• Published 2nd Mar 2019
  • 408 Views, 2 Comments

Mega Man I (1) - Emerldminer

Mega man was built by professor twilight to protect pony vill from doctor trixie.

  • ...

Chapter 3

The birds are chirping, the bunnies are hopping, and Rock was sneaking down the stairs to the lab....wait! what?! Rock, what are you doing?

"Hi, well I thought I could check out the new suit Twi has made for me," Rock says walking over to his suit.

But the chapter is supposed to start with you at Fluttershy's and is supposed to be a 2 parter.

"Ya, well I decide to do something else. If you don't like it, don't put it in the book," Rock replays putting on the Mega suit.

*Sigh* all right, but the next chapter will go as planned alright.

"Ok," Rock nods putting on his helmet. "I mean, this isn't the first time one of Emerldminer's books changed because of a 4th wall breaking character,"

The only time a 4th wall breaking character did anything in a book was when Pinkie interrupted the Reboot book. *Sigh* You know I just realized no one will get that references. Just, do what you want, I'm done.

"See you next chapter narrator dude," Rock says waving at the nonexistent voice. "Ok, now back to figuring out what Twilight did to my suit," Rock thinks, inspecting the suit up and down. "It doesn't seem like she did anything... wait, what's this" Rock Thinks, he pushes a button on his forearm.

Then he starts to shrink, he ends up only being 6 inches tall. "ok, not good," Rock says trying to reverse the effects, but to no eval. "Well, Fuck. I need to find Twilight," Right as he says that twilight Teleports in. "Well, speak of the nightmare herself," Rock thinks running over to the table as fast as his little legs can care him.

"Now to continue on the WHAT!" She yells seeing the suit is gone. "O! NO NO NO! It's gone! How could have taken it. Surely Rock didn't..." Twilight was interrupted by Rock.

"Hay Twi! down here!" Rock yells into his intercom as loud as possible. Twilight looks to the table to see Rock waving his hands in the air.

"NO NO NO! You didn't just use the prototype suit did you?" Twilight says rushing over, almost making Rock fall over from the wind.

"No! I got shrunk down by a rogue spell," Rock put as much sarcasm as he could muster, but Twilight doesn't seem to catch on.

"Few, I thought you used the suit," Twilight says wiping her forehead. Rock facepalms as Twilight seemed to have calmed down.

"That mare needs to learn sarcasm," He thinks as Twilight scratches her chin.

"Well, it will take me a while to find a growing speel, so you need to stay upstairs," Twilight says, Rock giving her a weird look.

"And how am I going to get upstairs?" Rock asks, Twilight turns around and cups her mouth with one of her hooves.


Rock in laying on the desk as Spike draws something.

"What you drawing there?" Rock asks standing up and looking at the paper.

"It's a family portrait," Spike says leaning back in his chair. The picture shows Twilight, Spike and Rock in front of the library.

"Isn't that when we first moved here," Rock says rubbing his chin.

"Yep! What do you think?" Spike asks as Rock walks onto the paper.

"Pencil please," Spike gives Rock the pencil. He starts to draw something on the right side of the pitcher.

"What are you doing?" Spike asks, but he gets no replay till Rock is done.

"Did you forget Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy were there too," Rock says giving back the pencil. The pitcher now shows Dash and Fluttershy off to the left a bit next to Rock.

"Ya, but neither of them are apart of our family. Their good friends don't get me wrong, but I was making a family portrait," Spike says lifting up the paper sending Rock falling onto the desk.

"Two things, one, now it's a memory picture, two..." He says getting up and rubbing his ass. "Tell me when you're going to lift the paper up next time," Spike chuckles and shakes his head. He walks over to the bulletin board and pins it next to some other drawings. Then there is a knocking at the door.

"I wonder who that could be?" Spike asks as he walks over to the door. When he opens the door, it reveals Rainbow Dash standing there.

"Hi Spike," Dash says smiling, it then falters a bit. "Where's Rock? Isn't he the one who opens the door usually?" Dash asks walking in.

"Ya, well he's kind of small right now," Spike says closing the door. Dash gives him a questioning. "Long story short, he used the prototype suit and shrunk himself," Spike says walking over to the desk.

"Then where is he?" Dash asks walking over to Spike, obliviously to Rock sitting on the desk.

