• Published 27th Feb 2019
  • 21,159 Views, 76 Comments

Mine is Dorkier than Yours - NavelColt

During Equestria's annual royal summit, newly-met Shining Armor and Pharynx discover they have a fair bit in common, including a passion for homeland security, and an extremely dorky little brother/sister.

  • ...

Care to Elaborate on that Assumption?

"So...it was 'Pharynx', right?"


Averting his eyes, Shining Armor took another sip of tea—his safe haven in the face of awkward silence.

"You know, I never knew Thorax even had a brother," the stallion offered, fishing for a mutual topic of interest.

"The hive has always prioritized communal strength and support over who laid which eggs or who you were born with," Pharynx monotoned, leaning his head back against his chair. "That said, Thorax and I happened to be born in the same brood clutch, so yes, we're 'close' by changeling standards."

Another sip of tea.

"Well, I'm surprised he never mentioned you," the stallion followed up. "Given how much time he spent with us in the Crystal Empire, I'd have thought the subject would have come up sooner or later."

Pharynx rolled his lavender eyes. "Up until very recently, Thorax and I have had a detached relationship. It's no surprise he'd fail to mention me to his plethora of new pony friends unless it was somehow relevant to the conversation."

Hovering on a tiny blanket of pink magic, Shining Armor's gold trim cup rested upon a coffee table. The prince eyed his gruff company with a touch of confusion, sitting up straight once more and meeting his gaze - well, as close as he could tell, anyway. Even after five months of living with Thorax, the prince still struggled in judging proper eye contact from compound eyes.

"Well, I'm sorry to hear that," Shining broached, his face treading melancholy. "You know, I initially had a bias against changelings, but Thorax proved every one of my assumptions wrong. During his stay in the empire, he stayed with my wife and I in the castle, and he was a delight. He was polite, friendly, and warm towards everyone around him. It's hard for me to imagine him having a detached relationship with anybody, honestly."

"Oh, he's a delight, alright," Pharynx exhaled, sarcasm dripping off his tone. "That's exactly why we never saw eye to eye, and why he never got along with other changelings. It may be an attractive quality to ponies, but being a 'delight' in Chrysalis's hive was like being a sheep in a den of wolves. The most interaction we ever had was me saving his wussy behind from bullies, sometimes multiple times a day."

His tea, once his crutch in an otherwise dry conversation, had been forgotten. Shining Armor now readjusted himself in his seat, his attention harnessed. "I can only imagine how hard that must have been for him. It's a good thing you were around to protect him, though. My sister Twilight had a few bullies when she was in school, but it was always small-scale stuff and was usually addressed quickly. Thankfully I never had to intervene."

Mirroring the stallion's newfound investment, Pharynx's lofty posture straightened upright. "Hold on, 'Twilight'?" he parroted. "You don't mean one of Equestria's leaders, do you?"

Shining Armor blinked. "O-oh, I'm sorry, I totally forgot to mention! The royal summit today has left me a little scattered. Yeah, Princess Twilight is my little sister. I run the Crystal Empire with my wife, Princess Cadance, now, but I was actually born in Canterlot. For a time, I was the Captain of the Royal Guard there, and these days I'm in charge of the Crystal Empire's guard teams, instead."

Pharynx's interest had simmered to a boil, and the changeling displayed his pearly whites. "Wow, so your younger sibling is a figurehead and you're in charge of your home's military. Maybe we have more in common than I thought."

Clearly taken aback, the royal stallion adopted a smile, himself. "Hang on, you're in charge of the hive's defense forces?"

Giving a short nod, Pharynx tapped the side of his antler. "You could say it was my calling."

Shining Armor chuckled. "Well, that's awesome, and I can totally relate. Were you always in charge of the hive's defense forces, even back during Chrysalis's era?"

Now bordering excited, Pharynx sat up in his chair. "My position was referred to as 'Lead of Patrol', but Chrysalis sought my input on defensive matters, too. She was proud and arrogant and didn't want to give any single drone the kind of power a second-in-command would have. If you ask me, she was afraid it'd make it easier to overthrow her. If there had been an official second-in-command, though, it would have been me."

"That's really impressive," Shining replied, once more seizing his teacup with his ignited horn. "Do you hold the same title now that you're helping Thorax run the hive, or have you taken on more responsibility? When Cadance and I moved to the Crystal Empire, I took on way more responsibilities concerning civilians and politics. Comes with the territory of being a ruler."

Pharynx let out a gruff chuckle. "Well, unlike you and your wife, my brother and I didn't take on leadership at the same time. It was a solo show under him for a good month or so, and it was a laughable attempt at best. Revisiting your assessment, my brother is a delight. Instead of stabilizing the status quo, the very first thing he did was pour all his energy into organizing 'activities' to improve the hive's social aspects. Within a few days, it felt like we were living in a hippie paradise."

