• Published 21st Jun 2019
  • 2,418 Views, 49 Comments

The Quiet Day - Lets Do This

Ponyville is quiet today. Disturbingly quiet. So are all of Fluttershy's friends. But Fluttershy is completely comfortable with it. She loves days like this...

  • ...

The Quiet Day

Fluttershy awoke that morning to the gentle twittering of birds outside her bedroom window. Blinking sleepily, the butter-colored pegasus listened attentively. No cock-crows, no sound of traffic on the road, or farm equipment in the distance. No barking of dogs. Nothing but the wind, and her birds singing to her.

Sitting up on her bed, she leaned over and pushed the window further open, looking out at the gorgeously warm and green summer day outside.

She felt Angel, her pet rabbit, land softly on the quilt beside her. He scampered across to sit on the windowsill, looking out with her, his ears rotating anxiously.

"Oh, Angel!" she said softly. "It's going to be another beautifully quiet day. I just love them."

She smiled down at him. Angel peered up at her, his nose twitching. Then he launched himself from the bed and scurried out the door, as if haunted.

After splashing water from the jug onto her face and giving her mane a lengthy, thorough brushing to put it in order, Fluttershy trotted downstairs. There she found a piping hot, delicious-looking breakfast spread out on the table for her, with her smaller animal companions gathered around to keep her company. Nodding thankfully to them all, she sat down and tucked in, humming softly to herself.

When she was finished, she trotted outside and spent some time in her flower garden, enjoying the feel of the warm morning sunshine on her face and the delectable aroma of the flowers. She munched a daisy and a zinnia, because they looked ripe and it would be a shame to let them go to waste. And otherwise she just allowed herself to relax, completely and utterly.

As soon as she was feeling at ease and ready to face the day, she nodded to her rabbit, who was sitting next to her, staring up at her with his tiny, beady black eyes.

"Let's go grocery shopping, Angel."

Angel nodded and scurried off, returning quickly with a small team of raccoons and ferrets toting her favorite carryall. It was the one with the tear on the right-flank pocket, the one she'd been wearing all those years ago, on the first quiet day like this. They quickly dressed her in it, and then Angel scampered up her tail, back, and mane to take station on her head. He thumped her head impatiently with his foot, and pointed.

Fluttershy smiled up at him. "All right, Angel dear. We're going!"

She walked unhurriedly up the path to the main road, and then along its length into town. No one passed her on the road... no carts, no hoof-traffic. Just the gentle breeze through the leaves, and the sound of her hooves on the hard-packed dirt.

She trotted into the outskirts of Ponyville, and it was exactly the same. The houses were quiet, the streets were empty. She came to the Marketplace, and wandered up and down the rows of vacant stalls. Finding the vegetable vendor's stall, she selected some nice-looking carrots from one of the bins for Angel, and some greens for herself.

"Four bits, Angel," she said.

Angel crossed his tiny forepaws with a disagreeing squeak.

"Uh uh!" Fluttershy told him. "Four bits. That's more than fair. And it's important to do the right thing, even when no one's watching. You know that."

Angel rolled his eyes, but then dropped onto her back, fished the bit-bag from the left-flank carryall pocket, and jumped up to set the coins on the counter.

"Good for you," she told him, as he hopped back onto her head. "Now to find the celery, and maybe some nice berries. And then we can head over to the Castle."

When Fluttershy trotted into Ponyville Square it was empty and quiet, save for the distant trickling of water from the Argentum River, and the tap-tap-tapping of a loose shutter in the light breeze.

She crossed the Square and swung to the right, along the road that led to the door of the huge crystal tree-castle. The gilded doors at its base were unlocked and standing slightly ajar. She pushed through them, and trotted along the castle's echoing corridors, coming at last to the main library.

Inside, all was still and quiet, even more so than usual for a library. Fluttershy crossed to the shelf on gardening and browsed quietly for a while. Finding the book she'd remembered seeing, she tugged it out of the shelf and dropped it into her carryall pocket. Then she went over to the library's desk and noted it as being checked out in the logbook sitting open on the desk's blotter.

