• Member Since 10th Aug, 2014
  • offline last seen 20 hours ago

Miller Minus

Cherish the thought.


Princess Cadance is rudely awakened by a crying child.

It's not who you think it is.

"This is an excellent comedy."

"I think it's the character work that really makes this one shine."

"This story [...] Good job!"

Cover Art by Blues LeSharpe

Audio version!

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 37 )

Great story! I liked it! Good job.

Excellent bit about the wings c:

"This story [...] Good job!"


Anyone who’s ever had a newborn will get the feels for poor Cadance!

Well-written. Thanks!

Clearly, being the Princess of Love has its downfalls after all. :rainbowlaugh:

This was pretty cute! I dig the pillow callback at the end.

As I have already mentioned, this is great and so are you.

I am confused and strangely likening this short fic.

cute story.
:moustache: grow a pair?
:raritydespair: I'm a barren wasteland
:twilightoops::rainbowlaugh::ajbemused::flutterrage: not this again
:derpytongue2: derp

:trollestia: Even the princess of love can't fix stupid
:moustache: fix it? She married it.
who me?

I got a laugh, you get a thumbs up!

Author Interviewer

You've a deft hand at this. :D

This is how alicorns become Nightmares.:rainbowderp: Excellent fic!

"Later, much later, when she finally got some sleep, Cadence had a simply beautiful dream of picking up Flurry Heart and using her as a machine gun to mow down a great many Ponies - and a Dragon."

OK, this was just freakin’ hysterical!

Rarity tugged at her veil and glanced down the aisle, where Twilight stood ready to officiate and Spike looked to be on the cusp of hyperventilating. "And you're sure this is the right match for me, Cadance? Your love magic truly thinks that Spike and I—"

Cadance put a hoof to Rarity's mouth, grinning broadly. "Oh trust me, if the past six months have taught me anything, it's that you and Spike deserve each other."

I will honestly admit, I expected it to be Shining Armor

Rarity is dating a pony called Fashion Plate. Unfortunately, this is Rarity we are talking about, and, as we've seen from the show, she's horrible at relationships and very good at being overly-dramatic. So she comes to Cadance obsessing about every little thing, causing Cadance to lose sleep, even moreso than she did when FlurryHeart was a foal. Spike, meanwhile, lies to Fashion Plate and says that Rarity has been visiting the Crystal Empire so frequently because she's seeing another stallion. He does this in the hopes that they'll break up and Rarity will date him instead. But now he feels bad about lying and wants to talk to Cadance for advice...and Cadance just can't catch a break and go to sleep.

Yeah I can see this being the scenario that would drive Cadence to go into her Nightmare mode. What would that even be called? Love’s End? Friend Zone?

Well, pillow positioning is an important part in a relationship


Occupational burnout is a very real psychological crisis. Even for Princesses.

Nicely done. This made my preparations for morning commute slightly less dreadful

see this is what happens when you advertise yourself as the alicorn of love! Celesitia is the cakicorn of cake, nobody comes to her with a cake problem, and when they do she solves it by eating the cake

luna is the princess of sleeping, she solves sleep problems by punching them in the face and then going back to sleep


It has been proven through scientific studies. Women DO TOO hear babies crying when men can't & are less able to ignore it & sleep through it. I expect that some morning Cadence will pick up Shining Armor with her magic and drown him in the toilet bowl. :twilightoops: "Oh, darling, since you're up could you deal with the baby?"

If she accidently kills him, :pinkiegasp: No Big Deal. If there is even 1 mother with kids & a husband on the jury, she'll never be convicted


If there is even 1 mother with kids & a husband on the jury,
she'll never be convicted


Oh yeah, this. I love this.

Don't be. There are many great stories that have the "unconventional" writing style of not revealing everything surrounding the circumstances of the setting right from the start, but sometimes they can be just abit confusing if you're not in the right mindset to figure them out. Trust me, we've all been abit dumbfounded at one story or another that everyone else seems to get so easily. 😉

Obviously, someone didn't like that pun, if the one downvote is some indication.


And it was then, that a large pink, three-sided polygon appeared around Cadence’s cuties mark, as she ascended to become the princess of love triangles.

Poor Rarity in this, haha!
I love her usually, and while she's overkill here, it's hilarious.
Also a fun portrayal of best princess, who I feel bad for it is wasn't so much fun to read! Even just her one-word responses to everything were great.
Very cute, very fun!

I liked this. The comedy is simplistic and never calls for too much attention, making it easily digestible for the reader. I also really like the way you use imagery to convey a scene.

The coffee mug in front of her had too much milk and not enough coffee. The hard bench was all bum support and no lumbar support. Horizontal beams of orange light shone into the room, reflecting off of every surface made of crystal, which was all of them. Cadance looked as though she were alone at a disco that had become frozen in time.

This was nice and very elegantly put. Have a fav and an updoot. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to binge more of your stuff.

Howdy, hi~!

Oh my gosh, this was glorious. Cadance is amazing here and the character work on everyone present is absolutely amazing. I absolutely adore how you wrote Rarity and her ridiculous over-the-topness. The end moment with Shining was also a perfect bookend to this amazing short comedy. Absolutely brilliant. Thanks for the read~!

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