Shining Armor choked on his tea, unable to refrain from another chain of chuckling. "T-That sounds like Thorax, all right. The kindest soul you'd ever meet, but probably not the guy you'd see confronting others or enforcing rules."

"He's not, but it's fine because I am that guy," Pharynx declared, proudly tapping a hoof to his chest. "What Thorax lacks in toughness I make up for ten-fold. Since I...'evolved' or whatever, I've taken on all roles relating to hive defense, including training recruits, overseeing patrol routes, and maintaining the hive's grounds. But yeah, I'll also help Thorax with political tripe when he needs it, even if it's just talking him out of a panic attack every time he gets invited to a political event."

A second aura of magic began to stir a spoon around Shining's cup, and the stallion observed his visage in the murky reflection. "That doesn't sound too terribly different from my current roles. Technically I'm a co-monarch, but my day-to-day duties are usually more on the peacekeeping plane. Does Thorax do anything new now asides from social activities and political meetings?"

Shining Armor raised his cup, and Pharynx scoffed. "I dunno, hug changelings?"

Tea sprayed in a mist over the coffee table.

"Thorax is way too touchy-feely for the stricter aspects of ruling a hive," Pharynx went on. "He oversees the hive's social aspects, he resolves internal problems, and he helps look after the hive's young. Other than that, I don't know what he does all day. We might talk more often, now, but I don't make it a point to follow him around when he doesn't need me. He may be a leader now, but he's still a huge dork."

Having finished wiping down the table with a spare napkin, Shining Armor motioned his head, acknowledging the story with a nod. "Well, at least you guys have improved your relationship. Knowing Thorax, I'm sure it means a lot to him. When my sister moved away from Canterlot, she really missed me and, I didn't realize how much it hurt her until much later. I've been doing my best to make up for it since then, but I'd have definitely made a better effort to reach out if I had known it at the time."

Pharynx gave a dry cackle. "Well, Thorax has always been clingy, that's for sure. When we were nymphs, he wanted to play games all the time and would hug me till he cracked my shell if I had let him. Frankly, I didn't give him the time of day, but that didn't stop him from trying. He didn't understand the state of the hive and how important it was for him to grow a thicker shell if he wanted to stay there. In the end, he opted to leave, instead."

Shining Armor adopted a sympathetic look. "Now that the hive has changed, has he found any changelings that are more like him? Or are most of the changelings still, well, rough around the edges?"

"Oh, please, if anything I'm the black sheep, now," Pharynx dismissed. "By this point, Thorax has found best friends all over the hive. He showers the drones with love and attention constantly, dotes on them as if he were their father, and they adore him for it. It doesn't really sit right with me, but I'm the odd-one-out here, so my opinion doesn't hold much weight. I'm just happy I got them to start caring about defense and safety, again."

The room fell quiet for a time, and Shining Armor excused himself to make another pot of tea. Though Pharynx was perfectly content to not consume 'leaf water', it didn't damper Shining's thirst. When the stallion returned with his steaming cup, Pharynx nodded to him.

"Enough about Thorax," the beta changeling proclaimed, "let's hear about how you completely blanked on sharing the fact that your alicorn sister runs your country."

Having learned from his mistakes, Shining's animated teacup remained a safe distance from his mouth, this time. "Well, I wouldn't say that, Twilight takes a sort of subsidiary role in Equestrian politics. Celestia and Luna run Equestria and deal with the politics, while Twilight focuses more on social health among all creatures. In other words, spreading friendship. We've already made several allies largely through her efforts, and her school's success is, I think, her best accomplishment."

"Talk about perfect timing," Pharynx muttered. "It sounds like my whimsical, 'hugs solve all problems' brother became king around the same time your sister began spreading Equestrian love teachings. Probably the first time in recorded history that ponies and changelings have even been allies, I should add."

"Well, Twilight has always loved feeling helpful," Shining said with a grin. "Any time she can make Equestria, or even just the other princesses proud of her is a great day for her. These days she gets that same satisfaction through seeing others respond to her teachings, be they students or other kingdoms. It's funny. She's so grown up, now, the princess of friendship, but every time I look at her, she's still the adorkable filly who once proudly said I would be the only friend she'd ever need."

Pharynx shot an inquisitive look, and Shining stared back in equal confusion.

"Never heard that one before."

"Heard what?"

"'Adorkable'. It sounds like the kind of nonsense Thorax would come up with."

"Her word, actually, I just ran with it," Shining admitted with a laugh. "Have you...have you actually met my sister, yet?"

"Saw her at the meet and greet. Briefly met her before that. She was the one flapping her wings and squealing when the daytime princess asked her to talk about her school, right?"

Shining Armor cracked a grin. "Yeah, that was her. It probably doesn't mean much coming from her brother—I'm supposed to be proud of her—but she's a pretty memorable pony to meet, so I hope you get the chance sometime. She's intelligent and genuine in the same way Thorax is kind and gentle. Even if you don't have much in common with him, I'm sure you must feel similarly about Thorax."