Then she trotted back out, carefully shutting the Castle's doors behind her.

Returning to the Square, she recrossed it, turning left to head along Diamond Avenue into the high-class end of town. And as she went, she smiled happily, enjoying the feeling of being able to stroll right through the center of town, completely at ease, with no crowds to dodge, and no one staring at her -- or worse, simply ignoring her altogether.

Without warning, a pony began trotting out of a side-street ahead of her. Before Fluttershy could even utter a word, he was grabbed by the tail and hauled viciously out of sight, with a strangled cry that was suddenly cut off.

Fluttershy paused, listening, a concerned look on her face. Hearing nothing further, she nodded and relaxed again, and then trotted on her way.

Passing the day spa on her left, she came to the Carousel Boutique and pushed through the front door, listening to its merrily jingling bell. Inside, the shop was quiet and empty. Resting on the countertop directly in front of her was a large, folded red-and-white checked blanket.

"Ah, this is perfect!" she said. "That old picnic blanket was getting so worn. Twenty bits, Angel."

Angel made a disgusted noise.

"Just be grateful you don't have to carry it," she reminded him, as he reluctantly counted out the coins onto the countertop.

Then, with the blanket loaded on her back, she retraced her steps to the Square, and window-shopped for a while, trying to remember... there was something else she knew she was missing.

"Tea cakes," she finally said aloud. And there was only one place to find those. Turning about carefully, she went up Trotter Avenue, and finally came to the smaller square in which Sugarcube Corner was located.

She peered cautiously through the bakery's doorway, glancing around apprehensively. Seeing no one, she stepped inside, then waited tensely. When nothing happened, she gradually let out the breath she'd been holding. It was foolish to be so troubled, even here of all places. It was a quiet day, and nothing would disturb her.

On the countertop next to the register there was a steaming hot mug of tea waiting for her -- green tea with lemon, her favorite. Next to it was a plate with a hot buttered scone. There was also a small box, which, when Angel hopped up to lift the lid, turned out to contain colorfully-iced tea cakes. Taking the mug and scone with her, Fluttershy crossed over to the table by the window and sipped quietly for a while, marvelling at the stillness of the shop, and the streets outside.

"I know it's wrong to say it, Angel," she said to the bunny. "But I really do like having things this quiet. It's so relaxing, being able to just slow down, take the time to think, and just enjoy life. Not having to rush about... and not having everyone staring at me, whenever I'm not getting out of the way quickly enough for them."

Angel just stared up at her.

She smiled. "Yes, I know. I'm being silly." She swallowed the last of the tea, finished the last bite of scone, and placed a few coins on the table next to the empty plate. "All right. Let's head back."

Loaded up once more with the blanket and the box of tea cakes on her back, she headed back through town, and then out along the road heading back to her cottage.

On reaching it, she unloaded her purchases on the living-room table, and then just for form's sake trotted out through the back door to the small coop and pens outside. But she needn't have worried. The chickens and the injured animals she was looking after had been seen to. The eggs were gathered into a small basket, the pens already mucked out.

On the wall of the chicken coop, hanging on a hook, was Applejack's hat. Fluttershy stared at it for a moment, smiling thankfully.

Then she went back to her cottage to put away the groceries and gather a few other items she'd be needing, which she put next to the blanket and box of cakes on the table.

Then taking the book from her carryall she went out through the back door once more, to the open area to the left where a hammock was strung between two handy trees. Climbing into it, and waiting for a moment while Angel clambered up her mane and took station atop her head again, she opened the book and simply sat for a while, reading.

Gradually, her eyes drifted shut as she was lulled by the gentle swaying of the hammock, and the wonderful, warm summer silence all around her. The book gradually settled onto her stomach, and she napped lightly, dreamless and at ease.

Occasionally, eerie shrieks and roars drifted across the meadow from the immense tangled wall of the Everfree Forest to her right. But they didn't trouble Fluttershy. She was used to them by now, and nothing would disturb her. It was a quiet day.

