magic migraine is already starting to raise its head... Just a couple apples definitely wasn't enough for lunch, and combined with the lack of sleep—

Come on Amber, grit your teeth and carry on, you're almost done!

Yes, yes... Where was I again? Ah, maybe there's some steel brackets and screws left in the shed?

I pull the door open, holding it so that it doesn't creak too loudly. So, where did they stock them? Let's see...

Mmh, not here. Not here either... Dang I hope there's st—

“Can I help you?”


I whirl around, plastic straps flung all around as my magic wavers, and find Marnepâle standing just behind me! The stout earth mare is wearing a little satchel hung around her neck, and she asked a question, answer already!

“No, er, no that's okay, thank you Marnie! I was just looking for, uh...”

For what? Dang, I can't tell her the truth! Though she's also one of those most in support of going to Equestria, so could it– no it's too risky, I can't—

“I'm looking for the pickaxe.”, she states, ignoring my internal fumbling and trying to look behind me at the racks of equipment.

“I... didn't think there was still work to do around the fields..?”, I ask, confused.

She shakes her head. “There isn't, but now that the work is finished I can go back to the outcrop I found Tuesday morning, I think I saw ammonite fossils there – just like this one.” She shift to better point at her cutie mark, which looks like a gray stone spiral-thingy.

“Oh that sounds great, Marnie!” It's always nice to see ponies trying to live up to their cutie marks! So come on, get your pickaxe and leave already..!

But she still doesn't move: “What are you looking for?”

Dang it!! Why do you have to make things complicated!? “I'm building... a thing.”

That's the best you could come up with!?

“A thing?”

“Yes, uh...” Come on say something! “Just a little shelter, for when I, er... When I need some time alone, you know?”

She nods. “I understand the urge. Do you need help?”

Phew, she bought it! “Nah thanks, it's very therapeutic to do that on my own, trust me!”

The mare nods again. “Good luck then. And... I know things are not really working in our favor recently, but we're all still thankful for your efforts. It's not your fault if they want us to stay here.”

Oh... “Thanks, Marnie... That means a lot to me.”, I reply honestly. And don't worry, very soon things will be quite different, I promise!

So, back to the matter at hoof then! While Marnie goes for her pickaxe I finally find what I'm looking for, and I grab it all along with the plastic straps I'd lost. Good, now let's dally no more!

Right out of the shed I turn directly back towards the woods and—

The whistle of air against a pegasus's feathers make me look up, and– dang it, it's Luisard!! The insufferable stallion glides down slowly to land between me and the forest, switching a small cloth bag from his good foreleg to a wing.

Goshdarnit, wasn't it enough already to badger me this morning!?

All right Amber, keep your cool, he's just worried for you, you can deal with that! It's just a matter of convincing him to leave you alone...

I walk up to him: “Hello Luisard. I'm sorry, I don't have time to talk this afternoon.”

He raises a skeptical eyebrow. “Really? What's the hurry?”

Let's keep things consistent, just in case: “Well I'm building a little shelter and, er, I just want to be done before the next shower, that's all.”

“You're not a very good liar, you know that..?”, he comments with a deadpan look.

An understatement...

“W– well believe whatever you want, I've got a shelter to finish!”, I huff, trying to go around him, but he moves to follow! “I don't need your help, Luisard..!”

He just shrugs, keeping up with me. “I happen to be going in that direction too, that's all.”

I screech to a halt, bearing down on him: “What's your buckin' problem!?”

He sighs, expression graver than usual. “I've already let one friend go too far down that road, and it was a mistake... I don't want it to happen to you too. I know things have gotten kinda rocky between us, but, well...”

Some of my frustration fades as I can't miss the regret and concern in his words. It would be nice to have help, I'm so tired...

... But he's too stubborn, I can't trust him to keep the secret – too dangerous during this critical time! I only have to keep it up a little more, and then we'll talk.

“Luisard, I know you mean well,” at least when you're not spouting nonsense just to irk me, “but it's okay, I only want to spend some time on my own, to think and relax, and in a day or two it'll be fine, I promise. After that...” I smile encouragingly. “Yeah, I wouldn't mind hanging out, that'd be nice.”

I hoped that'd be enough, but his frown only deepens: “You can't just stay in the woods like this, it could be dangerous! And besides, it's going to keep raining every couple hours this week, you're gonna get sick for real! I know things are rough with your mother right n—”

“I don't want to hear anything about Violette right now,” I snap, all my good will vanishing, “I need to get some time alone! Is that so difficult to understand!?”

“Luisard, she wants to be alone.”, Marnepâle intervenes; I hadn't even noticed she was still here.

“Just look at her,” he tells the mare, pointing at me, “she's barely standing on her hooves, and her magic's going to fizzle out any minute!”

I stomp in frustration, plastic straps dangling through my shaky grip. “Yeah, because I'm anxious and upset and you're making it worse!”

“I just want to h—”

LEAVE ME ALONE!”, I yell, the inner fire coloring my vision for an instant before I put it out quickly! “I thought you were a nice guy Luisard, but maybe the issue's not with me if I always need to scream to get you to listen to me!”

He shrinks away, averting his gaze. Dang it, I hate being so harsh, but he's making it hard to act otherwise! Why do you always have to be so stubborn, Luisard?

“I... Please take this at least,” he mumbles, setting his cloth bag on the ground between us, “it's just some bread and apples, but... I won't bother you again.”

Before I can come up with an answer he leaps back into the air, and with the stroke of a wing he's already rounding the corner of the barn.

I look down at the bag. My near-empty stomach doesn't need to do much convincing for me to take it, and with all this stuff levitating shakily around me I hurry back among the trees, walking quickly to put distance between me and this darn farm.

Guilt is a relentless pursuer, however...

It wasn't even the truth, he's been a perfect gentlecolt on occasion, if only he didn't always have to be right..! And he tried to be nice! Dang it, why am I so quick to anger these days? I'm a little cranky when I'm tired but not like this...

He was still being pushy, he wouldn't question my judgment so often if he truly respected me.

I slow down, then stop, letting out a deep sigh.

It's not the vibe I got from him... He does care, I even have proof hanging in my magic right now. No, it's me who's behaving erratically... Just a few days ago I was just as concerned for Chard, and I rejected Luisard's help pretty much like Chard rejected mine. I remember how bad I felt at the time...

Everything will get better once I'm done. Once they can't stop me from freeing the ghost they'll have no over choice but to listen, and then we can plan for the future, for how to get home, and get on with our lives.

Right, right... I need to keep looking forward...


Gosh I wish the Princess asked somepony else, I wasn't ready for this..! If I hadn't—

Wait. We've been followed.


I turn, but it's not him – it's Marnie! Dang she's light on her hooves, for how stocky she is!

She stops some distance away, staring at me.

“Hey, uh, thanks for speaking up for me earlier, and sorry you had to see that.”, I tell her, blushing a little. “Is your outcrop this way..?”

“I wasn't sure, but now I am.”, she states bluntly. “I saw the smoke coming from your eyes, the glow.”

A strange sense of alarm washes over me. Oh drat, she mu— “It's just a new style of magic I'm testing,” my voice says on its own, “I know it looks unfamiliar but—

“It looks like dark magic, only the colors are slightly different.”

How does she know about that!?

Wait, what!? What the heck is happening!? How does she know what!?

