• Published 31st Dec 2018
  • 2,375 Views, 54 Comments

Can Yona Talk to the Animals? - Tranquil Serenity

So, supposing Yona could communicate with spiders, what else can she communicate with?

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Can Yona Talk to the Animals?

"Yona have problem. Need advice."

The yak in question that had just referred to herself in the third-person was standing at this very moment upon Fluttershy's cottage doorstep, having unexpectedly dropped by to see her teacher this afternoon, and it wasn't even a school day.

"Oh, um... okay," Fluttershy responded through the open door, a little confused. "You don't want to talk to Starlight? She is the school guidance counselor, after all."

The yak shook her head, her dark braids swaying with the motion. "Yona think yellow pony know how help Yona with this better," she replied simply, her expression serious.

"Oh." Fluttershy blinked. "Alright. Come in, Yona."

The mare stood aside and Yona trudged her way inside the cottage living room, several small animals - a squirrel, a bunny, and a chipmunk - scampering into the next room as she entered. Fluttershy closed the front door and gestured to the green couch. "Won't you sit down?"

Yona emitted a small grunt of affirmation in reply and walked over, circumventing the coffee table to just by the indicated furnishing. She sat down abruptly, her larger yak frame making the pony sofa jerk to a tilt before falling back to the floor with a thud.

Fluttershy might've winced at this years ago, but she had grown accustomed to things a lot worse than this from Discord's visits to her home; instead, she flew over to a nearby bureau, retrieving the tea set that sat upon a silver tray. She presently fluttered back over to her guest, setting it gently upon the coffee table.

"Here," Fluttershy said, smiling as she hoofed a warm cup of chamomile to her guest, "would you like some milk and sugar with that?"

"Yona have three sugar," she responded. "No cream. Yak no like cream... Thank you." She grinned.

"You're welcome," Fluttershy replied warmly, the soft plush of tea barely audible as she added the requested number of cubes to the teacup.

Once she was finished, Fluttershy took her own cup into her hooves and moved to the armchair perpendicular to the sofa whereon her guest was seated. Yona sat quietly for a while, simply stirring the dissolving sweetness into the liquid in her cup.

After a few moments, Fluttershy cleared her throat softly, prompting Yona to look up. "Nice weather we're having," the mare remarked amiably, trying to dispel the silence.

"Weather not bad," Yona responded, placing her teacup back on the table. "Bit warm. Yona like snow."

"Oh? Well... I like snow too," Fluttershy remarked. "My friends and I have lots of fun in the wintertime." She smiled encouragingly.

Yona was silent, her expression despondent and her shoulders slightly drooped. Fluttershy looked to her expectantly. A few moments passed before Yona realized the mare's gaze was still on her, and she appeared to abruptly recall her reason for visiting Fluttershy in the first place. She straightened her form and looked to the pegasus with a determined expression.

"Yona come here to ask Fluttershy for help. Pony teachers say, cutie mark pictures show pony talent. Yaks no have cutie mark, but yaks plenty talented!"

"Well, of course, Yona," Fluttershy replied, smiling, unsure where her student was going with this.

Yona sighed tiredly, then after a moment continued. "Professor Fluttershy has cutie mark showing butterflies. But Yona knows Professor talk not only to butterflies, but also birds and bunnies, and all kinds of creature!" She flailed a hoof with her last sentence, emphasizing her point.

"Mmhmm," Fluttershy sounded over the rim of her teacup, encouraging her guest to go on.

"And for Professor, this her special talent. Talent pony dedicate whole of life to! Back in yak village, not many animals. Only yaks - yaks and snow. Recently, Yona make discovery." She leaned forwards and narrowed her eyes at Fluttershy, who shifted uncomfortably under Yona's intense gaze. "Yona. Speak. Spider," she finished, matter-of-factly, then she slumped back into her seat.

Silence hung in the air for a few moments before Fluttershy spoke, her eyes awide. "You do?"

Yona gave a curt nod. "Yona speak spider. Like pony speak butterfly. What this mean for Yona?"

Fluttershy opened her mouth to say something, but her lips simply closed again. She blinked, not sure exactly how to reply. Some moments later, the mare finally spoke, "can you communicate with any other animals?" she asked cautiously.

Yona shook her head. "Yona try with birds after learn could speak spider - just like Yona see Professor Fluttershy do in class, but Yona hooves make too much noise. Birds fly away. Birds afraid of Yona." The yak slumped her shoulders sadly. "Yona need help."