Pharynx teetered his head to and fro, his mouth opening for some sarcastic remark before closing again. "...he's definitely a unique changeling, I'll give him that. 'Memorable' isn't the word I'd use, but I take your point. He's awkward, especially when he's outside his comfort zone, and loses all his confidence at the slightest failure he encounters. Sure, he has his good traits, and yeah, I care about him, but that doesn't mean I don't get second-hand embarrassment every time I step outside the hive with him."

Shining Armor gave a knowing nod. "I think that just comes with the territory of being a big brother. Twilight really grew out of her social awkwardness after making friends, but even now, she still has panic attacks and gets frazzled when things don't go the way she planned. Some days I miss having to talk her out of a tree, but other times I see her unraveling at the seams, and I can't help but laugh a little bit, watching her friends attempt to do the same thing."

"Count yourself lucky," Pharynx replied with a sigh. "Thorax is every bit the soft-shell with zero self-esteem he was when we were little. He keeps mentioning that the dragon lord helped him with his assertiveness, but I've seen little improvement. The only thing that's really changed is the hive, which has adapted to accept the way he is, now."

"Maybe that's not such a bad thing, though," Shining chipped in. "I understand that you want him to be tougher, but from what I understand, Chrysalis ruled the hive under a brutal regime for who knows how long. Maybe the warm, social approach that Thorax is gifted with has to come before reintroducing a stricter, more serious aspect."

Pharynx planted a hoof to his temple. "Ugh, now you sound like my advisor changelings every time I try to vent to them."

Now a free-flowing part of their conversation, Shining let out yet another laugh. "Well, let's switch gears a bit, then. Alright...what's the cringiest thing you've ever seen Thorax do? I doubt it can top the one I have for Twiley."

Pharynx's lavender eyes narrowed. "Is that a challenge, stallion?"

Shining wore his cockiest of smirks. "It sure is, bring it on."

Pharynx's onset look bordered villainous.

"Okay, so when we were little - and I mean you could dropkick us like a ball, little - Thorax discovered a type of stone in the hive's lower chambers that could be used as chalk. Well, he was so smitten with his discovery that he decided to go and write along all the walls of every corridor he came across. I had been taking a nap, so whatever mischief he had been up to was completely lost to me. Later on, I come out to find other nymphs snickering at me from around every corner, and weird markings along the hallways."

Displaying his investment via a sound smirk plastered across his face, Shining Armor sat back in his chair, giving his undivided attention. Pharynx had begun to motion with his hooves as he went on, as well as display facial expressions - the irritation he'd felt at the time seemed to revisit him along with the memories.

"So I follow the markings, and lo and behold, I find Thorax sitting alone in a corner, drawing one of many, many crude drawings of us playing together, hugging and whatever else. I then realized that's what he had been drawing on all the walls. He turns to me and goes, 'Pharynx, look, I found a rock that makes pictures.' There was an entire crowd of nymphs, even a few older changelings chittering their fangs out. I wanted to crawl in my bed burrow and die."

Upon the conclusion, Shining shook his head and held back his chortles. "Oh come on, that was more adorable than cringey."

"You try having a reputation in a hive already full of misfits, and then try living down 'big brother and me' pictures as far as the eye can see," Pharynx countered, laying against his armrest. "It took me weeks, if not months to get other nymphs to steer clear of me, again."

"Well, I'll have to bring that up to Thorax the next time I see him," Shining joked. "'So uh, Thorax, you never told me you were an artist. Whatever became of those 'big brother and me' pictures?'"

"First he'll turn red, and then he'll stutter because he can't bring himself to openly admit it, nor pretend like it didn't happen." Pharynx smirked. "Then he'll do that awkward smile he does all the time."

"I know exactly the one you're talking about, too," Shining piled on with a lift of his hoof. "This one time, he accidentally broke a castle vase, and Cadance grilled him about what he thought happened to it. Oh, she was having so much fun watching him squirm. She's got a sly side that few ponies know about."

Pharynx knowingly shook his head. "He's the worst liar in the hive. He couldn't lie his way out of a practice infiltration if his life depended on it. When we were adolescents, he'd always tell me he was practicing his hissing like I'd tell him to, but I knew full well he was just off frolicking in a field of flowers, somewhere."

His diaphragm far too compromised for consuming further tea, Shining's aura laid his cup to rest again. "You know, you've got a really dry sense of humor, and I think I like it."

"I'd say I aim to please, but then I'd be lying." Pharynx's toothy smirk subsided. "What about you? Go on, wow me with this hyped sister story of yours."

Cocking a brow, Shining Armor matched the changeling's shrewd look. "Alright, so when we were younger, Twilight and I were inseparable. She wasn't old enough for magic school yet, and I wasn't old enough to enlist for royal guard duty yet, so we ended up doing almost everything together. One of those many things was to go trick or treating for Nightmare Night."

