• Member Since 19th Oct, 2013
  • offline last seen May 22nd

Kamen rider yokai

Part of the displaced group. Likes adventure, machines and foxes with cats. Dragon fan and part of toa coy's writer group.


well this is not what usually happens in this situation. My name is James McCain and when someone sends me a blank ride watch at a convention of all places when I could have swore I saw Woz nearby I now have to go to school in a movie series while also having to deal with Kamen rider Zi-o's story. Luckily I got more of a social network compared to the original zi-o and a clear idea of my future. Still time jackers, orma zi-o, geiz and other surprises are going to keep me on my toes. The past, present and future are mine to protect! Let's restore time!

Chapters (12)
Comments ( 47 )

The toy itself has been out for how long? As for how James McCain got it, it was a simple mix up by the sender as he got the driver off eBay. Tsukiyomi ride watch is nearly identical to zi-o's own. The visor says tsuki in romanji on the ride watch which is the one difference. James fully plans on handing it and the ziku driver woz will try to hand him to tsukiyomi as a way to really keep geiz and himself in line.

I mean 'how does he have it?'. Tsukuyomi should be the only one that can activate it.

Maybe that's what we're supposed to think?

Damn, you got to me first. I’m also doing a Zi-o Equestria Girls displace story too.

Its the toy from our world. The belt comes with either the zi-o or geiz ride watch and the sender who sent James the belt mistakenly sent the tsukiyomi watch instead of the zi-o watch. I clearly said this in the chapter. Or its implied. James already has the ride watch that will become the zi-o ride watch as its what sent him into equestrian girls. Another build won't show up until sunset gets purged of her dark side. I'm already having a clear idea on who to make the another riders for this story.
He gave the ride watch at the convention that's all I'm saying
You just have to see. I will say the woz at the end of this chapter is not the woz that sent James a blank ride watch in the first place though. Give you something to think about.
I honestly didn't know that I tried to do this with regular mlp months ago but I barely remember the general info of the early series. This was the safest I can do as a jumping on point for the story. That and I'm going to be glossing over the school classes as I'm going to be more focused on the zi-o side with the interaction of the Equestria girls. Bet you can guess one of the plot twists I did besides have tsukiyomi and geiz look the part of natives in this world. Well its mainly tsukiyomi. That's all I'm saying here.

I'd believe it. If this wasn't a Displaced, and no one is ever that smart in them. Unless they make everyone incompetant, blubbering idiots.

I mainly had James act how I would act if I got a package unexpectedly. And was curious enough to see what it contained. Just touching it with his bare had bonded the watch to him and triggered the displacement. Though now there is a woz panicking about his lord and master vanishing from time thus erasing Oma zi-o from that timeline. Talk about ironic that the herald was what prevented his prefered timeline. I had fun doing that if I'm being honest.

Too rushed, nice premise, but you need to proofread and revise.

Thanks for the tip. I'm writing on my phone as its my only electronic I got right now so I had some difficulty just keeping the story somewhat decent. My laptop got stollen around September last year. Also I'm a bit excited as my birthday is next week on wendsday. A chance I can replace my laptop at least.


You need to fit in a new lore. Like the power of Zi-O was cast into the Multiverse. The Another Riders would be corrupted powers that came to life.

Good point but I will still have the actual riders in this world like sento only in roles fitting this story. That and unlike sogou my character does have knowledge of Kamen rider. There was a reason I put the AU tag on this story. The erasing rider history function of the ride watches will only work in james' current universe while I'm going to have to think on unique ride watches for other displaced he meets.

Here's an idea do what they did in the show but instead of zealot white woz u do a woz that is kinda like black woz but from a different timeline where he becomes a hero and is a mentor.(u can choose the color he's)

Ask and ye shall receive. Though next chapter im going to have to ask a certain author of a fourze displaced for a collab chapter to do the fourze arc in Equestria proper. I plan on doing the same with A Passing Through Kamen rider when I hit the decade part of the Ghost arc. Tsukasa is going to be busy with sougo so Wyatt will have to be the Decade for this story.

Well here you go. Start of the fourze/faiz arc... And a reminder for myself to continue cosmic friendship at some point.

