• Member Since 30th Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen Yesterday


A guy. A guy who writes stories. Stories about ponies. (And sometimes robots).



This story is a sequel to Queue

When Rainbow Dash gets a copy of the last Gargantulon movie for her birthday, she's left floored by its tragic ending-- which forces her to take matters into her own hands!

Chapters (4)
Comments ( 62 )

... You just wanted an excuse to bring Gargantulon back didn't you? I happened to love what little we got from the first story.

So this should be good.

As an avid Godzilla fan I am in Rainbows corner for this one. :rainbowdetermined2:

Is this a reference to Godzilla vs Destoroyah?

Moved to tears by something silly? I have no idea what you're talking about and such a thing has never happened to me.
/blatant lies

Just imagine if she ever sees Emperor Cong by Epic Tale. Fluttershy, Dash, AND Rarity will all be bawling together.

Heh, the Space Tepeshes.

Clearly there is only one solution to this. Fix fic!


“Technically--” Twilight raised a finger into proper pontificating position. “The 'Draculas' could refer to the family of Count Dracula-- though it would be more accurate to call them 'Tepesh' in that case. Or ... maybe Tepeshes. I'm not sure how the plural goes. Maybe I need to brush up on my Romanian.”

Actually, Twi, I don't think either would work - Vlad III was known as Vlad Dracula, but that was because his father, Vlad II (real imaginative, these royals), was known as Dracul or The Dragon. Thus, Vlad II was Dracula - Son of the Dragon. Which would only apply to him, though his son might have been called Draculaa, but I somehow doubt it.

And Tepes translates to The Impaler, so unless he made impaling enemies a family tradition, that wouldn't apply either. Though, to be honest, I wouldn't put that past some noble lines.

Tried to find a family name for old Vladdy, but in my brief research, I could only find that he was of the House of Basarab and/or the House of Drăculești which... is actually pretty close to Dracula... from the same root word... and it would have been translated into Japanese first anyway...

You know what, let's just go with Draculas, shall we?

Aww, poor Gargantulon!

Fret not, Rainbow; for your next birthday, Fluttershy will get you the sequel, Vengeance of Gargantulon: the Son of Gargantulon!

“Or maybe you should remember this is just a movie, and we should really just relax.” Sunset Shimmer said.

Mystery Pony Theater 3000!

...while Twilight Sparkle pretended to read a paperback while stealing glances over Sunset's shoulder in order to spy on her social media activity.

It's not

Songs aside, I'm a bit surprised this Twilight wasn't at least a little intrigued by Gargantulon, but I suppose she understands nonmagical radiation well enough to know that it doesn't actually cause hypertrophy,to say nothing of the square-cube law. In any case, I look forward to seeing where you go with this. And what would happen if pony Twilight ever saw a Gargantulon movie.

... Wait, is someone taking human Dash to Monster Island?

Rarity, watch the original Gojira and try to tell me it's not an artistic masterpiece. Go on.

Anyway, nice little start.

She has a prepared essay on why it's not creepy, which rather misses the point of what it means if you have to write such a thing.

Nonmagical radiation...reminds me of all the theories about how radiation in Fallout is literally haunted by the ghosts of the nuclear dead. Or otherwise just straight up eldritch.

Also of a bit from EGS where Tedd, resident mad scientist, is speculating how in some variant of Attack of the 50 ft Woman the dress wound up grown, but tattered and short, and how the growth is inconsistent unless the shrink energy is... you get the idea.



So lets see, for power use Pinkie can do explosions and pyrotechnics. For powering atomic breath, I recommend honeyed jalapenos. Or maybe those Atomic Fireball things.
Twilight can animate the Gargantualon puppet.
Rarity can protect the rest of them from Pinkie's pyrotechnics.
Applejack and Rainbow have the construction bonus for the set.
Fluttershy can get animal actors and stage hands.
Sunset can help translate inarticulate artistic visions into something other people can see. And resolve drama.

And now, the really hard part: getting the script written, figuring out how to resurrect Gargantulon, and making it sufficiently awesome.


Rainbow Friendship Lasers vs IP Lawyers, a documentary on the failure of making a monster movie with a surprising amount of action.

This was not where i had expected this to go. I can't wait to see the mayhem.

Maybe the EQG world doesn't have a Disney equivalent so a 50 year old movie is actually public domain there.

Why must you be this way?


Look on the bright side, he ate all the fish.

Now I wanna see it be a train wreck.

I so wanna see this crash and burn.