Again my mouth opens without my say-so: “I really don't know what you're talking about, this is just a form magic can take naturally if you try long enough!

It's not me who's lying here! It must be the barrier's curse, but why is it triggered by this!?

What does she mean exactly by 'dark magic'? She's an earth pony, but she's also a fan of the cartoon, she watched a lot more episodes than I did...

And obviously Marnie is sure in her knowledge, she doesn't buy the lie at all: “I know you are not a bad pony Amber. I'm sorry if we forced you into something like this, but this can't be good for you.”

What now? I could try to tell her abo—

No I must not!

But I want to, and she already believes I did it by myself anyway, this shouldn't chan—


She knows about this kind of magic, about the ghost's gift, and she's saying it's bad! She—

She knows nothing!

Or maybe she does! I try to ask, but the only thing coming out of my throat is a bunch of coughs, and my magic wavers even more..!

Wait – magic, the door! I can fight against this!

With the headache and everything it's a struggle to get a feel for the imaginary door, but I manage. Now, either it's the curse that's triggered by anything related to the sinkhole, or—

Rattles!!Stop with that nonsense, she's trying to confuse me! She's a traitor!

... Or it's something else, and it keeps messing with my mind!!

Marnie startles me out of my chaotic thoughts: “I hope your time alone will do you good, but you shouldn't stay on this path”, she says, before turning back and heading for the far—


Everything I'm carrying falls to the ground as I feel my horn charge with the ghost's magic, forming a spell I don't recognize! I try to wrestle control back—

Ack! It's like someone's driving steel spikes through my head!!

But the spell's almost done charging, and it's directed at Marnie! I can't let it!!

Stop struggling! This will be just enough to knock her out, there won't be any lasting dam—


I can feel the spell traveling up my horn, ready to be cast, I fight to turn my head but I can't! I don't know what I can do—

Oh yes, switch targets, quick!!

I pull on my compass, force it to calculate the trajectory to another target – yes, that tree over there!

Just in time! The blast is cast, supercharged by both the ghost's magic and mine as my compass briefly took control to perform its duty, and it impacts the tree trunk! It's not just blunt force like my weaker laser beams, or pure heat like when they're refined to thin lances, that poor tree looks like it's rotting in place! Wood splinters as the trunk loses its base, it falls and—

No, Marnie!! Move aw—

Argh!! The migraine surges like my head's caught in a vice and—

And I fall! I fall without budging an inch, this feeling of falling and of being compressed all around at the same time, as my world takes on a purple tint..!

You idiot!”, someone says with my voice!

My body moves on its own towards Marnie, knocked down by the falling tree!

Please don't hurt her!!

Stop shouting already...”, my mouth says!

The tree's pushed away, my body leans over the mare, and my eyes shift as if I were inspecting her body; there's a thin trickle of blood from the back of her head!

Another spell I don't know and that I can't stop courses through my horn, directed at Marnie. There's... something, some sort of feedback, but I don't know how to interpret it.

Good, she'll live. She's lucky to be of sturdy stock! Please don't try something foolish like this again, Amber.


I'm afraid I can't do that, my dear.” My body shrugs. “I thought you only needed the occasional nudge, but clearly I overestimated you. We'll leave your friend here, that forest seems safe enough; at worst she risks catching a cold. We just don't have time to drag her with us, the wood will start to rot soon...

My stuff is grabbed by the blue-purple magic, and I find myself resuming my walk towards the sinkhole – but I'm not in control, I can't do anything!!


Laurence's View

“I yield, I yield!”

Élise throws her broomstick to the floor, backing away from me.

“But we just began!”

“Well you go too hard, I don't want to lose an eye!”, she complains... then realizes what she just said: “Oh I'm sorry, I didn't mean it like that!”

“Yeah, yeah...”, I roll my eye. “All right, get back to your flying then.”

She starts preening, still blushing, and soon she's back to working on her flight practice, hovering through the large room. I pick her broomstick and my mic stand under my arm, and walk to the side room. After putting the improvised practice gear away, I allow myself to take a gulp from the water bottle Dad brought along with the snacks, before moving to one of the tall and narrow windows to peek through the blinds.

No new vehicle and amusement ride has appeared since last I checked, of course – we would've heard, and it's not like there's much space left to accommodate them anyway. The large yard between our L-shaped building, the car park, and the soccer field is completely occupied by trailers that will open into food or game stands, as well as some sort of ride kept under tarps, a, uh... Breakdance-something style I think – I'm sure my sister would know – and a large squarish thing they built during the afternoon that seems to be a house of mirrors. During the day some of the showpeople had to come into the building for connecting to water and power supplies, but Maëlle's colleague, who also manned the yard's access gate, made sure they didn't get to stay inside for very long.

Dusk isn't far away now, the wind picking up, the tree tops dancing in the forested area to the south of the yard... God, almost a full day spent between these four walls, doing basically nothing! I don't count warm-up and exercises – still good against stressing out uselessly, but not very productive. I can't help this feeling that something horrible's happening, and I just don't know what!


Dusky... Why? How..?

Maybe I shouldn't be so surprised... The Princess did mention that there were forces working against us, and that Discord could be behind them.

Then she told Amber they may have found a way to Equestria, that the fight against Discord was imminent... But that was more than a week ago.

Did they lose, then?

No way to know I guess, and we have much more immediate concerns anyway... Antoine's people are late because they had to adjust their plans, after learning what happened – they advised that it was safer to stay here rather than move, and I'd tend to agree. At least Maëlle's friends arrived earlier, they're waiting for her close by. Luckily the Brigade goons didn't rough her too much – it was a very dangerous idea to act as decoy with her car! Being in public helped, but of course she couldn't be sure she wasn't followed after that... Good thing she thought about leaving the keys and instructions to that colleague of her mother at the bakery, Dad could easily handle it from there.

But it's not because we're hiding and they haven't found us yet that the danger has disappeared, that our loved ones aren't still at risk..!

I hate this life...

Wait, there's movement, by the gate!

I jog down the hall to get to another window and a better view, and—

Ah, it's Maëlle, finally! She's walking alongside two guys in dark clothes, caps and kerchiefs obscuring their faces, but they're all chatting amiably, and the baseball bat she's carrying rests calmly on her shoulder – they must be some of her friends.

Élise is overjoyed, and tackles Maëlle with a hug as soon as she gets inside... But the pegasus grows concerned when she notices the woman's bruised lip: “What happened!?”

“Some of the pricks wanted to get it on, I was happy to oblige!”, she answers with a smug grin that probably hurts a little.

While Élise is busy berating Maëlle for the needless risk-taking, I turn to the two guys who haven't stopped staring at us since they arrived.

“Well shit, she told the truth...”, mutters the shorter of the two, who wears a bomber jacket. “I'd heard the rumors, but...”

I jump on that bit: “What kind of rumors, exactly?”

He doesn't answer immediately, still not completely over his shock. “They... They were talking of aliens visiting, or invading, but clearly it was off the mark..!”


“Yeah, no kidding!”, the taller one chuckles. “Far-right and fascist circles all over Europe have been in a frenzy for the past month, t'was obvious they were organizing and making alliances in response to something, but... Yeah, don't think anybody was expecting that!”

“Whatever planet you're from,” Bomber goes on, “if the fachos don't like you, we'll still be there for you, you can count on it.”

