• Published 16th Jan 2019
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To Be a Changeling - PlagueRat

A newly hatched changeling feels like the world around is more strange than it should be but can't understand why.

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Chapter 35 -Sign

A group of thirteen ponies plus one collie trudged through the undergrowth of the Everfree. Winona sniffed along a recently made path, followed closely by Applejack, Lieutenant Silverspark and a contingent of selected guards.

“It happened just over there sir,” said Daybreak, her tone subdued.

The pegasus mare motioned to a spot of the forest floor where a struggle obviously occurred. Deep hoof prints, furrows of dislodged soil and dirty pegasi feathers of varying colors were scattered about, telling a silent story about the ambush.

“Oh mah stars,” Applejack said as her eyes followed the trail of devastation leading from a mutilated bush up into the broken branches of the surrounding trees. “That poor gal really had ah dern bad crash…”

Winona moved around in a circle, sniffed about the area and let out a little whine.

“I think that’s the way to the clearing where Chase, Galewing and I landed,” noted Daybreak as the group trailed Winona.

Ahead the forest opened up into a clearing with a large gnarled and leafless tree in the center. Upon entering, the Ponies all spread out and began searching around for any signs of changelings. The collie continued following the scent tail, circling the tree several times and started to head off back into the woods, heading east.

“Ya got them varmints scent girl?” Applejack asked, getting an affirmative bark in return. “Ata girl.”

Pupa giggled and clapped her front hooves together as Sandbar turned in a circle, showing off the costume insect wings that had been strapped to his back.

“Okay, now crouch down and hiss,” the nymph said.

Sandbar sighed, turned back around to face her, lowered his head a little and hissed softly.

“Not like that,” Pupa scolded, “Like this.”

The nymph set her front legs apart, hunched her shoulders up, turned back her ears, narrowed her eyes and let out menacing little hiss.

“Now you,” she instructed.

Mimicking her pose, the colt hissed through his teeth in her direction. Pupa hissed back, baring her fangs and buzzing her wings to encourage him on. Sandbar narrowed his eyes, inhaled a deep breath and hissed again, much louder than he had before.

“Rah!” Pupa lunged at the colt, causing the pony to whinny and stumble around in confusion as she clung to his side.

From a short distance away Chrysalis and Odonate watched as the nymph scrambled over Sandbar.

“It seems she’s exerting her dominance over the pony,” the old guard commented. “Ah, she has a good grip on the back of his neck.”

“She’s holding back,” Chrysalis observed, “only nipping and not breaking his skin.”

“Excuse me my queen,” Mosquito’s voice called out from the chamber entrance, drawing their attention. “sorry to interrupt but I have some odd news from ponyville.”

Gathered behind Twilight’s castle, a crowd of ponies chattered among themselves about the large object that had been erected by the reformed changelings and two royal guards. Some ponies even took turns having their pictures taken with Cricket, Maxilla and Tarsus while standing in front of it.

“Thorax…” Twilight said as she looked down at the scene from her castle’s sky gazing balcony.

“It turned out great didn’t it?” the changeling king asked, smiling and standing next to twilight, waving back at any creature that would wave up to him. “Just like you suggested.”

“I was being sarcastic!” she harshly whispered to him, looking like she was moments away from a major freak out. “Sandbar’s parents are going to see that sign and think I’m barely trying to get their son back! The dragons, griffons, hippogriffs and yaks will think I can’t keep my students safe and Princess Celestia will make me close the school down!”

“Really?” asked a perplexed Thorax. “I don’t get it. To me it looks like you’re trying everything you can to save sandbar.”

Twilight, looking terrified, trotted quickly in place while her eyes darted around as if searching for a place to escape.

“That can’t be true,” Chrysalis deadpanned, having trouble taking Mosquito’s report seriously.

“Hold on, I have a picture that I took of it,” said Mosquito as she used her magic to levitate a photo before the queen.

“Did they really think this would work?” Chrysalis asked, though more to herself. “There has to be something more to this.”

