• Published 16th Dec 2018
  • 8,830 Views, 791 Comments

Conversion Bureau: The return of the Phantom Thieves of Hearts. - ClearlyNotTremor230

Conversion Bureau storyline. When Celestia started her plans for Conversion, she could not imagine that a group of teens would have come to stop her, and by stealing what she could not defend: the Hearts of Equestria. The Phantom Thieves are Back!

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Chapter 12: New Target: The Prideful Rainbow Dash!

Author's Note:

Cor Virus has changed MANY things, for everybody.

Me for example, I am working from home and shipping what I used to sell in my store the old way...And even if the lock-down here in Italy is finally loosening, I am unsure if I will ever work normally again.

But this is not important, what’s important is that I may be finally back to write if my schedule returns to a semblance of normalcy, since up until now I basically worked 24/7 since my customers kept calling me at every hour XD.

Thank you for sticking with my slow update, I love you all! XD

DISCLAIMER! I own nothing that appears in this story, all rights belong to their legal owners, please support the official releases.

The return of the world’s greatest Thieves! Chapter 12: Targeting the fastest mare alive, The Prideful Rainbow Dash.

Phantom Thieves HQ - Flying Ship -

The assembled group of “Freedom Fighters” against Conversion composed by Lyra and Tempest and their men, Thorax and his Changelings, The Phantom Thieves and the three Elements of Harmony that got their Heart stolen were at the moment watching as Ryuji kept walking around aimlessly while cussing under his breath.

“Ah think ya should relax, they’ll be fine.” AJ tried saying.

“No, I won’t relax! Ak-JOKER and Panther are out there alone, in a place that could be raided by ponies at any time!” Ryuji answered with an angry growl.


“...You know I mean ‘Bad Ponies’, the ones pushing Conversion.” he then added once noticed the horses’ flinching at his words.

“What Skull is trying to say is that he would have preferred if we all went together.” Yusuke explained.

“Had you all go, you would have attracted too much attention, a too big crowd moving as one just for groceries sticks-out too much.” Tempest answered.

“We need that food, we are running short on anything edible.” Futaba added with an annoyed sigh.

“...Ah’m sorry...” AJ muttered with an ashamed expression.

“It’s not your fault, had we gone for another mare instead of you, now we would be in the same situation, we miscalculated the rations for all of us, you are not at fault.” Makoto answered with a gentle smile.

“We are also looking for something on the pony side, but with Celestia on high alert, things are difficult. Big Mac himself told us that your farm is being guarded 24/7 by Royal Guards in case you go there.” Thorax said.

“All your families are under close watch, the Cakes and the Pies as well as Fluttershy’s cottage. Luna and her personal guards are surveying every place you may try to return to.” Lyra added.

“And the human police force is looking everywhere for you as well...And Joker is once again on the list of possible Phantom Thieves, just in case They talked him into joining out of spite for both Ponies and Police.” Makoto commented, huffing.

“We can do this, once stopped Conversion things will go back to normal!” Pinkie said.

“I hope so...” Fluttershy added with a low whisper.

Don’t lose your waaaay!

“Yes!?” Ryuji answered his phone as soon as it started ringing.

“...WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU ARE IN A CAR WITH MADARAME?!” the young man’s shrilly scream almost blew-up the ship while his hand almost snapped the phone in two with how hard he clenched it.

“Madarame? Why they are with him?” Yusuke asked with a low, dangerous voice.

“Mada-who?” AJ whispered.

“One of the bad guys they defeated years ago, the evil artist/art expert.” Pinkie whispered in answer.


“Start from the beginning, I’ll put you on speaker.” Ryuji asked.

We got attacked by Royal Guards, they went through a carpet-bombing with Conversion Serum.” Akira started explaining, and everybody could hear the unusual, furious growling in his voice.

Few minutes ago -

Akira and Ann were cautiously watching as policemen kept ‘discreetly’ combing the streets, either for ponies or for Akira himself, possibly.

“Let’s hurry up.” Ann whispered while pushing her large sunglasses just a bit closer to her face.

“Uh-hu. That way.” Akira, face completely obscured by the hood of his shirt, answered, and accompanying his short answer with a sharp jerking of his head towards a more isolated side street.

Nodding imperceptibly, the girl grabbed his hand as tight as she could, and while both hugged their bags close to their chest, they dove for the side street as soon as they saw the cops get distracted by a loud duo of schoolgirls that ran beside them.

