• Published 5th Feb 2019
  • 3,651 Views, 86 Comments

Keeper of the Forest - ShowShine

Legend has it that one day someone will protect the Everfree forest and every creature in it

  • ...


Author's Note:

Sorry this took so long and sorry it’s so short. This chapter contains violence and blood

Spike stood in his backyard, wearing his cloak and mask. Irdes stood in front of him with his arms crossed.

“Since I’m going to be training you, I want you to take me down.” Irdes stated. Spike stared at the six inch God as if he were crazy.

“Are...are you sure?” Spike asked. Irdes nodded his head, stomping his zebra hoof firmly into the ground.

“Hit me with your best magic attack.” Irdes commanded. Spike gave him an uneasy look before shrugging his shoulders. His hands barely glowed as he summoned a tiny vine. The vine wrapped around his tiny squirrel tail. Without any warning, Irdes transformed into a yellow snake and slithered over to Spike. He wrapped around his leg and sunk his teeth into it. He let out a yelp of pain and fell on his butt.

“What the heck!” Spike exclaimed. Irdes turned back into his normal form and crossed his arms.

“This is what happens when you hold back.” Irdes stated sternly. Spike clutched onto his leg.

“Why did you bite me?!” Spike asked, standing up and wobbling a bit.

“I was showing you a lesson about not taking the first strike.” Irdes stated. Spike stared at him in disbelief.

“You just bit a child! Spike shouted. Debbie peaked her head out the window to see what all the ruckus was about. She hopped out out of the window and flew onto the roof to enjoy the fight. Irdes shook his head.

“Age is meaningless in the art of war.” Irdes stated. Spike let out a groan and stood up properly.

“Can you at least do easier attacks, I’m still learning.” Spike stated. Irdes rolled his eyes.

“Fine I’ll do something simple.” He said with a groan. Irdes turned into a dragon Spikes height. He was yellow with a brown underbelly and scales.

“Take me on, we’re the same size now.” Irdes stated. Spike nervously twiddled with his hands.

“I don’t think I’m comfortable with fighting. I’m not a fighter, I’m a lover.” Spike explained. Irdes shrugged his shoulders.

“Fine, I’ll attack you first.” Irdes said nonchalantly. Before Spike could process was he said, he got hit in the cheek with a rock.

“Ow, that really hurts. Couldn’t you use anything less dangerous?” Spike asked, rubbing his now bruised cheek. Irdes shook his head.

“I’m a god so that means I only specialize in a few magic categories. Since I’m the god of the mountains I can use rock magic and ice magic.” Irdes stated. Spike thought for a moment. Since he was a dragon, he could use fire magic. He knew simple plant magic and could summon tiny rocks. He could easily overpower Irdes in this fight. He still couldn’t bring himself to do it.

“Now let’s get back to fighting.” Irdes said, rubbing his claws together. He lifted his hand into the air and a snow cloud started to loom over them. Spike looked up and large ice shards started to fall from the cloud. One fell next to Spike, cracking the ground.

“HOW IS THIS ANY SAFER!” Spike yelled out as he dodged the ice shards. Irdes shrugged his shoulders.

“It’s not, I just want to see how much you can handle.” Irdes stated. Spike took in a deep breath and blew out a large gust of fire, melting half of the shards. The flame went through the cloud, destroying it.

“I don’t want to fight!” Spike exclaimed. Irdes chuckled.

“You need to learn how to fight or you’ll die!” Irdes responded. He lifted his hands into the air, summoning a large bolder. He swung it towards Spike. Spike took a few steps back, only to trip and fall onto his side. He looked up to see the boulder was getting very close, about to crush him. He raised his hand over his face in fear. A large green shield appeared, shattering the rock upon impact. Irdes let out a gasp.

“You summoned the Shield of Amity! How did you do that?!” Irdes asked in disbelief. Spike stared at the large shield in shock. It was shimmering with little red flower buds on it.

“I-I don’t know, it just sorta appeared.” Spike said. The shield was easily bigger than his body. Irdes smirked and summoned another rock. He chucked it out the shield, making it glitch for a second.

“Your magic isn’t as strong as I thought.” Irdes stated. He rubbed his hands together, making the ground rumble.

“Please I said I don’t want to fight!” Spike shouted.

“You have to do this.” Irdes stated. A large sharp rock shot out of the ground, ripping a bit of Spike’s wing. He let out a cry of pain.

“IRDES STOP!” Spike shouted on the top of his lungs. His wing started to drip blood. Irdes paused for a moment before shaking his head.

“You need to learn how to fight back!” Irdes shouted. Buddy ran outside, snarling and snapping his teeth. He ran in front of Spike, ready to attack Irdes. Spike lifted the shield above his head and tossed it like a disk. It spun across the backyard and hit Irdes in the head.

“Finally, your fighting back!” Irdes said with a laugh. Spike shook his head.

“Please I don’t want to do this.” Spike pleaded. Buddy charged at Irdes barking loudly. Irdes summoned a large rock and hurled it at Buddy’s head making him fall to the ground. He let out a loud whimper and covered his now scarred head with his paws. Blood poured from his head, making Spike gasp.

”I SAID I DON’T WANT TO FIGHT!” Spike shouted, his voice booming. He stomped his foot, cracking the ground and shaking it. A large torrent of flames and flowers surrounded Spike. Irdes let out a gasp of shock. Spike opened his eyes, revealing that they were glowing a dark green. He stretched his hand out towards the god and flames surrounded him. Red flower petals floated around him. Irdes touched the flame, only for his hand to jerk back.

“He’s more powerful than before.” Irdes muttered to himself. He looked up at Spike in fear. With this sudden burst of magic, he could easily kill him.

“Spike you proved your point, you can stop now!” Irdes exclaimed. Spike closed his eyes and shook his head. The flame around Irdes quickly vanished into thin air. Spike stumbled slightly, rubbing his head.

“Woah, that was weird.” Spike said, his words slurring slightly. Irdes rushed over to his side and held his body up.

“Let’s get that wing patched up and you can take a nap. I’ll patch up Buddy too.” Irdes stated. Spike nodded his head. Buddy followed them inside the house, limping a bit.

”His magic is tied to his emotions. I bet that’ll be very important later.