Fluttershy's eyes softened and a warm smile graced her lips. She got up and took a few steps toward Yona, placing a comforting hoof on the yak's foreleg. "Don't worry, Yona. I'll help you."

Yona smiled broadly, then abruptly enveloped the mare in a bone-crushing hug. "Yona knew Professor Fluttershy know how to help Yona!"

Fluttershy did her best to speak despite the absurd pressure squishing her. "Y-Yona." She coughed. "C-Can't breathe!"

Yona released her professor immediately, grinning sheepishly as Fluttershy gasped for air. "Yona sorry. Yak sometimes forget how strong yak is." She stood up. "What Professor want Yona do first?"

Now at least somewhat sufficiently recovered from Yona's hug, Fluttershy took one last gasp of air for good measure and smiled. "Well, Yona," she replied breathily. "I-I guess w-we'll start with a lesson on how to approach another creature... quietly."

"Professor's words sound good!" Yona beamed, grabbing her teacup and downing it in several big gulps. She smacked her lips and placed the cup back on the table with a clink. "Ahh! Pony tea good! We start first lesson now?"

Fluttershy smiled weakly, her demeanor suddenly turning to slightly wearied. "Sure, Yona. I... guess that now would be fine."


Fluttershy stood by a small tree in front of her cottage, proffering a hoof towards a bird that sat on one of its branches. The little red cardinal tilted its head curiously, then hopped onto her foreleg with a chirp. She smiled, turning her head to face Yona a few yards off behind her. "Alright, Yona," she whispered. "You can come over now."

Yona starting walking towards her teacher, her steps a bit heavy.

"Gently," Fluttershy reminded her.

Yona immediately slowed, taking quieter, more deliberate steps. She stopped once she got up close and stood beside her teacher. Yona's ears flattened against her a head, as she was feeling a bit nervous.

"There," Fluttershy said warmly, "now, hold out a hoof."

Yona did as the mare asked, and the pegasus brought her own foreleg to hang in the air next to the yak's. The little bird soon understood and hopped over and onto Yona's foreleg. Yona smiled broadly, glancing excitedly to her teacher and back to the cardinal that now sat on her arm, its head bobbing every which way and that.

"What Yona do?" she whispered.

Fluttershy smiled. "Crimson?" she said, turning to the bird. "This is Yona."

The bird tilted his head, singing out a selection of cheerful twittering sounds.

"He's very happy to meet you," Fluttershy said, smiling.

Yona sighed sadly, her facial features betraying her disappointment. "Yona no understand. Guess maybe Yona no speak bird, after all."

Fluttershy smiled. "Yona," she chuckled. "Crimson didn't say anything."

Yona balked. "What?"

"Animals don't use words as often as we do," Fluttershy explained. "Usually, they just prefer to convey emotions through sound. That may be why you didn't understand them whenever I brought them to class. Crimson's twitterings were happy - so that means he's happy to meet you."

Yona blinked. "B-But... that not real language."

"Well..." Fluttershy began, "animals don't often need words to convey their meaning. You might try to start a conversation with him though."

Yona's eyes slid back to the bird. Crimson emitted a long low tweet accompanied with a tilt of his head - he appeared quizzical. Yona thought for a moment. "Crimson like sunflower seed?"

Crimson chirped happily, hopping once or twice in place. By his enthused response, it was clear that the answer was yes.

Yona looked back to Fluttershy. "How you get bird to say word?"

Fluttershy stifled a giggle and hurriedly cleared her throat. "Well, try asking him a question that's more complex."

Yona let out a forceful sigh and narrowed her eyes a bit in determination. "What Crimson's favorite food?" she asked.

Crimson was still for a moment, seemingly deep in thought. Suddenly he emitted a very specific pattern of succinct chirps.

Yona chuckled. "Yona like pumpkin seeds too." Suddenly she gasped, looking to Fluttershy. "Yona understand bird!" she exclaimed.

Crimson flinched.

Yona immediately lowered her volume. "Yona understand bird."

Fluttershy giggled. "It seems that you do!" she affirmed, feeling delighted to bear witness to her student's discovery. "Should we try bunnies next?"

Yona nodded as she grinned, her braids bouncing alongside her happy face with the motion.


Chipmunks, squirrels, bunnies... even Harry the bear! Yona could communicate with them all, and do so even more effectively under Fluttershy's guidance. It was true that the animals hadn't talked with her much per se, but she could definitely understand them either way. Yona couldn't believe how much animals could say without talking!