“Hey...” one of the cops muttered with narrowed eyes while glancing at the two.

“Saw them. Let’s go.” her colleague answered with a nod as the two started tailing the two Phantom Thieves from afar.

“...They are following us.” Akira muttered.

“Really?” Ann hissed in worry, and a subtle look above her shoulder confirmed the suspicion, especially since both agents looked unwilling to even blink too many times in fear of losing the two teens.

“Damn it! Why?” she asked with a growl.

“We are wearing hoods and sunglasses.” Akira answered, while curiously watching a homeless guy with a long beard follow his every move with wide eyes as soon as they passed close to his make-shift bed of cardboard…

And for some unfathomable reason, Akira thought he had seen that homeless guy somewhere before.

“So the plan to NOT stand-out too much, made us stand-out too much?” Ann asked.

“So it seems.” he replied.

“Then...RUN!” Ann yelled, and as soon as they started running, the cops too started chasing them.

“HEY! WAIT!” the make cop yelled in rage.

“STOP WHERE YOU ARE!” the woman echoed as she already unclasped the taser gun she had holstered at her side.

And neither the agents or the Phantom Thieves saw the homeless man jump to his feet as soon as he saw the cops take out their weapons.

“They are persistent.” Akira commented as they exited the side street to enter the main road, hoping to hide in one of the shops to lose their persecutors.

“They are paid to do this, Akira!” Ann answered as, to their horror, they saw a veritable sea of people marching towards them in the opposite direction while holding up banners and signs.





Various cries came from the hundreds of people of every age marching in the streets, all of them showing no intention to stop, no matter the numerous police officers that were amassing in preparation to forcefully disperse them.

“No! No! NO! An Anti-Conversion March?! Why now!?” Ann yelled in utter disbelief.

“Police behind us, and special forces in front. This is not good.” Akira answered with a stiff voice as he saw the two cops that were chasing them finally joining the same street and already pointing at them.

“I am happy to see people revolt, but not NOW that it will get us arrested!” the girl hissed, and not resisting when her boyfriend grabbed her wrist to drag her towards the marching people.

“There was a door towards the Velvet Room around here, we’ll hide in there.” Akira said while looking wildly around for Lavenza and the blue door.

“My God, I will have to thank that bimbo if she saves us...” Ann cursed with a low voice, but hurrying-up nonetheless as soon as she saw the two cops running towards them.


“I know! I know!”

“STOP! YOU ARE UNDER ARREST!” one of the cops yelled while trying to take aim with her taser.

“Down!” Akira countered by dragging both of them to the ground just in time for the two electrified needles to hit one of the Leaders of the March, causing the victim to fall on the ground convulsing heavily.


Those words, screamed in rage and with no warning, gave start to pandemonium: the barely-peaceful march had so turned into a charge of raving animals as police and civilians gave start to a free-for-all brawl, and even if better equipped and trained, the agents sent there to sedate the revolt went soon overwhelmed by the sheer number and the rage driving those people.

The poor cop that had tried to arrest Ann and Akira and misfired was between the first victims as the two Phantom Thieves could see her companion desperately fleeing while carrying her utterly bloody, unconscious and battered form on his shoulders while a horde of foaming-at-the-mouth civilians chased them like a pack of rabid wolves.

“Let’s go! This Chaos will cover us!” Akira prompted Ann while lightly pulling on her hand.

“Yes, we better g-” SPLASH!

Ann’s answer died abruptly when a bottle of slimy liquid fell from the sky to hit the head of a guy right next to her, making him scream in utter agony as his flesh melted momentarily to then slowly and PAINFULLY rebuild itself into pony flesh.


Both Civilians and Police Officers yelled as one in horror as more and more bottles fell from the sky, turning whoever got hit into ponies indiscriminately, soon filling the air in scream of agony from the people mid-conversion or the others desperate begging for help; it was surprising though how the police immediately switched gear and started helping people to seek help, and several of them even started shooting at the masked Pegasi that kept carpet-bombing the place with no mercy.

“Run!” Ann yelled, this time she was the one dragging Akira away towards a small side street.

“Where do you think you are going?” a voice asked with a tone both mocking and patronizing, forcing both to look behind them to see who it was.

“You!” Ann hissed, furious.

“Me! The Awesomest AND Fastest mare alive, want an autograph?” Rainbow Dash asked with a smug grin while lowering the bandanna covering her face.

She was accompanied by other two Pegasi, and the three of them were dressed in what could be called the pony version of the clothes normally worn by cliche Street Hooligans, bandannas and baseball caps comprised.

They slowly lowered their altitude so to fly face-to-face with the two human teens.

“Does Celestia knows of this?” Akira asked while slowly pulling Ann behind himself to shield her with his body.

“Yes and no. This place is on the list of places to Convert since the Barrier will soon pass by here, but why waiting? You saw those guys, they were making a fuss about Conversion and scaring everypony. If we did not force their hoof a little, then a mess would have happened, duh! You all are believing those lies about Conversion making people dumb, we had to do something!” Dash answered, rolling her eyes.

“Force their Hands, not hooves.” one of the Pegasi with her said.

Hands-Shmhands...Who cares?” she replied.

“And so you saved them, right?” Ann spat-out.

“Somepony has to! Sure we had to get masked and stuff, yah know, so people won’t get scared when they see Royal Guards. And its a bummer, because I want people to know I am helping them.” Dash answered.

“You are mad!”

“I AM A DARN HERO!” the mare yelled back, angrily.

“Please control yourself. Remember, our mission is important, too important.” one of the masked soldiers calmed her down with a soft voice.

“Yes, Yes. You are right, take the Serum out, we’ll Convert them too.” Dash answered while grabbing a capped vial in her mouth, just like her companions behind her did.

“You’ll be stopped.” Akira warned her while he and Ann slowly started stepping away from the trio.

“You mean by those Phantom Thieves guys? Let them come! It’s the Hero’s Job to defeat the Villains after all!” Dash answered with a maniac glint in her eyes.

“Ready to save them?” the other Pegasus asked with a simpering tone in his voice.

“Yeees!” the mare answered with a pleasure-filled purr.

“Run!” Akira ordered.

“NO!” Ann screamed in fear.

“I’ll keep them occupied, RUN!” he repeated.

“RAAAAAAAAGH!” it was then that they saw the same homeless guy from before roar in defiance and jump high enough in the air to grab one of Dash’s rear hooves and forcefully pull her down.

“WHO THE HAY A-GUH!” the Element Bearer barely had the time to yell-out when the man’s fist mercilessly slammed on her temple, knocking her down.

“HOW DARE YOU!?” the other two yelled while throwing him the two vials in their mouths.

“THOSE ARE MY STUDENTS! YOU WANT THEM!? THEN KILL ME FIRST!” the homeless man bellowed while barely dodging the two small things.

“That voice...” Ann muttered in shock.

“I have been a failure, and I will pay the price, but for once I want to do the right thing, now RUN!” the man yelled, tackling one of the two Pegasi still conscious mid-air before they could grab Akira.

“That’s it! Spray them, Soarin!” Dash, finally coming back to her senses and with an eye already swelling shut, ordered with a barking scream.

“Ah!” Ann gasped as she saw the bottle fly towards Akira.


Guh!...You too...S-S-Sorry...” the man, having shielded Akira from the Conversion Serum with his own body, offered with an apologetic tone and watering eyes.


“GOOOOOO!” the man, already mid-transformation, yelled a last time while pouncing on Dash again, rightly guessing that the other two ponies would prioritize saving her from him to chasing the two teens.

“Let’s go!” Akira said while forcefully dragging Ann away.

“THIS WAY! HURRY!” a man driving a near car yelled, coming to a screeching stop right outside the side street.

“Jump in, hurry!” the one riding the passenger seat prompted while taking potshots with his small gun, forcing the three pegasi to take cover to not be hit.

As soon as Ann closed the car’s door behind both, the engine roared to life and the tires almost caught fire with the abrupt acceleration propelling the car forward as the driver floored the pedal for all that it was worth.

“That was close.” the driver exhaled in relief while ditching the baseball cap and sunglasses he was wearing, showing a disheveled, but not too shabby, Madarame smiling smugly at the two.

“MADARAME!” Ann yelled with wide eyes.

“Indeed. I know I am the last man you probably wanted to meet in times of need, considering what I did to Yusuke and many others. But just like Kamoshida-kun, I won’t pretend this means I am absolved from my past sins, but still, it’s one small good thing to show a bit of remorse for past mistakes.” Madarame replied with a sigh, his companion instead just stood in silence, burying themselves on the seat as if trying to appear as small as they could.

“Were you following us?” Akira asked.

“No, I was helping a friend escape mass Conversion, he just wanted to start a new life away in a safe and isolated location, away from everybody. Then we heard people scream about a massive Conversion Raid and tried to escape...It was then we saw you pass by there chased by ponies, so I just took the liberty to make a detour to save a duo of teens I knew from danger...You are Yusuke’s friends so I felt compelled in aiding you.” Madarame answered while jamming a thumb towards the mysterious seated figure.

“Uhn.” the guy answered with a grunt.

“He was not against this either.”

“Thank you.” Akira answered, making Ann huff in annoyance, but echo the thank you all the same.


“I see, thank you for alerting me.” Madarame said as soon as his strange friend grunted again and pointed at the rear mirror where several thug-dressed Pegasi could be seen chasing them, and even if masked, it was clear they were mad.

“They are chasing us!” Ann said in alarm as soon as she herself checked.

“No Dash, though.” Akira said, noticing the lack of the cyan mare in the group.

“He must have got her good enough to force her to get back, or at least make sure a couple guards felt more safe holding her back.” Ann answered.

“Be ready, I will get daring now! Once safe enough, I will slow-down enough to let you jump down and hide in a secure location, we’ll drag them away from you. But you must be cautious.” Madarame instructed.

“Okay.” Akira answered while fishing-out his phone, both to alert the others and to seek an entrance into the Memento for him and Ann to use.

“And you two?” Ann asked.

“We’ll be okay, don’t worry. And...If you meet Yusuke...Please tell him I am sorry, I fear I still have not said it enough times.” Madarame answered with a suffering sigh.

“We will.” Akira said with a nod.

“Good. Hold on tight!” Madarame replied, pressing down hard on the accelerator and pushing the car’s engine to its utmost limits.

Present time – Memento – After leaving Madarame’s car and alerting the others -

Both Ann and Akira were sitting on one of the benches of the train station representing the ‘Shared Palace’ of Ponykind and Humankind, watching the utterly silent and empty place and keeping an ear open just in case The Reaper appeared anywhere close.

“No Shadows in sight. Can this place exist as a deserted land?” Ann wondered aloud.

“If there really is a reason behind why no trains or Shadows are around, then I don’t think it will be good news for us or anybody else.” Akira admitted.

“Yeah, I think the same.” the girl commented with a defeated sigh.

“There they are!” it was then that they heard Ryuji shriek in relief as soon as him and the others reached them while driving Morgana’s car form.

“PANTHER! JOKER!” Haru yelled in chorus with him.

“Thank goodness you are safe.” Yusuke said with a long sigh as he watched his friends glomp the two teens in a giant group hug.

“Lady Pantheeeeer! I don’t know what I would have done had I lost youuuuuu! YOU TOO, JOKER! Stop worrying me this much!” Morgana yowled crying fat tears as he hugged both in desperation.

“This was too close, and just to get some food.” Makoto said with a sigh, and looking guiltily at the battered bags of groceries on the ground.

“Somebody had to.” Akira answered, shrugging.

“So Kamoshida and Madarame...” Ryuji tried saying.

“Yeah.” Ann answered with crossed arms and a half-heart grumble.

“He is still a bastard, this won’t change a thing. But this time he managed to help us, just like Madarame.”

“Returning at the matter at hand, I guess we are all for Dash being our next target?” Yusuke asked.

“Dash is being the most daring of them all at the moment, you saw Shy and Pinkie as well as AJ, they all were moving on their own agenda, but at the same time they were not exactly an open threat to everybody around them, yet. Dash instead, she is openly taking part to Conversion Raids, even clandestine ones.” Haru said.

“Fake clandestine ones, those were masked soldiers that were speeding-up Conversion. They apparently have a List of location in need of ‘Ponification’ before the Barrier passes by there.” Ann explained.

“So you think Celestia or Luna are behind it? Or even Shining Armor?” Makoto asked.

“We are forgetting a pony.” Yusuke said.


“Blueblood. Standing by what Tempest told us, he is getting extremely active in his circle of high echelon ponies, enough to appeal numerous times to both Celestia and Luna for Total Conversion to happen faster for the well-being of Equestria. Apparently there are problems in their home world and coming here was a blessing in disguise.” Yusuke explained.

“Problems only Celestia and Luna know about, I bet.” Makoto added.

“And maybe her Generals, since Blueblood, Shining, Cadence and Spitfire are in charge of three of the most active groups dealing with the Conversion Propaganda and an entire second kingdom supplying soldiers and more. I remember you that recently another floating island appeared in the sky.” Haru said.

“Princess Cadence and the Crystal Kingdom, she too will be a difficult target. Do we know if any of those groups were between the Thugs enacting this giant raid?” Yusuke asked.

“Hard to say, they were all dressed like stereotype street gangs, so maybe most of those ‘Independent Terrorist Groups’ that keep Converting whoever they meet may very well be all people working for Celestia, and whatever is controlling her,” Ann answered, groaning.

“We know one of them.” Akira said.

“Uh? Who?”

“One of the two ponies accompanying Dash was named Soarin. Dash seems to know the pony very well. And I feel like we already heard that name.”

“Yeah...But who’s that?”

“Let me ask...Hoy, Navi? Does the name Soarin rings any bells on your side?” Ryuji asked to his phone.

A second...That would be a name of one of the Wonderbolts.” Futaba supplied in answer.

“Isn’t that the group of acrobatic fliers Spitfire is part of?” Ann asked.

Yeah, the same group.”

“So it’s confirmed: this is either Blueblood acting behind Celestia’s back, or the Princess herself doing this to both speed-up things and keep her reputation clean at the same time.”

“There is little reputation to keep safe, nowadays. The number of people showing hostility against Ponies is increasing exponentially, partly thanks to us.” Yusuke answered.

“That is true, but it’s still too soon for her to fully come out as somebody planning for world domination. As for now this mess is restricted to Japan only, if she is not careful the rest of the planet will be on her in an instant, and while she can keep the Barrier up indefinitely until it grows too much, she will be in serious trouble if every time a pony peaks out they get welcomed by heavy weaponry raining from every corner of the sky.”

“It’s all hanging on a delicate balance, if the Barrier grows too slow, people won’t feel the urgency to be Converted and the truth behind it will come out...But if it grows too fast, her ruse will be discovered because the thing will seemingly disappear for itself once grown too big. And whatever Entity is controlling her like a puppet wants and needsevery human on the entire planet and every pony of Equestria Converted into mindless slaves...She will soon get desperate.” Morgana said with a tense tone.

“She already is desperate. Dash acted like a Shadow.” Akira said.


“Yeah, she was...Over the top? I can’t explain it, but we usually meet somebody THAT deep in their own backside inside a Palace, not outside, in the real world.” Ann confirmed.

“Just like with AJ, the Shadow Self is influencing the real Dash, this time more heavily.” Yusuke muttered, thoughtful.

“Considering how ready she is to personally Convert people, it may very well be Celestia’s own doing the reason why she is such a bad case. She needs Conversion to happen fast, but she also needs a scapegoat if she is discovered before she is done,Dash will help her plans immensely since she is convinced she is Saving people.”

“Dash’ next then, Rarity seems to still be closed somewhere doing God knows what while Dash is out there Converting people out of some sick need to be a Hero and save Humanity.” Makoto declared.

“Yes. Let’s go back to the ship, we need to plan our attack on Dash’ Palace.” Morgana answered.

Meanwhile – With Rarity – Shibuya – “Shibuya 109” Shopping Mall -

The duo of Night Guards really did not want to be there, even if Luna herself imposed their presence there to increase the number of soldiers protecting Rarity...Especially the young female Unicorn of the two that kept feeling the hair on the back of her neck rise higher and higher the closer they got to the place’s entrance.

“I don’t like here, I feel like a piece of meat...” she said once again, looking around her tensely and breathing rapidly.

“Will you please calm down? You have been jittery as soon as we got in the area, nothing is out of ordinary, this area has just been covered by the Barrier so there are no human soldiers.” her companion answered while rolling his eyes, contrary to her, he looked utterly relaxed and treating the whole ordeal with nonchalance.

“How can you not feel it?! There is something wrong going on here! I feel like something is observing my every move, something hungry!” she hissed.

“Fluttering Haze...Look at me...” the other bat-pony soldier said looking at her with a deadpan stare.


“How many times did I tell you to NOT watch horror movies before a job?” he said.

“...A couple times.” she answered with a huff.

“And yet you did it again.”


“Yes, you did. We have to guard a fashion designer, there is no way in TARTARUS that somepony will wish her harm...She is a seamstress, for Harmony’s sake! We are not protecting a politician, relax!” the soldier said, exasperated.

“I know! I know! I guess I am just being overly-paranoid.”

“Yes, but just a little.” Rarity said from behind the two, having appeared seemingly out of nowhere.

“KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!” both Night Guards yelled in fright at the same time.

“Ufufufufu! Relax! You guards are too tense! Especially you...” the unicorn mare said with a charming tone, and zeroing on the bat mare, getting extremely close to her.

“M-M-Me?!” Fluttering Haze asked, looking unnerved as the mare she was supposed to protect seemed to seize her up with a too sharp gaze, and in the faint light of the lowering sun, Rarity’s eyes seemingly turned golden, like two cold globes of gold staring at her soul.

“Yes you...Your skin looks so soft and unblemished, you must spend a lot of time making sure your skin and fur remain so enticing.” Rarity said, getting closer still, until their noses almost touched, and she hadn’t blink once since she had fixated her eyes on the bat pony.

Now her companion too started getting second thoughts about this mission, the situation was taking a turn he did expect nor like.

“N-N-Not really! A-A-As a soldier I have no time for make-up.” Haze answered.

“So all this beauty is all natural? Then you will be perfect. Please, follow me inside.” Rarity answered with an aroused purr before marching forward.

“We...We are supposed to guard the inside...” the male bat pony muttered, unsure.

I insist.” Rarity answered, and along her eyes turning black with golden irises, her mane and fur momentarily turned pitch-black as she looked the guards straight in the eyes to give the order with a deep and unnatural voice.

“...Yes, mistress...” the two guards droned as they followed her inside with stiff movements.

“Good! Time is of essence, you know? I am almost ready for my masterpiece with only few pieces remaining for me to collect, so I cannot waste time.” Rarity instructed with a happy tone once returned to her normal appearances.

“Yes, mistress.” the two hypnotized guards answered as one.

“Glad to see you understand. You will go with the other Chosen, and wait until I have every piece at ready for the grand night!” she ordered.

“Yes, Mistress.” Haze the bat mare answered.

“While you will go with the other stallions, I have other plans for you dears, but that can wait until after my project is completed.”

“Yes, Mistress.” the Stallion answered.

Aah, the hunt for Ultimate Beauty is such a pain, a poor mare can’t rest even for a minute nowadays.” Rarity moaned in theatrical despair.

“You are the most beautiful mare alive, Mistress.” the guards answered as one.

“I know, my dears...But even I may need some fine tuning, a last polish to achieve Perfection. WAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!” Rarity answered before erupting in a chilling, deranged laugh that echoed everywhere in the empty streets around the giant shopping mall as the doors closed behind her and the two guards under her spell.

The Next Day – With the Phantom Thieves - Haneda International Airport -

“So she really took over the place.” Ryuji commented with a growl.

“And she didn’t even try to be discreet about it.” Yusuke added with a tone of contempt.

The once famous and luxurious airport was now covered in banners with Rainbow Dash’s face on it that declared her as the ‘Hero Protector’ of the world, there was even a cliché ‘epic Hero theme’ being reproduced in loop from the airport speakers.

“I have been informed by one of our spies that the screens in there have been modified to show a clip-show of ‘Cool Pictures’ of Rainbow Dash going on and on without pause, all day, every day.” Tempest informed them with a frown.

“Oh, my God! How can she be so much...THIS!” Ann asked in disbelief.

“Dashie had always been a bit prideful, j-j-just not this much.” Fluttershy answered.

“You sure, Shy?” Pinkie asked, confused.

“Aye, Dash has a big darn Ego, but this’ too big even fo’ her. Corruption and Distortion got her good.” AJ commented, grimacing.

The Phantom Thieves, the saved Element Bearers and Tempest were spying on the place from the back of a nondescript van Makoto got thanks to her sister, luckily the place was deserted since the Barrier was very close at covering it, so neither humans nor ponies felt too safe being too close to the place in case the others tried something until the entire area got covered.

This didn’t mean both groups were not spying on each other still, Lyra and Thorax had to work extra hard to distract both sides long enough for the Phantom Thieves to make their first trip to the place.

“Well, we got the place alright, now the problem will be get inside.” Makoto admitted with a huff.

“How does it work?” Tempest asked.

“We have a special app inside our phone, it can transport us inside the Palace of our targets if we find enough key words.” Haru explained.

“Key words? Like?”

“What Dash see this place as, what it does represent to her ego. For example, Aj’s Palace was all about her farm and the “Family” she had formed in there, so Farm and Family were the two keywords we needed to enter.” Akira explained.

“Aye, don’t remind me of that, Ah still feel mighty asham’d of that.” Aj muttered with a shy blush.

“We managed to sneak those ponies to safety so nothing too bad happened, they are slowly snapping out of the influence of your Distorted self, so they’ll be fine.” Tempest replied.

“Good ta hear.”

“This shouldn’t be too hard,” Ann commented.

“Wanna bet the first will be Hero?” Ryuji said, smirking.

Match Found.” Akira’s phone answered with a metallic voice.

“Told ya!” the boy said with a smug expression.

“Too easy. But still, we know what she sees herself has...But what is that place to her instead?” Yusuke answered.

“Must be something related to Heroes.” Tempest said with narrowed eyes.

“Secret Base?” she tried.

Match not found.

“Tch!” the horn-less unicorn uttered in disdain.

“M-M-Manor?” Fluttershy tried.

Match not found.”

“I-I am sorry.”

“Don’t worry, Shy. City?” Ann answered.

Match not found.

“This is ridiculous! We are in front of the most blatant Palace we have ever seen and we can’t get in?! How?!” Makoto roared from the driving seat.

“God knows what her delusions see this place as.” Yusuke answered with a placating tone.

“LOOK!” Haru hissed while rapidly grabbing her binoculars.

“What?” Akira answered while he and the others did the same.

“She is fake fighting against a pony mannequin dressed in a strange costume.” the girl said.

“Ah’ve seen that costume somewhere already.” AJ commented, unsure.

“Ho! Ho! Ho! I remember! That’s Mare Do Well!” Pinkie said with an excited tone.


“It was a fake super hero we created to help Dash learn some humility!” Pinkie answered.

“It didn’t work.” Ryuji answered.

“It did work, kinda...For a little while at least.” AJ countered.

“Hihihi! Dashie is a difficult case,”

“Let’s take that Hero in consideration...What Keyword can we try?” Akira asked.

“Well, we hardly had any catchphrase...Unless...”

“Unless?” Fluttershy asked while looking at Pinkie’s thoughtful expression.

“We did say something overly Heroic once, it was during that parade in honor of Mare Do Well, what was it? It was very corny...But Twilight insisted in using that.”

“Uhm...Uhm...I-It was ‘This Metropolis is under my protection, no harm shall befall on anypony.’ She got it from a Daring Do book.” Fluttershy answered.

Match found! Navigation ready.

“So Metropolis was the word?” Tempest asked with a raised eyebrow.

“So it seems. Is she still fighting that mannequin?” Yusuke said.

“She is clearly ‘Defeating’ that thing.” Akira commented as they saw the puppet fall to the side in defeat with Dash standing proudly over it with a triumphant pose.

“So she also likes to show other Heroes that she is the best one...That’s Pride alright.” Ann commented.

“Not the best Hero, the ONLY HERO needed,” Yusuke corrected her.

“She got lotsa jealous of Mare Do Well, so showin’ her up musta feel really good to her.” AJ added.

“Well, we got what we need to get inside, once gone you should sneak away and back into the ship. Will you be alright?” Makoto asked.

“Thorax and Lyra are waiting for us with the ship, we’ll be safe. Don’t worry.” Tempest answered with a reassuring smile.

“Okay, we’ll go then. Bye!” Ann said as every Phantom Thieves took out their phones (And Ryuji alerted Futaba about the whole thing).

Begin Navigation!” their phones echoed as one.

“Be safe!” Fluttershy begged them while watching her masked human friends fade away.

“Still freaky strange...” Pinkie commented.

Inside Dash’ Palace – Main street of the Metropolis -

The City was a sprawling futuristic metropolis seemingly made only of absurdly high skyscrapers, each building decorated with flags depicting Rainbow Dash’ face wearing an outrageous Power Rangers-like helmet with giant glasses acting as its visor.

“Finally a Palace that is not creepy or downright scary.” Ann admitted with an elated sigh.

“Speak for yourself, this place is way too cheerful, like-like some superhero kids-show.” Ryuji answered.

To be fair, contrary to the other Palaces they had meet before, everything in there was coloured in bright pastel colours, everything was indeed similar to a scene extrapolated directly from a comic book.

Creepy or not, we still have a Treasure to find and steal, so I suggest you to start looking for it, and beware of the Shadows! Cheerful city or not, we are still inside the darker side of somebody’s mind.” Futaba answered.

“Navi is right, we must be cautious.” Morgana answered.

Wahahaha! Stop were you are, evildoers!” they heard screaming from the sky.

“Ah!” Haru screamed in fright, only for Yusuke’s hand to cover her mouth as they all dove behind a near newspaper stall to look at the scene.

What they saw was the Distorted Self of Rainbow Dash descend from the sky to beat a shadowy figure with a cliché robber mask to knock it down with a single kick.

This city is under my protection, and I, ‘THE DASH’! Will stop every criminal scum that threatens it!” she declared while puffing-out her chest.

She was dressed in a full spandex bodysuit deep blue in colour with a yellow lightning bolt framed by a cloud on her chest, similar to her Cutie Mark; her head instead was covered by an overly-decorated helmet with giant orange glasses, just like the images on the flags.

As her cape fluttered by itself as if struck by wind, Dash took another heroic pose as her Theme Song started playing from every corner of the city while everybody in there, either Shadows or shadowy silhouettes, started cheering loudly for their Hero.

“My God, we are literally inside her power-fantasy...” Makoto commented dryly as she watched the mare fly away at high speed leaving behind her a long streak of rainbow.

“It’s nothing different from what we are used to see, let’s go.” Akira answered while stealthily moving forward.

“To where?”

“That skyscraper, the biggest one.” he answered while pointing at a gargantuan building that stood in the exact center of the city and adorned by an enormous neon sign shaped like Dash’ Cutie Mark.

“You mean her ‘Super Obvious Secret Base Somehow nobody knows belongs to her’?” Ryuji asked mockingly.


“Fuck it, let’s go. But I want it recorded that I prefer Creepy Palaces to this Super Sentai Knock-off shit, I feel insulted just by being here. This place belongs to a demented Saturday morning cartoon, not to the embodiment of somebody’s darkest desires!” Ryuji answered, growling.

“I can’t believe I agree with Skull on something...” Morgana admitted with a low voice.

“Just shut up and run, before Dash discover us even before we get close to the Treasure.” Ann shot back while rolling her eyes.

This was only their first visit inside, and yet, most of them were not trusting of the bright colours of the Palace, and were already dreading the moment the facade dropped and Dash showed HER true colours, and something told them hers won’t be as bright.

Extra – Who was in the car? -

Very far from Tokyo -

After three long days of daring escapes and mad driving at high speed, the old car that Madarame was driving was now lying on its side in the middle of a half-abandoned field and silently burning into a crisp, only two people were looking at the solitary thing in its final moments, they were the only two humans in a five hundred meters radius and there were no ponies in sight.

“I loved that car.” Madarame admitted with a sigh.

“There was no need to sacrifice it.”

“I helped a convicted felon to escape, the less traces I leave behind, the better. I will just take a train back home.”

“And if the ponies attack the train?”

“If it happens, it happens. I lived long enough already, I did good things...And I did A LOT of bad things, I am grateful they gave me house arrest for good conduct instead of leaving me in prison, so I am determined to spend what remains of my days in that house, thinking of the good old days, and feeling ashamed of the many missteps I had.”

“You broke your house arrest to help me though.”

“Yes, but I found it worth it if it helped an old friend of mine in his time of need.” Madarame answered with a chuckle.

“...Thank you...”

“Are you still sure you want to go into seclusion?”

“I escaped prison in a bout of desperation when the ponies raided it to Convert everybody in there, as I wanted and still want to die as a human instead of turning into a brainless horse. But contrary to Kamoshida, I didn’t feel...Worthy?...Of sticking around, not with what I did to everybody.”

“Worthy, that’s a nice term to use. And you still haven’t explained us what you allegedly did.” Madarame answered.

“Ah! Had I tried explaining, you and him would have dragged me into the nearest psychiatric hospital and dumped me there for the rest of my days.” the other answered with an amused chuckle.

“That bad? That unbelievable?” Madarame asked, amused.

“A bit of both, even with magical horses walking around. Had the Phantom Thieves not got me, things would have gone bad, for everybody.”

“Everybody even? Very well, keep your secrets then. I will be on my way.” Madarame conceded, walking away while shaking his head and laughing.

“Good luck, Madarame! If you need me, I will be in a peaceful, isolated cabin waiting for the Barrier to kill me, as a human.”

“As you wish. Farewell, Shido-kun.”


This marks another Chapter done! I am really sorry for the absurd wait.

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