• Member Since 26th May, 2012
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The scrubbiest of scrubs... Also a DC, and a die-hard Nintendo.


After being vanquished by Celestia a thousand years ago, Nightmare Moon has returned to exact her revenge on the Goddess of Light and the ponies she protects. Celestia has tasked Fluttershy, her strongest and most reluctant soldier, with stopping the Queen of the Underworld. But the situation is not as simple as it looks, for Nightmare Moon's mysterious resurrection and rampage are just the beginning of a conflict between several unlikely forces, and Fluttershy is about to get caught in the middle.

A pony adaptation of Kid Icarus: Uprising, starring Fluttershy as Pit. Links to the game's music are embedded in the text of the chapters, for those who like to listen as they read. Special thanks to Twifight Sparkill for the cover art.

*Some of the early chapters are subject to future revision.

Chapters 1-3: Opening Shots (Complete)
Chapters 4-6: Fractured Mirror (Complete)
Chapters 7-9: Taking the Fight to Her (Complete)
Chapters 10-14: Tripartite War (Complete)
Chapters 15-17: Space Invaders... I Wish I Was Joking (Complete)
Chapters 18-22: The World Plunged in Chaos (Complete)
Chapters 23-25: The True Villain of the Story (In Progress)

Chapters (24)
Comments ( 112 )

Haven't read it yet, but will read later. I just came to drop off an art. Completely unrelated, I know.


1260817 Thanks, but I wouldn't be able to use it. As you can see, this story has a different pony taking on the role of Pit. Although I have seen the fic by DerpBrony66 with Twilight taking that role. It was... OK, but he could've added a lot more to his first chapter. Actually, he hasn't been to this site in months, and his story's been on hiatus for a while... oh well.

I like it, it's literally just a transcription of the Uprising dialogue, but ponies. Looking forward to the next installment!

1261050 Thanks. I actually played each of those two chapters a few times just to get the scenes and dialogue right, although Pit has a handful of lines that I just can't imagine Fluttershy saying. To be honest, Rainbow Dash would have been a much better match for Pit's role in terms of personality and intellect, but since Pit can't fly on his own, I wanted to give his role to a pony who also has difficulty flying. Besides, I already have an interesting role planned for Rainbow Dash.

On a side note, the next chapter will actually take a while. Since Hewdraw has three talking heads, that gives me three sets of dialogue to work with. I'm going to have to play that chapter a lot just to pick the order that I like best.

1261105 Looking forward to it. I love Hewdraw! I have played that chapter far too many times just to play the dialogue in different orders.

Comment posted by Phazon deleted Jun 28th, 2013
Comment posted by Phazon deleted Feb 3rd, 2013

This is probably the best of all the three KI:U crossovers I've seen. Oh, and don't have Discord be Hades, you need a Chaos Kin. Spike is best Hades :moustache::moustache::moustache:

Oh and sorry to double comment, but it really would've been fitting to have the three CMC be the Hewdraw heads, Rarity be Pandora, and Chrysalis be Thanatos. But Rarity would also work as Thanatos.

(Also maybe, if you get to that point, Big Mac as Viridi, just for Lols?)

1615261 Really? What are the other two? Anyway, I'm actually thinking of doing some revision of the first five (technically six) chapters eventually. Part of me wants to go back and be more descriptive of the enemies and weapons. I'm starting to think that just including the links to Divinipedia is a bit lazy, but if I do go back to add descriptions, I'll still keep the links in the text.

And of course I'm going to give the role of Hades to Discord. They're both smug, they both have a sense of humor, and they're both high tier. Although you do have a point, and I did spend a lot of time wondering what I was going to do about the Chaos Kin. Fortunately, Season 3 gave me a very convenient solution to that.

1615345 The Cutie Mark Crusaders as the Hewdraw heads? Interesting... no, that wouldn't work. I'm using Apple Bloom for something much later on. Plus, I've been trying to play the earth ponies as the humans and the pegasi and unicorns as the servants/soldiers of the gods. It does limit me considerably in terms of what roles I can assign to which characters, but I think I can make it work. I suppose it could have made sense for Chrysalis to play a shapeshifter, but Thanatos is too camp and hammy to give his role to her. As for Pandora, I have to account for what she does much later in the plot, which is why I had Chrysalis take on her role. I suppose that Rarity could have been Amazon Pandora, but personally I'm a bit more interested in having her be Phosphora.

Finally, I already have two characters in mind for Viridi and Cragalanche, and let's just say that there aren't going to be any lols when we get to that point.

1615391 okay, cool. That makes some sense I suppose. However I would've used Big Mac and Cheerilee as Magnus and Gaol, not only because it's more fitting but also because it leaves Applejack and Pinkie available for use later in the plot. And if Hades is going to be Discord, could you revise the Hewdraw so it's three Spikes? Oh, and if you don't mind me saying, I really don't think Rariyty would be a good Phosphora. Maybe Soarin or Trixie, just for the sake of humor? Plus that role should probably go to a Pegasus. As for Viridi and Cragalanche, calling it right now: Tom the Rock. Not sure about Viridi, I guess I'll wait for it.

(Chaos King Sombra?)

And I have one or two character suggestions that you can use if you want to :raritywink:

Arlin: Fancypants
Pyrrhon: Spitfire
The Aurum: not sure. Maybe They're exactly the same up until the Aurum Brain, and Flim and Flam are inside the Aurum Brain typing commands on keyboards?
Space Pirates: Parasprites or Dragons
The Phoenix: Peewee, obviously.
Runnels: Grsnny Smith :trollestia:

If you like these ideas feel free to use them. Good luck on your story, can't wait for more.

1618721 A lot of your suggestions seem to be based on humor, but remember that this story also has the Dark tag attached to it. Part of that's because Kid Icarus: Uprising is deceptively dark for an E10 rated game, but also because I want this story to be a bit dark. My choices for assigning characters to roles are based primarily on matching personalities and an effort to add depth to them, with humor receiving minor consideration and matching powers and abilities being an afterthought. Trixie, for example, is an obvious choice for Pyrrhon (perhaps a bit too obvious, but whatever), but assigning her to that role would mean going from unicorn magic to turning her into a pyromaniac (something that I'm only slightly concerned with). As for Rarity, she certainly doesn't have lightning-based abilities or lightning speed (if I wanted that, I'd go with Rainbow Dash), but personality-wise, I think I can work with it. Big Mac and Cheerilee... interesting, but I feel that Applejack fits the role better. I always saw Magnus as something of a tragic figure, and after seeing so much fanfiction depicting Applejack as an orphan, I can better see her playing that role. Granted, that would also make Big Macintosh an orphan, but he just seems too stoic to me, and Magnus is more gruff and irritable. Besides, Big Macintosh is more the strong, silent type.

And yes, Sombra is the Chaos Kin. Neither one has much personality, both were imprisoned for some time, and both are incredibly powerful. Actually, the fact that Sombra appeared to be a unicorn makes me think that alicorn is a strictly female phenotype in canon, but I digress. Originally, I was thinking of the hydra from Feeling Pinkie Keen when I got to Hewdraw, even though that's only vaguely implied in the dialogue. Although your suggestion to use three Spikes made me think of using the teenage dragons from Dragon Quest.

Fancypants as Arlon is a good one, but I'm not sure about Spitfire playing Pyrrhon. As for the Space Pirates, not everything in the game necessarily has to be played by something from FiM. For example, at one point I was considering having the changelings as the Reapers (with the Reapettes being small changeling hatchlings and Great Reaper either being a collection of multiple changelings or a super changeling), I technically didn't cast any one as Hewdraw, and I still have no idea what to do with the Space Kraken (other than compare it to an Octorok from the Legend of Zelda). Finally, I was thinking Philomena as The Phoenix, but there's a considerable size difference, and Peewee doesn't exactly help.

Who is Runnels? Is that the Chariot Master, or perhaps Dyntos?

1619463 Ah, damn iPad auto correct. I typed Dyntos but it changed it, :trixieshiftright:

1620405 Oh, okay, Dyntos. Well I have thought about it, and it makes some sense, but the biggest hurdle with that one would be casting an earth pony (a human in this story) as a god that appears to be in a class all his own. That's an example of the self-imposed limitations of having the earth ponies represent humans and the pegasi and unicorns cast as servants and lower-tier gods, but in this case it's not necessarily a deal breaker, though.

Anyway, I also added a few other things to that comment above (I think it's that part after the Chaos Kin that relates to Hewdraw. For the record, I do have one other role in mind for Spike, but if I do give it to him, he will die at the end of that chapter.

Also, back to the Space Pirates. I'm not really thinking of anyone for them, and I still haven't decided on the Space Kraken, but I do have two characters in mind for the Pirate Captain. What do you think: Iron Will or Diamond Tiara?