"Over here!" Rock says Flailing his arms in the air. Dash takes a step back in surprise.

"Where did you come from?" She asks turning her head towards him.

"I was sitting here the whole time," Rock says in a matter of fact tone. Dash's eyes widen with a hint of sparkling. "Um... Dash, you all right?"

"I just realized you could check out my house!" She says smiling. Rock's eyes widened too.

"O...M...C... I could!" He yells jumping up."As long as I don't fall off your head,"

"I'll go check with Twi," Spike says walking down the stairs.

"So this is how it feels to fly?!" Rock yells over the wind, cling onto Rainbow Dash's ear.

"Yep, It feels awesome doesn't?!" Dash asks smiling. Rock is speechless as he looks around the beautiful view of pony vill.

"I'll take that as a yes," Dash thinks, seeing her house coming over the horizon.

"Is that your house," Rock asks climbing on top of her head.

"Yep, made it by hoove," She says landing on the cloudy surface. She opens the door at walks in.

"So, how are we going to make sure I don't fall through the floor?" Rock asks as Dash walks into the kitchen. She grabs a jar from a cupboard and dumps its' contents into the trash.

"This is how," Dash says wiping it out with a rag.

"Good thing I don't need air," Rock remarks jumping into the jar. The lid is screwed on as Rock sits down. "I'm a little tired, so I will power off ok," He says leaning against the glass.

"ok, I'll just bring you to my room," Dash says walking up the stairs. When she gets to her room, she places the jar with the already powered off Rock inside. "Good night Rock," Dash whispers kissing the jar and walking to her own bed. Sleep comes instantly for her as her head hits the pillow.

Rock's eyes open to see Dash sleeping on her bed. He smiles to himself and stands up.

"I should probably wake her up, but how?" Rock thinks Leaning onto the glass. The jar starts to tip over the eg of the desk. Rock smiles and backs up, he runs straight into the glass sending him and the jar over the desk. When it lands, it shaders into millions of pieces waking Dash up.

"ROCK!" Dash yells, shooting up from the bed and flying over to the glass ridden floor. Rock gets up from the floor and shakes his head. He looks up to see Dash flying over him. Not only that, but he has a clear sight of her pussy.

"Wow! Breach of privacy much," Rock says turning around and covering his eyes. He slowly uncovers his eyes to see Dash's tail. "Maby," Rock think running over to her tail and climbing up it. When he gets onto her back he yells for her. Her head turns to see Rock on her back.

"Thank Celestia, your ok," She says, letting out a sigh of relief.

Rock is on top of Dash, holding onto her ear as not to fall off as she is flying. He looks down at pony vill going by. Something catches his eyes.

"Isn't that the CMC?" Rock asks pointing at a picnic table.

"Where?" Dash asks turning her head a little to fast. Rock losses his grip and falls off Dash and lands into the pudding that Scootalo is eating. Scootalo yelps as pudding is splattered onto the table.

"What in tarnation was that?" Applebloom asks as Rock stands up and shakes off the pudding.

"It's just me guy's," Rock says stepping out of the pudding and onto the table.

"How did you get so small?" Sweetiebell asks as Dash lands behind Scootalo.

"It's a long story," Says Dash, scaring Scootalo.

"aaaa! It feels awesome to be normal sized again," Rock says stretching out on the table.

"You know you can get off the table now," Twilight says blowing on her horn.

"Ya, well I better get charged," Rock says getting off the table and walking up the stairs. Dash stops leaning against the wall and walks over to Twilight.

"You really need to tell him how you feel," Twilight says putting the suit on the table.

"Ya! Ya! I know, but what would he think me liking a Robot? If he doesn't like me like that, will we be friends?" Dash asks getting nervous.

"Don't worry, just tell him how you feel and go from there," Twilight says taking out the shrinking devices.

"Thats easy for you to say," Dash whispers to her self and walking up the stairs.

"I hope Dash asks soon, either that or Rock will tell her he likes her," Twilight chuckles to her self as she replaces the device. "This is like a reality TV show,"

Twilight, how do you know about TVs?

"Rock and Pinky aren't the only ones who can brack the forth wall," Twilight replays to the narrator.

Author's Note:

Hello, glad I can get this out this week, now as always. If you see any grammar, spelling, or just want to chat. Go down to the comment section down below. Thanks, and see you next time. :scootangel: