• Published 22nd Dec 2018
  • 4,475 Views, 468 Comments

To be a Breezie - Obsi

Trapped in the world of the breezies, Twilight has to learn how to be a breezie and help her clan make it through the winter. And like every time learning is involved, she is quite eager

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Chapter 19- Lover's Spat

“Where’s the rest, Twilight?!” Honeydew’s voice rose as he pointed at the empty bowl, his voice trembling.. I couldn't tell whether from anger or desperation.

“I-I’m sorry! I thought- I thought-” The words came out as an unintelligible stammer. Only now did it dawn on me that when Marsh had said ‘your rations’, he’d meant it for both of us. I lowered my eyes, unable to watch as Honeydew’s face fell.

“So you ate my rations?” he whispered, shivering on the spot as he held his obviously aching stomach. “You just ate them all?!”

“I didn’t know-” I tried to plead, but Honeydew threw the bowl to the ground, shattering it as he screamed.

“WE’RE ON RATIONS, TWILIGHT! I told you like a dozen times.” With a frustrated grunt, he kicked several shards into a corner.

Wilting under his glare, I slowly backed into a corner. Never, even with Hippe had I seen him… like this. He’d been the most stable of us during our entire journey, barely ever complaining about the cold or fatigue, as much as I could see it wear on him- he’d been so focused that it became easy to think he’d somehow suffered less than me and Kalypso. Now he’d reached his tipping point. “I-I’m sorry.”

“Great, you’re sorry!” he snorted. “Sorry won’t let me eat, Twilight! Or maybe you can apologize the hunger away?!”

“Honeydew, it was a misunderstanding, if we explain it to the elder, I’m sure we can get you some food.” I reached out a hoof, forcing my lips to form a weak smile as I met his eyes. “We can just clear it up-”

“Twilight.” Honeydew interrupted, his voice quiet at first as he lightly shook his head. “Has a tornado gone through your brain!? We’re! Rationing! We can’t ask for more because that’s the point, how do you not know what that means?! Have you never had to ration something before?” His feelers glowed like little flames as he snarled those words filled with incredulous anger. My back was squeezed against the wall as I swallowed, my throat impossibly dry as I croaked the only answer I could give.

“N-no. Back in Equestria, I never had to!”

Honeydew’s grimace morphed from rage to shock, his mouth, ready to scream again, now opening and closing. “W-what?” he muttered, stumbling over his own words. “Do you not have winters where you come from?”

“No, we do. But Equestria is different, Honeydew. Ponies are different.” Meeting his confused gaze, I silently pleaded for him to understand. “Ponies are bigger than breezies, and our- well, I guess you could call it our clans, they’re much larger, too.” I drew a shaky breath as he sat down, obviously finding it hard to take it all in.

“You’re not large.” he countered, holding out a hoof as if to measure my size.

“I made myself small to fit in, honey.” I explained, a little smile forming on my lips. “But winter… it has never been a problem for us, you see? We can grow enough food, and our burrows are build so we can light fires to keep us warm all the time. Heck, the pegasi decide when winter starts and we all clean it up when it’s done.”

“You clean up winter?” he gasped incredulously, forgetting to close his mouth at the end of his sentence.

“Heh, y-yes, we do. but it takes all of us at once, I-” my face fell as I realized what he would ask next. “I’m sorry, I can’t without the other ponies.”

“Oh.” he whispered, his gaze slowly hardening as he hunched over, holding his stomach. “So you can’t help us.”

“I would if I could-”

“And winter is no problem where you’re from.” he continued through clenched teeth.


“Then why,” he cut off my worried words. “Why do we have to FEED YOU?!” What began as a growl ended in a deafening shout, sending me back into the corner as his feelers nearly blinded me with a flash of light. “You’re saying that your clan’s food never runs out, that you can end winter at will, but you need us to share our supplies, that we have to risk our lives for?!”

“I didn’t plan to, I-I just got lost!” I protested weakly, heart beating in my throat.

“You could have stayed back home, you could have come at any other time!” he cursed wildly, stomping all over what little space there was. “But noooo, you came during winter, when we struggle to even survive, but I guess that’s just child’s play to your incredible, tall pony clans, who don’t have to do the same!” I whimpered as he pointed his hoof at me, his teeth clenched tightly. “You’re weak! You whine when we travel, you’re can’t find your way in the forest, you can’t even wake up on your own! You’re-” his voice broke as he searched for the right word. “You’re a burden for us!”

“I didn’t want to!” I shouted back, hot pressure building behind my eyes as I searched his expression for anything but that burning anger. “Honeydew, I want to help-”


My blood froze as I stared at him, turning into little icy shards which painfully cut up my insides. Something wet and salty rolled over my quivering lips as I couldn't move, his words echoing in my skull over and over. I wanted to defend myself, I hadn’t even planned to end up here- but his words still rung painfully true. They were stuck with me, and I, I couldn't do anything for them in return! “You know that if I could-”

“I don’t wanna hear it. Get out.” he hissed, jotting his hoof out to the door.


“GET OUT!” he screamed, panting as he punched his hoof outwards again for emphasis. Lowering my head, I obeyed, kicking the ‘door’ open with a frustrated shout. With one tearstained look back, I dashed away. Honeydew looked after me, his glared softening for a moment, before he huffed and closed the door after me.

The moment he did, I sat down, leaning my back against an icy wall, ignoring the stinging feeling in my insectile wing as I pressed my face into my hooves. I’d lost him. After barely even having a chance to understand our relationship, it was gone, like an organ falling out of a dissected frog. Something that slipped through my hooves before I’d ever gotten to know it! He had been right, I was putting our- no, his entire clan in danger, just by being here. By eating! I slammed my tear-drenched hoof into the ground. If only I’d never ended up here, this never would’ve happened at all!

“Shut up!” I shouted at my brain, beating a hoof into my head. “Shut up, shut up, shut up!” But despite that, I couldn't chase away the mental images of me and Honeydew on that branch on Myrmelsday… before seeing his angry glare as he snarled at me to go away. Wiping a hoof over my damp face, I simply sobbed, hoping that no breezie would come to see me like this.

Maybe, if I’d been a little quieter, I would’ve heard Honeydew do the same.


Should I not have told him? Even as the flow of tears had stopped, my mind couldn't focus on anything else as I sat in the utter darkness of the random tunnel I’d hid in. I didn’t light my feelers. No breezie should see me like this, with most likely reddened eyes and a disheveled mane, like Rarity when she was having a sad day...

If only there was some way I could help the clan, but I wasn’t close to powerful enough to stop winter! Nor could I suddenly procure a large amount of food without knowing where to look for it, and if the breezies knew, they would’ve brought it in already! My stomach gurgled, taunting me with it’s fullness, reminding me of my crucial failing to truly grasp breezie life. But how could I? My previous way of life practically spat on their efforts! How would I feel if I learned that in the future… in the future- HECK, I HAD TROUBLE THINKING OF AN EXAMPLE! But if some pony was able to instantly learn any spell I’d worked my flank off to perfect just by observing them? Honeydew had every right to be upset! Once more I felt pressure building behind my eyes, but I vigorously shook my head. No more crying, I thought as I breathed out through clenched teeth.

“Twilight?” The familiar voice was accompanied by a loud coughing

My head surged upwards as I pressed my body into the icy walls. The attempt at hiding became futile however as lights began to emanate from Kalypso’s feelers, mirroring in her red and yellow eyes as if they were glowing. “There you are.” she said, her motions stiff and slow as she approached

“H-how did you know I was here?” I was almost shocked to hear my own husky voice. I couldn't even try to sound like I was okay.

“I just knew.” Kalypso shrugged as she leaned against the opposite wall, her feelers creating a circle of light around us. “What happened?”

Wiping a hoof over my eyes, I had to bite a lip to not blurt out an answer. I didn’t want to trust anyone but Honeydew with what I was- but what if he told the others? Would the elder still be willing to offer me shelter if he knew? Would Honeydew? Part of me wanted to run back and force him to promise to never tell anyone- but how could I make that demand, especially now?

If the clan kicked me out… I could only hope that I’d be able to find my way back to the portal before I freeze to death. Or get eaten. Or starve.

“Uhm, Twilight, are you all there?” My eyes suddenly focused on Kalypso’s hoof waving in front of my face. Torn from my shocked state, I almost had to snicker. Way to further that image of the mentally challenged mare, Twi!

“I’m fine.” I assured the worried Kalypso. But what could I tell her? “I just had a fight with Honeydew, is all.”

If my answer appeased her, she didn't show. Instead, her eyes narrowed. “You fought? Over what?”

“I accidentally ate his ration for today.”

“Then give him yours.”

“I ate both.” knowing the incredulous look she would give me, I lowered my head in shame..

“Oh, that would set him off alright…” she muttered, feeling her own stomach, the memory of the constantly nagging hunger all too real still. “So he kicked you out?”

I nodded, unable to tear my eyes from the ground.

“Well, you can’t stay here moping until you fall asleep- and then get sick. Trust me, I would know.” Kalypso said, her head pulling back before coughing repeatedly in her hooves.

“A-are you okay?”

“Windchime takes care of me.” she sniffled, drawing a hoof over her muzzle. “He says it's a normal cold, so I just gotta rest and deal with the headaches and the coughing for a bit. Now follow me so I can get back to that.”

“Sorry.” I exclaimed as I drew myself up- and let out a yell as my sore muscles protested against the movement, having finally gotten a chance to rest. Still, I forced myself up, grimacing as I now mirrored Kalypso’s stiff gait. “Are we going to your place?”

“No.” she grunted, before coughing into her hoof once more. “You’ll see.”

Under different circumstances, I would have continued questioning her, but with my mind as fixated on the past argument as it was… “Honeydew said I should go back to my own world.”

“That makes sense,” Kalypso sighed. “From a practical viewpoint. We do want to preserve as much of our supplies as we can,especially with how long the winter lasts…” she shook her head. “But he likes you, so I don’t think he really meant it.”

“Well, he said it anyway.” I muttered, my gaze hardening.

“Well, you don’t have a choice.” she said sternly. “You can’t go back, so you couldn't-”

“But I could’ve stayed with Hippe’s clan.” I’d been thinking about it for the last few minutes. Her clan had all the supplies they needed, in excess in fact. Hippe would’ve probably welcomed me. And if Elder Mormo refused, well, we could’ve called in the favor she’d claimed she owed us. And yet, it hadn’t even crossed my mind until today. Why? Because I’d started to see this clan as mine? Well, even if that was true, it might not last much longer! No… it probably because Honeydew would be going back, and I wasn’t even able to imagine not following where he went. My anchor of safety in this world. That was over, too.

I furiously shook my head, trying to rid myself of that thought, when I felt Kalypso’s hoof reach for my shoulder. The next moment, the light from her feelers grew in intensity, until it revealed a clay house more than twice as large as Honeydew’s, possessing an actual straw roof, although I could only see the edges of that from under the mass of snow.There was a warm glow emanating from a door crack. An actual door, actually carved from wood instead of a slab of bark.

“Here we are.” Kalypso muttered, rapping her hoof against the door. “You’ll be able to sleep here. Don’t worry, I’ll tell Honeydew where you are.”

Before I could muster an answer, the door creaked open, and a high-pitched gasp came from the breezie filly behind. “Frindri Kalypso!” Harpy exclaimed, throwing the door open invitingly, revealing her two older sisters behind. Charybdis jerked away from a lightly glimmering sizzlepit to give Kalypso a surprised stare, while Skylla’s eyes rested on me, the oldest sister wearing a light frown.

“Sorry, Harpy, I’m only here to bring Twilight over.” Kalypso explained, before pulling up her nose. “I’m a little exhausted from the journey.”

“With you, right?” Harpy turned to face me with an excited grin. “You two and Honeydew travelled through the ice! How was it?” Her face fell as she glanced back with an annoyed huff. “Skylla says to always stay inside once the snow falls, cuz it’s not safe.”

“I’ll leave you alone now.” Kalypso smirked as I was dragged inside by the eager filly. “Good luck resting!”

Good luck indeed, I thought as I was suddenly seated between the three sisters next to the sizzlepit. Their house didn’t seem much different from Honeydew’s, although certainly more spacious. Also, their higher ceilings allowed banners of silky fabric to hang from the ceiling, before looping back up- wait a second. I had to blink and force me sleepy mind to refocus. Those were hammocks! Breezies sleeping in hammocks, three of them, each hanging lower than the one before, presumably to allow the younger sisters to climb up easier.

“So, how was it?” Harpy asked, scooting closer until our sides were practically touching.

“Exhausting.” I answered with a soft smile. “You should be glad you’re not out there. We- we didn’t even know for sure we’d even make it back.”

“Nu-uh. Honeydew always comes back.” Harpy beamed.

For some reason, Skylla let out an annoyed huff behind her back. “Maybe you should let the poor mare rest, sweetie.” she said. “I can see from here how tired she is.” From the way her eyes trailed over my face, I could tell that wasn’t all she saw.

“Aww… but I wanted to know if she was gunna marry him!” Harpy pouted.

I think I would have worn the brightest of blushes, if that question hadn’t been like a thorn rammed deep into my chest. “M-marry him?” Taking a long, shallow breath, I tried my best to form a natural smile. “Where did you get that idea?” Just look at the smile, nothing to question here…

“Well, Echidna said he fancied you-” Harpy began, just to be interrupted by Skylla.

“Echidna always has some theory like that. She was probably just teasing him.”

“But then I talked to Marsh Grass earlier, and he said that Honeydew told him he kissed Twilight.”

Now I couldn't help the heat rising in my cheeks, especially as three pairs of eyes fixated on me. He’d told him?! Without asking me first? But that sudden touch of annoyance evaporated as the all-to-recent fight came back to mind. It was over, anyway…

“Twilight, what’s wrong?” Charybdis spoke for the first time, her voice soft.

“Yes,” Harpy grinned. “Did you kiss him?”

“Shush, Harpy.” the older sister hissed.


“Shush!” she demanded sternly, gaining surprised glances from both her sisters. “Twilight, what’s hurting you?”

Was I that obvious? Judging from her glance, it must be. After a long sigh, I told her. How we’d been so exhausted after our journey. My mistake in eating his ration. The following argument, excluding the parts about me being a pony. “And then he said I should go find the portal to my world and leave.” I closed, lowering my head. Why did it hurt so much? Eventually, I was going to leave for my own world anyway. plus, it was practical! And still, those words from his mouth- they stung. Badly.

“Well, if you do find it, take him with you.” Skylla said, glowering into the sizzlepit. “That way we’ll have two less mouths to feed.”

My jaw dropped at the coldness of her words while my mind came to a full hold. “H-he’s your brother! How can you say that?” Harpy seemed similarly aghast, though Charybdis only let out a heavy sigh.

“How I can say that?” Skylla sneered. “Because my brother is a hypocritical, skittish mouse!”

“He’s not a hypocrite!” Before I’d realized what I was doing, I’d jumped to my hooves. “And he is a brave stallion, there’s nothing skittish about him. He faced down a rat for Cel- for… Frinjìons sake!”

“Oh, he is.” Skylla snarled, rising to her own hooves. “You’ve met Hippe, right? I bet Honeydew told you all about her.”

“I-I know she is very sorry for what she did. And I think he is starting to forgive her-”

“He doesn’t have any right to be mad at her!” she hissed.

“Of course he does.” I retorted, my tone rising to match her increasing volume. “She just left all of a sudden, leaving him with all the responsibility without even a warning-”

“HIM!” Skylla’s hoof punched the air as she shouted the word. “Oh, that’s a good joke. Do you think that when Hippe left, he actually assumed responsibility? No, he was going to become a scout, so instead of taking care of his younger sisters, he’s been out in the woods smelling flowers and pocketing the best bits of all the food he found. And guess who was in charge while he was gone? ME!”

My jaw dropped. It was true, Honeydew was a scout. He’d even commented on how little time he sometimes spent in the village, that’s why his hut was so minimal after all. But the idea of Honeydew leaving his family like that didn’t seem to fit him at all… and also shone new light on his conflict with Hippe. I almost wanted to shout back, call Skylla a liar, but hadn’t Kalypso said something similar? You don’t even realise the full story. reserve your judgement until you understand. Then you can judge her. And him.

That… was a bitter pill to swallow. I watched as Harpy hid in the back of the hut, trying to avoid her big sister’s anger, while Charybdis busied herself tending to the sizzlepit.

“He’s a good breezie.” I said quietly, as if to affirm it to myself. “Maybe he made a mistake…” shaking my head, I tried to banish the memory of him screaming at me. reserve your judgement. Kalypso’s words rang in my ears as I met Skylla’s glare. Once again, I had one side of the story, a side that was bent on making him seem as ugly as possible, like tartarus I was just going take her word!

“I’ve met him as nothing else than a nice and patient stallion. Maybe he has limits, we all do, but he’s never lied to me and he has been helping me ever since I got here. And whatever you say, he is loyal to his clan, and to you. He would never forsake you and come with me through the portal.” With that, I clambered to my hooves, grimacing as my muscles ached. “I’ll see you later.” I whispered as I made my way to the door. There was no way I was going to sleep here, next to his bitter sister, instead of using his coat as my pillow. Determined to do whatever it took, be it apologize, plead or even sleep outside in the cold, I stepped outside.

And came face to face with Honeydew. We both took a step back at the sudden appearance of the other. He looked truly tired, like he’d just walked a marathon without a chance to rest. Inwardly, I slapped my brain for pointing out the obvious, that’s what we’d literally done! His movements were sluggish, just like mine, and his eyes were bloodshot- he’d been crying. Why- I was the one who cried, he hadn’t done anything worth crying about! “Twilight!” he exclaimed, his voice full of relief as he stepped closer. “Kalypso told me you would be here, but I was so worried, that you might have left without a plan.” he swallowed. “I-I’m so sorry.”

He was sorry? No, no, I was supposed to be! “Y-you don’t need to apologize-”

“Yes, I do!” his voice rose as he cut me off. “I said stupid things, because I was hungry and angry, but that’s not an excuse!”

“You were right, though.” I whispered. “I came at the worst possible time.”

“But you still came here on accident.” he reasoned, reaching for my hoof. “I bet whatever placer you were planning to go to was well prepared for you.”

“Well, yes, but-”

“Then it’s not your fault.”

“But I could have stayed back with Hippe’s clan!” I exclaimed, glaring at him, daring him to somehow absolve me from that blame. “Her clan would’ve been able to handle me better than yours.”

He fell silent, wearing a sad gaze. “It’s too late for that, Twilight. Travelling there now would be too dangerous.”

I let out a long sigh, before meeting his eyes, my lips quivering “Honeydew, I’m so, so sorry for eating your ration today, I should’ve been thinking, I should’ve known-”

“I’ll… be better tomorrow.” he smiled, though there was pain clearly written in his expression. “I forgive you, Twilight, I-” his voice broke as he searched for words, his hooves held out slightly, as if unsure whether he wanted to offer a hug or not.

Well, I was sure! Diving at him, I melted in his embrace, tension rolling off my muscles as his gentle pat of my back began to mend my heart.

Behind me, I could hear a gasp. Harpy stood in the doorway, grinning, calling for Charybdis to see. Instantly, me and Honeydew broke away, giving each other self-conscious glances.Suddenly, he took my hoof, and we disappeared into the dark tunnel,. I let out a quiet chuckle as a warm feeling grew in my chest. Maybe there was still hope for us. Maybe, if I couldn't back to Equestria, there was a life for me here. The thought ended in a giggle as the sound of one disappointed filly followed us.


Author's Note:

Welcome back, breezie fans. Once more I actually struggled to get it done on time as the chapter casually grew to almost twice the anticipated size. And to think I had originally planned this and the last one to be one chapter... yeah, I think this one might be progressing a bit too fast through the conflict, definitely the right call to split.

Anyway, I don't think I made anyone actually believe that the ship was going to sink, did I?

Props to Texus for helping me make up my mind on some of these scenes beforehand.

Note: Next chapter might be delayed. It is a transition period between two planned parts, which means I dont have much in the way of notes or scenes in mind for it. Plus, I have some tests coming up next week in workschool, that might get in the way. (not that I usually do anything writing-wise on those days anyway)

ANYWAY, hope to see you again, hopefully next Sunday, if I can keep to the schedule.