It was Pharynx's turn to blast off an eyebrow. "You went trick or what-ing for nightmare what now?"

"Nightmare Night," Shining replied aptly, "it's an unofficial Equestrian holiday. Ponies of all ages dress up in various costumes of characters, creatures, and things and go around their neighborhood to collect candy. Normally it's just the foals that get candy. They go in groups, and each group has at least one adult chaperone. Originally it was based around legends of Nightmare Moon, the villainous alter-ego of Princess Luna, but it stuck around even after she returned because everyone enjoyed it so much."

"You literally can't make this stuff up," Pharynx replied flatly, curled across the armrests of his chair like a bed. "And here I thought hoisting an upside-down tree up and singing with lanterns to a fake fire was kinda weird."


"Nothing. One of the hive's nymphs brought back a holiday from your sister's school, and Thorax insisted upon making it a thing," Pharynx passively explained, waving a hoof about. "It's irrelevant. Keep going. You and your sister had too much free time, and then what?"

"Okay...well, anyway, Twilight and I went trick-or-treating by ourselves most years because our parents tended to get busy with work. This particular year she went as Princess Celestia because, well, she's just always loved Princess Celestia. So I get distracted by a food cart, the tastiest apple fritters I ever had in my life, mind you. The next thing I know, I turn around and Twilight is gone. Mouth full of fritter, I start galloping around the square looking for her, until suddenly there's an earsplitting cry from behind me."

Having been entirely disenchanted, Pharynx's brow raised once again. The changeling's attention heightened as Shining's grin returned.

"So I turn around, and Twilight slams into my leg, so hard that I jump in shock. I feared the worst and prepared myself, but then I hear another scream from in front of me. This young filly dressed in a ladybug costume is shaking like a leaf, clearly confused, and next to a mother who looks even more confused. I look down at Twilight and try to ask what's wrong, but all she says is, 'scary lady!' Of course, at that point, the filly's mother assumed the worst, and I got the biggest glare of my elder brother career. As you can probably guess, the night fizzled out after that for her, and I ended up taking us home. After gently prodding the issue for a good half hour, I discovered that she was terrified of ladybugs, i.e., the costume that filly had been wearing. 'Scary lady' was her way of saying 'scary ladybug'."

Pharynx's brow plummeted. "You've got to be kidding me."

"I mean, to be fair, earlier that year we had a huge swarm of ladybugs invade our house, and I think the sheer number of them freaked Twilight out, left an impression on her."

"Still, ladybugs are harmless. In fact, that's their entire reputation."

"Exactly what my dad said."

"...well, I have to give you kudos, the miscommunication of your sister insulting some kid and/or her mother makes the story as much as the climax." Pharynx sneered. "Unfortunately, though, I can match it. Thorax is terrified of spiders. To the point where even now he'd probably cower behind me, despite being both taller and bigger than I am. My default transformation to deal with threats used to be a massive spider, but it freaked Thorax out even more than the bullies I was trying to defend him from, so I had to create some new creature instead."

Shining Armor gave a nonchalant shrug of his shoulders, pressing back into his cushion with an unwavering smugness. "Oh, yeah? I went to Ponyville to visit Twilight the other week, and I found her in town doing some grocery shopping. She had been at the same stall for twenty minutes because she couldn't decide on the right produce. The shop clerks looked about ready to quit their jobs on the spot."

"The other week? Yesterday Thorax came trotting into my bedhive before dawn, jostled me awake, and dragged me uphive—humming some stupid tune all the while, mind you—all just to show me the new theatre stage he and some of the drones had spent all night building for their silly plays."

Shining Armor caught his snicker just in time.

"Okay, see, but Thorax is just trying to involve you in his life," the stallion countered. "Adult Thorax showing you his new stage is like nymph Thorax showing you big brother pictures. Twilight is adorkable 24/7 whether it has to do with me or not. One time she turned the Canterlot library into a 'book fort hotel' for books, and even had a check-in station for new books who wanted to stay with her."

Pharynx let off a one-not cackle. "Oh, you're a funny pony. Do you think my brother's worst shenanigans stop and end with me? Oh no, His Highness, King Thorax, leader of the mighty changelings introduced a new policy the other week, encouraging all changelings to console each other with physical meals if they were feeling down. In other words, hugging became an actual policy."

Their duel of stories having reached a ridiculous climax, Shining Armor fell into a fit of hysterics, whilst Pharynx silently chittered, unable to hold back his heightened grin. For a time, the pair sat in their revelry, allowing it to consume an otherwise dull afternoon.

When at last able to regain his breath, Shining Armor met Pharynx's gaze, this time confident in holding it. "I gotta be honest, as much as I adore Thorax, I never thought I'd find a changeling I'd have so much in common with."