Consider that Diamond Tiara is an Earth pony as well. Iron Will would make sense, considering that minotaurs are just as alien to ponies as the space pirates are to the inhabitants of Skyworld. And as for Granny Smith being Dyntos, I think it would work, and even play to your advantage. Perhaps Fluttershy could ask about it and get a response revealing Granny Dynt's true nature...

or something.

I love this story!

Also, I'm really sorry that this doesn't have more views. Have you tried putting it in any groups?

1881542 Well, try looking around. The Struggling Authors group could get it more exposure in general, and then there are probably a couple Nintendo fan groups out there too.

Okay, so when I made that comment about how the Hewdraw could've been the CMC, but you said that you already had plans for Apple Bloom? I finally got it... Apple Bloom is the little girl from Chapter 18, isn't she?

But aside, great chapter. Can't wait for more!

1929915 Well, I could have made it any earth pony filly (like Twist), but when you've got the little girl, the dog, and Magnus in there, it seems somewhat appropriate to get the Apple family in there. Though I can't help but wonder when that would have come to mind in the midst of the dozen video game references, a bunch of Fridge Logic (including one bit of fridge logic that led to the omission of this chapter's boss fight), an early mention of the Wish Seed (which serves a minor storytelling purpose, by the way), and the introduction of the Scoota-count.

There are however a number of casting decisions for the later chapters that I intend to keep secret, and as such, I won't be entertaining any speculation on who plays those roles. Other than that, next chapter's going to be a while. I first want to work on the next chapter of another story I'm working on. Not only that, but due to the nature of the next chapter, it's going to be longer than any of the others.

I liked this chapter a lot, and I am really looking forward to the next.

(My favorite weapon type is blades.)

2100347 There were some things that I liked and disliked about what I did with this chapter. I was a bit unsettled about putting in the Pokemon debate, because that thing seems like both an out-of-place distraction and a belated reaction to Pokemon Black and Blue (Honestly, it's in there because I think the Phoenix looks a little bit like Ho-oh, and because I don't see Fluttershy playing Pokemon). Although as a whole, the two things that I think detract from this story are that: (1) the chapters are very formulaic, much like the game's chapters are; (2) It's difficult to add action scenes in the chapters, outside of the boss fights. All the enemies you come across in the game are cannon fodder, and I've been forced to treat them as such in the story. Because of that, this fanfic relies heavily on dialogue and the underlying plot. I think that it partially contributes to the dislikes this story gets. Say what you want about how the first eight chapters play, but aside from the whole Dark Pit thing, Pit just does the same thing over and over again in those chapters.

My favorite part of this chapter was with the Phoenix. A couple weeks back, when this story was on its fall hiatus, I realized that Fluttershy, as an animal care expert/enthusiast, should be able to pacify the Phoenix. In fact, that scene was partially inspired by the manticore scene in episode 2. Having Discord directly intervene to make him go berserk was my way around it, something that the episode Keep Calm and Flutter On supported. Actually, despite my dislike for the Discord being reformed premise, the interaction between Fluttershy and Discord, as well as Fluttershy and Celestia in that episode actually made me like this story idea even more.

As for weapon types, I love staffs for their high attack and long range, the claws for their speed-oriented style, and if I want more movement speed and some homing, I'll take the bow as a poor man's staff. I like palms for their homing ability, but honestly, I find that I can do the same things with a bow that I like doing with palms or orbitars. Clubs are okay for deflecting shots, but I find their lack of continuous fire and long charge times very off-putting. Lastly, cannons and arms... I find that their benefits don't make up for lack of speed, especially arms.

Anyway, next chapter, I reveal my casting choices for Viridi and Cragalanche, so I'm looking forward to that one too.

2100659 Well, I can't wait. I've really been thinking about who Viridi and Cragalanche would be. Since your story doesn't revolve around humor as much as I would, I don't think you'd have a background pony like Carrot Top take Viridi. Of course my instant thought for Cragalanche is Tom, and then it would only have sense to have Rarity be Viridi... but that can't be true because she's already Phosphora. And I might think to the Apple Family, but they're basically all the human roles... I thought Luna for a moment, but it doesn't make a lot of sense. If anything she'd be Arlon or that instance of Medusa when she comes back to save the day at the end. But still, the tension is killing me. If you don't want to answer this, you don't have to...

Is Tom going to be Cragalanche?

