• Member Since 1st Jan, 2017
  • offline last seen 4 hours ago


"...what did I just even read." - Wintermist || "Pour la beauté du geste" || ooo || π


Starlight had left the castle in the morning. Everything had been perfectly normal.

Starlight had come back to the castle at noon. Everything was still perfectly normal.

Except maybe for the way Twilight had set the crystal castle on fire, and how she was currently sitting outside as the building burned to the ground.

But aside from that very minor detail, everything was perfectly normal.

Everything was exactly as it was supposed to be, going exactly as it was supposed to.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 19 )

Hmm... I'm sure there's a moral here somewhere, I just don't know what it is.

:rainbowhuh: I have so many questions.

So, a _really_ big spider?

Might have been a quesadilla...

A quesadilla spider! It's body is made of tortillas, and each of the eight legs is gooey, melted cheese.

I'm sorry but I don't know enough about popular music to recognize what song that lyric came from, and sadly enough neither does google.
I know that explaining the joke supposedly makes it "Less funny" but I really would appreciate it if you could explain what the punchline is here?

Uh... huh.

Sorry, this fell flat for me. There's leaving things to the reader's imagination, and then there's just refusing to actually tell the punchline.

Count the words, without the last four dots.

that just makes me more confused...

"I've got 999 problems but [blank] ain't one"? Really?

...It was a spider, wasn't it...

Oh.... Kay....


...I understand that it's a song ref from the other comments, but I still don't get it.

I can fit, like, at least 14 Petronas Towers between my head and the altitude the punchline of this fic was at when it flew over me.

Ok... Can anyone explain this to me like to a five years old?

a great example of surreal horror.

So, it's been a couple years, and I reread it...

Still have no earthly idea what the punchline is supposed to be...

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