Finally she came awake, feeling Angel's foot tapping her head. Yawning contentedly, she peered up at him.

"Time for the picnic, do you think?"

He chittered anxiously.

"Oh, I'm sure they won't mind if we're just a little late."

Angel scolded her loudly.

"All right, Angel bunny. Go let Harry know, and I'll get things ready here."

Angel hopped down to the ground and scampered off, while Fluttershy went into the house. She found a small army of her animal friends standing waiting for her. Distributing plates and cups and the smaller packages, she loaded herself up with the blanket and tea cake box, and then took up the picnic basket in her mouth and stepped out through the front door.

And found Harry the Bear waiting for her, with Angel on his shoulder.

Setting the basket down for a moment, she smiled up at him. "Hello, Harry!"

Harry rumbled companionably, and then he leaned down and gently scooped her up in his large forearms, basket, blanket and all. Leading the way, he lumbered down the front walk, then swung left across the meadow, heading for the Animal Sanctuary. Behind him came the procession of critters, walking, flying, and scampering along.

They finally came to the Sanctuary grounds. Fluttershy nodded towards a rise of meadow near the forest. "That looks like a nice spot, Harry. I think they'd like it best if we held the picnic there."

Harry willingly brought her over and set her down. With the help of the animals, she spread out the blanket, and then arranged all the dishes, cups, and other items... although getting the squirrels to simply leave things where they belonged was a challenge as usual.

She settled down comfortably with her animals, Angel at her elbow, and together they had a pleasant, companionable tea together. Harry slurped from his teacup a bit but looked ashamed when she eyed him, and tried shaping his large rubbery lips to make less noise.

Looking up, Fluttershy squinted into the brilliant afternoon sunlight. There was only a single cloud in the sky, just to the left of the sun.

Angel chittered at her. She looked down, then smiled and willingly nosed another carrot onto his plate.

The sunlight dimmed. Looking up again, she saw that the cloud had moved. It was positioned so it half-covered the sun, providing just the right amount of shade so the picnic was still well-lit, but she didn't have to squint to look up and enjoy the perfect, crystal-clear blue of the sky.

She smiled at that. She liked looking at the sky... it was so huge and open and empty, and gave her plenty of space in which to think pleasant thoughts.

A few minutes later, one of the raccoons looked up from the biscuit it was gnawing, and gave a sharp squeak. Fluttershy looked up, following the animal's gaze, towards the forest.

Twilight Sparkle was standing there silently, looking out at the Sanctuary. She gazed around at it calmly, unhurriedly, as if seeing it for the first time. After a while, the lavender alicorn slowly walked across the grassy meadow, and came around to sit next to Harry at the blanket's edge. Fluttershy smiled welcomingly at her. Twilight, however, said nothing.

Next was Rarity, wearing one of her elegant summer hats with an enormous brim, its purple ribbon snugged tight around her throat. She strolled over to the blanket and sat down primly beside Fluttershy. But like Twilight, she said nothing either.

Gradually, the smaller animals finished their tea and cakes, and began politely drifting away, making more room around the blanket.

After a while, Applejack trotted out of the forest, and sat down across from Fluttershy. And then, a few minutes later, Rainbow appeared, walking quietly across the meadow, to sit down next to her.

Harry set down his teacup carefully, and grunted politely. Fluttershy nodded to him, and he got up and ambled off towards his cave on the other side of the clearing.

Spike was next. He strolled casually out of the forest, looking around at everything. Coming around, he sat down next to Twilight, and they exchanged a silent glance.

And then even Starlight ventured out to join the party. She trotted over and settled down at the edge of the blanket near Rainbow. She was looking uncertain and anxious, but Fluttershy smiled reassuringly at her, and she calmed down somewhat.

"Now," Fluttershy said amiably to them all, "would anypony like some tea?"

They all nodded, and Fluttershy sent Angel around with the teapot, to fill their cups. Then Fluttershy served up tea cakes and some of the little jelly-dot cookies she liked so much. She could see that Rainbow wanted something a little more substantial, so Fluttershy dug in the picnic basket and produced a daisy, lettuce, and tomato sandwich for her.

And then they all settled in for a lengthy, quiet companionable tea together, which lasted most of the afternoon. Not a word was said. Not a word needed to be said. Fluttershy occasionally smiled at each of them, thankful for their company. Even Starlight gradually settled in and relaxed, in the warm sunlight, gentle breeze, and welcoming stillness, which was disturbed only by the gentle twitterings of birds flying by overhead, and the bright colors of butterflies flitting past.

And finally, step by step... Pinkie Pie came out of the forest. She walked carefully over to the edge of the blanket and sat down. She reached for the teapot and poured herself a single cup, with no milk or sugar. She sipped it steadily. And then she looked up and smiled at Fluttershy. And Fluttershy returned the smile, trying to let the party pony see just how happy she was, and how pleased she was that Pinkie finally felt able to join them this time.

Pinkie Pie finished her tea. And then she exchanged a friendly nod with Fluttershy and the others, got up, and slowly and carefully walked away again, back into the forest.

The picnic continued for some time after, but that was the moment at which it felt most perfect.

When they'd all finished, some of the smaller critters reappeared and helped gather the plates and cups and napkins into the basket. And then Fluttershy got up, and trotted away, along the path leading up the hill to the left of the forest. Looking back, she saw the others getting up and slowly trotting along behind her, following her lead.

It was approaching evening and the sunlight was golden and aged, slanting through the trees, as they all ascended to the top of the hill. Fluttershy reached the clearing at the top, the one overlooking Ponyville, and sat down. The others approached slowly, and sat down all around her. Together they all waited.

And then the Sun steadily, unhurriedly, settled into the west. After a brief pause, the Moon rose just as steadily and unhurriedly, to take its place. The Stars slowly materialized, already in their places. A single meteor began to flash across the heavens, then abruptly, hurriedly winked out.

Fluttershy smiled around at all her friends.

"Thank you for coming, everyone. It was a lovely day!"

They all smiled back, but still said nothing.

Fluttershy waited for Angel to scramble up onto her mane once more. Then she got up, turned, and trotted back down the hill. Crossing the Sanctuary, she followed the path back to her meadow, and to the door of her cottage.

She paused, glancing around at the firefly-lit, chirping darkness. And sighed. It had been such a lovely, perfectly quiet day. She couldn't wait for the next one.

She went inside, made a simple supper from the salad greens she'd bought that morning. Then she went upstairs, tucked herself in, and went to sleep feeling perfectly content, in the stillness of the night.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The next morning, Twilight Sparkle walked in through the door of Sugarcube Corner bakery, Spike following along behind her. She found Starlight and Applejack already sitting at the store's main table by the window.

And all of them had sets of earmuffs hanging around their necks.

"Howdy, Twi!" Applejack called, waving them over. "Hey, Spike!"

"Good morning, everypony!" Twilight said cheerfully. She sat down at the table, and reached for the mug of tea they had waiting for her.

"That certainly was a nice surprise party for Fluttershy yesterday," Starlight said. "Though it was a little strange. And I'm a bit confused... isn't her birthday next week?"

"That's the surprise!" Applejack said knowingly.

Twilight nodded. "Pinkie explained it to me. She knows Fluttershy doesn't like being startled, but she does like being pleasantly surprised. So we turn the whole day into a very low-key, pleasant surprise for her. We can't do it on her birthday, because then she'd be expecting it and it wouldn't be a surprise. So we do it some other day, when she least expects it."

Applejack smirked. "That also means we don't have to worry about Discord gate-crashin' the thing and spoiling it. I mean he's a close friend of Fluttershy and all, but self-control isn't his middle name. Best not to tempt him, know what I mean?"

Starlight nodded. "I was going to ask about that. And nobody says anything around Fluttershy, all day long?"

"Right!" Spike agreed. "Because Fluttershy loves company, but she dislikes butting in or having to decide what to say."