"A few months ago, I never thought I'd see ponies as anything but food," Pharynx stated flatly, but returning Shining's smile all the same. "The more time I spend around them, the more I spot the occasional similarity. You, though, I'm concerned that you're just me as a pony, albeit less intimidating."

"Hey, I resent that; I can be plenty intimidating when I want to be," the stallion rebutted with a chuckle. "I think the term you're looking for is 'gruff'."

Pharynx opened his mouth, but the sound of oak doors opening fell forth. As the pair turned in unison, a familiar sight filled their view, and subtle smiles sprung from all four faces in the room.

"Shining Armor!" came the peppy voice of Twilight Sparkle, wasting no time in crossing the room in flight to meet the seated stallion.

"Hey, Twiley, you're back," Shining put out, returning the mare's hug and standing to greet her. "So, how did it go?"

Substituting her elation for mockery, Twilight curled her lip. "Well, you know, about as well as you'd expect. The Saddle Arabians were quiet, the yaks were loud, the hippogriffs were invested, and the dragons were indifferent. It was good, though, I got to talk a little more about my efforts with the school, and everycreature had a stake of interest in that topic, for obvious reasons. All in all, I think it went well. Princess Luna was just happy it only took two hours instead of five, this time."

"Hah, well, that sounds great," Shining replied, gently ruffling the alicorn's mane. "To think you're attending the real big wig meetings with Cadance and her aunt, now. Remember a couple of years ago when you were having a princess identity crisis?"

Twilight's expression retreated to a pout. "Hold on, how did you find out about that? I never told you about-"

"Cadance, duh," Shining interrupted with a revealed tongue. "She said something about you being down about your role as a princess, and how she and your aunt and her sister all started to sing with you? I admit I got kinda lost at that part, but I think I understand the gist of it."

"Oh, she's so devious," Twilight whispered under her breath, her elation turned to pout now budding into a playful look. "She told me she didn't get the chance to talk to you about that summit, much. I'll have to have a little talk with her the next time I visit, that's for sure."

Adjacent to their conversation, Thorax modestly entered the room, first casting a warm glance at Twilight's reunion with her brother before turning that attention to his own. In stark contrast to Shining Armor, Pharynx hadn't budged from his spot, but it didn't stop Thorax from beaming at him.

"Um, hey, Pharynx."

Pharynx lazily flopped his head over one shoulder, catching the taller changeling's eye. "Come on, Thorax, it took you being gone for the better part of a year for me to say 'hey' like I hadn't seen you in a while. You were in there for a measly two hours."

Instinctively rubbing the back of his head, Thorax gave a light giggle. "Well, I guess that's true. That doesn't mean I can't greet you because I want to, though."

Seating himself by his brother's armrest, Thorax watched the royal ponies commune. Their energy filled the space, and Twilight had taken to lightly hovering in the air to match her brother's eye level. It all got a chuckle from the changeling.

"Alright, give it to me."

Torn from his thoughts, Thorax's eyes dilated as he pivoted in place. "Huh?"

Pharynx met the younger changeling with a devilish grin. "How did your big wig meeting really go, Thorax?"

Thorax tilted his head.

"Come on...are we going to war with anybody?" Pharynx asked ominously. "Please tell me we're going to war with somebody."

Triggered on cue, Thorax's eyes widened up again, as did a grimace contort his face. "Pharynx, don't say things like that!", he hissed. "Why would you even expect things like that to happen, let alone say them?"

Pharynx's sly grin grew, fed generously by his flawless goading. "Because I relish the faces you make, and because I'm eager to stretch my tactical decision muscles, but mostly the other thing."

Thorax hung a frown. "Very funny, Pharynx. You know, I asked you to come with me because I want you to take these things seriously. I know I'm the one who does the political meetings and stuff, but it's important that you at least know what's going on. What would happen if something happened to me and you needed to take command of the hive?"

"Okay, hold your hooves there, 'my liege', because there are already several flaws with your brilliant premise," Pharynx began, erecting a hoof. "First off, don't forget that you also brought me along because this is your first summit meeting, and you wanted to use me as your comfort zone. Let's not kid ourselves—I'm not merely an escort, I'm your emotional recharge station."

Thorax's frown evaporated, promptly replaced by a look of horror. A small blush crept at the base of his cheeks.

"But I-"

"Secondly," Pharynx interjected, lightly punching the crouched changeling in the side, "don't create dire scenarios from hypotheticals, Thorax. It feeds your anxiety. You know I can handle the hive just fine. More importantly, nothing will ever happen to you while I'm around, you know that."

Rubbing his shoulder, Thorax conceded defeat, locked eyes with his brother and salvaged his former smile. "...alright, alright, I get it, Pharynx. And, yes, thanks for agreeing to come. I do want you to learn about this stuff, but, you're right, things weren't as intimidating with you here, and it really helped."