I nod. “Thanks, very much appreciated.”

“Now, Maëlle told us that you—”

Tall is interrupted by a phone's ringtone, apparently his own as he pulls out an old flip phone from a pocket. He frowns, hesitates, but still answers.

I can't catch the other side of the conversation, but then he holds the phone to me: “Uh, it's for you.”


I steel myself, and take the phone between two feathers, bringing it to my good ear.

“Where are you, Dusky?”

Leave while you still can.”, comes his voice through the speaker, just like I expected, trying to sound cold and dispassionate.

I glance at Élise, anxious and clinging to Maëlle.

There's no choice to make.

“You know I can't do that.”

... That's too bad.”, he answers before hanging up, his resentment sounding all the clearer.


Damn it Dusky, how did you end up in this situation..?

“Wait, who the hell was that!?”, Tall blurts out as I give him back his phone. “Nobody besides us should have that number!”

“They're coming.”, I say simply. That's all they need to know.

“I thought you were being careful!”, Bomber snaps, but then Tall's phone rings again. He answers right away this time.

“A dozen men just showed up, most armed.”, he tells us after hanging up, the trepidation plain to see even with half his face hidden by a bandanna. “We know some of them, they're the real deal.”

So much for hiding then... “How many of you are there?”

“Just six... It's the middle of the week and this was very short notice...”

That's what I feared. That building isn't made for a siege either, there's multiple doors and large windows all over the front. I turn to Maëlle: “Any news from our reinforcements?”

“Still on their way last I've heard.”

“You sure you can really trust gov people..?”, Bomber mutters.

“It's not like we have much of a choice right now.”, I answer, trying to come up with a plan. “Best case scenario, we avoid a direct confrontation – they know we're supposed to be here, so we let them waste time searching while we hightail it. You parked close-by, right?”

“Yes, but so did they.”

“Then I propose this: we turn on some lights in the part of the building closest to the road and to them – it's a changing room. While they investigate we go through the other side, there's no window opening on the forest but there's a door leading to the yard. With all the fair stuff in the way, there's a good chance they won't see us. We go through the woods, get your friends to drive away while the bastards are still busy, we reconvene, we get the hell out of here. Objections or corrections?”

Bomber crossed his arms, but I can tell he's restless. “What if they don't take the bait, and surround the building?”

“Then we punch through whoever's standing between us and the woods, same steps after that.”

“We don't know if they're not already waiting for us there!”

“Then we'll punch some more!”, I snap back. “If you have a better idea just say it already, or let's get going!”

He doesn't argue this time.

“All right then, not a second to waste!”

While Maëlle runs to light the bait in the long branch of the L-shaped building, we move to the other side, Tall texting their friends about our plan. I can catch torchlight beams, filtered through the blinds, and hear muffled words, growing closer.

My heart's beating fast, too fast. Any minute now they'll bang on doors, shout, fire, they'll—

Okay, calm down Laurence, you need to keep your head clear!

It won't go down like last time! This time you're supposed to get out alive!

Maëlle joins us soon, having locked every door she could behind her. “I'm not sure they're taking the bait..!”

At least we tried... “Come on then, we have to be fast!” I take Élise aside, before we follow after the others: “If it takes a turn for the worse you just fly away, got it..?”

She hesitates, clearly afraid, and after a glance Maëlle's way, she gives me a shaky nod. Atta girl..!

We crowd in front of the door to outside. The banging has started on the other side of the building, my back and sides are a mass of rustling feathers, my legs are tensing... Keep it together Laurence, stay sharp!

Wait for it...

The crash echoes throughout the building – that's it!


We open the door silently, venturing into the setting night and the long shadow of the building. We're at the tip of the short branch of the L, most of the view to our left is obstructed by a trailer, but the bastards could still see us from the building's side if they turned a flashlight this way. On our right is salvation, in the form of a dark tree line, and from memory there's only a low fence to stop us.

I gesture for my team to get moving. Maëlle takes the lead, with Élise just behind, flying so low her tail drags on the ground. Bomber and Tall follow after her, and I stay at the rea—

A dog barks, from somewhere on our left.


In an instant I go from hearing the dog running to seeing that German Shepherd emerge from between the trailer and the Breakdance ride – and go straight for Élise!

Not so fast!!

I dash on an intercept course and slam into the animal, sending us both to the ground. It's quicker to get back to its feet – it's already on me! Before the sharp fangs can find a home in my flesh I kick it in the chest, and the poor thing is thrown back with a pained whine. Sorry doggy, it's your master who's on the wrong side!

Come on Laurence, back u— OW!

I see stars, something striking the back of my head! I force myself into a clumsy roll to evade whatever came behind me, giving me a chance to see my attacker, who's holding a hockey stick of all things!

No time to gawk, I push myself upright – but he's fast with that thing and shoves my legs from under me!

“Stay where you are!”, Hockey Stick bellows, ready to strike again!

I can hear the others already rushing closer behind him – damn it, I didn't plan on being the bait tonight, but might as well make the most of it!

Get the fuck out!”, I yell to my team as I try to get up again.

This time I expect his strike and avoid the stick, using the opening to retaliate with a low kick to his leg. That's just enough to make him trip, and I'm about to launch after my team when another man blocks my escape. I freeze, for I can't miss the barrel of the hunting rifle pointed straight at me, out of reach.

Well fuck.

“Julien, don't!!”

My blood manages to run even colder seeing Élise land on the man's left! He's startled, but not enough to stop aiming at me. Now that I pay attention to his face I recognize him – it's her friend from school, the one we saw yesterday from the roofs.

This is all going to hell in a handbasket..! “Damn it Élise, I told you to go!!”

To make matters worse Maëlle and the guys have ran back to us, standing behind Élise, while the other Brigade goons are massing in front of the trailer, blocking my escape on this side and helping Hockey Stick up. The standoff is tense, nobody daring to make the first move – until one of the bastards, with a white scarf around his neck, begins to walk toward me:

“Great job man!”, he tells Julien. “Shoot it if it makes any sudden movement! You two, go get the other one!”

Following his order, two of the men start to move toward Élise, but of course Maëlle puts herself between them, bat at the ready, and though Tall stands back, Bomber comes to her side. The men stop in their tracks, unsure.

“Please Julien,”, the mare pleads to her old friend, “it's me, Élise! You don't know what you're doing!”

I don't think that's going to work Élise..! It barely did for your own father!

“What have you done with the real Élise!?”, he barks back, still aiming at me.

But Élise doesn't look ready to give up yet: “Oh come on Juju, we kissed in fifth grade! I helped you with your math, you called square roots 'V-trees'!”

Well, color me surprised, I didn't expect it but he actually looks shocked! “W– what did I give you, in exchange?”, he asks, suddenly flustered.

Scarf doesn't sound too pleased by that change of plan, though: “What's the fuck is this about!? Don't listen to that thing!”

“You gave me that blue pegasus spinning top!”, Élise answers. “Kinda ironic all things considered, right!?”

“What the fuck..!”, Julien breathes, his eyes growing wide. He lowers his weapon slightly, even though it still points in my general direction. I don't know if he truly believes her, but at least the seed of doubt has been planted!

“It's lying!”, Scarf spits out, furious. “That's how they work, infiltrating, twisting your mind, we have to root them all out before they can carry out their orders!”

“But she's... She's the only one who knows that!”