"So we all just sit with her, friendly-like," Applejack said. "And we also make sure she don't have to worry about chores or nothin', all day long. She usually puts together a swell tea to share with us, but only 'cause she wants to, as a way of sayin' thanks." She shook her head sadly. "Wish we could do this more often, but it takes a heck of a lot of plannin' and cooperation from everypony to pull it off."

"Yeah," Starlight said. "I mean, Pinkie gets the entire town to go along with keeping quiet and out of sight whenever Fluttershy's around, all day long?" She smiled wryly. "Wow. Suddenly I feel really inadequate!"

Twilight nodded. "We help organize, of course. But Pinkie's the party pony, and everypony in town loves her and knows how much she cares, so they all pitch in."

"Uh huh!" Applejack nodded proudly. "The Pinkster always comes through. Though it plum beats me how she can manage to stay quiet that long!"

Starlight was about to ask another question but further conversation was forestalled by the noise approaching outside. It sounded like ten marching bands, a musical number, half a dozen standup comedy routines, and several kazoos all being played simultaneously. Smiling at each other, Twilight and the others put on their earmuffs. Starlight belatedly followed their example. Then they all looked out through the window, amused and happy, as Pinkie Pie strolled past outside.

The noise made it pretty much impossible for anyone in town to think coherently for the rest of the day. But everyone in Ponyville understood. The quietest day of the year in Ponyville was always followed by the loudest day of the year...

... because there were times when even Pinkie Pie needed to just let it all out.

The End

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, its characters and indicia are the property of Hasbro.

No infringement is intended. This story is a work of fan fiction, written by fans for fans of the series.

Author's Note:

Before you think I'm being antisocial here, think about the last time you went for a walk or drive early on a weekend morning when there were next to no crowds or traffic to deal with, and you could just get where you were going without hurry or concern... didn't that just feel so nice, even just the once? :twilightsmile:

Comments ( 49 )

I was expecting psychological horror.


LOL ok this was both awesome & hilarious! :rainbowlaugh:

This is delightfully heartwarming. Fluttershy is lucky to have friends who believe her when she says what she wants.

I expected something horrible by the end. This is a nice surprise though

I was expecting a Feghoot. I would have been fine with that, but a sweet little slice of life was nice too.

Expected something terrifying revealing at the end.

It was not I was expected.
That's a good thing.

What a lovely little read this was. :twilightsmile:

Nice quiet surprise.

When Fluttershy trotted into Ponyville Square it was empty and quiet, save for the distant trickling of water from the Argentum River, and the tap-tap-tapping of a loose shutter in the light breeze.

*Gasp* It's pretend Fluttershy is Zecora day! :pinkiegasp:

See, at the end everything was explained, but I had long suspected the truth. It was the "thriller" tag that threw me off and made me wonder if everypony in town was kidnapped and the mane six were replaced by changelings. Seriously, I feel like that's only there to confuse us. :ajbemused:

Pinkie Pie came out of the forest. She walked carefully over to the edge of the blanket and sat down. She reached for the teapot and poured herself a single cup, with no milk or sugar. She sipped it steadily.

Clearly, Pinkie Pie is eschewing sugar to try and minimize her bouncy-energy here. :derpytongue2:

As difficult as Angel Bunny can be at times, I'm pretty sure he's actually quite honest. In "The Ticket Master" Fluttershy said that she was just helping Twilight out with no ulterior motives, then Angel Bunny gave her a look and Fluttershy admitted to Twi that she really just wanted the Gala ticket. So, who's teaching who honesty there? :trixieshiftright:

That was a pleasantly cute read hehe

I think the psychological horror here is just what we inflict on ourselves for expecting something horrible when there are no horror tags! :pinkiecrazy:

It's marked with the "Thriller" tag, which is appropriate if you've ever watched some of the better episodes of the original Twilight Zone and similar series: stories that leave you uncertain about what exactly is going on, let your imagination run wild with theories as to what it could be... and then yank the rug out from under you when they show you what it really was...

I read the author's notes, and have one thing to say.


Pointless noise isn't stimulation, it's a form of air pollution. And I'm sure we can all agree the most noxious form of that pollution is that one person who never shuts up. Quiet is a good thing, people.

