• Published 11th Mar 2019
  • 391 Views, 9 Comments

Operation "Mist Mystery." - lightningman

Sherlock Holmes and Voidic finally meet in the deduction filled Epic. Will Sherlock learn about the Wizarding world and bring it crashing around their ears? Or will Voidic have to ease him into it and encourage him to stay away from it?

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Chapter 2 - The Lady in Pink and Black Part 2

"Shut up." Stated Sherlock suddenly.

"I didn't say anything." Greg said.

"You were thinking, it's annoying. Like two rusty gears clanking into one another at a hundred kilometres an hour."

Sherlock begins to look at various pieces of her body. Soon, he stands up.

"Got anything?"

"Not much." Sherlock said.

"She's German." Suddenly stated anderson from the doorframe.

"No she's not. Shut up." I said as I slammed the door in his face.

"Exactly..." Sherlock said. "She's from out of town though. I think from... Cardiff! Here we go. Doctor Watson. Voidic? What do you two think?"

"What do you mean?" John asks.

"Your a doctor. Inspect her. Please."

"Ok." John said as she went to the dead woman's side.

"Yeah ... Asphyxiation, probably. Passed out, choked on her own vomit. Can’t smell any alcohol on her. It could have been a seizure; possibly drugs."


"She was held at gunpoint and forced to take a bottle of drugs to kill herself."

"Hmm... And how do you make that deduction?"

"Well, you need an incentive to be forced to commit suicide. Gunpoint is a very good incentive."

"And how do you know it's gunpoint?"

"I know the future," I state blandly.

"Sherlock – two minutes, I said. I need anything you’ve got."

"Victim is in her late thirties. Professional person, going by her clothes; I’m guessing something in the media, going by the frankly alarming shade of pink. Travelled from Cardiff today, intending to stay in London for one night. It’s obvious from
the size of her suitcase. But was apparently stopped on the way to her hotel and forced to come here to commit suicide. So someone brought her here."

"Suitcase? What suitcase?"

"The one that she planted on him to lead us to her murderer. We find the suitcase, we find her email address and the message is Rachel. Her stillborn daughter from years ago. Together they activate the GPS on her phone, leading us right to her killer. Bing bada boom.

"Brilliant." Sherlock and John both said.

"Well? What are we waiting for! We need to find that case!" Sherlock said.

"John?" I say as John turns to me. "Accept the money. It's his brother, not his arch-nemesis." I say as I follow Sherlock down the stairs.
------------------------------------------------------------1 Hour later-----------------------------------------------------------------
We were waiting in 221B waiting for John to come home.

"Patch?" Sherlock offered a nicotine patch to me.

"No thanks. I don't do drugs." Suddenly John walked in.

"What are you doing?"

"Nicotine Patch. Helps me to think."

"Think of what?"

"Of how to trap this murderer. We know how to track him. But not how to trap him. Wait! I need your phone.

"My phone?"

"Yes." John sighs and hands him his phone. Sherlock quickly types a message.

"Alright!" Sherlock said as he got up and put on his coat. "Come on you two. We're going for a stake out."

"Alright." I nod as I also get up and John follows us.

"Where are we going?"

"The killer must have driven her to Lauriston Gardens. He could only keep her case by accident if it was in the car. Nobody could be seen with this case without drawing attention – particularly a man, which is statistically more likely – so obviously he’d feel compelled to get rid of it the moment he noticed he still had it. Wouldn’t have taken him more than five minutes to realize his mistake. We checked every back street wide enough for a car five minutes from Lauriston Gardens and anywhere you could dispose of a bulky object without being observed. Took us less than an hour to find the right skip.

"You got all that because you realised the case would be pink?"

"Well, it had to be pink, obviously. "

"Why didn’t I think of that?" John mumbled.

"Because your not a smart as me." Sherlock said as he waved a taxi down.

"Now, look. Do you know what was missing?"

"From the case? How could I?"

"Her phone. Where’s her mobile phone? There was no phone on the body, there’s no phone in the case. We know she had one – that’s her number there; you just texted it."

"Maybe she left it at home."

"She has a string of lovers and she’s careful about it. She never leaves her phone at home. "

"Then why did I just send that text?"

"Are you really that thick? If we know she brought it to London but she never got to her destination. It must have been in her suitcase if it wasn't on her person. But since it was on neither. Where is it?" John thinks for a few seconds before realization dawns on his face.

"You mean I just texted a murderer?"

Ring.... Ring.... Ring...



"A few hours after his last victim, and now he receives a text that can only be from her. If somebody had just found that phone they’d ignore a text like that, but the murderer ... Would panic."

"You think the murderer is dumb enough to go to a place where the victim asked him to go?"

"No – I think he’s brilliant enough. I love the brilliant ones. They’re always so desperate to get caught."

"What? Why?"

"Appreciation! Applause! At long last the spotlight. That’s the frailty of genius, John: it needs an audience."

"This is his hunting ground, right here in the heart of the city. Now that we know his victims were abducted, that changes everything. Because all of his victims disappeared from busy streets, crowded places, but nobody saw them go. "

"Think! Who do we trust, even though we don’t know them? Who passes unnoticed wherever they go? Who hunts in the middle of a crowd?"

"A taxi driver." I say. Suddenly, Sherlock stops and turned to me.

"Brilliant! Oooh... That must mean..." Sherlock continues to mumble to himself. "Ok.. New plan. We make the killer nervous. And we use myself as bait. Got it I want to know why the killer did what he did."