“That's what they do! That's how they get into your head, believing their lies!”

Julien points his rifle at me again. Fuck, I thought we were improving here!

“Transform like they say you do,” he commands her in a hardening voice, “or I shoot that one!”

“Please don't!!”, Élise begs him, desperate. “I can't do that Julien, but not because I wouldn't want to! I didn't get a choice, and she didn't either! We can't change back, but we were humans too, we are the victims!”

He's mulling over her words, finger tracing the rim of the trigger guard... Glancing back to his 'friends', I notice that almost half of them don't look so sure either, while the rest are frothing at the mouth. The former are mostly dressed in everyday clothes or hunting gear, but the latter are much more military- or law enforcement-looking in their garb and bearing... Random locals convinced by conspiracy theories versus true Brigade, maybe..?

Scarf definitely belongs to the 'true Brigade' group, and won't have us forget it: “They're trying to trick you into accepting these ridiculous lies! Of course they won't reveal their powers, even under threat of death! They're devious monsters, they make themselves look 'cute' and 'harmless' so you want to trust them, but it's all a lie! They took that girl from you, and now they're trying to make you accept the replacement!”

Would you shut up already..? This is getting embarrassing.

Julien isn't so easily swayed by his rhetoric this time, fortunately. “And w– what if she's telling the truth!?”

That wasn't what Scarf wanted to hear – like Charles back then, he doesn't care about such silly things as 'the truth'. “Then you're more stupid than I thought!!” Face red with rage, he moves to grab another rifle from the hands of one of the locals!

I'm only saved by the loud growl of the dog that's baring its fangs at our four remaining allies, who seem to have taken advantage of the distraction to get close behind the bastards! That's my opportunity – while his focus is torn between the two sides I rush at Scarf, knocking him down and the rifle with him! Before his cronies can grab me I kick the weapon away and jump out from the forming fray – they're panicking, they didn't expect the threat to come from their back, and if I still haven't received a serving of lead in my own back, that must mean that Julien listened to Élise and switched sides!

“GET HER OUT OF HERE!!”, I roar, hoping Maëlle and he will force Élise to listen this time!

My shout attracts the attention of one of the Brigade goons. He swings at me with his baton but overextends like they often do, trying to hit my low stance – that gives me time to rear up and respond with a direct jab at his face, bone cracking and blood spurting!

“The blue one!”, Scarf snarls, pointing at me, leaving the locals to deal with my allies and rallying his goons to him. “It's their leader!”

'Leader' my ass, but right now it suits me fine! “Ah! Think you can do better than your little friends!?”, I jeer at their furious faces. “Come and get me assholes!”

Baton does try to come at me again, even more clumsily with one hand against his bloody nose. I lead him on backward, toward the center of the fair grounds and away from my allies and my team, trying to make them focus on me while they get Élise to safety. I duck under another swat, and—

Damn, Scarf's picking up the rifle again, I didn't kick the fucking thing far enough!!

I barely have time to dive for the Breakdance and– FUCK!

Just grazed my thigh, but the shots teared through the tarp right next to me – that was way too close! Come on Laurence, get up!!

“Shit you almost shot me!”, someone complains in a muffled voice – Baton if I had to guess. These guys may act tough, it doesn't look like they've much experience fighting side-by-side, that's—

That's not the moment for a fucking tactical analysis!! I jump up the ride's platform, Scarf's second shot missing me wildly but still sending sparks flying! I hide in the middle of the ride's hubs, that's my best bet to draw them in close quarters.

“Go around, corral it!”, Scarf shouts. He does realize that I understand everything he says, right..?

It may be a feint, but I can't let them decide the flow of the battle, and I can't be sure of how they're moving with the barking and scuffle all around, I—

The ride's platform shakes, metal moaning under two persons climbing up.

Well, good for me – you should've kept to your plan, dumbasses!

They're advancing cautiously, but not enough – as soon as I roll out of cover, Baton plods my way to try his luck again, yelling and brandishing his—

I duck at the last second, the steel pole still clipping my right ear! Damn if not for the feel of displaced air I'd have taken that one right in the skull!!

Diversion and attack from the blind spot, that's a nice one, I'll admit – but now I see you two!

Forced on the defensive, I duck and roll as Steel Pole swings again and again, clanging noisily against the ride's cars. Meanwhile Baton is coming from my blind spot, trying to push me back into his friend's reach, but that'll be his undoing! I rush Baton, grabbing his arm and whirling him around – right into Steel Pole's latest strike, hitting him hard in the neck and jaw!

Too groggy to stand, Baton falls down. Steel Pole jumps over him, and hey, I recognize him now, it's actually the knife guy from Élise's house! Same tactic as the other one – I wait for his swing, he misses again, then before he can get back in position I grab for the pole, catching it under my arm and twisting my whole body backward! He lets go of his weapon, but he's still unbalanced, and I aim a kick right for his left knee!

Maybe that was the same knee as last time, 'cause the joint literally reverses with a sickening crunch and he falls forward, right on me!

Before he can get any idea I roll from under him and push him away. He wisely starts to crawl on all-four, to the edge of the platform—

The rifle shot makes me dive instinctively, but it wasn't for me – that idiot has fired on his own guy! Steel Pole's screaming in pain, damn I hope it won't be fatal!

At least now I know where Scarf is, but if he's so trigger-happy how should I—

“Shells, goddammit!”, the very same Scarf yells, from his side of the ride.

Fucking amateur..!

Zeroing-in on his voice, I dash for the edge of the platform opposite the one I got up on. For a terrible fraction of a second I fear it was all just a bluff, that he expertly egged me on, but as I jump and dive toward him there's no shot coming – he's really just that incompetent! He was too busy waving for his men's attention to evade my diving strike, and I clock him out cold, wings reducing my momentum before I can roll on the ground.

I look around me and– damn, now I'm right in the middle of them, one to my left and three on my right! Bravo, Laurence..! No use mocking these idiots if you make even worse mistakes!

The left one's Hockey Stick, but that tall one on my right– FUCK, GUN!

Going for broke, I use the precious second he needs to raise his revolver and aim to close the distance, and I slap his arm away! The shot's fired, my left ear ringing and my nose assaulted by the smell, but I can't stop! Both my slap and the shot's recoil have loosened his grip enough that I manage to smack the revolver out of his hand with my left, and I use the remaining momentum to send a direct punch right into his solar plexus, bending him over!

The others haven't dared to approach yet, so I use the opportunity to snatch the revolver with a wing and throw it as far as I can toward the soccer field, and—

Something sharp hits the right wing, pain burning a path over what acts like the back of the 'hand', pulling cover feathers along with it!

Whirling around, I come face-to-face with a man holding a switch blade, while another goon is closing in with a sledgehammer, and Revolver has managed to stagger close enough to lean against the house of mirrors, an—

Argh! My vision blackens for an instant after being struck so hard on the right side of my head, I can only see blurry shapes as they're getting closer..!

Can't fully get up, I push against the rough ground to bound away from them..! Come on, stay sha—

My head jerks back as I'm hit right in the face by hard metal. It's only instinct that makes me flap my wings, pulling me away from danger with a painful wince, but without seeing what I'm doing I hit the ground right after..! I try to get my legs under me but hard wood makes me trip again, and then they're a strange hissing sound and—

Ugh fuck..! I cough violently under the barrage of foul-smelling foam, closing my eye to avoid being blinded. Again instinct takes over, and I flap the noxious thing away. I can hear other people hacking their lungs out, I crawl away from them, manage to get up, if unsteadily, and open my eye.