Some semblance of a genuine look shone through Pharynx's face. "You're welcome. Maybe next time, just tell your hosts the least they can do for the escorts is give us some grub while we wait for your tea party to end."

"...I'm sorry, I just have to say I love the dynamic you two have."

Two pairs of compound eyes darted ahead like those of spooked deer, finding both Twilight and her brother watching them with adoration. For exactly how long they'd been standing there, spectating was unclear, but the gleam in Twilight's eyes was enough to make Pharynx shudder.

"Thanks, Twilight," Thorax said, getting to his hooves again and turning to Pharynx as he did the same. "We have our differences, to be sure, and still have some catching up to do, but for all the trash talk and teasing, I wouldn't trade him for anything."

Thorax beamed a wholesome look, but it was swiftly lost to Pharynx's rolling eyes.

"You're welcome. I've never had the occasion to say it before, but I think it's great that your brother is here to help you look after the hive, Thorax," Twilight continued, offering the brothers her warmest smile. "It reminds me a bit of Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. While capable of leading alone, Celestia is so much happier ruling with her sister, and I imagine you feel similarly about your brother."

Thorax perked up, lifting an energetic hoof at the royal comparison. "Aww, how many times in one day can I say thanks, Twilight? Yeah, things are so much smoother now. I mean, Pharynx still prefers to keep to himself, but he's definitely found his place in the new hive, and I'm so happy for it."

"He alluded to some new policies you came up with," Shining Armor spoke up, casting Pharynx a sly eye. "You don't think you'll get him to participate in those, then?"

Thorax chuckled. Pharynx shot daggers.

"Oh, Physical Meal Therapy?" Thorax clarified. "No, no, definitely not, he's not into the whole 'physical affection equals energy and mood restoration' thing. Actually, I count myself lucky he even lets me hug him on my birthday and for special occasions."

"Oh for the love of—spare me a scene, Thorax, please," Pharynx groaned, promptly jabbing his head into his brother's flank and sliding him along the floor. "Get your pixie behind in gear, it's about time we got going. It's a long trip back and we're burning daylight. You wouldn't want the drones losing their shells because you're not there to referee any scuffles over who gets the cooler-looking paintbrush, would you?"

"Uh, aha, well okay—it was really nice to see you again, Twilight," Thorax stammered out, glancing over his shoulder at the giggling alicorn. "You too, Shining Armor! I'll let you know if I can find some time to visit the empire soon!"

"Sounds great, Thorax," Shining Armor replied with a wave of his hoof. "You know Cadance and I are always delighted to have you. Oh, and Pharynx, I wouldn't worry too much - remember, embarrassing each other is what siblings do best!"

"Yeah yeah," Pharynx mumbled, nudging Thorax harder when the younger changeling attempted to dig his hooves into the floor. "Nice meeting you, Armor. Same to you, princess. Good luck with the school, Ocellus never shuts up about how much she loves her classes whenever she visits home."

"Oh, that's...kind of you to say, Pharynx, thanks!" Twilight pieced together, forcing a smile. "You should maybe visit the, uh...Ponyville, sometime! It's a beautiful town, where I live, near but not too near the school full of impressionable children, you know?"

"Seeya, guys! TellSpikeIsaidheyokay!?"

Punctuating Thorax's farewell, the oak doors enveloped in a crimson aura and closed with a thud, leaving only a muffled conversation from the other side. Left to themselves in the lavish waiting room, Twilight let out a deep sigh while her brother cast her a knowing smirk.

"Well that was real subtle at the end, there."

"I love how protective he is but, he can be a little much at times," Twilight explained, staring at the closed oak doors as if expecting them to open again. "He's probably the bluntest, most confrontational member of the summit. During the meet and greet, even Prince Rutherford backed down from a spat with him."

"He may be gruff, but he's not such a bad guy," Shining dismissed, using his own aura to open the doors again, himself. "He's just not one for small talk or sentimental things and knows what his priorities are."

Stepping ahead with a courteous nod, Twilight gave the stallion an inquisitive brow. "Yeah, from the looks of it, you guys were really hitting it off. What were you talking about, anyway? Anything you found that you have in common?"

Closing the chamber doors for a final time behind him, Shining Armor raised his own brow, his smirk evolving. "Oh, just a mutual interest in run-of-the-mill guard duties and things, nothing major. Although, as it so happens, we both have younger siblings who are known to get a little anxious from time to time."

"Anxious? Hang on...Shining Armor, you didn't."

"Didn't what?"

"Earlier you said, 'embarrassing each other is what siblings do best'. You didn't spend all that time in there sharing embarrassing stories about Thorax and me, did you?"

Both sets of hooves came to a pause, and Shining Armor met his sister's scrutinizing stare with a sheepish smile.


"Oh, really. And I bet you told Pharynx all about the ladybug story you love to tell everyone about, so much."

"I-I did not!"