"What?!" John asks.

"Got it." I nod.

"Ok. So we lure the killer to 221B Baker street and he'll bring me to a place where he'll try to kill me. But you guys will have to be right behind me. John, if things go bad, shoot the killer in the arm. Got it?"

"What?" John asked confused. "How am I supposed to shoot him?"

"With that gun in your pocket of course." Sherlock said. He then turned. "Look!" Sherlock said as he pointed at a cab stopped at the meeting place Sherlock asked him to go.

"Let's go!" John said."

"Let's." Sherlock said as all three of us ran to get to the cab. I looked back and noticed that John had forgotten his cane. Soon. The cab driver drives away.

"Damn!" Sherlock says. He closes his eyes and races through his mind. He snaps up.

"Where to?" I ask quickly. Sherlock quickly says the address and I grab both of your shoulders before twisting and holding onto them tightly. I felt like we were being pushed through an inch diameter tube. Suddenly I heard another pop and I opened my eyes to see the exactly where Sherlock had described.

"Ww....what?" John said as he stumbled.

"Whoa." Sherlock said in amazement. "How did you?"

"Not important." I waved him off. "There's the cab." And indeed, there was the cab we had been following.

"Halt! Police, Open it up!" Sherlock then didn't go to the driver, but instead looked at the passenger. Good misdirection. Makes the killer think that we're close and he's going to have to eliminate Sherlock.

"Damn... Not this one. Teeth, tan. Californian? Yeah, Los Angeles."

"How did you know that?" John asked.

"The Luggage. LAX to LHR? Los Angeles International to London Heathrow Airport."

"Oh." John sighed as he took a few deep breaths. "Then we'd better get to 221B Baker. Maybe there's something we overlooked there.

"Yeah." Sherlock pointed to the police officer. "Let's go. Got your breath back?"

"Yeah." And like that, us three sprinted off home.

"That.... Was the dumbest thing...... I've ever done."

"And you invaded Afghanistan." Sherlock chuckles. John and Sherlock are suddenly laughing. "Also... Mrs. Hudson! John will be taking that Bedroom upstairs!"

"Who says so?" John asked confused.

"Says the man at the door." Suddenly the doorbell rings to reveal a man with john's cane in hand.

"Sherlock texted me, you left this is front of my restaurant." John blinks in surprise and takes the cane.

"Um.... Thanks." He said as he closed the door. Suddenly Mrs. Hudson comes down the stairs.

"Sherlock, what have you done?"

"Mrs. Hudson?" Sherlock asked startled.

"Upstairs." John, Sherlock and I look at each other before heading upstairs.

"What are you doing!" I heard Sherlock yell furiously. I walk in to see three police officers going through my bag and pulling out my runes and Bonecharms.

"LEAVE THOSE ALONE!!!! I yell at them. The officers jump as I take the charms and runes and put them back in the bag.

"Sir, Those are obviously made of bone! Those are evidence of possibly multiple murders, and since their in your possession, your the best bet that you've killed people."

"THEY'RE WHALEBONE YOU FUCKING MORONS!" I Yell at them. I didn't notice but most of the people in the apartment were looking at me in surprise and horror. "I USE THEM TO HELP MY STUDENTS WITH UPGRADING THEIR POWERS YOU...." I then start to yell at them every known swear word in the english language and even some swear words in other languages and I included a few of the swears I had learned in the Wizarding World. "NOW GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY STUFF!! THIS IS AN ILLEGAL DRUGS BUST AND I SHOULD SUE FOR INVADING MY PRIVACY! YOU GUYS ARE FUCKING USELESS IF YOU CAN'T DO SOMETHING AS SIMPLE AS FIGURING OUT A MURDER! I HAVE HALF A MIND TO WIPE LONDON YARD OFF THE FACE OF THE MAP!!" People were backing away from me as Void magic and Wizarding Magic was leaking from me and zapping the things around me like tiny lightning strikes. Bulbs were blowing and an ethereal wind was blowing even though every window was closed.

"Voidic!" I heard someone yell and I blinked to see Pinkie holding onto me. "Calm down... Ok?" I blink a few times in surprise and take a few deep breaths.

"Ok.... I'm fine. Thanks, Pinkie."

"Where'd she come from!" I heard a random police officer yell. I glare in the direction of the sound and everyone flinches.

"Thanks, Pinkie. But You should go. Sherlock, John and I are about to catch that murderer. Ok?" Pinkie nods and lets go of me. I blinked and she was gone. I look up and saw Sherlock looking at me in amazement. I glare at Lestrade and he flinches a little.

"Call off your officers, before I get angry again and you learn the reason why I'm called The Homme le plus dangereux." I growled at him. He nods and rounds everyone off. Anderson was going to protest, but one look from me, and he was scurrying out the door with his head between his legs.

"Sherlock?" Mrs. Hudson said tentatively. "There's a cab downstairs for you."

Comments ( 4 )

I would like to dispute the fact that I am one of the most powerful being in their universe. On this planet. There is Kusuo Saiki who needs power limiters so he doesn't kill somebody with his latent psychic power.

Besides, they have no clue who I am. They have no idea the void exists and I've been gone from the eyes of muggles for years.

True enough. But Pinkie would never let that happen.

I should actually do a what if chapter... What if pinkie had actually died in the attack of Sunset's?

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