It stings, but now I can see Revolver holding a fire extinguisher, him and his three friends coughing from getting foam in their face too – but that won't stop them for long!

This fight is dragging on, I'm not gonna be able to keep standing forever – it's dangerous, but I've got no choice!

Time to see if I can still do that or if it was just a fluke..!

I make the wings flap, again and again, trying to focus on the feel of magic... Yes, I can already feel the feathers tingling! I flap quicker and quicker despite the pain, gathering energy, refusing to lose my hold on the earth..!

They've stopped coughing, Revolver's aiming the fire extinguisher again – no time left!

Each wing folds the magic into a twisting grip, sucking in whistling gusts of air from all around, building up stronger and stronger vortices that threaten to pull feathers out, but I keep them coarse and blunt, not too sharp, and– NOW!

Digging my feet into the ground to not be thrown back, I unleash the twin blasts of high-pressure air against them in a flash of blue magic! Caught off-guard, they're literally lifted off their feet for over a meter or two, either thrown back to the ground or against the sides of the rides!

The rush of energy subsides quickly, leaving me winded, but it helped clear my head. I see that the rest of the fight is abating, in our favor! A couple of the locals are moaning on the ground, hands over their face, one of Maëlle's friends using his pepper spray against a third while she herself is swinging her bat to keep a bastard away, but where's Éli—

Fuck, Revolver's already getting up!

Come on Laurence, let's finish this!

I rush at him, but too late – he sees me coming, grappling me! He uses his greater weight to bring me down, but I manage to make us roll, his back hitting the house of mirrors. His grip is strong and hurts, he won't let go, so I bite his right arm!

The pain throws him off just enough so that I can pull away, but he's back on his feet just as quick! Taking advantage of his size and longer reach he keeps throwing punches my way like a proper boxer, I have to jump back an—

I didn't see we were still so close to the house, I've hit my right shoulder against the corner! Losing my balance, I fall back on my left arm. Damn, I'm not used to fight against other martial artists in this body, he has the advantage that these techniques were made with human practitioners in mind! I'm forced to quickly crawl away to avoid a kick, and I'm barely up that he's at it again, charging!

I divert his course to hit the house's wall, and before he can shift I throw a kick—

Bastard tanks the hit and grabs my foot! He twists, and sends me careening shoulder-first into the wall!

The wall gives, I keep tumbling forward, into darkness! Fuck, we broke through the door! He follows after me, I can see the dark silhouette reaching down – but it's me who grab him this time, by the hand! I roll and force him to fall, then get on him and punch where I think his jaw should be. It connects, and I recognize the slight give of a mandible. The man finally stops moving, unconscious, and I allow myself a deep long sigh of relief..!

God, that one was tough... I'm surprised he let Scarf boss him around.

I'm still in almost total darkness. Did the door close behind us?

Suddenly the lights go on, blinding me for a spell. I get up, tensing at some movement on my left – but it's only my slightly deformed reflection, in a floor-to ceiling mirror. Locating the door, I try the handle... but it breaks, the lever falling to my feet.

I don't hear any noise from outside. No shouts, no barks, nothing.


What are the chances, huh..?

I turn back, toward the mirror maze opening in front of me. “I know you're here...”

No answer, but that set-up is far too obvious to be random.

I walk forward, my own steps echoing around the only sound reaching my ears. I've never been in one of these before, but I don't think I'd have missed much if that hadn't changed. Or maybe it's just that I already feel like my body's deformed and twisted enough, that optical illusions don't add much to the unpleasantness..? It's more distracting than anything, and I wouldn't be surprised if the only thing that does for me is giving a heada—


What the fuck is this.


I inch closer.

She does too.

Step after step, we close the distance, standing in front of each other.

The top of my head reaches the middle of her chest, her long black ponytail flowing over her shoulder. She wears my favorite jacket, and it fits her like a glove. I stare into her gray eyes, and she stares right back into my soul.

She looks shocked, not understanding what's happening. Beyond this surface emotion, longing and grief shine through, overpowering, unmistakable, an aching heart that fears it is fated to go unmended.

And yet, I know she can't see it. Her brain just doesn't work like that.

She raises her hand, stretching it out. I do too.

The space between her fingertips and mine shrinks until contact's a hair's breadth away.

Neither of us want to make the last move, the one that'll forever break the quiet eternity of this instant.

But, eventually, we both touch the cold, merciless surface of the mirror.

It shimmers, and suddenly the eyes I'm staring into are purple, haunted, blue-coated face streaked by strands of pink and white mane, matted with sweat and shame, the luster of a golden armor tarnished by failure.

Pure rage grips at my chest and I strike the mare with all my strength.

The mirror shatters.

Blood drips from a cut.

“Isn't it time for you to accept reality..?”

The splintered shards only reflect the same image as the other mirrors now. A tired human trapped in a pony's body, who lost an eye trying to end herself, the emptiness in the socket kept away by a patch lovingly crafted by her sister.

“No.”, I answer, glancing around for the source of Dusky's voice. “I know who I am. I am Laurence Ségaux, and I am human. None of your tricks will change that.”

“I didn't know humans had hooves and wings, or were of such a nifty shade of blue...”

“Well it's time for you to revise that definition!”, I snap, starting to pace between the mirrors, ears swiveling for any clue. “These hooves are a human's, just as these wings, this tail, all of it, it's human – because that's what I am, who I am! Whatever you do, however you try to change me, you'll never be able to take that away! I've resisted your curse, and sooner or later I'll find a way to get my body back, even if I have to go all the way to Equestria and punch your ugly mug for that!”

“You think so..? How much of this human posturing truly comes from you, and how much from a mare so disgusted with herself she would rather not exist anymore? Sergeant Rafale, failure of a Guard, even a failure at being yourself..!”

Damn, there must be some kind of trick, my ears are useless! Keep him talking until he either gives himself away, or I find him... “That mare is dead. She was weak, but I'm not! You can throw at me all the curses you want, I'll never yield!”

“And yet you've realized by now, you are far more like her than you claim to be – one soul, one mind, one brain, you can't trace a line between your past and your present anymore. You were right the other day: you've already lost, however you try to convince yourself of the contrary. No better than these other ponies you mock for refusing to confront the truth...”

“I don't have any lesson to take from some demon who uses a foal like a puppet..!”, I growl back.

No response.

Don't tell me I've managed to offend him..?

“You think I'm a puppet..?”, Dusky eventually asks – and the traces of the usually facetious child in his giggle shake me up far more than the cold, raspy tone from earlier could ever do. “You're even more deluded than I thought...”

I turn a corner, and suddenly I see him, sitting on the floor. Approaching cautiously, I soon realize that it's actually his reflection... A reflection that doesn't reflect on any other mirror, contrary to mine.

He looks fine... except for that eye with the red iris and yellow sclera.

“A little gift from him, from when he saved me.”, he says, pointing at the unnatural eye, his voice coming from everywhere and nowhere at once. “Too bad it stayed hidden until I was finally back to being myself...”


No, that's... No, he's possessed, manipulated, that– that can't be just him!!

Calm down, he's playing with you..! You need to learn more, make him talk, keep your cool!