“From what I could tell, it’s just what it looks likes,” the attendant shrugged.

The queen frowned as she looked at the photo of a huge sign. Two wooden cut outs stood at opposite ends, one made in her likeness and the other in Twilight Sparkle’s. It had been crafted to resemble a speech bubble with Twilight saying ‘Hey Chrysalis, I’d really like to talk to you about your daughters’ foal napping; and if it’s not too much trouble, please return Sandbar because whatever’s going on, I can’t let it involve my students safety.’

“Mom?” Pupa asked, “is that supposed to be you?”

The nymph had coaxed Sandbar to stand behind her mother and was perched on his back. With her rear hooves on his withers and her front hooves on the top of his head, the colt gave her enough height to peek at the picture.

Still frowning, Chrysalis let her gaze lower from her daughter to the pony underneath her, who quickly avoided her eye contact by looking down and off to the side. A wicked smile slowly formed over her muzzle and her fangs poked out from her lips.

“Mosquito, do you have the camera still?” Chrysalis asked the attendant while turning to face Sandbar.

“Yes, my queen,” confirmed Mosquito as she levitated it out of her small satchel. “I have it here.”

“I think we should show the Ponies we’re not as evil as they make us out to be,” the queen said, her voice dripping with a false sweetness.

“My queen?” a very confused Mosquito asked.

Chrysalis pulled a surprised Sandbar over to her and positioned him so he was at her side. Finding his down turned ears and slouched over posture to be inadequate, she placed a hoof on his lower back and pressed forward until he sat up straight.

“Let’s send Sparkle a picture so she can see that her student is just fine under our care,” the queen said, now using her magic to adjust Pupa’s mane.

“Oooh,” Mosquito said, grinning and buzzing her wings as she quickly caught on.

“That means ears up and a nice toothy smile from you,” Chrysalis said to Sandbar, tugging the corners of his lips and the tips of his ears in her magic. “You don’t want to make us look like we’re being bad hosts, do you?”

“Uh, I guess not,” Sandbar said.

“What was that?” the changeling queen asked him with a very slight edge to her voice. “Drone.”

“Yes my queen,” the colt answered, getting a giggle from Pupa.

“Wonderful,” beamed Chrysalis, “now everyling smile!”

Winona stepped out from the shadows of the forest and into the light of the evening sun. After a quick sniff around she turned to look back in the direction she just came from, and let out a couple of little barks. A moment later Applejack, Lieutenant Silverspark and his troops emerged from the woods.

After a few more moments of sniffing around the ground, Winona finally stopped, turned to Applejack and let out a little whine.

“End of the trail huh girl?” the farm pony said, shook her coat free of debris and trotted up to the panting collie to give her an appreciative scratch behind her ears. “Well, ya did a good job Winona, atta girl.”

“So where are we now?” Silverspark asked, looking out over a steep cliff and at the rocky terrain beyond. “Is that Ramblin’ Rock Ridge?”

One of the guards unrolled a map, glanced over it, checked for any landmarks and then gave the Lieutenant the affirmative.

“Ramblin’ Rock Ridge huh,” muttered Silverspark as his eyes scanned over the far off cliffs.

“Me and the girls had us a little tussle with a pack of diamond dogs some years back,” Applejack informed the group, “but I ain’t heard much about um since.”

“Seems like a good place to hide out too,” the lieutenant noted, before turning back to the other guards. “Alright troops, the sun will be setting soon so we’re going to head back to camp. You all have five minutes to have a quick rest and a drink.”

The guards gave a salute and began preparing for the return trip. Silverspark trotted over to Applejack and politely removed his helmet.

“I want to thank you and Winona again for your help,” the stallion said. “When we get back I’ll send the princess an update of our progress and a request for additional assistance.”

“It was ma pleasure,” said the farm Pony. “When we get back I’ll let the girls know. I’m sure everyone of um will wanna lend a hoof to stop them changelins an save Sandbar.

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