Just checked this story, got my info delivered a couple of Daya algo, after work Will be working on my story

Oh thank God! I was starting to worry you had gone off the face of the planet somehow. Really the unintended test of patience was starting to get to me when I havent heard from you in months. At least we now know I can wait months before my patience snaps.

Yeah, I am mighty sorry, last two months have been crazy as fuck, also I was sick so I was in a ICU, just yesterday come back to my house

Well going to work on the side from me tomorrow a bit. Get back into the groove of this story when I can.

“Yeah still I and sunset have classes just try and not draw attention to yourself and spike dogs here don’t talk so try not to freak anyone out twilight if anyone asks to say he’s a guard dog your older brother insisted you keep with you. Here your brother is a cop. I actually checked” I told her.

I feel like Spike should really be upset about the whole dog stuff.
Especially with how he can't interact with anyone else or the fact he's reduced to a pet.
He really shouldn't be brushing this off.
In fact he should be questioning it a bunch(maybe for James to try to figure out why).

" He made us these making us Kamen riders contrail, Galaxy, nebula, Nova, grav, and flare” twilight informed.

Why didn't Spike get to be a Kamen Rider too?
It just doesn't seem fair he gets left out hard like that..

i ran out of astrological terms to use for him. black hole and ginga were already taken so yeah its just a case of running out of astrological terms I could use to make a rider.

Still though..
He really got the short end of the stick there..

i was planning on making him a wizard style rider anyway called kamen rider crystal. reason spike wasn't a rider in equestrian girls... well cant do much in a canine body.

Which Spike for the Wizard-style thing?

As for the Equestria Girls one, why not turn him human? Like have him be human in the first place or let him be able to turn into human at will at least. Its really not impossible to have a dog(who has a mind of a sapient being) to be able to turn into a human given how so many things are possible there.


Didn't you say you were looking for a Kamen Rider Wizard Displaced? Fortunately, I'm working on one now.

thank god! when the person i was originally going to have a crossover with deleted tales of a displaced wizard i ended up stuck from not being able to advance this story! let me know when your ready for the displaced to meet in a pm when you get to the point where the wizard displaced has had time to settle in I have the first part of that particular crossover on my end done for a year now.

Look up Hearth's Warming Tales on my page. Then Unforeseeable Consequences. Same character in both.

okay so let me send you my gmail in a pm so I can show you what I got so far on the wizard crossover for ruler of time and space and so we can work through it. i will have to edit it a bit as I was working for tales of a displaced wizard before it was taken down. a majority of it is not needing to be changed but I have to alter what woz will tell the group.

If I may ask.. why not make him human?
If you were going to have him be a Wizard-style Kamen Rider but can't due to him being a dog, then why not make him human?
Its really not impossible to have a dog(who clearly has the sapience of a human now) turn into a human given with what is going on.

Pretty curious, wonder what's in store for Spike in those two?
I plan on reading those two in the future actually.

Kinda surprised we didn't think of how the Putties were multiplying. Thinking Rita placed a Duplication Spell into the matrix making up that batch of Putties? Lol

and with all spells eventually, it wears off. which is why it didn't take us long after another wizard was dealt with that the putties didn't keep multiplying. also because they had an obvious weakpoint to exploit.

Makes sense... if Rita tied the Duplication Spell's power source to the Another Wizard Ridewatch... no Ridewatch... no power... no spell.

Nice to see this continuing.

Was I being bothersome about Spike? That I am pretty worried about..

nah just took a while to get a crossover going for the wizard arc as like I said the first story I considered was taken down so that made the story hit a brick wall until now.

Ok then. Which fic are you crossing over with now for OOO?

Wonder how things might go for Spike if I may ask in the story so far?

i try to space out displaced crossovers so the ooo tribute is more going to be for normal universe but I will change the whole event as a result of now that another wizard had completely different events than the original zi-o they story starts to change. so spikes rider form is going to appear during the rainbow rocks events just be patient cause ill work on that when I have the time for it.

Ok then.
Looking forward on seeing that.

Which arc does the Rainbow Rocks bit takes place in?

If I may ask, what would Spike's Rider form look like?

“I just met the local version of the guy that put me here and he gave a warning so you better stick close to me,” I told her when I just spotted geiz’ time mazine.

You know. If a Red robot trying to kill you comes out of nowhere. the best course of action is to not have your friend be close to you. Ever think of that.
Yes I am pulling a commander firebrand

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