“So why are you doing all this, then?”, I force myself to ask.

He holds his forehooves like the two pans of a scale, small smirk not leaving his lips. “A little chaos magic in exchange for doing him little favors now and then... It's only fair, really.”

I feel ice in my veins, suddenly remembering details that until then had stayed without proper answer – anonymous calls cluing our enemies of our whereabouts. “How many 'favors'? Is it you who... Is it you who told them how to find Coursac..?”

He looks at me right in the eye. “Yes.”

God-fucking-dammit, NO!! “Sweetchard lost a leg because of that! He could've died!!”

The colt shrugs. “He didn't. Could've been worse. Had to be someone, eventually.”

“I... No, you're lying, this thing's brainwashing you, it's not you!!”

The smirk turns less sharp, his mask of nonchalance lets show more of the sourness behind. “You don't know who I am. I'm broken. Pony or human, it's all the same, and always the same story..! First it's our parents who left us, then my sister who leaves me alone with that stallion! Then my new parents in this new life, and all who said they would be here left me – including you!”, he snarls, before his smile returns, almost too wide for his lips: “But he doesn't care! He is the only one who won't ever leave me!!”

“That didn't stop him from cursing you... From sending you to another world...”, I point out.

“I begged him to!” he snaps, leaping back to his hooves. “Begged him to send me anywhere but that place, that I'd do anything for that! He kept his promise... Technically speaking. And I'm keeping mine. See? I'm a good colt..!”

He laughs again, but... There's something else. There's pain in his normal eye, a pain that seems to come from too deep, that he's trying to smother too much, for it to be a conscious act.

I may not know you as well as I thought, Dusky... That doesn't mean I don't know you at all.

Let's see how deep that rabbit hole goes...

“You must realize that he tricked you, took advantage of you while you were vulnerable? He would've cursed you anyway, like he did for everybody else...”

Wrong! I wouldn't have been the first to stay! Little foals to be raised correctly, or old farts getting back their youth in exchange for serving him... But no, he wanted something special with me, and I'd already agreed!”

“What's so 'special' about being used like some blunt instrument? Did he care what'd happen to you? Did he care that you'd put yourself in danger too, doing his biding!?”

“You're one to talk..!”, he growls. “You've let me down, like all the others before you! I thought you'd protect me, that you wouldn't go! I tried to be everything you expected of me, but that still wasn't enough! At the end of the day he is the only one who cares about me!”

The pain... The frustration...

“Why me, then? Was that just one of his 'favors'?”, I question, trying to make him admit the truth I begin to sense behind his words.

“Like you said yourself, things can get dangerous in my line of business. At first glance you seemed like a good choice for a bodyguard, as long as I found what made you tick. But sadly, you turned to be just another lily-liver in this life too...” he smirks, winking with his corrupted eye.

The insult threatens to pull me back into the nightmare, but I fight it off – I can't let myself be distracted, not now. I don't know if it's just me, but I feel like the yellow in his eye has faded a little compared to earlier. Could it be on a timer? He did say 'a little chaos magic'... And I'd bet that mirror trick is costing him a substantial amount of it.

Keep him talking!

“Why are you lying, Dusky?”

He blinks, taken aback by how confident I sound. “What?”

“You know perfectly well what makes me tick. You knew perfectly well how much of a gamble it really was to want me to act as a mother and you the foal, instead of just kindred spirits.”, I explain calmly. “So why even taking such a risk? You completely botched whatever mission he gave you because of that, just because you wanted this from me.”


His frustration grows, Discord's eye drips with anger that I've revealed that glaring flaw, while his normal eye is... I'm not completely sure yet.

“He doesn't like you... But I gave you a chance! I hoped you'd be like me, that you were a survivor – not some stupid idealist..! I was almost happy he wouldn't come back, if it meant I could stay with you!”

Dusky looks surprised by his own admission, Discord's eye getting even angrier, flashing briefly to restore its full color – it was fading out!

“And that was stupid of me!”, he argues. “Stupid to take risks with you, while he'll always be here to protect me, while he loves me!”

He's trying to backpedal, but he gave me that argument's weakness on a silver platter!

“And yet he has left you, did he not?”

“No he hasn't!!”, the colt protests, hurt, panicked. “It's just... He's been less present since last weekend, but he would never abandon me like this, he's just busy! He was here when you abandoned me, ready to forgive me!”

“But I didn't abandon you.”, I point out. “You left without even giving me time to explain. I do care for you Dusky, I want to protect you.”

“LIAR!!”, he screams, running away and vanishing from the mirror, to be replaced by Discord's eye – here, then spreading to every mirror around me, the same accusation echoing to the point of becoming deafening!

Well... Good thing I'm not the superstitious kind!

“Watch out for your eyes, Dusky!”

Like earlier, I begin flapping the wings, slowly collecting the magic along the feathers, then the very air. Once the vortices are spinning to their bluntest, I close my own eye, and release them.

I've never heard so many pieces of glass breaking and shattering all at once, the high-pitched racked painful to hear, but still better than the alternative.

Opening my eye, I see that the floor is littered with glass fragments, at least one of the light bulbs above shattered too.

But, more importantly, I see him.

I make a first step, shuffling more than anything to not skewer my soles even more, and he reacts quickly – seizing a large shard in a wing and holding it like a sword, pointiest end in my direction, eyes filled with hate and the promise of pain.

I stop.

Thing is... He wasn't wrong, earlier. I've more of Rafale in me than I'd like.

And one of these things I got from her, as the past few days have proven, to my chagrin, is her ability to see, to feel. To feel what lies beyond appearances, beyond the masks others try to put over their emotions.

It's something I've never had. Something I've always struggled with.

Right now, looking at this colt, this is all I would see: the hate, the aggression.

But... If I accepted to listen, and trusted what I could feel now... If I accepted this gift...

Now I could feel beyond the hate and aggression – I could feel the pain, the fear.


For him... I can accept that, and more.

“Dusky...” I lay down on the floor, mindful of the glass. “I would never, ever hurt you.”

That's not what he expected.

I wouldn't really have expected it from myself either, to be honest.

He keeps staring at me, incredulous, before Discord's eye flashes yellow and red, and he starts running toward me, brandishing his weapon, ready to strike.

But I know who he is, now.

I don't flinch when he points the shard directly at my throat.

His wing is trembling. Discord's eye is flashing in and out.

“I can't promise it won't be rough at times,” I tell him softly, “but I'm willing to try to make it work. Like you said, we get along well. I didn't expect to ever get children, let alone this way, but... I guess in this case, the saying would go about 'we don't always chose how we get our family'...”

“What if you're lying!?”, the foal cries out, the unnatural eye struggling to hold on, pushed away by a deluge of conflicting emotions that the hideous conditioning cannot compare to.

I smile a little. “You know I'm way too stubborn to lie my way out of things.”

And very slowly, I extend an arm in invitation.

Dusky stares, as if he was waiting for me to deliver the punchline to a very sick joke, but there is none. And he knows it. Because he knows me, too.

He squeezes his eyes shut, moaning in pain, and when he opens them again, I find two normal eyes, full of tears.

The shard of glass falls to the floor, and I let him cry on my shoulder, holding him tight.


We'll still have to talk about how you ended up in this situation Dusky, and... about what you've done, but not tonight. In the meantime, consider yourself lucky that we don't believe in spanking in this family...