"And you probably forgot to mention the fact that you were the one who told me ladybug spots are, and I quote, 'extra eyes that watch you wherever you go', too."

"I-I never said anything like that. Why would I say something like that?"

"Because you had a mean streak as a teenager."

"I totally did not! Did we ever fight when we were growing up, Twiley?"

"No, but that has nothing to do with it. Just because we never fought doesn't mean you weren't a subpar big brother at times."


"What? It's true!"

"I'm hurt, Twiley. I thought you had more faith in me than that. Pinkie Pie said you once sang a whole song about how great our relationship is."

The echoes of the siblings' voices fell to silence as they descended along the summit's corridor staircase.

Comments ( 76 )

I'm honestly surprised I haven't seen these two together in a story before now, they really do have a lot in common.

Anyway thanks for the story, t'was really good.

A well-written and thoroughly entertaining exchange between two big brothers that we don't see nearly enough of.

That was SO good man. Absolutely loved the dynamic you gave Pharynx and Shining, just a great idea in general. Keep up the good work my good man :twilightsmile:

...now I want a Thorax and Twilight shipping story, those two would make a great adorkable couple :twilightblush:

Ha, ha, everybody is so in character all throughout this. What else can I say than that? That is what makes the story, here! :twilightsmile:

Great interaction between the characters. I also like how the conversation doesn't straight away talk about their siblings but they bond over other stuff first

That was great! Awesome story!

Absolutely adorable. Shining and Pharynx are best big bros.


Good story. Have a like and a fave.

Please write a story in which Pharynx meets Limestone Pie so they can exchange younger sibling stories.

There are a few floating around.

Amazing story, but I'm a little dissapointed that shining didn't ask thorax a certain question

This was a blast.

"Still, ladybugs are harmless. In fact, that's their entire reputation."

"Exactly what my dad said."


I got ladybugs in my old home every winter, and if you picked one up while they were hibernating, they were liable to bite your ass! I know this much from experience! And let me tell you, for something so small, those things can BITE.

This is adorable~

Heehe, nice story. ^w^

The ladybug reveal makes me wonder how Twi feels about Ocellus, since the young 'ling's carapace looks like a ladybug's.

Pharynx sneered. "Unfortunately though, I can match it. Thorax is terrified of spiders. To the point where even now he'd probably cower behind me, despite being both taller and bigger than I am."

Hee hee. I take it you're a fan of RossmaniteAnzu's art?


Thorax beamed a wholesome look, but it was swiftly lost to Pharynx's rolling eyes.

Quite the feat with compound eyes ^^;;;(yeah I know, changeling eyes can do that, and are not really compound)

That ending is masterclass, it’s really fantastic. ^^;;;

Yup! Ross and I are good friends, actually. :twilightsmile: We regularly inspire each other to make bugbro art in our respective craft in a back and forth, unending cycle. :pinkiehappy:

* Featured 2/27/19 - 12/28/19!

Dang, this story's so good it travelled into the future!

Jokes aside, I really liked this. As somebody who has a younger sibling, I find Pharynx and Shining's banter very relatable.

Oof, darn typos. :trollestia:

I've never had a brother but I've always wanted one, so I find myself drawn towards depicting the kind of relationship I'd enjoy having. :twilightsmile: Always happy to hear brothers give positive feedback on relatability! :pinkiehappy:

We the people have been waiting for this conversation between these characters. Thank you for your service.

Great work, as always!
I liked how you captured the bugbros' dynamic :twilightsmile:

I wonder what embarrassing stories Celestia and Luna have about each other. This is going to favs now.

I don't have to write a long comment now, so...


I didn't know I need this until I read this

Th is a very good one-shot.

Oh my god, this is adorable. I feel like there should be a follow-up conversation between the sets of siblings with the youngers yelling "You told him what? Well what about that time when you did [x]!"

If I was to do a follow-up, it'd probably be the inverse of this one - Twilight and Thorax talking about Shining Armor and Pharynx. :derpytongue2: We'd get insight to those aftermath conversations as told by each of them, and much more about the younger siblings' perspective.

I feel like that one would be even more adorable because, well, Thorax. :rainbowlaugh:


I feel like that one would be even more adorable because, well, Thorax. :rainbowlaugh:

I feel like I agree with you. :pinkiehappy:

"low and behold" should be "lo and behold" as in the archaic exclamation "lo!"

I have only text, and I must squee! I absolutely loved reading this! Adorkable is an insufficient descriptor :heart:

Personally, I don't understand Thorax's attachment to Pharynx despite the latter's consistent disinterest. Is it because of the times Pharynx came to Thorax's defense?

I wouldn't know anything about that.

Thorax is sentimental, so just the fact that Pharynx is his brother is enough reason for him to love Pharynx unconditionally. :twilightsmile: Pharynx is the same way, they both just have different ways of expressing it.