[Picks self up off floor, shivering nervously.] Um... thanks ever so much for your kind support! :yay:

Seriously, I'm glad you enjoyed it! :twilightsmile:

Okay, but that was... surprisingly gentle? And cathartic???

Soooo, is everypony in town on board with this? Because that one pony didn't seem too keen on it. Dude got dragged away like a victim in a horror movie.

Sorry if I startled you. As I'm sure you could tell, I have several people I am forced to be around who never learned that silence is golden.


I do want to add that I have no problem with conversation. What annoys me is when people talk across crowded rooms, or just spit out their thoughts with no consideration given to whether people actually want or need to hear it. I think anyone would have the right to be annoyed by that, though.

There's always one pony who doesn't get the memo... and Pinkie gets bent out of shape if you merely blow a Pinkie Promise...

Well as long as everyone's in agreement about the quiet day idea. Personally I think it's overkill to grind the economy of an entire town to a dead stop for the sake of a single ponys birthday, but as long as it isn't being strictly enforced and everyone's doing it of their own free will then alright.

Otherwise that's an unfortunate bit of tyranny on the part of the Mane Cast.

If Fluttershy ever needs a day of quiet, all she needs to do is to go this world's version of South Korea on it's CSAT examination day.

I have never been so anxious in my life.

Y'know, it's actually remarkably rare to find a story on this site that is just straight-up uncut 100% pleasant. Like...there's no conflict here as such; there's a hint of a mystery since we don't know exactly what's going on until the very end but, outside of the one pony getting yanked aside before they can spoil anything, it's all focused so squarely on how happy Fluttershy is to have this nice quiet day all to herself. And there's no Nasty Twist as one might expect given the "Thriller" tag (and also just the history of Pony 'fic on this site XD; ); it's just a Really Nice Thing Fluttershy's friends all decide to do for her once a year and that's that. And I actually kind of love that? The story isn't especially long so it isn't as if it forces this simple, friendly little premise beyond its breaking point. Instead we just sort of get to soak in the nice, warm feeling you do such a nice job conveying of contentment. You have an appreciably gentle touch for the prose here, one that focuses on all the small details (and makes excellent use of Angel and the particular nature of his relationship with Fluttershy to punctuate each beat just right) while allowing each one to add on to that same overriding sensation of contentment, calmness, and pleasantness. It's just such a nice story, one that makes you feel nice for all the characters involved: Fluttershy because she gets to have this nice special day all her own, and all her friends because they're so happy to do something so nice for her. And you even wrap it up with a punchline that feels entirely in keeping with all of that even as it's deliberately framed as a major breaking point in the proceedings. Thank you very much for this sweet little story! ^_^

You're more than welcome! And thanks so much for reading and providing such in-depth feedback, it really helps, hearing what readers think!

I do like straight-up, warmly pleasant stories myself. (As you can see from much of my other published work here.) My favorites are ensemble stories, ala Ticket Master, that get the entire crew involved, though I realize that can make it difficult to give individual characters the attention they deserve. Lately, I've been working on stories that focus more on individual characters or pairs of characters in more detail, and this does seem to be more popular with folks here. (Or maybe I'm just improving with practice...)

I'm particularly pleased this story proved to be such a hit. I set out to write a story about Fluttershy being thrown a surprise birthday party by Pinkie, and I realized that "surprise" is kind of the opposite of who she is, so Pinkie would throw her pretty much the opposite of a surprise party: a celebration where everyone is just kindly and pleasantly silent, all day. And I realized that, presented properly, this could be the My Little Pony equivalent of a Twilight Zone episode, complete with a somewhat unorthodox and pleasant surprise ending... hence the Thriller tag. I'm really happy that readers in general got this and enjoyed it -- it says good things about the readership here!

Thanks again for your kind feedback, it's much appreciated!

Ooh the "Twilight Zone" comparison's a good one I hadn't thought of before but which makes perfect sense in context (especially since some of my own favorite "Twilight Zone" episodes are among its more light-hearted like "Mr. Bevis" X3)!