Once all his tears have been spent, I nudge him to my left side, holding the wing down so he can climb more easily on my back. I walk carefully to the door of that damn mirror house, stepping over the still unconscious man, I push it open easily...

... And I get a fucking flashlight beam right in my face.

Blinking the spots away, I see that the yard looks quite a bit different now. There's the spinning lights of an ambulance coming form the direction of the access gate, and lingering smells of pepper spray and gun powder in the air. Armed gendarmes are standing everywhere, patrolling, securing the place, looking at me uneasily. The Brigade goons, their local recruits, and even Maëlle and all of her six friends are sitting on the ground, under watchful guard. And finally, Élise is brooding in a corner – to my relief she looks unharmed, probably just frustrated of not being in her girlfriend's arms.

A suit walks up to me: “Mrs. Ségaux, right?”

“Herself.” Good, Antoine's people got here just in time..!

“Mr. de Cerdan warned me your kind could cause its fair share of problems, but that clearly was an understatement...”

I roll my eye. “I think the worst is behind us now.” I glance at the silent colt on my back. “Right..?”

Amber Spire's View

The bridge is almost done, ready to be brought over the chasm, and my body is completely exhausted..!

My hooves carry me to the side, where Luisard's bag has been put, and I'd let out a sigh of relief at sitting down on my haunches, if only I could. Blue-purple magic grabs an apple from the bag, brings it to my lips, and a little moan of delight escapes my throat as the ghost savors it.

Ahhhh..! It's the little pleasures you miss the most!

Do you have to rub it in my face too!?

Now my body decides it wants to sigh..! “Would you stop whining already?

You took over my body!!

I'll admit it's quite rude of me, but that's how things are. You wouldn't really be my first choice either.

Goshdarnit of course I had to get myself possessed by one of Discord's minions, it just wasn't enough to have the fate of our community resting on my withers, or to find out my 'mother' was lying and manipulating me all along, oh no, of course not!

They roll my eyes. “So very dramatic... But if that's of any comfort, I don't even know who that Discord creature is, beyond your own memories. Well, there are the old legends about the Spirit of Chance and Change, maybe they're related? In any case, I can assure you, even in my situation I wouldn't be too keen on allying myself with whatever's left of him after using this kind of pernicious, corruptive curse on such a large scale. No, actually I'm quite ready to help in the fight against him! See? No reason to get your tail in a twist.

Oh yes I'm sorry, that was so discourteous of me! If only you were so dang neighborly as to give me back my bucking body!

They chuckle through me. “Unfortunately the past few days haven't really convinced me that you share the essential conviction and true devotion necessary to our cause. Is this how you expected to help your fellow ponies?

You can insult me as much as you want, I don't care! Princess Luna believes in me!

Ah yes, this princess! A real, live alicorn... You realize the importance of this, right? I always knew ascension was possible! But my dear Amber, what if your true mission always was to find me? We both know that beyond your 'compass', you aren't exactly the model of Unicornian might... With me at your side, now your ponies may have a chance!

Then why the secrecy? Why acting behind everypony's back, why lying to me!?

You saw how this Marnepâle mare reacted. Unconventional magics are so easily misunderstood... What if baseless fear had condemned me to another eternity trapped in this cave? Better safe than sorry, even if I regret the stress it put you through.

Another bite of the apple... But it tastes funny.

I wonder how long it's been... It is frustrating that the memories of your real life are basically blank, we should watch more of that 'cartoon' thing once we're out of this cave! It would've been useful to know contemporary ponies actually heard of my school of magic... I wonder who could be practicing it? Survivors from up north perhaps? Or maybe Starswirl, if he hasn't gotten rid of my notes? He seemed so hungry for magic in all its forms...

Let me guess, same one who put the barrier to keep you here?

Unfortunately, yes. He also eventually mastered dimensional travel, quite obviously. I would be very surprised if he hadn't made a name for himself one way or the other...

But there wasn't any 'curse' attached to it, was it!? It was just you all along!

And I'm sorry for that, but like I said I had to make sure you wouldn't compromise us. So unstable, and too quick to make use of the power I gave you... Clearly you weren't ready for it.

How much of what I thought and did this week was even me!?

Oh a lot more than you'd probably be comfortable with, my dear. Let's be honest, if not for me you would have burned yourself out days ago...

And another bite, ugh..!

Please excuse me if I'm overly chatty, it's been so very long since I've had a fellow equine to talk to! Well, one who can answer back anyway... But with that compulsion of yours of commenting everything I do, I shouldn't worry too much, right?

I'd grumble, if I could actually make any kind of sound...

You know, it's been so pleasurable to live again through you, if vicariously, while sharing your perceptions... But no more of that disgusting blue cheese!

Don't you dare diss on roquefort!! Especially as that apple you love so much is already half-rotten!

Hahaha, I will concede the point.” They throw what's left of the fruit into the chasm. “A small side effect of the magic...

Our little pause is obviously finished now, and the ghost resumes working my body into finishing their bridge... It doesn't need much more, fortunately, just making sure every part is well-secured to the others. It's narrow, not much more than twice my width, but I'd be surprised if that's a problem.

The time has come.

The whole structure is lowered like a drawbridge from my side, slowly so that the points where my aura holds on the ropes aren't affected by the magic-canceling effect of the barrier. If only it had been strong enough to also stop that dark magic..!

The tip of the bridge makes contact with the other side of the chasm; I've no choice but to keep holding on to the ropes.

Soon I feel a weight settling on the bridge, and with how the assemblage of wood groans I can follow the weight that is slowly shifting from the tip towards me..! The figure I saw three days ago becomes visible in the blue-and-purple glow coming from my horn, walking slowly, jerkily, like its joints are barely working. The same glow shines in two spots where its eyes should be.

The closer it gets, the better view I get – to my dismay. Through the tattered, dirty cloak I see brown, almost mummified flesh barely holding on to yellowish bone, the 'eye's illuminating a skull that would fit more a domestic horse or donkey than an Equestrian, same for the spindly legs.

The monstrous thing is almost to the end when it stops for an instant, just beginning to enter the 'safe zone' from the barrier's effects, and I feel the focus of the ghost shift.

Well, well, well... It had to happen eventually. A monkey, the traitor, your coltfriend, and... Oh, this could be to our advantage, Amber dear! No need for your body after all...

That thought gives me chills; what are they talking about?

The answers dawns on me, like it was sitting somewhere at the edge of my awareness, waiting to be processed: we've been found! Three ponies, and a human slowly trailing behind! They all feel familiar...

Just as the creature sets its first hoof on the cavern's floor the ponies arrive, and I instantly recognize Violette's golden magic as she lights the way, and Fenchone and Luisard are with her!

I assure you, this isn't as bad as it looks.”, the ghost makes me say.

“Stay away from my daughter!!”, Violette shouts back, setting in a wide stance, horn pointed threateningly at the horse mummy.

I suppose none of you are in the mood for a diplomatic solution, then..?

Fenchone paws at the ground, snorting: “We'll bury you for good this time!!”

I feel this sick glee, this sentiment of power and control emanating from the ghost: “Oh my dear Annie, you're all a little late for that!

The mummy's eyes come ablaze along my own, the most complex spell I've ever felt coursing the inside of my horn, pulling at my strength to charge then shooting for the bridge the moment the ghost's body steps off of it! I stagger at my energy being stolen, but my legs keep me upright anyway.