Thorax, being sentimental is very outgoing and forward with how he feels about those he cares about, both verbally and through actions. Pharynx is the opposite. His care only displays through indirect actions, like protecting Thorax from bullies when he was younger.

At the end of the day he's family, so Thorax cares about him, even if he is a grump. :pinkiehappy:

Someone hasn't watched the official MLP shorts. :trollestia:

Shining Armor blinked. "O-oh, I'm sorry, I totally forgot to mention! The royal summit today has left me a little scattered. Yeah, Princess Twilight is my little sister. I run the Crystal Empire with my wife, Princess Cadance, now, but I was actually born in Canterlot. For a time I was the captain of the royal guard there, and these days I'm in charge of the Crystal Empire's guard teams, instead."

She wasn't old enough for magic school yet and I wasn't old enough to enlist for royal guard duty yet, so we ended up doing almost everything together.

Cap. (name of group / organization).

It's funny, she's so grown up, now, the princess of friendship, but every time I look at her, she's still the adorkable filly who once proudly said I would be the only friend she'd ever need.

Cap. A title (like Star Swirl the Bearded; or Clover the Clever) / Epithet. It's something she's known by, but isn't technically what she rules (nation wise). Things like Alicorn of X; Princess of X; or even other similar titles given to one of the princesses of Equestria (such as Princess Luna, Princess of the Night, Guardian of Dreams, Destroyer of Nightmares, and Vanquisher of Dust Bunnies).


He keeps mentioning that the dragon lord has been helping him with his assertiveness, but I've seen little improvement./quote]

Cap. Official Title of the ruler.

"I mean, to be fair, earlier that year we had a huge swarm of ladybugs invade our house, and I think the sheer number of them freaked Twilight out, left an impression on her."

No the impression was you telling her all those spots were eyes watching her wherever she went.

(Glad he got called out on that by Twilight. Although I wonder what the story behind her Quesadillaphobia is ... or why it being "so cheesy" gives her shudders).

Meh ... not to bad a fic. I can definitely give it an upvote.

'Dragon Lord Ember' would be capitalized, but just 'dragon lord' would not need to be, unless it's a direct replacement for Ember's name in a sentence. Same goes for 'princess of friendship'. Titles like 'President', 'Prime Minister', etc are sometimes capitalized always, but this is a style choice, not a grammar rule.

Likewise, 'royal guard' by itself would not be capitalized unless used in a sentence like, "I'm Captain Shining Armor, of Canterlot's Royal Guard". It's not the same kind of officially named organization like say, the United Nations.

Basically, if the title/ephiphet is used as a direct replacement of their real name in a sentence, or if the real name is in any way attached to the title, then it needs to be capitalized, yes. If not, it's usually style choice and nothing more.

English is incredibly specific and confusing at times. Not the first time this has been pointed out to me, won't be the last, probably. :unsuresweetie:

I'm glad you enjoyed the story! :twilightsmile:

All of that was wrong.

1) https://www.englishgrammar101.com/module-11/capitalization/lesson-2/titles

Capitalize titles of heads of state, royalty, and nobility when they are used with names, in place of names, or as appositives. Members of the nobility are often called by their titles. Therefore, the title becomes an alternate name and is capitalized. Titles of nobility are also capitalized when they are the names of titles of state or nobility.

For Dragon Lord, it's replacing the name, and is used in place of it.

Also see said parts there for things like "Duke of York", or "President of the United States".

2) Epithet: a characterizing word or phrase accompanying or occurring in place of the name of a person or thing.


Epithets get capitalized since it's taking the place / used for a proper name. When you say Princess of X, noone needs to ask who that is. Because it is obvious whom your talking about. So it gets capitalized.

3) Much like the US Army, the Coast Guard, the Navy, or the Marines. Capitalize them. Especially since you're talking about the military organization. Read up on how to handle Military Capitalization rules, as well as Organization Cap rules.

So yeah. Cap them.

:derpytongue2: Huh, viewed the same website, but I guess I missed the ending clause of one sentence, there. For the record though, there's no need to get defensive and blunt. This isn't your story, so don't state things like orders, please, it's rude. :unsuresweetie:

I'm usually naturally blunt, and sorry for being defensive. It's just a problem I come across way to often (and usually have to waste time explaining things). So it's less defensive, and more generally annoyed by the short answer for why not doing it.

That said, yes it isn't my story. But in my initial critique I was constructive. Still got an upvote, and a fav. So it's not like I'm tearing into it, merely pointing out some (relatively few) errors in grammar that could be fixed.

Yeah I know, that's fine, my issue was based with your second reply. :derpytongue2: Thanks for clarifying, though.

You're welcome, and sorry that I came across as offensive. Take care and have a good day.

I can only imagine this being an unrestrained idolization-fest, which would be cringey in itself but unsurpassedly so after this, which featured the elder siblings rubbishing the younger behind their backs.

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