Not exactly sure what it says about me that, while reading, my mind flashed to such TZ episodes as "It's a Good Life" and "A Little Peace and Quiet" (the latter from the 80s version).

Stories like this remind me that it is impossible to ever truly run out of original ideas.

Ding Ding Ding! You just said today's secret episode title! :pinkiehappy:

"It's a Good Life" in particular, or more precisely the Jerome Bixby short story on which that episode is based, is my primary role model for the tension-in-the-everyday tone I was aiming for here. Hence the often-repeated refrain in this story, "it was a quiet day...", which is a subtle homage to Bixby's classic.

Though Fluttershy, bless her heart, isn't anything like the little terror that Anthony Fremont was...


That whole time I was on the edge of uncertainty and caution, and then the ending hit.

I promptly reread it and my god. Knowing vs unknowing is like night and day.

That takes skill.

~Skeeter The Lurker

In the sketch in the TZ movie, the little terror actually took the mouth off her sister. That did occur to me.

Good thing Trixie was out of town, then, eh? :pinkiegasp:

I'm so glad I checked the tags and verified that "sad" wasn't one of them, because my mind immediately jumped to "she's dying and everybody is giving her a perfect day before she dies". I think I've been reading too many sad fics and it's messing with me. Glad it was just her birthday. :rainbowlaugh:

Silence is golden, as was the story.

Excellent execution. A very well paced story.

That got unsettling, especially after the one poor stallion's abduction and Fluttershy just shrugging it off. I've never been more on edge while reading a pleasant little slice of life. And don't get me wrong, this was pleasant in the end. It just went through some uncomfortably eerie territory to get there.

Thanks much! And just for the record, the pony unexpectedly walking around the corner wasn't harmed in any way. That was simply a necessary beat in this kind of story: it's the point where the audience has likely settled on the "everyone else has gone away theory", so bam, here's evidence that they havent... and that something even weirder is going on. It was a kind of twisted fun, actually, playing the "thriller" aspect of the story to the hilt, knowing full well how nice it actually turns out.

And I'm also glad so many readers were willing to go along with the suspense, yet liked the unexpected ending. Thanks, everypony!

I think Pinkie set her up with show in some other town. Trixie have many qualities* but 'silent' is not one of them.

*That is not my opinion, mind you. It is hers.

If only my coworkers would do this, I could finish a year's worth of work in a day!

And here I was expecting a creepypasta of some sort :rainbowlaugh:

Adorable and thoughtful of Fluttershy's friends

More of a borer than a thriller.

Before you think I'm being antisocial here, think about the last time you went for a walk or drive early on a weekend morning when there were next to no crowds or traffic to deal with, and you could just get where you were going without hurry or concern... didn't that just feel so nice, even just the once? :twilightsmile:

I'm definitely being antisocial when I agree with you here. :twilightblush:

Getting to see Fluttershy spend a day with her animal friends with them being highlighted more as proper companions instead of Fluttershy being a crazy cat mare turned up to eleven with how she talks to them was nice. Oddly enough, I've seen enough stories where her relationships with her animals are less like a cutesy cottage commune gang and way more like the cat thing.

As I started reading this, 'Lullaby for Mergo' started playing in my head.

A day like that would be nice.

That was the most tense non-creepy thing I have ever read. I fully expected her to run into something awful at every turn. Specially when you has her friends walk out of the Forest!

You did well. :twilightsmile:

The one thing that threw me off was the strangle... thing...
Other than that, I was pleasantly surprised with this.

I thought maybe Fluttershy had done something to make everypony afraid and scare them into cooperating.

Okay I got to admit it I got something with wrong because the town was a little bit too quiet for my taste because you know how Fluttershy likes those kind of things when it's not too crazy or something like that but then towards the end it was her birthday yesterday so they wanted to do something very quiet because she doesn't like surprise and loud music and everything so that was nice and Pinkie Pie try to restrain herself not to go crazy this was pretty nice keep up the good work

Sometimes your story synopses make it seem like the worst horror twist is gonna happen and I get scared to read :twilightsheepish:

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