"Yona can't believe how much animals can say without talking!" the yak exclaimed, grinning as her teacher walked her out.

Fluttershy giggled, stopping by the mailbox. "Oh, I'm so glad you dropped by! Now I finally have somecreature to share my love of animals with! It's so exciting!" She beamed.

Suddenly, Yona sighed tiredly.

"What's the matter, Yona?" Fluttershy asked, concerned by her student's sudden change in demeanor.

"Oh, Yona happy can talk with animals but... Yona still not know what this all mean."

Fluttershy raised an eyebrow. "How so, Yona?"

"Well..." Yona averted her gaze. "Professor Fluttershy talk to animals, and now Professor take care of animals all the time. Should Yona become animal taker-carer? Should Yona start own animal sanctuary after friendship school? Should Yona give up log tossing and focus whole life on new talent?"

"Oh my..." Fluttershy remarked, realizing how serious her student was. "Well..." Fluttershy continued, "I don't know that you'd have to give up... what was it?"

"Log tossing," the despondent yak replied.

"Yes, log tossing. Not if you love to do it. You don't have to do anything you don't want to, Yona. I care for animals and I still find the time to teach at the school and help my friends." Fluttershy smiled warmly at the young yak.

Her student glanced up, eyes still sad but her tone hopeful. "Then... Yona can still become whatever Yona want to become? Even great storyteller like Rockhoof and animal-carer like Fluttershy?"

Fluttershy nodded.

Yona's face lit up. "Yes! Today best day ever! Yona learn can speak with animals and make plenty new animal friends, all without having to give up what Yona loves!" She suddenly lunged at Fluttershy, the mare sounding out with an 'eep!' before abruptly realizing that Yona's grasp was much gentler this time. Fluttershy sighed relievedly, melting into the hug.

"Yona thank Professor Fluttershy with all Yona's feelings!"

Fluttershy giggled. "You're welcome, Yona."

Yona released her teacher and smiled brightly. "Can Yona come by tomorrow for more lessons?"

Fluttershy smiled warmly. "It would be my pleasure, Yona."

Author's Note:

Please direct your grammar and spelling corrections to PM. Thank you. :twilightsmile:

Comments ( 54 )

This story is like a stew. Wholesome, simple, and filling. Great work!

Careful now. You've already given me type 2 adorabeetus

Yona is best Flutteryak!

Happy New Year's Eve!

This is adorable, and captures the feel of the show perfectly. I could see this being made into a short.

And so, the special power of the element of Kindness is shown to hold true.
What power, you ask? Why, being an omniglot.

That's okay, I prefer the corrections to not. :raritywink: Funny, I always think of him as a 'Henry'. :twilightoops:

What is the word for what Fluttershy is anyway? :rainbowhuh: An animal caretaker? :applejackunsure: Ahh well. :derpytongue2:

Comment posted by Tranquil Serenity deleted Jul 1st, 2019
Comment posted by PoisonJokey deleted Jul 1st, 2019
Comment posted by Tranquil Serenity deleted Jul 1st, 2019
Comment posted by PoisonJokey deleted Jul 1st, 2019
Comment posted by Tranquil Serenity deleted Jul 1st, 2019

We could always turn to the show on the matter then--it's been pretty consistent at referring to the pegasus ponies as, well, pegasus ponies. So if nothing else, canon would seem to support it, and I would think that stands for something.

Anyway, nice little story. I can definitely see Yona being animal-savvy like Fluttershy, but with a bit more yak flare, of course. :twilightsmile:

Aw, so cute! It would be nice if this actually happened in the show. Could easily see it!

Eroraf pleased with yak story. Yona is best yak. Author make more stories about Yona?

Hehe! :pinkiehappy: Well, I honestly don't know. I write where my thoughts take me. :raritywink: It could be though. :twilightsmile:

Reader like story bout Yona speaking animal. New head cannon.

Thanks! I'm glad you enjoyed it. :twilightsmile:

It looks almost like it's an episode in S9.

Nicely done.

Actually one wonders if there are other ponies who could speak bird etc but do not take the time to listen, especially if they don't verbalize all that often. Being able to speak to animals would be a huge depth addition to Yona, especially because she would have to tone down her nature to do it.

Well, she was able to be gentle with the spiders. Of course it would be interesting to see a character with that talent who tended to just hang out with bigger animals like the bears and manticores. :derpytongue2:

Great story about best yak. Would love for this to be an episode of the show in Season 9. :yay:

Comment posted by Shadow Star deleted Jan 2nd, 2019

Awww... :twilightsmile: This was cute and fun reading. I liked it a lot!