It's okay, Fluttershy. I'm still not sure what street ballet is either.

In any case, this could go very well or very, very poorly. I'm guessing it'll manage both. Looking forward to this glorious mess.

Oh my god


Whenever I read a fic that ships the same ships I ship, I know that I am blessed to be alive.

Beautiful :raritycry:

Huh. You'd think even a trifling matter like the script would have come up sometime while the costumes and set were still in the works. Ah well, still amusing. Oh, and you've got an 'of' that should be an 'if' at the end of the first paragraph.

Wild Mass Speculation time: In order to write the script Sunset decides to watch the other Gargantulon films for context and inspiration and it turns out that the first Gargantulon is every bit the masterpiece the original Gojira is in our world making Sunset a fan.

I don't know about Rainbow Dash, but this fic is so fun that I'm having a good time.

Of course, after you post it on YouTube, the comments won't be so kind.

It’s funny when you show someone who’s only familiar with the later, goofy movies the original and it’s like “oh this is actually a good movie in the standard sense.”

Yeah...SURE it’s just to help get the costume off...

Of course! She makes an awesome script and she has a touching moment resurrecting Gargantulon to destroy Androidica :p

Sci-Twi plays the mad scientist behind unleashing Androidica on a defenseless world :p

This is awesome. It gets extra credit from me since I received a shaky Godzilla plushie for Christmas. Best timing ever.


This is amazing. More please.

Ah, the Marvel Method, only applied to cinematography. "Film the action scenes first; we'll fill in the blanks later." Let's see how well this works out.

Kind of surprised they haven't brought in Juniper Montage yet.

9372650 I wouldn't be surprised if she ends up being "post."

I would legit pay money for that to happen. That Rainbow realizes, "Holy crap, this is... deep and scary and heartfelt." And for it to stick and affect her in a non-funny way.

Applejack stopped in her tracks. “There ain't actual rockets in these shoes, is there?”

“No, I couldn't get the smoke color right.” Twilight didn't look up from sliding a tiny redheaded soldier into a tiny missile-tank.

That's brilliant. :rainbowlaugh: Sci-Twi should play the scientist who created Androidica in the movie.

9372650 Also, this being possibly in the same universe as the Flash Sentry papers, she may choreograph better fighting moves with her elite ninja skills.

Absolutely. You know Sci-Twi would love the chance to mad science it up, and lecture on why Androidica is superior to Gargantulon, and now that Gargantulon was killed by the Space Draculas the world will be all hers! She'll show them, she'll show them all!!!!!

Sci-Twi also plays her twin/good clone who is resurrecting Gargantulon to save the world from Androidica. Because Sparkle shouting at herself over the radio and getting into a ham contest would be perfection.

I feel legit sad.

So very nice:

Add Raymond Burr or Nick Adams or Russ Tamblyn in, and we might just have something!


The Ending was simply perfect. I'm envious.

Thank you.

Yeah, that's art alright. I liked Juniper and Rainbow bonding over fandom, and that the CMCs were inspired even if most people didn't get it.

That was a surprisingly-sweet ending to this. Well-done.

Fantastic conclusion. I was wondering if you'd involve Juniper; glad to see that not only did you, you used her fantastically. An inspiring message about art, a hope for the future... and some very questionable fantasies about giant, radioactive arthropods. Thank you for this.

So now Rainbow, Juniper and the CMC have to make a sequel.

Don't worry Rainbow Dash. I'm sure once it gets out there on the internet you'll find a lot more people who get you and your movie. Can't beat the classics after all.

Oh and if Gargantulon has a theme anything like Godzila's I'm sure it's epic. :raritywink:

Great work and nicely written, even if this last chapter took a while to get out. Was a fun read. and tribute to old zany monster moves I admit I have some love for too, if not quite as much as Rainbow aparently does. Thanks for writing! :twilightsmile:

This reminds me of my attempts to make my own Thomas and Friends episodes.

This is glorious. Just wonderful. :rainbowlaugh: I was already cracking up at the "production" of the movie thus far, but I really lost it when I saw Applejack as "Androidica" XD

Can't to see what happens next! :twilightsmile:

Okay, that opening scene of this... Rainbow, you might need to see someone about that. o_0

That joke aside... this was a great story. Superbly funny through so much of it, and yet also really quite nice too, especially with the use of Juniper Montage being there to talk to Rainbow Dash about her movie and what it means to her. The very ending of the story was really nice too. :pinkiesmile:

hehe, aww. Nice job with the story! :twilightsmile:

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