At first it looks like the blue-purple fire tries to burn the construction from the inside, but then I feel something, like a third smaller, weaker presence as the spell takes shape and the bridge starts moving on its own, raising over us with crude planks cracking and rearranging into a sinuous body, wicked maw opening with a roar of splintering wood!

The serpentine beast zeroes in on Fenchone, and immediately dives for her!

She avoids the attack at the last second, jagged fangs closing on empty air! Luisard takes flight, while I'm lifted off my hooves and levitated to the other side of the rock platform by Violette.

“Amber, I'm here! Snap out of it!”, she pleads. "I should have seen it, I should have! You were calling for help and I didn't listen, but we're here now, we're going to save you!” She forces me to look at her, at her horrified face, tears pouring from her eyes, but my body is unresponsive, the ghost's just not interested in me moving.

I hear hooves that hit wood that itself crashes against rock, I can feel the beast trying to devour the two ponies, almost see them as they keep evading then retaliating, working as a team, one distracting to allow the other an opportunity to attack... And I can feel the ghost's body, slowly making its way toward Violette and me..!

I won't be able to be as gentle with her as I was while priming your own vessel, dear Amber, but does she really deserve such kindness..?

What!? No! You– you can't do that!!

Would I really be a worse option than that Raphaël to give life to your mother? I know you better than he would ever do... I want to help you, to foster your potential so you can become greater than you'd ever be otherwise! Does this sound really so bad?

She may not be the best pony, nor was he the best person, but at least she never raped my buckin' mind!!

I can feel their disappointment, and it sickens me. So strong a word, but don't worry, you'll understand... Eventually.

No!! Isn't there anything I can do!?

I can feel the beast, maybe I...

Oh yes, yes! Just like with the apple!

I fish in my memories for all the catchy songs and strong images I can find, placing them at the forefront of my mind and pushing them out through whatever link I'm connected to!

Stop that Amber! It's useless!

Ah! Not useless enough to not tell me to stop!

The mental pressure increases, but I keep pushing, pushing and pushing! I can feel that the beast's simple will isn't prepared for that kind of constant interference, slowing its reactions, dulling its ability to take action!

I said sto—!

Even the ghost's focus wavers when Violette forces the misshapen head of wood and nails to hold still, and Fenchone manages to buck the sluggish beast's lower body over the edge of the chasm! Luisard then dives hindlegs-first against the upper parts, giving the final push!

The beast slips down the chasm, and its garbled scream is cut short as it impacts against whatever is at the bottom of the dark abyss!

I almost choke under the wave of anger..! Is this how you repay me, foal!? I initiated you, gave you the seed to grow! Usually I appreciate and praise willfulness, but this is not the time! The price is yours to pay!

More is stolen from me, my chest aching, so much deeper than for the last spell! This time the strangled moan is all mine..!

What kind of spell is this!?

I have my answer when Violette falls over next to me, her eyes shining a sickly purple and her whole body convulsing like she's going through an epileptic seizure! Luisard and Fenchone are affected too, but I can feel that the three of them are still fighting it, that their bodies are trying to reject the effects!

But more than that, I also feel that the ghost itself is struggling! This isn't an easy spell, not only because of the necessary focus to maintain it, but also because it needs constant energy to do that!

And of course that's why, after whoever knows how many years trapped here, the ghost can't have that much power to spare by themselves, so they have to use mine! That's why they gave me that 'seed' and encouraged its growth, they needed it!

The horrifying mummy draws near, almost to us now, and the frustrated thoughts enter my mind: I didn't lie to you, I need you just as much as you need me! Let's get this over with, then we—

“Cover your ears!!”

But I can't, and the three bangs are deafening as Clémence fires her gun at the mummy, first tearing through an empty barrel, second shattering a shoulder blade, and third breaking the skull open! The fiery eyes still shine just as before however, and I feel the focus of the ghost expand on Clémence as they direct the spell on her!

... Yet it doesn't work, not as expected! Ah! The ghost's growing even more frustrated, trying to get around whatever is keeping their spell from taking effect!

A fourth shot, piercing the skull through an orbit, and the flame inside is almost smothered!

Yes!! You've almost got it, you can—

A terrible flurry of rage and anger explodes in our link, and that vicious willpower finishes to break Clémence's natural resistance – she falls over with a blood-curling scream!

But that scream also helps me clear my thoughts, and now that so much of the ghost's will is still aimed at my friends, I know what to do!

I reach deep into my magical wellspring, scrapping the bottom to charge my own spell, blood red and free of the ghost's influence! They can feel it, but I know this spell like the back of my hoof, it's almost second nature now from how much I practiced it! There's no delay, no thought, no hesitation!

The beam of red magic bursts from my horn and slams right into the mummy, hard enough to hurl them backward, and over the edge!

I still hear their voice in my head as they fall, but either in a language I don't know, or their fury is simply beyond words, and finally I hear a second crash, quite smaller than for the beast, finally cutting the foreign thoughts off!

My friends and Violette are already shaking off the spell, struggling to their feet. I try to do the same, but I feel so weak..!

Violette notices immediately, taking me in her arms: “Amber, are you all right? Please honey, say something!”

I can speak again... but my answer dies in my throat, as the ghost's wrath echoes once more, as I feel them growing near again, up from the depths!

A torrent of pure darkness surges from the chasm, blocking the beam of Clémence's flashlight like a wall of blackest night, except for the two purple eyes exuding searing blue smoke!

The eldritch gaze sets on Violette with singled-minded focus, and the darkness swoops down toward her!


You won't take her!

You won't take my mother away from me! Not again!

I push my body through sheer force of will, and interpose myself horn-first between the ghost and Mom!

The darkness crashes against me, seeping through my horn, through me..!

The door in my mind rattles to the point of bursting open, what was a rivulet slithering under it a violent stream!

I have to hold!!

I dig my hooves and press my hands against the door, but it's not enough! I can feel the eyes just behind, searing flashes of blue and purple fighting against me, trying to push me back!

I– I can't hold, not on my own!

... But I'm not just Amber, and no part of me will let that bastard win!

Not Ambre the human with her pain and rage, nor Amber Spire the pony who fought Discord, with her courage and determination!! Hooves and hands and hands and hooves, we dig and we press!!

We hold, but it's the door itself that risks bursting from its hinges, walls menacing to crumble! My magic reserves were all but exhausted by that last spell, I don't have anything..!

The eyes keep on trying to push through, and the darkness keeps on flowing inside, to add itself to the 'seed' parasitizing me, and—


All this blackness, it's still some form of magic!

And it's on MY side!!

I stop trying to pull on my usual magic muscle, and reach deep into me for that seed, and I feel it rising at my call!

The blackness inside floods my inner room, strengthening walls and door, but doesn't stop more of the ghost's darkness from getting in! On the contrary, I let it in!

I draw more and more and all I can, and I can feel the shock and the panic on the other side of the door!

So I keep drawing and drawing and drawing, until the thing on the other side feels weak and feeble!

And then, I push, push beyond my inner confines, push the foreign will away, and away, until I can't feel it anymore..!

The blackness outside subsides, the one inside flowing back to the deep of my heart...

The image of the door grows hazy, less distinct...

I... I feel cold..!