Now this was an adorable piece of Slice of Life.

Love the explanation about how some animals convey messages via sound rather than words. A nice touch.

Thank you so much! :raritystarry:

Yeah, I figured I had to have an explanation as to why this had all never been brought to light beforehand, when Yona had obviously been exposed to animals before in the classroom. :twilightoops:

this question actualy opens a can of worms that people don't tend to realize.

if yona can speak to animals, and yona clearly being the next element of kindness the implication is that the ability is granted 'by' the element of kindness and is 'not' fluttershy's tallent
this doesnt mean that her tallent isnt animal related, perhaps careing for them is her tallent and being able ot talk to them is just iceing on the cake.
but still that then turns to the other mane 6 members...
how much of there power is 'really' theres?
how many of there acomplisments actualy come from there own effort

better hope RD never hits on this thought, the idea that the only reason she made it into the wonderbolts was because of the power granted to her by loyalty might crush her.

I don't know about that, it could be a coincidence and not so much a direct correlation. Besides, Yona isn't the only one who could represent 'Kindness'. Ocellus is a pretty good candidate for such a thing also. :applejackunsure: Additionally, Rainbow Dash was a great flyer even pre-series and pre-elements - clearing the sky in "ten seconds flat". I believe that their virtues and talents are separate things. :eeyup:

This is a good natural follow-up to Yona speaking to the spiders, and done very well. Cute happy story, and Yona was written well, which I imagine must have been its own fun little challenge.

except its been stated they were destined for the elements before they even met, the first rainboom tied them together, it is very posible the tree of harmony used a good chunk of its waneing power to pull that off

actualy one second theres a way i can setel this *checks school raze and sees what color the glow on each of htem was*

thats was unexpected
k by color matchup here, yona is honesty
sandbar is kindness
smolder is generosity
silverstream is laughter [we kinda already figured that out]
and galus of all things is bucking magic...
ocelus however her aura color is new, her color is 'white' that doesnt match to a known element...so i half wonder if the elements will manifest thru diffrent virtues for them sot he colors dont match up right...

then again white contains all other colors, maybe because shes a shapeshifter ocelus can weild any element she wants?

Could be that she's loyalty. White is the absence of all colours, which is an interesting little wrinkle given that Changelings of her ilk share love with each other, which 'purified' them (which white is normally representative of) and the love of her friends will be what sustains her.

Or it's an animation error and will be fixed at a later date.

I think the colors used for the elements in season 8 match the coat colors of their bearers instead of the color of the jewels (that's why there's no red loyalty aura or dark purple generosity aura).

So Gallus: magic (go figure)
Ocellus: generosity
Yona: honesty
Smolder: loyalty
Silverstream: laughter (a perfect fit)
Sandbar: kindness

I don't agree with most of those assignments, but that's the auras they were given.
Personally I'd make Yona kindness (talking to spiders and getting too into lessons from Iron Will parallels Fluttershy, not to mention her helping Rockhoof),
Ocellus magic (most magical of the group, and friendship/love/magic literally transmogrified her entire race, plus being the biggest nerd since s1 Twi),
Smolder honesty (the Tree's test for her showing her the value of being honest with yourself matches up with young AJ's lesson of a similar nature),
Sandbar loyalty (his test from the Tree and gambit with Neighsay were all about loyalty to his friends),
and Gallus generosity since he's probably the only griffon (outside of Gabby and maybe Gilda) with a concept for it. Could possibly argue that him helping Silverstream was giving her what she needed to help herself instead of helping directly.

Yona can help communicate with the giant pony-eating monsters, and maybe convince them not to try to eat ponies all the time.

But not the chimera. #1, they can already speak with ponies fluently. #2, they like eating ponies anyway...

That makes me wonder, does each head have a particular taste for various pony types? Do the hydra's heads, for that matter? THIS DEMANDS EXPERIMENTATION!! FOR SCIENCE!! I'm sure we can figure it out with just a few... dozen... pony 'volunteers'... :pinkiecrazy:

How did I miss this?! :pinkiegasp: Thank you very much for your kind words! :twilightsmile:

Very nice! I only wish there was more to the story.

Thank you. :twilightsmile: Happy you liked it enough that you could've read more. :raritywink:

Such a wonderful story.

:pinkiesad2: this made me cry happy tears. Yona is best young six.

I'm glad you enjoyed it. Thanks for reading! :twilightsmile:

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