2100734 Sorry for the late reply. Anyway, no, Tom will not be Cragalanche.

Although if I were to make the choice for Viridi a humorous one, the background character I would choose for Viridi would be Lyra. Fanon states that she's obsessed with humans (for reasons I will never understand), and I'm amused by the irony here. Though as far as casting goes, I do have another riddle for you. There are two roles, later in the story, that you haven't asked about. Those two were practically nonexistent as character roles in the game, but due to the nature of this crossover, that is not the case here.

2107687 Oh... ah, hmm. Wow. I'm not going to cheat and look at the Wiki... I assume Hades' Heart is one of the roles. There's some weird potential with that. I don't think you'd use the Great Sacred Treasure, though. Is one of the roles Pyrrhon? Because all I can think of and guess are Pyrrhon (Spitfire/Soarin), The Aurum (Might not be changed but possibly parasprites?), Hades' Heart (No clue), the dog from the Chaos Kin level (Winona) the kid from that same level (Apple Bloom) and the Chariot Master.

I'm going to have to go with Hades' Heart and the Chariot Master. I'm not sure about Hades' Heart as I've already said, but if I were to guess about the Chariot Master, I'd say... Cranky Doodle Donkey?

Wow... I really didn't expect that. This is my favorite chapter so far, though. However, are you ever going to address that Luna and Nightmare Moon are the same pony? If not, okay.

But this really got me thinking: would Fancypants still be a proper Arlon? Because while Arlon never shows any real anger with the humans, aside from being allied with Viridi. Maybe Arlon could be Hoity Toity, and Luna explains it as her attempt to make a better, less destructive earth pony? And then when Fluttershy meets Arlon/Fancypants/Hoity Toity, he looks like a tall, twisted human (earth pony) like Arlon in the game. But maybe that'd be too much like the Big Macintosh in this chapter.

Anyway, I loved this chapter and look forward to more. It's the reset bomb depot chapter, correct?

2128321 I actually have two other stories (basically an OC story and its sequel) in which Nightmare Moon was written off as a sort of demonic possession, with that being who possessed Luna still being alive. Either way, I sometimes like to play Luna and Nightmare Moon as separate characters, and it helps that they have their own character tags.

Although, I did drop a few, apparently subtle hints toward who those characters would be. If you look back at the comments, I did say that Big Macintosh is "more the strong, silent type," a line taken directly out of the game's dialogue. As for Luna, this story was labeled with her tag ever since the first posted chapter, along with Nightmare Moon's. After posting Nightmare Moon's Final Battle, I replaced her tag with Discord's (because she really only shows up in four chapters tops), but kept Luna's.

For Arlon, consider this. At one point, I had trouble picking between Fancypants and Blueblood for his role. Additionally, it was my understanding that Arlon was never involved with Viridi's genocidal rampage, and his only job was maintaining the Lunar Sanctum.

"Why on earth would I be attacking? I'm far too busy... defending, my dear."

Either way, I acknowledge that this is my most significant departure from the game's story at this time. By having Luna (I mean Viridi) use not one, but two WMDs (I hope I'm not the only one who equated the Reset Bomb with a nuke and classified Viridi's war against the humans as genocide), you can expect it to alter the dynamic between Luna and the other characters, as well as call into question why Luna's most high-ranking soldiers would work for her.

One other thing, with my background in microbiology, I've actually been toying with the idea of a zombie outbreak caused not by a virus, but by a fungus. As it turns out, not only is viral infection a completely infeasible way to make a zombie, but the only remotely possible real life scenario that would result in a zombie disease would involve a fungal infection.

Now I'm really curious about who destroyed the third Reset Bomb Depot. Can't be King Sombra.

Oh well, I guess I'll have to wait and see. Keep up this great story! :scootangel:

2154127 Whoever it was, he's aligned with Discord, Celestia not only seems to know him but was actually shocked that he was around, and Luna has sworn to eliminate him, something she may or may not follow through on in a future chapter.

I really like her mane the boss battle in this chapter, the part before it was funny, but it was still suspenseful.

Also, this story is marked as "On Hiatus." Is that a mistake?

2203723 Yeah, I've had that pre-boss battle scene in my mind for months now, and I've loved it ever since. I'm guessing it didn't apply to Pit or Phosphora in the game because they already have anime hair, but that bit of fridge logic made it all the more clear to me that Rarity was the right call for that role. It's also something I probably couldn't have done if I'd cast Rainbow Dash as Pit.

Thanatos trashed that third bomb depot, by the way.

I do not like this.:facehoof:I love this!:heart::heart::heart:

2325945 Well then feel free to give it a rating and favorite it. Also, my most recent blog post pertains almost entirely to it, so look at that it you haven't already.

2327006I actually have the game, so I might be harsher in my comments. I call it 'death to all things terrible'.

You even incorporated the whole 4th wall mess-up and hot spring? Yes! This is Kid Icarus in its finest MLP form!

How did I know that Rainbow Dash would be involved with Dark Pit/Dark Shy?

Zecora would've made a sensible Viridi, but if you care less about good match ups, and more on rhyming's hard, then OK. You also could've done Thanatos/Trixie, unless you have plans for her.

1933781Yes, the Apple Family does sound like a good idea. The black lines over your comment are useless! Mwahahahaha! Oh, and in the chapter when you're Dark Shy, have the reborn Chrysalis be Cadence. It would make sense! Yeah! Random exclamation points!!!!!!!!!!

Discord is good, though I would've expected Nightmare. But, that seems off, since Nightmare Moon is Luna and Nightmare. So, in hindsight, I should've been expecting this.

2347177 The character tags might have tipped you off. They truly are Fimfiction's greatest spoilers, second only to the comments section (The black bars, by the way, are added by putting 'spoiler' in between brackets, much like you would to bold, italicize, or underline something).
2349373 I don't see how wise zebra sorceress corresponds to that little brat of a goddess. In fact, Diamond Tiara would've made an appropriate Viridi, if it were not for one crucial detail.

Ooh, I know who it is! But no spoilers!(Let's just say everybody hates spelling typos.:raritywink:)

I had to fight the risk to stand up and applaud when you featured Trixie as Pyrrhon. Good chapter, sorry for the short comment.

Also, I am really enjoying all the original lines you've been putting in. Good show.

twilight would be a better pyrrohn but a FUSION of the two would be perfect! twilights knowledge and "rapidash" form, and trixies arrogance!

2492709 Well who else was going to be Pyrrhon? Or the Aurum for that matter? And believe me, I've enjoyed writing the original material. In some cases, it's been required to better fit Fluttershy's role in the story or the MLP part of the crossover, but there's a lot of fun to be had with it.

On the other hand, with each successive chapter, I've found that I'm adding more of my personal touch to the whole MLP/Kid Icarus crossover. You'll really see that once I reach the next arc.

2493309 A fusion? I shudder to think that there may be a Dragon Ball Z crossover featuring Twilight as Goku and Trixie as Vegeta. But on a serious note, I decided against Twilight because neither her personality nor her skillset matched Pyrrhon at all. Maybe Lunaverse Twilight would've worked, but I'm not working off of the Lunaverse. Even if I was, I'd have to actually read RainbowDoubleDash's work before doing that.

Besides, I've included Fluttershy, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash and Rarity so far. Who's to say that Twilight won't show up somewhere down the line?

2497846 Yeah. Personally, I would've put Scootaloo in the role of Pit. She just fits so well, you know? And I'm still curious to see what you're going to do with the remaining characters. Particularly Dyntos and the little kid from Chapter 18.

The Centurions aren't going to be Wonderbolts, are they?


... and the little kid from Chapter 18.

Oh, that almost took my mind off the fact that I haven't started writing the next chapter yet. I'm pretty sure that one was already covered.

The Wonderbolts? As the Centurions? About a dozen of Equestria's top athletes cast as the hundreds to a few thousand Redshirts at Palutena's disposal? Guess again. Although... if we go back to an earlier comment of mine, I posed a riddle for two of the roles I was casting. I said that they didn't count as characters in the game, but that wouldn't be the case here considering the nature of this crossover. Well, I'll add another hint:
They are twin roles, but that doesn't necessarily mean they'll be played by twins.

loved the game, but why the gore tag???

2535785 Admittedly, it does contrast with the cartoon violence of My Little Pony and the Critical Existence Failure associated with having a health bar (Kid Icarus: Uprising). Honestly, I didn't want to use the gore tag initially. But I don't think I can pull off Critical Existence Failure in a fanfiction setting, and I don't know whether it was having Fluttershy go after the Phosphora stand-in with Raptor Claws or having the Cragalanche stand-in be... well, I don't want to give too much away. The point is, I figured I would need it.

I'm looking forward to seeing how you handle Chapter 18. Good luck, Phazon.

2573396 Oh I've got some plans for Chapter 18. Which reminds me, I replied to the other comment you added on the Mysterious Invaders chapter. I initially forgot to hit the Reply icon, so you might not have noticed it.

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